This book aims to locate and draw out resonances of impressionism in Swed- ish and Finland-Swedish prose at the end of the nineteenth century, a field hitherto overlooked in the critical debate on literary impressionism. In order to frame the many alternative approaches to this issue, it examines the use of the term ‘literary impressionism’ not only on the Scandinavian scene but also LITERARY IMPRESSIONISMS in an international context. By focussing on three landmark discussions in the Nordic countries (Herman Bang, the Kristiania Bohème, August Strindberg), Resonances of Impressionism in Swedish Camilla Storskog an inclusive, wide-ranging Scandinavian understanding of the relationship be- tween impressionism and literature is advanced. The texts chosen for closer and Finland-Swedish Prose 1880-1900 scrutiny disclose this extensive interpretation of impressionist writing: Helena Westermarck’s short story Aftonstämning (Evening Mood) from 1890 is read as an example of interart transposition, Stella Kleve’s novels and short stories are seen as indicative of the narrative modes of a literary impressionism drawing 1880-1900 Camilla Storskog on scenic representation, but also present textual features such as the ‘meto- nymic mode’ and ‘delayed decoding’, elements that are central to the interna- PROSE tional approach to impressionist prose. The concluding analysis of fictional impressionists in the works of authors such as Gustaf af Geijerstam, Mathilda Roos, and Georg Nordensvan sketches a many-sided portrait of the impres- sionist painter while remaining true to this study’s pluralistic approach by in- SWEDISH - cluding a discussion of K.A. Tavaststjerna’s Impressionisten (The Impressionist) from 1892, whose protagonist is not an artist but a hypersensitive, impression- able subject. This last section also investigates how fiction is used to convey a FINLAND critical discussion of the means and methods of painterly impressionism, as AND well as the function of the use of the visual arts in these texts. SWEDISH IN Camilla Storskog is Assistant Professor of Nordic Languages and Literature at the University of Milan. IMPRESSIONISM OF RESONANCES . Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Università degli Studi di Milano IMPRESSIONISMS LITERARY LITERARY IMPRESSIONISMS Resonances of Impressionism in Swedish and Finland-Swedish Prose 1880-1900 Camilla Storskog Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Facoltà di Studi Umanistici Università degli Studi di Milano © 2018 Camilla Storskog ISBN 978-88-6705-724-5 illustrazione di copertina: Laurits Andersen Ring, Ung pike ser ut av et takvindu (1885; Girl Looking out of a Skylight). Oil on canvas. 33,34 x 45,16 cm. Photo: Dag A. Ivarsøy, ©The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo. nº25 Collana sottoposta a double blind peer review ISSN: 2282-2097 Grafica: Raúl Díaz Rosales Composizione: Ledizioni Disegno del logo: Paola Turino STAMPATO A MILANO NEL MESE DI MAGGIO 2018 www.ledizioni.it www.ledipublishing.com [email protected] Via Alamanni 11 – 20141 Milano Tutti i diritti d’autore e connessi sulla presente opera appartengono all’autore. L’opera per volontà dell’autore e dell’editore è rilasciata nei termini della licenza Creative Commons 3.0, il cui testo integrale è disponibile alla pagina web http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/it/legalcode Condirettori Monica Barsi e Danilo Manera Comitato scientifico Nicoletta Brazzelli Francesca Orestano Marco Castellari Carlo Pagetti Laura Scarabelli Nicoletta Vallorani Andrea Meregalli Raffaella Vassena Giovanni Iamartino Comitato scientifico internazionale Albert Meier Sabine Lardon (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel) (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3) Luis Beltrán Almería Aleksandr Ospovat - Александр Осповат (Universidad de Zaragoza) (Высшая Школа Экономики – Москва) Patrick J. Parrinder (Emeritus, University of Reading, UK) Comitato di redazione Sara Sullam Simone Cattaneo Valentina Crestani Elisa Alberani Nataliya Stoyanova Angela Andreani Table of contents introduction ......................................................................................................... 13 1. on the usefulness of locating impressionism in swedish prose ............. 13 2. a plea for pluralism ........................................................................................14 3. what is literary impressionism? ....................................................................17 4. a field that still requires investigation ....................................................18 5. acts of reconstruction ................................................................................... 19 6. methodology .....................................................................................................21 7. key components ............................................................................................... 22 part i: literary impressionism. a variety of concerns .................................. 27 1. what is in a word? ...........................................................................................29 2. review of previous research ...........................................................................31 2.1. French literature ........................................................................................ 32 2.2. The English-language context ...................................................................35 2.3. Scandinavia..................................................................................................37 3. literary impressionism: the handbook definitions .................................. 39 4. highlights in the scandinavian debate on literary impressionism ..... 47 4.1. Herman Bang’s poetics of impressionism: den fremstillede Roman ........48 4.2. The age of impressionism and the Bohème ...........................................57 4.3. August Strindberg and impressionism ....................................................67 5. literary impressionism and finland. a critical digest .............................79 5.1. Gustaf af Geijerstam ...................................................................................81 5.2. Impressionism in the air ...........................................................................84 5.3. Impressionism as stigma ..........................................................................88 5.4. Mikael Lybeck, K.A. Tavaststjerna ........................................................... 90 5.5. Finsk tidskrift ...............................................................................................94 5.6. Concluding remarks ..................................................................................98 6. summary ...........................................................................................................101 part ii: modes of literary impressionism. textual analyses ........................103 1. trajectories into the heart of the matter ...............................................105 2. impressionism as literary pictorialism: helena westermarck ..............109 2.1. Aftonstämning: the verbal re-modelling of the impressionist cityscape .......................................................................................................... 112 2.2. Westermarck and impressionism ............................................................113 2.3. The ekphrastic model ..............................................................................116 2.4. Impressionism in Aftonstämning. The motif: Paris from a window ....... 119 2.5. Conclusion: form and content .................................................................127 3. the narrative methods of the rendering of impressions: stella kleve ......131 3.1. Stella Kleve and literary impressionism .................................................. 132 3.2. Stella Kleve and Herman Bang ................................................................136 3.3. The dimensions of Stella Kleve’s impressionism ...................................139 4. a criticism of criticism: georg nordensvan and mikael lybeck.............159 4.1. Georg Nordensvan’s Skuggspel. Tidsbilder ...............................................159 4.2. Mikael Lybeck’s Allas vår Margit and Den starkare ................................163 5. summary ...........................................................................................................169 part iii: fictional impressionists ..................................................................... 171 1. introduction: the impressionist as a literary character ....................... 173 2. the painter in fiction ................................................................................... 175 2.1. Gustaf af Geijerstam: Utan pängar .........................................................177 2.2. Mathilda Roos: Familjen Verle. En skildring ............................................ 188 2.3. Georg Nordensvan: Aja ........................................................................... 194 3. the phenomenological impressionist ........................................................ 205 3.1. K.A. Tavaststjerna: Impressionisten .........................................................208 4. summary............................................................................................................ 211 conclusions .......................................................................................................... 215 illustrations ........................................................................................................221
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