-SPORTS- Facial hair may not keep The men's basketball team you warm this coming struggled in an exhibition winter, but it might just game Sunday, falling 85- make you the life of the 73 to the Converse All- party, pg. 6 Stars, pg. 16 THE CIRCLE the student newspaper of ktarist College VOLUME #53 ISSUE #7 HTTP://WWW.ACADEMIC.MARIST.EDU/CIRCLE NOVEMBER 11, 1999 Questions surround disappearing Dean by MICHAEL CRAIGG services outside of the Marist StaffWriter community. Amato served as supervisor He was one of Marist's lead­ for the Liberty Partnership Pro­ ing faculty, inspiring students gram, an after-school program to achieve their fullest potential- that serves 225 students in both and yet, no one is telling why Kingston and Poughkeepsie he left. City Schools. This program pro­ Peter Amato resigned from his vides services to allow at risk post as Associate Dean of Stu­ students the opportunity to at­ dent Affairs from Marist College tend college. in mid-October. "He (Amato) was a very sup­ Many students and faculty portive supervisor," said Susan C rrle file | * olo sense the loss-that Marist has Repko, director of the Program. The popular set-up of West Cedar will probably be duplicated for the new townhouses faced. Amato also worked as a pro­ -;"We miss. Dean, Amato-very, fessor, in the Philosophy depart­ very much," Brother-Tom said. ment. Deariof Philosophy Ed New housing approved Amato,'who was employed at .Donahue,-and Leo Bostar, Marist for nearly 20 years/was Amato's teaching replacement, retention rate and the fact that ' 1 his new housing will open up by CHRIS GROCJAN a very busy man. He has worked were unavailable for comment. an increasing amount ot stu­ that opportunity" closely with the Housing and The reason for his sudden News kdttor dent's desire to live in on-cam­ Sarah English, director of Student Affairs departments at ...please see AMATO, pg. 3 Juniors kicked out of on-cam­ pus housing. housing and residential life, also Marist and also provided his pus housing this year may have "Basically, the quality of hous­ said there is a good possibility the chance to return next year. ing has increased," he said. that students who desire to move The Board of Trustees ap­ "Because of this, more students back on campus will have the Campus crime a proved Phase Two of the West want to live on campus." chance. Cedar Townhouses last Satur­ ' The townhouses are sched­ -"We'll look at the people who day. Construction is scheduled uled to be completed Aug. 1, and aren'.t on now and if they want concern for many to begin in abouta month. • - ready for student occupation: to livcon-cainpus, we'll try to According to Tim Massie, di­ when the next school year be-. place them,'" she' said. - rector of college relations, the • gins. ' .. English also said student in­ next phase will be similar to the Currently, there is 105 percent put would be taken into consid­ current West Cedar setup/There student capacity in on-campus eration in furnishing the new will be six structures housing 240 housing, which is why many townhouses. students, along with 169 park­ .students have experienced "We'll have students come in ing spaces. build-ups. Also, 20 percent of and tell us what's good and The townhouses will be built students are currently living off- what's bad,''-shc said. - . in the'same vicinity as the cur­ campus. Massie. said the college . Tennis couits will also be built rent West Cedar townhouses. is rushing to get this housing on the site, according to Massie. The site is where the current completed so that diose juniors "The courts will be used not Circle file photo Aborio Company receiving area .who were not given housing, only by'the tennis.tcam. but the Students leaving doors unlocked are returning to emptier rooms. is located. ' . .could move back next year if general public as well," he sajd. they'want. ' Pavarini Construction, the bySCOTTNEVILLE Joe Leary, director of safety Massie said the Board, of " StaffWriter and security, said he hasbeen Trustees approved the con­ 'It's very, very possible that company in charge of building A rash of thefts and harass­ working in conjunction with struction ahead of schedule due those students who want to Fontaine and the new Library, move back to on-campus hous­ was awarded the $12.4 million ing calls has risen on campus, Marist Telecommunications, the to three factors: recent increases Town of Poughkeepsie Police in class sizes, a higher student ing, could do that," he said. construction contract. leaving students and security officers scratching for answers. ...please see CRIME,pg. 4 Adjuncts have a large presence on campus WEEKLY POLL Masters degree, if not a Ph.D. structors to teach a class that byJAIMETOMEO "as well. They usually teach one every freshman must take, such class at Marist and sometimes as Writing I and II and Philoso­ Do you think Asst. News Editor others at colleges such as phy," he said. "We just don't TODAY: adjuncts should be SUNY New Paltz. This is com­ have enough Philosophy pro­ Adjuncts make up a large part pared to full-time professors ; fessors to teach all these hi: 54 more available? of the teaching faculty here at who have an office, mandated classes." »*#*# lo:41 Marist. eight office hours a week and a The School of Social and Be­ There are just about 350 ad­ voicemail box. ~ havioral Sciences has the sec­ Community. 2 YES NO juncts among the six divisions Ed Reyman, the director of ond largest number of adjuncts Features 5 of school here- at Marist The payroll and retirement services, at 73. Programs like Psychol­ Opinion 8 88 12 leading is the English depart­ said Marist has adjunct faculty ogy have grown so much with A&E ...11 RELATED STORY THIS PAGE ment with 105 adjuncts. members because there is a small the expansion in the Masters Adjuncts are part-time instruc­ body of full-time professors. This a an unscientific survey taken from 100 ...pleasesee ADJUNCTS,/>#. 3 Sports 16 Mariststudents. tors that have either at least their "There may not be enough in­ 4 / / t ( / i / . * / i t i + V t / t ! i ;•• ' . , / > i i I t J TOE-CIRCLE THEr-CIRCLE NOVEMBER 11, 1999 PAGE 3 Community PAGE 2 .World View NOVEMBER 11. 1999 CANADA'S PREMIER AMATO: Mystery surrounds absence Others share Hunter's senti­ ...continued from pg. 1 should not be made public. VOTED OUT ment. Bruce Wagner, vice presi­ "It is out of respect that we ignation still remains undis­ dent of Human Resources, said keep his resignation reasons IN YOUR OPINION By PATRICK SPENCE closed to the Marist community. that he also did not understand confidential," Markowitz said. Many students and faculty were why Amato resigned. Vice President and Dean of After 11 years out of power in left speechless and wondering "I don't know why he re­ Student Affairs Gerard Cox said Manitoba^ the NeW.Democ'ratic: why. signed," Wagner said. that twenty years hard work and Student Body President Ryan Some of Marist's students and contributions should not be for­ sMppfparyr^rn^iamie^.cph- Hunter said that he was dumb­ faculty said that Amato's rea­ gotten. trol after defeating Premier Gary. founded when he heard the sons for resigning were prob­ "Even though Amato's loss Why don't fish drown? FilrrionTahd the ''Progressive news. ably confidential, and should will be suffered by the Marist Conservative (PC) Parry in ahis> "I was shocked and sur­ not be probed any further. community, it does not undo the :; *.-•.' --'. prised," Hunter said. "He was Audrey Markowitz, commuter The Student Government Someone deliberately smeared toriclelection -. ' :: '•"2,'"\.l~ conribution that one has made . - .*- * V-T ;p^raridFilmonhaye been ri-' our judicial scholar." mentor, said Amato's reasons tiirough the years," he said. Association's Housing and soap, shaving cream, soup, •..:•.<-* * - * i* Amato resigned last month. Residential Life committee is mayonnaise, and powder on a yalsfsuiceFilmoh arid bis .PC currently seeking new members. 1999 Mazda. The incident oc­ Pafty:'!miseated./the NDP; GOVT This ad hoc committee con­ curred in the West Cedar Park­ er^0htin.l?88;p6ef has'chal- ADJUNCTS: venes bi-weekly to address and ing Lot sometime before Mon­ lenged JRilmon four times 'and resolve student concerns re­ day Nov. 1 at 5 a.m. when it was £•••: this^tinife jfes finally .'won, with "Experts in discovered. The car belonged AeNDPiow haying 31 seats in garding housing and residential • life on campus. Anyone inter­ to resident of "N" Block, who y S the Provincial Assembly; com­ t. mite - their field"y said she had parked the car Sun­ pJMBMl ** pared %;th>25 -seats'.for the PC ested in joining should contact k ...continued from pg. 1 the SGA office at x2206 or email day morning (without the con­ JJH Party andJ-seaVfor the Liber- Wt : program. - Travis Mason at K7HV. tents of an average grocery bag -in3BP w&m\~~. alsjT^. ; '^lw~*;&\- smeared all over it.) The owner W WER'-i 'This has been a'fong!i'lfyear According to Reyman, ad­ spent twenty dollars at a local HK&s road, and all o£yofrknow,itas juncts help to fill recent job '•3M Hff'vl openings. .-" WMCR - Marist College Ra­ car wash removing the mess. well," pper^tpldhis "supporters dio - Thursday - Tuesday, 7:00 after winning the election. ' • "...you can't get in p.m. -9:00 p.m.. Tune into 88.1 In his concession speech, WMCR for the latest sports talk.
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