I ■ , J . B est A vailslilable C opy ==www;magicyalleyey.com ^=^-5^ i m f c " . 50~5 0 c e m s Tw rn^afejda^id/98th ygar, No. 34(m46 ^a__________ F rid a y , Dtcccm c hcr 12, 2003 les-■FNe G o o d MORNif W k a 'I'h k k - Dcaw rei‘turius t o 1 iOinijlestorne _ ., Today; CloCloudy today with alysts say econom;ray shows other s:signs of improve/ement dowow J o n e s Ind u strials evereQa g e dally clo sin g s chance ILowof Anal 12,00< May 24 closing Ooc. 11 closclosing j tonight,, hhi ig h Combined wireIre reports_________ _ = = age has not brokenen th e 10,000 bar- ..qo,.000 r— 10,104.26 10,008,000.10—) ' ♦•2002. 39, low 30. ---------------- n e rier since M ay 24,2 1.000 ........................................ PaiPageA 2 This year’ss nrally in stocks, which More^ 0 on th e market - Dl “If tlie numberer 10,000 makes ' hit a milcstorlone Thursday, hasn’t “ ------- the public feel betjetter, then fine,” ° been stronglg enough to m ake withrith the market, though. HeJ stills said Lany Wachteitel, market ana- ’,000 ^ M a g i c ___________ Kevin Flynnm fo rg et about th e inve;[H ^ts 10 P ^ i^ n t of his paych(iheck lyst at Wachovia SeS ecurities in New 7,oo( Urt raCK money fie lost>st in th e d o w n tu ra irTlii iTBy "Torkr"ButTm goiroih'g'fo hang witli o,ob(Ifwh " ~y" t say that three years . thehe igains he’s seen this year,r, but1 this market becausJUSC the economy M J JA.SONOU J F M A M J J A S5 CO N 0 n Tnnpc 5*“^ * 12003 ago I had aboiX)ut three times more hele can’t Ci shake th e n a g ^ g feelcling is improving andnd eamines are 2002 12' njoney in one hat more losses m ight be lurkrking sparkUng - not bebecause of some, — ne account than I do that RCES: MonoylinoTolofaio;A5SOCiot&jttKJ Pfoas ^ AP o m e y now,” said Flyinynn, 41, of MartineZ, arouiround th e comer. nimiber.” n e ra l Calif. “It took)k m i e 10 years to save 'T"F m w orried ih at everytliining I Others were morlore cautions Exchan{lange after the market dosed.d. and the Standard 6& ]Poor's 500 im the all that mone;ney, and it’s not even sperpent years w orking for coi:ould “The Dow indeXeX is simply a nos- Csak: saidsai he follows other indeXes!S . inde.x, a basket of 500H) w idely held ig ic dosc to beinglg back w here it was." comome crumbling down in cone talgic unit of meassasurement,” said ^ore; closelyck - such as th e Russell;1I stocks th at provides a bibroad snap- Uey, is Flynn, whoho w orks for a real Ious;ousy year again.” Ernest Csak, a tratr d e r w ho was 2000, whichw measures the per-T- shot of th e o v e i^ U.S.,S. C'equity mar- Tlie Dow Jo n es industrial aver-a\ walking out of thcicN I cw Y orkStock formlmc :s, ket. nsider- company," has stuck Tt ancc o f sm all-cap companies, ing’ It run* ning for the Idaho Suprep re m e Court. = = ForacGOOD CAUSE!E - , = R e p o rr t t s : PaiP ag eB l M o n e y D o n ’t Robust sign: Year-to-datclate — Ma-^c Vallejrconstractio:tion'val— - — uespuU-to 6.5-percent-let-lead---------- over last year. Pa,Page D6 H I I ^ ■ ■ K ,' o v e r fl ll u W e e k e n d The Times News and The Associated Press . TWIN FALLS - DespIespite repons lhat two more peoplepie have died from influenZa in Idaho,aho, ihere’^ o e reason for panic, locala l !health offi- H 'daLs say. ■ People who arc a t risk of serious I complicatidns from' the flu make I up a .small p an of thele ppopulation, VH I and the \ast majority•ity of people H who get it will recoverDverjyi^ few Pj i)roblems. Hallelujahl: Tlie Magic: Valley-Vi M j f l P a “If you’re healiliy and you do get Chorale delivers “The H the flu, you’re probablyibly ju st going Messiah” this Aveekend.‘d- jl to bc uncomfortablelie for ja few p -------------- ---------------------P■ ap a g ^ c i~ “ Central District I lealtliIdi ipublic rela- tions officer. '' SPOU'1'.S Those'w ho are in1 th'the high-risk category and have notot yyet gotten a Coite to^jrneyiT^e Colle]Uege of flu shut may have anotfnother chancc. Southern Idaho women:n 'Ilic Centers for s opened strong againsttth th e H jB M Disease Conlrol and Who's Northwest All-Stars Thuibursday. 'ik Prevention . has cow MTDrt/T^ „ issued a nationwide m ost • PPa ag eD l directive that doses >n's se c o n d annual Festival of a t risk? I>on Newman1 wwalks by a wreath deilgned by <Cindy Toler' and Helen Duttonon for the St. Benedicts Familyilly Medical Center Foundation's being saved for d ^ - dren a^vaitins their Wreath! In Jeroerome Thursday. The festival runaruns today from 10 a.m. to 7 p.n>.m. and Saturday from 1 0 a.m.m . t o 4 p.m. In th e old Ridley’sy’s store building a t 233 W. : - A 2 ____ ;______ O p i n i o n lolJow*up shots . ilon irSB'for adiiits, WfoTseiilosiilorarSS'foTltudrhtsand'Srfc.'fdTchlldfenTitrdorS^ “ No new governance: " Main. A'dmliilo should instead go to • Changing hospital gover/em ance ; high-risk people, whowh include those age 6S and o\-er.er. means less public Imowl)wledge T hc CDC will obtaintain moro vac- about finances, today’s e dne in January to0 coverci those rial says. iancedist(rids th rrive; othe]ers don^t needing a second dose.}se. Smith said. ________ ....... .. ' PaPage"A6‘ _SomcieMibuli . ClulHreri'gemng^tHeie 'TOCcinaDon. for th e first tim e requinjuire tvi-o doses By Sandy MIII(llller M agic Valley to m ake inoculation, effieffecriw, ■[-) Tlme»HewiI wwriter____________ I Regional Medical U.S. H ealth and Hum(imian Services C o M i N c ; U P Center paramedics Secretary Tommy Thorrhompson said nastery TwraFAL\ U S - W hile TWin Falls Coun respond to a car the government hadd atarranged for Read about the monai lult vacdne to ' ■ commissionerie rs p o n d er the idea of a n ammibu- t accident recently, 100,000 doses of adult ly giv- ■ lance taXinging district, the Ada Counounty . be shipped from AvenLventis I*asteur Just in time for holiday j tw in Falls County ing, here’s a book aboutut Ambulance; ]District is hoping lawmakttakers immediately and distribitributed based commissioners are on cach statels populatiilation. In nddi- Ascension Prioiy. hear its call1 f(for help. If they donion*t, th e am bulance district « looking Into creatingi ' tion, 150,000 dosess of diildren's Saturday in bc bankruptipt in two years, Ada Coun an ambulance taXingg '\acdne aro eXpecteddtobesliipped to ' JO ' Communicatiations Director John Barclay sai ’ district, which wouldJ to the states by Januaryjary.Tliompson , The Tlmes^ews 1 victim of our own scrupulo said. , "We'tt; a v be the 19th In Idaho. guarding of)f the public treasuiy," Bardarday ’• The nation’s t>vo prodjroducers of flu I n d e x said. shots reponed last vrecweek that they n d re supply o f ................. Classified-mo - Nation,../ ny of Idaho’s 18 ambulancec dd is - had shipped iheir.endr tricts, Ada OCounty set up its district yearsyet ............about 80 million doscjoses. However, Comics. .. .B7 Obituariesries . .B2 ago before! MedicareN began fiddling wi Avcntis had set asidee 25250,000 doses Crossword .64 Opinion 1 .. .A6 rxumbuxscmeinent rules.The county set its le at the CDC’s requestlest last week Dear Abby. .64 Sports., D I.5 a t just .000]001 percent, and for years.trs, when it became dearear that shon- Please see FLU.i Page A2 Horoscope ' .64 Weather3r . A 2 Please see AMBULANCE, P'age>.7 a^ L.M. 8o^ ; .84 WeekEndnd .01-8___ _ _____ Magic Vaiiey .Bl W esn 2 Pilofslranaei auses a “ ■ ■ Money ....D 6 W ..., ■’i h K )^s,faimlie ] Movies .07 R.MMniWTM/ w i t h _n.TVn«*<W« E S T O RRM W9pht<ntK)dedp I orders baack to Iraqq D I P lL O M A l ... PtoMiKyds)l«l The Aiaoclatecited Pre«»___________ By Mike Corder Bush defends stand lea~m~Antareiica~cai A ^ r a l lai ! aIt l s u ^ t _ rtn N E PALMS, Csilif. Associated Press; wiwriter________ ^ | ^ B — ^-------- TWENTYN th a t th e UUi .s ; a n d Log on to ... - After rettmiuning from months oE on Iraqi contracts; duty in Iraq,aq, Marine Gunnery . •Qr. SYDNEY, Austratralia.-W hatdocs New Zealaiisland have^ . ' Sgt. Elia Font)ntecchio spent sever- "•»Invoices from Halllburtoi a man have tb dolo Jto get a tank of refused1 to refuel the •COM i al days tiyingng to figure out how to draw scru tin y -A 2 gas in Antarctica? T I C I C I plane ofIf dadaredevil - a s f e ^ * break the neinews to his wife that ___ ------ A daredevil AiAustralian pilot Australianlian pilot Jon he would bcJC going back to the )crs and their families hahave who flew his hoitiomcmadc plane Johanson,ion, shown , -p^ combat Zone.
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