CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES 18 RAJASTHAN PAPER 1 OF 1981-SUPPLEMENT 'PROVISIONAL POPULATION TOTALS I. C. SRIVASTAVA of the rndian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan PREFACE This is the supplement to Ppper-l of 1981 Census which was released on March 23, 1981 soon after the close of Census Operations. In this publication we seek to supplement the informC'tion brought out earlier through the Ps.per-l. But the data presented hertin, as in the earlier publication, IS provisional and, therefore, subject to some vari~tion as a consequ­ ence of tabul~.tion which will be completed somt:time In the middle of 1982. I take this opportunity to convey our prcfound gratefulness to the Government of Rajasthan for the fullest cooperp.tion and assistance rendered to the Directorate in organising the census operations successfully. In p~.rttcular, I would like to express my ceepest sense of gratitude to Hon'ble Chief Minister Shri Shiv Charan Mathur end Shri M. M. K. Wali, the Chief Secretary for their invaluable help and guidance extended to us from time to time. S(vual departments of the State Govern­ ment among which General Administra.tion, Educrtion, Community Development, Economics &; Statistics, Public Relations, Printing and the Dl partment of Personnel deserve special mention have extended a helping hand at all the sblges of work. The Disttict Collectc.rs have played a pivotal role in successfully conducting and supervising census operations despite their multifarious responsibilities. They have been ably assisted by ADMs/SDOs, Tehsildars and Municipal Officers and other Charge Officers. The Supervisors and Enumerators worked ceaselessly in the entire period of field operations to make 1981 Census a complete success. I am beholden to Shri P. Padmar.abha, Registrar General, India who has always enthused us to the core and whose sustained support has stood us in good stead in organising and shaping census work in dl lts phases. Our greteful thanks are due to Shrl V.P. Pandey, Shri K.K. Chakraborty and Shri N.G. Nag. Dept:ty Registrars Generals and their co11ergues fOl their wi11ing and timeJyadministrative support to all of us. My colleagues in the Directorate as weJI as in the Regiona.l offices have displayed a rare sense of enthusiasm and devotion to duty which helped in organising the tasks smoothly and successfully. The officers drawn from the State Admininstrative Service and functionir,g as Regional Tabulation Officers worked whole-heartedly throughout the ield operations, sometimes in very unfavourable circumstances, deserve a special mention. We received the fullest cooperation from all the people of the state, the old and the young, the men and the women, the children and the handic<lpped in completing the decennial census when we count every-one and each one counts for us. JAIPUR I. C. SRIVASTAVA October 2, 1981 Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan (iii) OFFICERS/OFFICIALS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PUBLICATION MAPPING & PR.INTING Shri S.R. Luhadia Deputy Director Shri M. L. Kumawat Sr. Geographer Shri M. M. Goyal Investigator Shri O. L. Verma Artist Shri Hassan Mohd. Printing Inspector Shri Sardul Singh Draughtsman Shri Mahaveer Singh Draughtsman Shri P. K. Sharma Draughtsman Shri Ltillu Lal Padiyar Draughtsman Shri Kishan Singh Chouhan HPMO. Shri Alladin Khan Tabulator COMPILATION & ANALYSIS Shri R. C. Bhargava Assistant Director Shri R. N. Verma I nvesti gator Shri N. K. Baj Investigator Shri K. B. Sharma Statistical Assistant Shri D. N. Pureek Statistical Assistant Smt. Charu Mathur Statistical Assistant Shri P. C. Chaturvedi Confidential Assistant Shri S. C. Saini Computor Shli S. K. Ajmera Asstt. CompiJer Shri Umcsh Khatana Tabulator (iv) CONfENfS Page PREFACE (iii) AN INTRODUCTORY NOTE (vii) FIGURES AT A GLANCE (viii) CENSUS RESULTS-PACTS PROM FIGURES 1. Rural & Urban populatIon (ix) 2. Urbanisation (xi) 3. Growth Rate (xiv) 4. Sex Ratio (xvi) 5. Literacy (xvii) 6. Working population (xix) 7. Disabled population (xxi) STATEMENTS: 1- Rural and Urban Composition of Population-India & States/UTs. (xxii) 11- Tehsils and Towns with highest and lowest growth rates in districts. (xxiii) 111- Teh&ils and Towns with highest and lowest sex ratio in districts. (xxiii) IV- Tehsils and Towns with highest and lowest literacy rates in districts. (xxiv) V- Work Pdrticipation Rate : 1961-81. (xxvi) PROVISIONAL POPULATION TABLES: Table I-Rural and Urban Composition of Population. 1 Table 2-Population and Growth rate of Cities, Urban Agglomerations and Towns 2-8 Table 3-Urban population by size class of towns. 9 Table 4-Distribution of Mtdn Workers. 10-11 T~ble 5-Distribution of Main workers by Cultivators, Agricultun.J LPbcurcrs, House­ hold Industry and Other workers. 12-15 Table 6-Discbled population by type of dis~bility. 16-35 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT-PART I AND II 36-119 MAPS & PHOTOGRAPHS 121 (v) AN INTRODUCTORY NOTE In our first publication, Paper I of 1981 Census, apart from the basic data relating to population, density, growth rate, sex-ratio and literacy at state level, the following district level tables were also included I Table I-Distribution of Population, Sex-ratio, Growth Rate and Density of Population. Table 2--D!cadal Variation in Population since 1901. Table 3-Llteracy (including population in Age-group 0-4). Table 4-Statement showing Cities/City Urban Agglomerations with a population of 100,000 & above. The publication of this "Supplement to Paper-l of 1981 Census", marks the completion of the release of provisional totals, which will meet the immediate demands of various data users Including State government departments and local authorities. It may take nearly two years or so to publish District Census Hand Books based on final figures being tabulated for the Primary Census Abstracts comprising basic popu­ lation data of 37119 villages. Over 1500 Tabulators and other supervisory staff have been engaged in compilation and building up the firm and final population figures for various administrative units alongwfth other necessary information. In the present paper which is being brought out as "Supplement to Paper-I of 198111 an attempt has been made to study and analyse the trends in urbanisation, growth-rates and literacy rates of our po­ pulation at tehsil and town levels besides the rural and urban composition of our population. The econo­ mic data relating to working population and work participation rates have also been presented alongwith their comparison with 1971 data. It is hoped that the district-wise distribution of workers categorised as cultivators, agricultural labourers, workers engaged in household industries and others will be specially found useful by planners In various government departments and local authorities in projecting, broadly, the needs of the people living in various administrative units. The information of the three categories of disabled population viz., totally blind, crippled and dumb has been collected de novo after a gap of fifty years, for the amelioration and welfare of the handi­ capped in the years ahead as well as in 1981, the year internationally dedicated to their cause. This infor­ mation is being presented upto tehsil and town levels. The analytical note preceding the tables will provide the necessary basis and backdrop for appre­ ciating the detailed information presented in the form of tables. A few detalled maps and diagrams depic­ ting the data have also been included to help the readers to follow the demographic characteristics of OUr people. The Primary Census Abstract contains fairly detailed data for each district, tehsU and town and will, hopefully, serve as a ready reckoner for planners, administrators, research-scholars and other data users. (vii) FIGURES AT A GLANCE POPULATION Total Persons 34,108,292 Males 17,735,788 Females 16,372,504 Rural Persons 26,967,871 Males 13,946,708 Females 13,021,163 Urban Persons 7,140,421 Males 3,789,080 Females 3,351,341 AREA (in Sq. Km). 342,239 DECENNIAL GROWTH RATE (1971-81) Total +32 38 Rural +2707 Urban +57 15 DENSITY OF POPULATION (persons per Sq Km.) 100 SEX-RATIO (femlles P:!l 1,000 males) Total 923 Rural 934 Urban 884 PERCENTAGE OF LITERATES TO TOTAL POPULATION Persons 24'05 Males 35 82 Female's 11 ·31 PERCENTAGE OF LITERATES IN URBAN POPULATION Persons 47 92 Males 60 02 Females 34 24 .PERCENTAGE OF LITERATES IN RURAL POPULATION Persons 17 73 Males 29·24 Females 5·41 NUMBER OF URBAN CENTRES- 201 PERCENTAGE OF URBAN POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION 20·93 MAIN WOltKERS Perso:ns 10,351,113 Males 8,806,143 Females 1,544,970 PERCENTAGE OF WORK PARTICIPATION (MAIN WORKERS) Persons 30 35 Males 49·65 Females 9·44 (viii) (ix) n° 20 0 20 40 eo 10 100 Milil / ,_.ttq 7 t I I RAJASTHAN 1(.50 0 IOUNDARIES: ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS INTERNATIONAL .. _._._ STATE"" ... " _'_1_,_ 1981 DlSTlIICT ....... _._._._._ TEHSIL ............................... .. DISTRICT HQ. " ..... e VILLAGE · .. · .... ··· .0 TOWN····,········· • WHERE DISTRICT NAME DIFFEAS FROM THE TEHS," NAME TEHSIL HQ ....... ·· 0/' BOTH THE NA~ES HAVE BEEN WRIITEN. SUCH HQ. NAMES HAVE 8EEN WRITTEN IN SLANTING LEITERS. MAIN THROUGH ROUTES ...... - WHERE DISTRICT' TEHSIL HAVE THE SAME HQ., THE TEH. OTHER ROADS ............... =;:::: HEAD QUARTER NAME HAS NOT B!EN REPEATED. RAILWAY LINE BROAD GAUGE .. =-=- ,_ .1 " METRE GAUGE .. -t++t-t+t- ./.... " NARROW GAUGE· ~.! .( "-'." RIVER.. CANAL LAKE ..... -.. r·· .. s ,. I' . 28 , /' f ~, A ~ ',-.. 1 Q 24 24 Sostd upon Survty of India mop with tn, Plrm.iuian. of the SurvlYor General o( Indio. 70 0 hal., ~ ..n.ich RURAL AND URBAN POPVLATION According to the final tally of the census count, as at the sunrise of March I, 1981, over 341 lakh human-beings reside in the state. Of the total population, about 270 lakh persons were enumerated in rural areas and over 71 la.khs in urban areas.
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