Gut, 1970, 11, 755-759 Portal hypertension and bleeding ileal varices Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.11.9.755 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from after colectomy and ileostomy for chronic ulcerative colitis A. D. CAMERON AND D. J. FONE From the Green Lane Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand, and the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia SUMMARY Two patients are described with chronic liver disease and portal hypertension in association with ulcerative colitis for which colectomy and ileostomy had been performed. Both patients developed bleeding from the varices situated around the ileostomy stoma and one also bled from the oesophageal varices. Each had a successful portacaval shunt performed because of this bleeding. The occurrence of such ileal varices is uncommon, but is important as a manifestation of portal hypertension. Although it can usually be easily controlled by local measures, portal- systemic shunt should always be considered, particularly as such patients are also very likely to bleed from oesophageal varices. It is well recognized that chronic liver disease Case Records occurs in some patients with non-specific ulcera- tive colitis. Various types of liver disease have been reported including fatty infiltration, cirrho- CASE 1 sis, chronic active hepatitis, and pericholangitis. Mrs J.K. first developed symptoms of ulcerative In a recent review based upon histological study colitis in 1935 at the age of 21, but she did not of liver biopsy specimens taken during life, seek medical attention for this until 1960 as on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Mistilis and Goulston (1965) found a minimal the disease remained relatively mild. She then incidence of liver disease of almost 10%, and had a severe exacerbation, with anaemia, oedema, also found that pericholangitis was the most ascites, and hepatosplenomegaly; cirrhosis was common histological type. It is also known that first diagnosed at this time. Management was some of these patients develop portal hyper- complicated by her refusal to have any blood tension and may bleed from oesophageal varices. transfusion on religious grounds. Following fur- Liver disease is thus an important association ther deterioration, a two-stage proctocolectomy or complication of ulcerative colitis, and may was performed in 1963 by Mr Stanley Wilson introduce some important considerations into at the Dunedin Public Hospital. An enlarged, the management of these patients. finely nodular cirrhotic liver was noted, but no In this paper we report on two patients with biopsy taken. Her general condition improved chronic liver disease and ulcerative colitis for with the disappearance of the ascites and oedema. which colectomy and ileostomy had been per- In 1964 she first developed bleeding from the formed; both patients later developed portal mucocutaneous junction of the ileostomy. This hypertension and bled from varices situated at was initially an intermittent oozing, and was the ileostomy. This appears to be a rare occur- considered to be associated with the excoriated rence, but one which it is important to recognize skin. Varicosities slowly appeared, and bleeding and which has certain therapeutic implications. became more profuse. Both patients had a portacaval shunt which to In 1965 she again developed anaemia and oe- date has successfully prevented further bleeding. dema, and there was further ileostomy bleeding. Received for publication 14 December 1969. The ileostomy stoma was amputated and the 756 A. D. Cameron and D. J. Fone Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.11.9.755 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from Fig. 1 Case 1. Splenoportogram showing large anastomotic vein running down to the ileostomy. Test Before Six Months Operation after Operation Haemoglobin (g%) 8-3 13-4 BSR (mm/hr) 2 Serum bilirubin (mg %) 1-2 2-2 Total serum proteins (g %) 6-4 6-4 Serum albumin (g%) 3-2 3-8 Serum globulin (g) 3-2 2-6 SGOT (units) 74 200 Serum alkaline phosphatase (KA units) 45 49 Fig. 2 Case 2. Liver biopsy showing increased Zinc sulphate turbidity (units) 14 12-8 fibrosis and cellularity of the portal tracts. BSP retention (% in 45 min) 24-6 Prothrombin concentration (%) 100 Table I The results of the investigations in case 1 Test 1961 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 (before Operation) Serum bilirubin (mg%) 3-2 1.7 7-1 4-5 9 7 11-0 10-9 Total serum proteins (g%) 8-7 8-1 8-9 7-7 8-2 5-7 Serum albumin (g%) 3-3 3-6 3-4 2.1 2.5 2.5 Serum globulin (g%) 5-4 4-5 5-5 5-6 5-7 2-9 on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Serum globulin 2-2 1-7 1.9 2-7 3-1 1.2 SGOT (units) 150 119 65 119 148 238 288 Serum alkaline phosphatase (KA units) 36 62 34 59 62 96 131 Cephalin flocculation Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Zinc sulphate turbidity (units) 9 13 Table II The results of the investigations in case 2 varices were undersewn. Six months later further abdominal wall veins at the site of the ileostomy varicosities appeared at the mucocutaneous junc- (Fig. 1). tion and periodic profuse bleeding occurred, A side-to-side portacaval anastomosis was which could usually be controlled by prolonged. performed by Mr B. G. Barrett-Boyes, with pressure by doctor or patient. immediate disappearance of the ileostomy varices. In August 1966 she was referred to Green Blood transfusion was again not permitted. Lane Hospital, Auckland. The liver was enlarged Liver biopsy was not performed because of the 8 cm and the spleen 10 cm below the costal risk of bleeding, and a subsequent percutaneous margins. There was no jaundice and no spider needle biopsy produced only small fragments of naevi. Barium swallow revealed oesophageal liver tissue showing considerable fibrosis. The varices. Splenoportography demonstrated an results of the relevant biochemical tests are given intrasplenic pressure of 400 mm of water and a in Table I. The patient recovered well after dilated superior mesenteric vein shunting with operation. There has been no recurrence of the 757 Portal hypertension and bleeding ileal varices after colectomy and ileostomyfor chronic ulcerative colitis varices and no further ileostomy bleeding. thought that the flange of the ileostomy bag Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.11.9.755 on 1 September 1970. Downloaded from There was no evidence at any stage of portal- might have been causing irritation and either systemic encephalopathy. aggravating or precipitating the bleeding, and in February 1966 the ileostomy was refashioned. The skin around the ileostomy was a dusky CASE 2 blue colour, and a number of small tortuous Mrs G.B. is at present aged 35 years. Symptoms veins were visible. At this operation Mr A. B. G. of chronic ulcerative colitis commenced at the Carden noted many congested and tortuous veins age of 13, and continued intermittently until in the subcutaneous layer about the ileostomy. she was 26. Then her symptoms became worse, The pressure was measured in one of these to be she required blood transfusion, and was admitted 500 mm of water. As far as possible, these veins to the Royal Melbourne Hospital. In November were ligated and disconnected from the ileos- 1958 colectomy and ileostomy were performed tomy. by Mr Julian Orme Smith, the rectum being The spleen had now become palpable for the retained. For more than two years she remained first time. A barium swallow and meal did not well, though she continued to discharge blood- reveal any radiological evidence of oesophageal stained contents from the rectal stump. It had varices, and no bleeding had occurred from within been intended to remove this stump as a second- the gut up to this stage. Since the frequent stage procedure, but she failed to return to the recurrence of bleeding was now taken to be a hospital. manifestation of portal hypertension, a portal- In August 1961 she became jaundiced for the systemic venous shunt was carefully considered first time. She was found to have an enlarged, but decided against for reasons which will be slightly tender liver, but no splenomegaly, discussed later. spider naevi, or other signs of chronic liver A few days later, she had her first haemat- disease. Apart from the jaundice she looked and emesis and melaena. Bleeding continued from the felt well. The results of relevant investigations upper gastrointestinal tract for seven days, al- at this time are shown in Table II. Liver biopsy though at no stage was it massive or very profuse. showed a marked increase in celullarity and Intravenous lysine vasopressin was administered fibrosis in the portal tracts, which in many areas on several occasions, with an apparent temporary extended between the lobules, completely encircl- reduction in bleeding. Balloon tamponade with ing some. The infiltrating cells were mainly the Sengstaaken Blakemore bag was attempted, lymphocytes, histiocytes, and plasma cells, but also with apparent control of the bleeding for some polymorphs were also present. In some about 18 hours. At this stage she had received places the infiltrating cells and fibrous tissue had 34 pints of blood, and bleeding continued. She a circumductal distribution. There was no increase had remained quite alert throughout with no in number of bile ducts and no bile plugging signs of hepatic encephalopathy. Examination (Fig. 2). of the oesophagus and stomach with the Eder In January 1962 the excision of the rectum fibrescope revealed oesophageal varices, although which had previously been planned was per- they were not seen to be actually bleeding at the formed by Mr Graham McKenzie; laparotomy time. It was decided that the portacaval shunt, at the time revealed a normal biliary system deferred only two weeks previously, should now without any apparent obstruction.
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