PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES USED IN NIKE ADVERTISEMENT THESIS EVIN MAYA AULIA RIZKA 12320030 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MALANG 2016 i PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES USED IN NIKE ADVERTISEMENT THESIS Presented to Maulana Malik Ibrahim State University of Malang in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) By EVIN MAYA AULIA RIZKA 12320030 Advisor ABDUL AZIZ Ph.D 19690628 200604 1 004 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MALANG 2016 iii iv MOTTO ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُكْنتُ ْم َخْي ٌر أٌّمة أٌ ْخرَج ْت للنَّا ِس تَأُمُرْوَن بالَْمْعُرْوف َو تَ ْن َهْوَن َع ِن اَلُْمْن َكر ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوتُأمنُ ْوَن بالل َولَْو اََم َن اَْى ُل الْكتاَب لَ َكا َن َخرًيا َذلُْم مْن ُه ْم الُْمؤمنُ ْوَن ِ َواَْكثَ ُرُى ْم الَْفاسُقْوَن Ye are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency; and ye believe in Allah. And if the people of the scripture had believed, it had been better for them. Some of them are believers; but most of them are evil-livers. (Al-Imron :110) vi DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents, Moh Munir Cholil and Umi Farida who always praying, loving and giving affection that never stops ending for me, and my beloved brother and sister, Ahmad Addin Ziaul Haq and Ilma Ulya Mazida who always support me. vii ACKNOWLEDGMENT All praises and gratitude be to Allah, giving grace and mercy upon all creatures in the earth, the all mighty and all wise, the lord of the universe who has given the strength and guidance to the writer so that the writer can finish this thesis. Blessing and salutation be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW, the greatest revolutionary in the universe who guides us from barbarian to the civilized people. This thesis is intended to fulfill the requirement to achieve the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Language and Letter Department at the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang. Yet, hopefully through this thesis can give contribution to the richness of the knowledge, especially in the field of Linguistics. This thesis was not finished simply and easily, I should spend much time and effort to make it complete. It, however, has given invaluable experience. This thesis actually would never be finished without support, motivation and contribution from many people. Firstly, I would like to thank those who have guided me in writing the thesis. I express my deepest gratitude to Abdul Aziz P.hD who has patiently taught and guided me throughout the entire process of the thesis writing with all of the meaningful notes, which made me finish this thesis more easily. I also want to express my sincere thanks to H. Djoko Susanto, M.Ed., Ph.D and Drs. H. Basri, M.A., Ph.D as my examiners for their invaluable viii guidance as well as constructive suggestion. Then I express my gratitude to all my teachers who had taught me and transferred their knowledge. Secondly, I express my deepest thanks to my beloved family, especially my parents, Moh Munir and Umi Farida, thank you for beautiful love, patient, care and supports, my beloved brother and sister who always remind me to do this thesis. Thirdly, I extend gratitude to my second Family in Malang, Pondok Pesantren Sabilur Rosyad. Especially for Abah Marzuki Mustamar and Umi’ Saidah, who always give support and prayer to do this thesis. My beloved roommate Mbak Lala, Mbak Putri, Mbak Nopi, Lujeng, Mbak Lisa, Mbak Fitri, Mak Maul, Dila, Yusian and Nanda, who always support and help me in the process of finishing this thesis. Finally, I want to say thank you very much to all member of English Language and Letter 2012, especially for my beloved best friend since first Semester, Miss Gincu (Kiki), Miss Editing (Ida), Miss Bully (Risduth), Miss Jomblo (Vera) who always make me laugh, strong to do this thesis, for all people who helped me for finishing this thesis, and my partners of the same advisor, Uswah, Nuckfi, amd Aremdra who always help me in the process of finishing my thesis. Malang, June 06, 2016 The Writer ix ABSTRACT Rizka, Evin Maya Aulia. 2016. Persuasive Techniques used in Nike Advertisement. Thesis. English Language and Letters Department. Faculty of humanities, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Advisor: Abdul Aziz P.hD Key Words : Persuasive techniques, Advertisement, Nike Inc. The ability to persuade people is needed in social life, especially in Advertisement. Persuasion is an important part in communication which can influence or persuade the others, in order to be interested with the speaker intended meaning. Persuasive technique usually used by the advertiser to promote their product or service. Nike brand is one of the best companies which had success promote their product using persuasive technique of advertisement. The research investigated the data based on two problems, there are 1) what are types of persuasive techniques used in Nike advertisement and 2) how are strategies of persuasive techniques used in Nike advertisement. The objectives of this research are Find out the types of persuasive techniques used in Nike advertisement and describe the strategies of persuasive techniques used in Nike advertisement. This research used by using descriptive qualitative method because the data of this research were in the form of spoken and written text. It also a kind of discourse studies, because the researcher wants to investigate how the way language is used to persuade the other through advertising. The researcher uses two theories to solve these research questions, there are Gorys keraf’s theory and Aristotle’s theory. The result of this research, the researcher found that Nike Advertiser used all types of persuasive technique by Gorys Keraf to persuade people to be interested with the service or product that they are offered. But the persuasive technique that mostly used by Nike advertiser is Rationalization technique. It shows that justifying statement can influence the other people. While, the researcher also found all strategies of persuasive technique by Aristotle used in Nike advertisement, such as appeal to personal character, Giving evidence and Appeal to control emotion. Personal character is the best strategies that was used by Nike Advertisement, thus Nike advertisement always uses sportspeople to endorse their product. Finally, the researcher hopes that this thesis will be useful for others. And it can give the contribution for the next researcher who are interested to investigate persuasive research by using other theories and other subject that more complete and better. x مستخلص البحث رزكا، ايفني مايا أوليا، 6102م، تقنيات اﻹقناع اليت تستخدم يف اﻹعﻻنات التجارية نيك ) Nike (. حبث جامعي. قسم لغة اﻹجنليزية و أداهبا.كلية علوم اﻹنسانية. جامعة موﻻنا مالك إبراىيم اﻹسﻻمية احلكومية مباﻻنج. حتت اﻹشراف الدكتور عبد العزيز ادلاجستًي. الكلمة الرئيسية: تقنيات اﻹقناع، إعﻻن، ونيك احلاجة إىل القدرة على إقناع الناس فيما يتعلق باحلياة اﻻجتماعية، وﻻ سيما يف عامل اﻹعﻻنات. اﻹقناع جزءا ىاما يف رلال اﻻتصاﻻت، ﻷهنا ميكن أن تؤثر أو إقناع اﻵخرين ادلهتمني دلا كان يقصد ادلتكلم. تقنيات اﻹقناع تستخدم عادة أساليب اﻹقناع بادلعلنني للرتويج للمنتجات واخلدمات. اﻹسم نايك ىي واحدة من أفضل الشركات اليت حققت جناحا من تشجيع ادلنتج اخلاص هبم باستخدام تقنية إعﻻنية إقناعا ر. حتقيق الباحثني البيانات استنادار إىل مسألتني، مها ما اكتب نوع مقنعة التقنيات ادلستخدمة يف اﻹعﻻنات التجارية نيك، وتقنيات اسرتاتيجية اﻹقناع ما مت تطبيقو يف اﻹعﻻنات التجارية نيك. أما اﻷىداف بالنسبة للغرض من ىذا البحث ىو العثور على أنواع أساليب اﻹقناع ادلستخدمة يف اﻹعﻻنات التجارية نيك ويصف اسرتاتيجية اﻹقناع التقنيات ادلستخدمة يف اﻹعﻻنات التجارية نيك. يستخدم ىذا البحث اﻷسلوب الوصفي الكيفي نظرار ﻷن البيانات موجودة يف شكل شفوي والنص. البحوث مشلت أيضا يف دراسة اخلطاب، ﻷن الباحثني سوف تدرس كيفية استخدام اللغة ﻹقناع اﻵخرين يف عامل اﻹعﻻنات. استخدم الباحثون نظريتان أي نظرية Gorys Keraf ونظرية .Aristotle نتائج ىذه البحوث، وجد الباحثون أن اﻹعﻻنات التجارية نيك استخدام مجيع أنواع أساليب اﻹقناع، واﻷسلوب اﻷكثر استخدامار ىو التقنية لرتشيد، وأهنا أظهرت أن مع بيان قوي ميكن أن تؤثر على اﻵخرين. ويف الوقت نفسو، وجد الباحثون أيضا أن مجيع تقنيات اسرتاتيجيات اﻹقناع وفقا ﻷرسطوا يف اﻹعﻻنات التجارية نيك، إﻻ وىي شخصية حرف، إعطاء اﻷدلة، والقدرة على مراقبة ادلشاعر. الشخص ىو استخدام اسرتاتيجية أفضل يف إعﻻنات نايك نايك اﻹعﻻنات التجارية، وىكذا دائمار استخدام أفضل ﻻعيب الرياضات يف شريط فيديو لﻹعﻻنات. xi ABSTRAK. Rizka, Evin Maya Aulia. 2016. Teknik – teknik persuasif yang digunakan dalam iklan Nike. Skripsi. Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Pembimbing: Abdul Aziz P.hD Kata Kunci : Teknik Persuasif, Iklan, Nike Inc. Kemampuan untuk membujuk orang dibutuhkan dalm kehidupan social, khususnya dalam dunia periklanan. Persuasi menjadi bagian penting dalam komunikasi, karena itu dapat mempengaruhi atau membujuk orang lain agar tertarik terhadap apa yang dimaksudkan oleh pembicara. Teknik persuasi biasanya digunakan oleh pemasang iklan untuk mempromosikan produk dan pelayanan mereka. Merk Nike adalah salah satu perusahaan terbaik yang telah sukses mempromosikan product mereka menggunakan teknik persuasive periklanan. Peneliti menginvestigasi data berdasarkan dua masalah yaitu apa tipe tipe teknik persuasive yang digunakan dalam iklan Nike, dan strategi teknik persuasi apa yang telah diterapkan dalam iklan Nike. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan tipe-tipe teknik persuasi yang digunakan dalam iklan Nike dan mendeskripsikan strategi teknik persuasi yang digunakan dalam iklan Nike. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif karena data ini dalam bentuk oral dan teks. Penelitian ini juga termasuk dalam study wacana, karena peneliti akan meneliti bagaiman bahasa digunakan untuk membujuk orang lain dalam dunia iklan. Peneliti menggunakan dua teori yaitu teori Gorys Keraf dan Teori Aristotle. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu, peneliti menemukan bahwa iklan Nike menggunakan semua tipe tipe teknik persuasif, dan teknik yang paling sering digunakan adalah teknik rasionalisasi, ini menunjukan bahwa dengan pernyataan yang kuat dapat mempengaruhi orng lain.
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