... - - SAN FRANCISCO 'til Convention AUG. 31 - SEPT. 3 Only 4 ·Weeks - , . Published weekly. Entered as 2nd class matter ill post office at Los Angeles, CaUl Editorial-BuSiness Office: 258 E. 1st st., Los Angeles 12, Cal1t" .MAdlson 8-4f71 Vol. 43 No.5 Los Angeles, California Friday, Augus-t 3, 1956 Every Friday-lOc a Copy BY THE BOARD: Value of chapter WIRIN' HONORED BY ~good' public relations- JACl FOR 25 YRS. 84th Congress adiourns with C ntral California was o ne of the hotbeds of WO K WITH ACLU average 'on JACL-sponsored bills anti -J apanese sentiment Over 400 persons representing a d uring and after World variety of political opinion gather. WASHINGTON. - The 84th Con­ cern were: 1956 and 1957. enabling the Japa- gress adjourned last Friday mid­ 1. Evacuation Claims Amend- nese Claims Section, the Immi­ W ar II and the "Not Wel- ed at the Statler Hotel last Satur­ night with a " good average" on ment, authorizing the Attorney gration and Naturalization Service, come" signs were then ' day to honor A. L, Wirin for his legislation of special concern to General to compromise and settle and the Office of Alien Property 25 years work as counsel for the the Japanese American Citizens t he rule and not the ex- Am erican Civil 'Liberties Union, all of the remaining claims up to to function adequately; also funds League. Mike Masaoka, its Wash­ $100,000. with the larger claimants for the payment of certain evacua­ ception. Among those paying tribute to ington representative,. announced and those not satisfied with the tion claims. W have come a long th6 noted civil rights lawyer were this week. government's offer able to seek 5. Social Security Amendments, . Herbert L. Block (Herblock), Pu- Last day efforts to secure civil w ay smce and we like to litzer prize-winning cartoonist; Su­ judicial review in the Court of lowering the retirement age for rights legislation and amendments Claims, and declaring eligible women from 65 to 62 and. for the think that we JACLers perior Judge Stanley Mosk, Helen to the Immigration and Nationality claims of west coast internees; first time, making retirement bene­ had a lot to do with th Gahagan Douglas, Albert Lun~e- Act, which would have been of corporations, and those who post- fits available to disabled persons e ford of the Greater L.A, CIO Coun­ benefit to persons of Japanese an­ marked their claims before the at age 50. change of at tit u des cil. Saburo Kido of the JACL, and cestry, however, failed, he added. deadline but which were received 6. Civil Service Benefits, provid­ am 0 n g Californians of Loren Miller of the NAACP. Over-all, the' 84th Congress, in after the bar date. Iing more liberal -retirement pen- this area toward us. I be- Kido, wartime JACL national its First and Second Sessions, en­ 2. Mongolian Labor Bar, reyeal- sions and increasing "friDge" bene- lieve that the public re- president, recalled Wirin's associ- acted seven of the 12 major bills mg the prohibitipn against the use I Continued on Page 7 ation with Japanese Americans in in which J ACL had special inter­ of "Mongolian" labor on federal lations work of the Nisei, early 1942 when he was acting in e.st, Masaoka said. 'reclamation projects, which was especially in the smaller the interest of evacuees. Wirin He added that in numbers this written into law in 1902. lost his job with a labor union be­ on to say that in numbers this 3. Hawaiian Property Claims, Nisei candidate communities, has been cause of that, Kido said. "He ]tisk- equalled that of the last 83rd Con­ empowering territorial courts to re­ tremendous. ed his future in defending 0 u r gress. but that the bills in this turn property conveyed to '-'lU'ious in Washington An outstanding ex- rights. He gave us courage during past 84th Congr~ss were of greater governmental units in the Terri­ ample of community ac- those dark days," he continued. · consequence than those of the tory of Hawaii by organizations of "We persons of Japanese ances­ previous Congress. persons of Japanese ancestry in slate primaries ceptance for Nisei is to try owe a great deal to him for Bills approved by the Congress the early days of World War Two. SEATTLE. - Kunio Kuniyuld, 47, 4. Appropriations, for fiscal years beJound in Fowler (pop. the battles we have won in the' in which JACL had special con- who operates a restaurant with his , courts. We wish to thank him pub- 3,000). There, the Nisei licly here. And we hope he will father, brother and slster, has an­ nounced his candidacy foe a seat and especially JACLers continue with his work for many in the state legislature last week. have made themselves in. more years to come in helping to CAB administrative acHon makes bill On becoming a candidate for the preserve the Bill of Rights for aU, dispensable to the com- regardless of race, color, creed, September primaries, the 442nd unnecessary for farmer .. nurseryman -aid veteran said, "Because Japan~se munity. It seems that no national origin or station in life," Americans are now well establish­ ·t 'd t··t· Kido concluded. WASHINGTON, - Administrative Introduced at the request of Ni­ Cl y-Wl e ac lVI y IS com- action which made legislation un- sei nurserymen particularly, the ed. it is about time we showed our plete without participa- Kido wrote in his "Observations" necessary in the just concluded legislation would have benefited political strength. It is also the tion of the Fowler JACL published in the New Japanese 84th Congress promulgated objec- not only nurserymen and shippers most opportune time because at American News: tives sought in one of JACL's bills of cut flowers and decorative the favorable public feeling toward chapter or some individ- ..... AI Wirin is among those for this sessiorr, Mike Masaoka, greens but also farmers and ship­ us." ual JACLer. who have fought for. persons of Washington representative of the pers of perishable agricultural His parents hail from Yamagu­ T Shir k ha Japanese ancestry dunng the try- J a pan e s e American Citizens commodities in competing by air chi prefecture. Eldest in the fame om. a a:va, c p- ing war Y7ars. James Purcell ot I Lea e re rted this week. ily of three sons and a daughter. ~,po for the eastern, midwest, and ter preSIdent, IS a past San FrancISco freed us from. re-, . southern markets. Kunio is married and has four ~efers ~ m~!Xiuc- children. Born in Seattle, he. fin­ councilman of the com- i location centers through the Mltsu- Actions to bill The Flower Consolidators of­ . - l ye Endo case, which is one of the ed early 10 the Fll'st SessIOn ot ished Univ. of Washington as a muruty. YOShlO Honda, landmarks in defining (N is e i) , Congress by Sen. Warren G. Mag­ Southern California, Inc., whqse commerce major. now on the Council, has rights during wartime. Wirin handl- nus on !D.. Wash.) and ,Sen,. Tho- president is Frank Kuwahara, and A Democrat, he has support from. Consolidated Flower Shipments, ed the case to protect our rights mas H. Kuchel (R., Calif.) 10 the bee d 0 former s tat e attorney general n name mayor p~ - as voters in the case in~tituted by Senate, and in the House ~y Rep. Inc.-Bay Area, both organizations Davey Johnson to bid for a H!,use tem_ In the only serVlce lthe Native Sons. He was involved J. Arthur Younger (R., Calif.) and of shippers in which many Nisei oI Representatives post and be­ club in town. eight Lions I in the Yasui-Hirabayashi case per- Rep. George P. Miller m .. Ca~.~. Continued on Page 2 came the second. Nisei in state his­ J~CLers . Ha Hir I taining to curfew test cases. The which would exempt from Civil tory to file. are rry. a-loYama alien land case was en- Aeronautics Board regulations the Stockholm skipper once Clarence Arai was the first, be­ oka, LIOns past presldent, gineered by Wirin and Purcell. interstate shipment of agricultural ing unsuccessful in his attempt -in is on the Fowler School Hundreds of stranQees are b~ck and horticultural products b~ air. captain of Gripsholm 1934 as a Republican candidate for board of trustees. in this country through his effo~t.;;. A similar bill, which in effect the state legislature. NEW YORK. - Capt. Gunnar Nor­ (PC columnist Elmer Ogawa ' "There is no doubt that Wll'm woUld extenq. the same exemptions denson, 63-year-old master of the Big talk in Fowler the deserves the recognition he is be- in -air transportation as that pre- treats of Kuniyuld's background in motor ship Stockholm which crash­ his report this week,-Ed Note.) past two years concerned ing extended. The fact that the viously enjoyed only in surface ed 'into the Italian luxury liner the super - displays built Los Angeles Times (was) one of (rail and truck) transportation to Andrea Doria July 25, was war-, h d the sponsors of the banquet should agricultural commodities and cut chapte~ time skipper of the exchange ship End search 9t ay by the at. the a.n-I be sufficient for the. skeptics that flowers and decorative greens, was Gtipsholm. TORONTO. - The bQdy of Saburo nual Fresno Dl5inct Farr. he is not a CommunISt. introduced in the 83rd Congress by The Grip!>o':~!m was chartered Shinobu, 67, local Issei leader. was ~e ~ue libera~, w~s Naturally, the displays I "He is.
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