CLASSIFIEDS 701-857-1920 Monday, October 19, 2020, Minot (N.D.) Daily News B7 TO ADVERTISE CALL: 701-857-1920 Minot Daily News EMAIL: [email protected] Northwest North Dakota’s JOBS .MINOTDAILYNEWS .COM Largest Classified Section! MINOTDAILYNEWS .COM C301 4TH SlTREaET SE, MsINOT, Ns.D. • HOiURSf: 8 Ai.M -e5 P.M. MdONDAY -s FRIDAY 11 A.M. MONDAY—THURSDAY FOR NEXT DAY PUBLICATION • 1 P.M. THURSDAY FOR TRADING POST 11 A.M. FRIDAY FOR WEEKEND • 1 P.M. FRIDAY FOR MONDAY P U B L I C N O T I C E S NOTICES/ANNOUNCEMENTS Public Notices Notice for School Bus Bids All persons are We do not accept li- The School Board of Kenmare 5 hereby informed that ability for any other School District #28 in Kenmare, ND, damages which may REQUESTS SEALED BIDS FOR: ANNOUNCEMENTS all dwellings advertised result from an error or One new (2020 or 2021) yellow 53 Equal Housing are available on an omission in or of an ad. passenger Thomas Built school bus All ad copy must be (seated to 47) with: diesel engine, Opportunity equal opportunity basis. If you believe approved by the news- proper strobe light, stop arms and All real estate ad- paper, which reserves lights, cabin air conditioning, heated vertising in this news- you have been discrim- the right to request mirrors, heated wipers, automatic paper is subject to the inated against in con- changes, reject or transmission, engine block heater, properly classify an ad. rear cabin heater, lettering, and bus Federal Fair Housing nection with the sale, number per school request. Bus Act, which makes it We are not liable for rental or financing of slight changes or typo- must meet the North Dakota School illegal to advertise any housing, call: North Bus Standard (North Dakota Centu- graphical errors that do preference, limitation, Dakota Fair Housing not lessen the value of ry Code 39-21-27.1) and the Nation- or discrimination based al Minimum Standards for School Council at an ad. on race, color, religion, Buses. Questions may be directed 701-221-2530 or The advertiser, and sex, handicap, familial to Dr. Tim Godfrey, superintendent. toll-free not the newspaper, is The school board reserves the right status/national origin, responsible for the to reject any or all bids. in the sale, rental or 1-888-265-0907. The truthful content of the financing of housing or phone number for the ad. Advertising is sub- Address sealed bids to: intention to make any hearing impaired is ject to credit approval. Dr. Tim Godfrey A tearsheet will be pro- Superintendent such preference, limi- 1-800-927-9275. vided upon request. Kenmare School District tation or discrimination. All classified ads 300 7th Ave NE General must be prepaid or Kenmare, ND 58746 Familial status in- credit must be cludes children under Advertising approved prior to Sealed bids must be received by advertisement the age of 18 living Polices 3:00 pm Tuesday, November 2. w/parents or legal running. (October 19, 2020) Please review your ad guardians, pregnant women & people on the 1st day of publi- 15 L OST & securing custody of cation. Any error FOUND children under the age should be reported im- LOST CALICO CAT of 18. mediately as the liabili- Around East of In addition, North ty is limited to the first Dakota Square Mall Dakota State Law also insertion only, and prohibits discrimination ceases completely if based on age and not reported withing satus w/ respect to five days of the publi- marriage & public as- cation date. The sistance. This paper newspaper’s liability will not knowingly ac- STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA WARD COUNTY shall at no time in any White tipped tail and cept any advertising for paws. Name is Smurk. GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT real estate which is in way exceed the cost of Reward. NOVEMBER 3, 2020 the space involved. violation of the law. (701) 720-3411 7RYRWHIRUWKHFDQGLGDWHRI\RXUFKRLFH State RepresentativeRepresentative \RXPXVWGDUNHQWKHRYDO QH[WWRWKHQH[ State Auditor QDPHRIWKDWFDQGLGDWH DDistrictrc 04 Vote for no more thanth ONE namen Vote forfo no more than TWO namesn 7RYRWHIRUDSHUVRQZKRVHQDPHLVQRW SULQWHGRQWKHEDOORW\RXPXVWGDUNHQWKH Thomasina Mandan Joshua C Gallion RYDO QH[WWRWKHEODQNOLQHSURYLGHG 'HPRFUDWLF13/3DUW\ 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ DQGZULWHWKDWSHUVRQ VQDPHRQWKHEODQN Hunter L Andes Patrick Hart OLQH 'HPRFUDWLF13/3DUW\ 'HPRFUDWLF13/3DUW\ Clayton Fegley PARTY BALLOT 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ Terry Burton Jones President and Vice President 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ State Treasurer of the United States Vote for no more than ONE name Vote for no more than ONE name VEHICLES Mark Haugen Presidential Electors 'HPRFUDWLF13/3DUW\ Heidi Heitkamp Thomas Beadle 350 Biden Bernice Knutson State Representative 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ 'HPRFUDWLF13/3DUW\ Warren Larson District 38 Vote for no more than TWO names AUTOMOTIVE Dustin Gawrylow Larry Bellew ARTS Jorgensen Martin J Riske 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ Insurance Commissioner P /LEHUWDULDQ3DUW\ Dylan Stuckey Dan Ruby Vote for no more than ONE name Looking for parts: 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ Classifieds... Windshield & chrome Sandy J Boehler Jon Godfread Trump Ray Holmberg 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ around it; TB hood 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ Robert Wefald ornament; passenger State Representative side hood light PublicPublic ServiceService Commissioner Districtst ic 40 Voteote for no more than ONE namen cover/shield, to fit a Vote forfo no moremore than TWO namesn mes 1981 Ford Thunderbird RobertRoberRober E Kibler Kible Casey D Buchmann coupe! Representative in Congress 'HPRFUDWLF13/3DUW\ 'HPRFUDWLF13/3DUW\ Vote foror non more thant a ONEO E name Matthew RubyRub Brian Kroshusoshus Call (701) 550-7385 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\HSXEOLFDQ3DU 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ between 10am-3pm Stevenn James PetersonPeterson KalynKn JuneJu DewittDew t /LEHUWDULDQ3DUW\ 'HPRFUDWLF13/3DUW\ M-F. Ask for Lowell. Zach Raknerud Randy A Schobinger 'HPRFUDWLF13/3DUW\ 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ Superintendent of Public Instruction Kelly Armstrong 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ Vote for no more than ONE name Kirsten Baesler State Senator Governor and Lt. Governor Brandt J Dick District 04 Vote for no more than ONE Vote for no more than ONE name set of names Jordan Kannianen Shelley Lenz and 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ Ben Vig Justice of the Supreme Court Lisa Finley-DeVille 'HPRFUDWLF13/3DUW\ Vote for no more than ONE name 'HPRFUDWLF13/3DUW\ Doug Burgum and Jon Jay Jensen Brent Sanford State Senator 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ District 38 Vote for no more than ONE name DuWayne Hendrickson and Joshua Voytek Judge of the District Court Legal David Hogue /LEHUWDULDQ3DUW\ North Central Judicial District 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ Judgeship No. 1 Vote for no more than ONE name Notices run State Senator Doug Mattson DistrictDist ict 40 Vote forr no more e thantha ONEE namena me Karenren Kay KrebsbachKre ach daily in the 5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ Classified Official Ballot All ballots, other than those used to vote absentee, must first be initialed WARD COUNTY by appropriate election officials in Section November 3, 2020 order to be counted. _______________ Initials of the Minot Daily News. If you have a legal notice to be published, please call 857-1920 or 1-800-735- 3119 classads@ MinotDaily News.com (October 19, 2020).
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