THE Taylor University • Upland, Indiana March 11,1994 "Ye shall know the truth" Issue Twenty Ethnic students get taste of campus this weekend by Michelle Greenawalt This morning the students and associate editor their parents ate breakfast with fac­ ulty members and took part in a Ethnic Student Visitation Week­ short devotional. They also toured end began last night with the arrival the campus and attended chapel. of prospective students and their parents. At lunch, the students will have the opportunity to dine with differ­ Sixteen students and 14 parents ent administrators. are visiting Taylor's Upland cam­ pus this weekend. Most of the Other activities today for the stu­ visiting students are seniors pre­ dents and their parents include vis­ paring to finalize a college deci­ iting classes, meeting athletic re­ sion. cruiters and talking to faculty and students. The main objective of this week­ Several of the prospective stu­ end is to give the visiting students a dents are candidates for ethnic stu­ taste of what Taylor is like. dent scholarships and will be inter­ "Thestudents need toseeTaylor. viewed today regarding those photo by Nathan Beighley They need to experience Taylor awards. A PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE—Candidates forstu- Stuart Room, with Jeff Schmela moderating. Elec­ first-hand," said Kim Barnett- Tonight, the students will have a dent body president, Heather McCready and Doug tions for president and class officers will take place Johnson, coordinator of ethnic stu­ social time at the Wheel's kitchen, Moore, debate various issues yesterday in the this coming Wednesday in the dining commons. dents. where they will eat dinner and play different ethnic groups will partici­ "Academic Success." Ethnic Student Visitation Week­ Activities began last night with games. pate on the panel. The prospective students will stay end replaces what was previously dinner and games in the Student A panel discussion on the topic Saturday evening the visitors will in the residence halls during their called Minority Student Visitation Union, following the registration of Taylor's college life will be Sat­ attend a dinner with George Jack­ visit. The students come from Indi­ Weekend. According to Bamett- of the students. urday morning. Taylor students of son, alumnus of Taylor, as the fea­ ana, Michigan, Ohio and Wiscon­ Johnson, the new name was imple­ mented in the fall of 1993. tured speaker. His topic will be sin. Trojans to play SELECTED NON-COMMERCIAL Weekly Metro Cume Rating tonight Percent by David J. Chamberlin Fall 1993 editor The men's basketball team (28-4) WBCL Fort Wayne 14.2 will take on Jamestown College, WMHK Columbia, SC 9.7 N.D. (13-13)at6:15p.m. MTN (8:15 KTIS-FM Minneapolis-St. Paul 8.2 p.m. EST) tonight in theNAIA Divi­ WLFA/WLFJ Greenville 7.9 sion II National Basketball Cham­ WJIS Sarasota-Bradenton 7.5 pionship in Nampa, Idaho. WSOR Ft. Myers 7.5 Jamestown defeated St Thomas, KTLF Colorado Springs 7.4 Fla., 66-54, Thursday evening, and KTSY Boise 7.2 earned the right to play the Trojans. KWBI Denver 6.3 The game will be broadcast live WSOR Naples 6.1 on WCJC 93.3 FM at 6:05 p.m. KLJC Kansas City 5.4 MTN (8:05 p.m. EST). If the Tro­ KGBI Omaha 5.2 jans, who had a first round bye be­ cause they are the No. 1 seed, defeat WBHY-FM Mobile 4.7 Jamestown, they will play in the WLAB Ft. Wayne 4.4 quarterfinals at 8 p.m. EST Satur­ day. Source: Arbitron, produced by RRC, Inc. All data are IftheTrojansreaeh the semifinals, estimates only, and limited to Arbitron subscribers. For they will play at5:30p.m. (7:30p.m. more information on Arbitron data for non-commercial EST) Monday. The Championship Christian radio, contact RRC at (301) 774-6686. game will take place at 8 p.m. MTN photo by Nathan Beighley (10 p.m. EST) Tuesday. *WBCL-FM, the Taylor owned radio station on the Fort Wayne OH, IT'S STORY TIME!—Barry Pavesi, television producer in resi­ As long as the Trojans continue to campus, was the highest rated non-commercial Christian radio dence, and Jere Truex, administration specialist, model redemptive advance, all of the Trojans' basket­ station in the country, according to a fall 1993 Arbitron rating. relationships with the differently abled during chapel Monday. A ball games will continue to be WBCL-FM's rating was 4.5 percent higher than its closest com­ documentary produced by Pavesi about Truex's life was shown. broadcast on WCJC-FM. petitor, WMHK-FM in Columbia, S.C. 2 The Echo a March 11,1994 CAMPUS NEWS Honor society to hold Roommates PERSPECTIVES AND ISSUES informational meeting experience by Mindy Leonard After watching the installation same surgery features editor of new members at Anderson Uni­ versity last spring, Schemmer and by T.J. Westphal from basic reporting Insert slogan here... An informational meeting for the members of the SEA cabinet by Norman Yatooma Lord and our university. For the next two weeks, room those interested in joining Kappa decided that "this was something student body president Other requirements include, but 208 on "Sammy 2" will be a little Delta Pi will be at 7 p.m., Thursday, we would like to have on our cam­ This Wednesday, March 16,you are not limited to, presidential and than usual. Both occupants pus." quieter will be making a very important Brady impersonations. March 17 in the Stuart Room. The process of getting approval had surgery yesterday at Marion decision. That's right—you'll be Essentially, that's the job in The honor society is for educa­ General Hospital. tion majors who have completed at for the honor society has taken ap­ faced with the decision of whether nutshell. There are a few pages Freshmen Chad Carpenter and least 50 credit hours and have proximately one year. After Taylor or not to go to Nostalgia Night. more from Article IV, Section 1, A Tom Harker, both members of the achieved at least a 3.2 GPA, ac­ had approved Kappa Delta Pi, the Now, while you're there, and 2, B of the Taylor Taylor football team, injured their cording to Dr. Beverly Schemmer, SEA cabinet had to submit an ap­ the name of the student Student Organization shoulders last season. Carpenter assistant professor of education. plication to Kappa Delta Pi which body president elect will Constitution that injured his right shoulder and Harker This is the first year Taylor students was approved late this fall, be announced. could list for you. How his left, yet both had identical op- have had the opportunity to join the Shemmer said. I do hope you will all ever, I assume that is of erations. take the time to vote on little interest (if not, society. Those who join the society are Carpenter, who has put off his Wednesday. More im- please feel free to pick The Taylor chapter will elect of­ asked to maintain four ideals, surgery for the last few months, portandy, I hopethat you upaconstitutionandmy ficers at the informational meeting, Shemmer said. "We owe a service said, "I thought I could just tough will put significant business card in theTSO and the official installation will to our science, our discipline; to this one out, but the pain is making prayerand consideration office anytime). take place April 28, Shemmersaid. humanity; to toil, committing our­ weight-lifting impossible. If I want into your decision. Of course, everyone Last year, Shemmer introduced selves to work; and to our profes­ to be able to play next season, I Whether you realize it or not, the fulfills their position differently but the idea of starting an honor soci­ sion." have to fix my shoulder now." votes you cast next week, for sena­ inarguably, there exist a few com­ ety to the members of the Student "We are also taking steps to re­ Because recovery will take at tors, class officers and the student mon traits. It is necessaiy to be Education Association (SEA) cabi­ quire a service component, tutor­ least two weeks, and full rehabili­ body president will impact you. accessible, to be organized, to be a net. ing or something related to the tation is indefinite, Harker feels The Taylor Student Organiza­ self-starter and to be a visionary. It "I just felt that there was a need profession." that being roommates will be both tion exists to promote spiritual, in­ is necessary to have a heart for ser­ for some kind of society to give Schemmer said this is added to helpful and troublesome. tellectual, physical and social stu­ vice and for people because the po­ recognition to students who were emphasize that society member­ achieving high levels," Schemmer "I think we'll be okay as long as dent development and you will be sition mandates a great deal of sac ship is "not just to separate you we don't have to do anything too electing the individuals who will rifice. Realistically,abigpartofitis said. from others." strenuous," Harker said, "The next lead the effort to promote the gen­ meetings and programs and agen Registration process to change few days, we'll just sit around and eral welfare of each student. das and activities—15 to 25 hours I'll tell Chad to change to TV Accordingly, I have been asked per week. Also, a big part of it is slightly for 1994-95 school year channels." several tirpes for my "official" prayer for the individual students, by Peter Marshall will begin Monday and Tuesday.
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