
New 5 : ■7 7 ' - / '’/■ ■ vy. v: ; GmfMT Tcb DcmofBto ARREST TO FOLLOW trA To TacalMi Resub ilbh‘tellM t% ^ h depa te U Are Proteit- SPEEDING TO FIRES \.--yyy/r B i ^ torb ' T o ^ PBric Bnrd Em hs- im Apiut Ctatienl OnDFdi Senieu Tonrt'- By a ptsd—Ab OBtowitei Fi|ht Am«g FadioM. PoGce hstneted Ta Appre- roB, Forak Moadaj. New Yoik, May 28<-(AP) — AAfonse. I b x D. Steuer, noted attor- Raii Oa Ae PtiEcTnaf- • k d Al Who Hmper crowdMfiia that sat up late ±ir%to tUtoj* ihfkthe tunyney mhnBrim MteSacted MMaa specialMMelMl proaemxtor Jt0W BMfm, M»7 28^ (A P ) — yerdtet, broke into tecotogv when in the. cqae wuf n ot preaent wheq yyy'/vMy'y'": 7 Memorial Day us|iers in the sea­ af-Waakl BdR Bfi Oorernor Wilbur L. Cross win be m ’s first btfilday. and omning as it Jostyh A. Broderick, State’Banking the Jury rq^orted. RrenMB On Wajr To Blue Three other todletmexits are 'pend­ dnUrmsa sf ttis Coooecticttt (Idris' does ttds year on a Monday, it gives Superintendent was acquitted at tloa to tlie Democratic Natfam^ 2 :85: A no. E. S. T., todty of wUfnl ing against,BrodeifCk but It wqs Fn r Daenplwed, He De- those intenefing to take advantage negtect of duty to fklltog to close not known vriietbei -'tbey win be Oonunittee. wmard B. Rogers, Chairman of bt tlm hefiiday an extra d ^ OTer the the B u k of the United States soon­ tried. These (fiiarge n^fect of Be was dected at a meetiiig o£ weekend.' Large minib^S^'af riti- er timt be did. duty to xmt makixig exanfinatiems of tke ddecatlOD bdd here yesterday. the local Police (fominjisWton, atated zens win svafl themsdvm of . the The jury had been ' out fifteen -the Institution often « doi^ ; n ^ e ct It was w first meetiiig of the dele* today that the pdioe have been in­ hours. Flushed with . excitement, of dut3r to fslltog'to toform tiie summer-like weather to spmid the gatm elected at the recent State structed to arrest all antoists found Broderick, accepted amgxatulations bank directors of an adverse report Washtogtoo, May 28.—(AP)r— comrentioD. It produced a cladi be* to be hampering firemen either on weekend at ^ nearby beaches, sOentiy, ai^aroitly unwintog to on its condition, and conspiracy. tween the CM Guard and the while others wfll drive to favorite An angry and disguated dexmaiela^. toe way to or from a lira Any auto- trust his voice. During the trial Broderick told of New Guard Airtaig which Governor hottday points inland. Stfil others ■The. verdict was a cHmax to an bis effora to the 8800,000,000 Oea by President Hoover of Speal{-' Cross demanded for the good of the ist who fans to obey the etate law win- abide Iqr the long estatfiished eight weeks trial during ^fich Gov- institution v ^ ch had feur hundred er Gtoner's huge pubUc worim pto- party that Hm factions compose requiring the right of way tor fire Flatly contraefiCting important tefttmqiy'.wlildi' Ifiyor Janys J. rule to qiend.tbe - day at home, Walker had g^ven on th e previous d iy . Park Commissfamer Walnr It ernor F. p . Rooisevelt, ^10 appifint- thousand depositors vfiien it dosed graxs^ witened eimnxiourijr todsjy'- their dlffenplbes. department apparatus over all oth­ hoiKiring the' soldier dead of aU ed Bioterick, testified to Us de- in 1930. The seaM » was hdd behind Closed er traffic will he brought into court,, Herrick is pictmed above aS' he appjsared hefore toe .:Kif!stadter l^ ls- wars in the annual decoration of the the poiittcal rift^toOongresB over doors. It was presided over by Mr. Rogers declared. The fine ii not lative committee which is investigating New Toric Qty afEslrs. Though graves and in the Memorial exer­ unemplgyinent rdieL - Archibald ICdNeO, Jr., who wifi more 850 not more than Walker biul denied owning any Inteiitate Trust Co. stoifiE, Herrick tes­ cises to be held in Center Park. tified that the Mayor had sent him |39,000 to pay for 800 Shares. “The inoet gigantic pork bar^ - serve as National Oommltteemaa three nxmthe in jail or both. If Heavy Traffie ever {bopoeed—an Unexampled raid4 until after the National convention necheeary to 50 arrests The added day also gives teachers on the pubUe treasury,” wiers the^ nominates for the presidency when at the nest fir^ if delations occur, in Manchester’s schools an cppor> SWEPT COMPANY’S HEAD words Mr. Hoover fixeag to. (Seteieris' the ddegaUoD wifi dect his sue* they wto be made, the commission­ tunity to spmid the day at their list of 3,500 post offioa road a^d cessor. Immes, the m et holitey of the The Old Guard was prepared for er inaimd. water-way building projtets, car­ TiUinday*s Example open season. Through traffic this ried in his , reHef b^L the meeting as It offened a resolu­ PROBE OF CHINESE f AR xterning was very heavy kt the PLUNOTS TO HIS DEATH 82400 000.000 tion providing that a committee This. <foler is a direct result of The President spxdm out' l!t^ ■ the tonfosion which resulted Thurs­ Center on one of the main ''oiites fore a large group of ' ntera|Mqier^ Should bring in a list of officers of day night when the CTumixfingB east, and will likely continue so the dd^tioo and membm of Na* during the afternoon and evexfing. 'men late yeateiday.' Hto Ups. i convention committees. house on South Main street caught LEAGUE Several Manchester families h ^ e Sob of Foander of WerkTo drawn to a hard, atralghl^ ten anii Homer S. Cummings offered a sub- fire from Ughtnlng. AutMete dashed EXIMERATES KING hto fa ce was ^ e with intensity as madly to the scene without r^rard made plana to open their cottag^ stltute resolution which would have over this we^end, and the State he heaped condemnation ohi - meant equal representation of the for fire apparatus. Streets leading Parks, both at Rocky Neck and Largest PocldBfFinBiM AUTO FATAUTT >ian, aa one wreckteg hslaneed?. (Md and New guard in the officers to the fire were congested and it Nearly a Ton of Qocnmeiits NO HERALD Hammonaaset will be-favorlte points ludget hqpee and threatqfing tyie and pmiunittee members. When put was extremely dUficult for fire for holiday tours. Boa hOlHoaUi For Sev­ stability of the goveixunntov to a ^ te the original resolution was trucks to get tt^tiugh- G a tte rd By Conmnssioi^ MONDAY Observaaoe Here Uhdeee Extravagitete ciuTiM 18 to 16, Foresee Tragedy The observance of the holiday by The Preeident txfid h ^ inany pf The >01106 oommistion foresem a Outeome Cdoomy There will be iio issue of the ex-service groups and the Per­ eral Weeks, Brother Sa^|CoroB«r Roiis Trad Drim these building plaria hkd beqi di^ dovemor Cross, having the priv- tragedy here if this practice iSm- To Haye a Report manent Memorial Dey committee credited by Cooqtyss itaelf hscaiise ilei^ of the floor, warned the dele­ tinues. The law distinctly states the Blanchester Evening will be in accordance with the usual of “useless extravagance” injriteed, gates that the outlook for the thfiT an traffic must keep t o . toe Herald Monday, May 30, custom. Memorial ..seirvices will be Blameless h D a A of and aaid many others ba^ bste au-> Donocratic party in the State was right and allow fire ^paratus or Ready By &d^fAi^iisL Mrauaial Day. held in the South Methodist churt* Chicago. May 28 — (AP) —Ed­ tborized only tor a distant ^ture “^ oovay” that ind^iendent Demo­ ambulances equipped with sirens to which all ex-service groups, and ward F. Swift, Sr., Chairman of when natural growth of the ppm* crats had been writing him to pro­ free passage over the highways. thdr auxiliaries, and patriotic soci­ DoBioic Sqaabko. iBOifltieB would justify theiia. Mto 80 test against the continual “stirring Swift and Company, phmged to The police feel ttot a few arrests at DaiTCT, Manchurto, May 28.— eties have heim invit^ to iiarttci- per cent, he said could .hA up” of factional trouble and that toe next fire may teach some of toe pate. Rev. Robert A. Colifitts, pas­ at 9 a m. today from the (A P )—Nemfly a ton, of statisttes hrou^t to the stage of emiH^-' the minority was entitled to repre­ thrill seekers a lesson and preVmt tor, wiU deliver the MeitKMrlal ad- window of his sixth story apart- Attorney John H, Yeomana meht for a year and o ^ 100,0^ sentation in the selections to be a serious accident on a conflagra­ and documents. confhmted toe O D t C H B I B I drras. men could then be put to w x ^ made by the delegation. ment. • conm er^ r TOUand county, today tion. ■ > les| b» HatjbhiB com n:^ ' The afternoon tomorrow , wiU be He was 04 iPCara old pnO bad been ’Tt is aiqtenntiy. expected” he One Old Guard nmn>ber speaking dhvoted. to amrvices in Bellfniqi or axmoupced -that he had found no Sion vtofifit in ill heaUh tor sever^ weeks. said, “tiigt the,.cupidity of, them for the ot^ifinal resolntioo said: HMOMX Gnmfra#te, Bcfi'.m (Center hndaervi n^|ligeiiea(<m the-part of Frank W. towns and aeiMtma, will . demand., “This represents the wifi of the lete at eycd«h'Pte<l^1n1 t e m iy o f tyagf, Lobahao,:ia the aul!i»- ■Si Stete conta i n." • •t tiati titoti and tete chii^-^^i^:.iHOTad.- tlmee WI9 tost th^^vea at seu, to en hla ph^drionaJ mobile: David t ThtiOera^ n l p l j^ x :- ' tori?xd«Etry*A^sei^»toBt ‘ ihriee Mr.
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