CH ITRAKOT FALLS ON THE INDRAVATI RIVER , BASTAR STATE. CENTRAL · P·ROVINCES GAZETTEERS. · CHHATTISGARH FEUD.ATORY STATES. WRITTEN BY E. A. DE BRETT, I.C. s., Political Agent. •• JSombal]: PRINTED AT THE TIMES PRESS. I gog. PREFATORY NOTE. The materials from which this volume has been compiled have been supplied in the case of Bastar, Kanker, Surguja, Raigarh, Jashpur, Sakti, Khairagarh, Kawardha, Korea and Chang Bhakar by the. Feudatory Chiefs, and in the case of Udaipur, Sarangarh, Nandgaon, Chhuikhadan by the Superin­ tendents in charge of these States. The Chiefs and their Diwans and uther officials, who have assisted in the work, deserve special thanks for the trouble which they have taken and the same remark applies to the Superintendents. The Chief of Surguja, Maharaja Bahadur Raghunath Saran Singh Deo, Rai Bahadur Panda Baijnath, Extra Assistant Com­ missioner (Diwan of Bastar) and Babu C.S. Ishwar Sekhram (Diwal of Sakti) have kindly assisted the work by sending photographs to illustrate it. Mr. H. Cousens, Superinteadent of , Arch~ology, has also contributed two photographs. Without . the help so kindly given by Mr. G. W. Gayer of the Indian ~ Police (formerly Administrator of Bastar)and Mr. E. A. Rooke, Forest Officer of that State, the account of the birds and animals found there· would have been very incomplete. In the Gazetteers of the Chota Nagpur States, certain notes by Mr. L. E. B. Cobden-Ramsay, I.C.S., have been drawn upon very freely. The information regarding the geological for­ mations of the States has been derived from papers prepared by Mr. Vredenburg. Lastly, Messrs. R. V. Russell, I.C.S., A. E. Nelson, I. C. S., and Hira Laf, E. A. C., have given much · valuable advice as to the form into which· the work should be '"thrown, while Pandit Ganpat Rao, Superintendent of the Political Agent's Office, Chhattisgarh Feudatories, and Babu S. N. Bose, lately a member of the Rajkumar College Staff and tutor to the Chief of Sarangarh, have devoted much time . to the preparation of the drafts for the press. To all these. :. gentlemen my acknowledgments are due. ;" ...: RAIPUR, l• E. A. neF., Tile 2oth june :gog. f CHHATTISGARH FEUDATORY STATES. CONTENTS. Facing page. LIST OF THE POLITICAL. AGENTS \VHO HAVE HELD CHARGE OF THE AGENCY I Page INTRODUCTION I- 24 BASTAR 25-70 KANKER ••• 7I- 84 NANDGAON .•• 85-rro KHAIRAGARH ... III-131 CHHUIKHADAN .•• !.)2-144• KAWARDHA .•. 145-165 RAIGARH ... .•• r66-1go SAKTI ••• . .. Igi-20[ SARANGARH ••• ... 202-225 SURGU)A ... 226-259 UDAIPUR ... 260-276 ) ASH PUR ••• ... 27i-294 KOREA ... 295-305 CHANG BHAKAR ooo306-Jr6 APPENDIX•GAZETTEER OF TAHSILS, ZAMINDARIS, ToWNS, IMPORTANT VILLAGES, RIVERS AND HILLS.... 319-354 LIST OF MAPS AND PHOTOGRAPHS. Page I. Chitrakot Falls on the lnddivati River, Bastar State ... Frontispiece. 2. Rajkumar Coliege, Raipur 1 Map of Bastar and Kanker States ••• 25 4· A temple at Barsur, Bastar State 39 . 5· Stone figure, Amrati, Bas tar State, origin un- known 41 6. Group of Marias, Bastar State, in dancing dress 45 f 7· Maria girls, Bastar State 47-.,!~ 8. Marias in dancing dress, Dantewara, Bastar :t ~ ,.-. j l State · ... ••• 5~"·.· \ ·W'\• Vl CONTENTS. PAGE 9· ~lap of Nandgaon, Khairagarh, Chhuikhadan and Kawardha States ... · xo. l\Iap of Raigarh, S::tkti and Sarangarh States .•• 11. Rock inscription of Shri Kumar Vasant, xst Century A. D. at Damaudahra Gunji hills, Sakti State 1 93 12. Sarangarh copperplate inscription of M a!J.fl- Sudeva 202 13. Temple of Mahaprabhu from east, Pujaripali, Sarangarh State... 20S 14. Temple of Kevatin from south-east, Pujaripali, Sarangarh State 209 15. Doorway of ruined temple of Ranijhula, Puja- ripali, Sarangarh State 212 x6. Map of Surguja, Udaipur, J ash pur, Korea, and Chang Bhakar States 226 17. Entrance of the Hathi Pol, a natural tunnel in the Ramgarh Hill, Surguja State ... 229 18. Interior of the temple on Ramgarh Hill, Sur- guja State.-Figures of Lakshman, Ram- chandra and Janki (from left to right) 232 xg. A group of Pahari Korwas, jashpur State ••• 277 20. A Pahari Korwa, jashpur State, carrying arrows with the barbs fixed in his back hair. 281 21. l\l usicians of the Ghasia caste, Jash pur State, with specimen of mask 285 .PARAGRAPH INDEX. Introduction :- PAGE I. General Introduction I 2. Bastar and Kanker .•• 2 3· Nandgaon, Khairagarh, Chhuikhadan and Kawardha... ••• 3 -l· Raigarh, Sakti and Sarangarh .•• 4 5· Surguja, Udaipur, Jashpur, Korea and Chang Bhakar 5 ~· History and status of the Chiefs. The States prior to British rule ... 8 7· The States under British rule II 8. Sub-tenure holders -· I7 9· Land revenue administration I8 ro. General Administration.-Administrative control I9 I r. Excise arrangements 2I ... ~·· 12. Forests ib. 13. Education 22 q. The Rajkumar College ib. Bastar State- rs. Boundaries and physical features ••• 2 511 r6. Rivers 26 17. Geology ib.-:= 18. Botany 27 , 19. Wild animals .•• 3I 20. Birds 3311 21. Rainfall and climate •• 35 22. History ••• 36 2J. Archreology ••• 38 24· Population-Statistics 40 25. Growth of population ib. 26. Diseases ib. 27. Occupation ib. 28. Language 41 29· Religion ib. JO. Festivals ... 43 31• Caste 44 J2. Social life and customs 47 33· Customs at death 49 34· Villages.•• so Amusements ••• 35· Si< .. ··\-..,.·,, viii PARAGRAPH INDEX. Page 36. Leading families ... 51 37· Agriculture-Soils .., • ... 52 J8. Statistics of cultivation ... 53 39· Crops ... ... ....z'{J. 40· Method of cultivation ... ib. 41· Irrigation ' 55 42. Cattle ... ib. Loans ••• ... ib. 43· ' 44· Prices ... s6 45· Wages .•• ib. 46. Manufactures .•• 57 47· Markets. ib. 48. Trade .• , ib. 49· Communications £b. so. Forests .•• ss sx. Minerals . 59 52· Famine ... ib. 53· Land revenue administration 6o 54· Muafis ••• 66 55· General Administration-Administrative control. ib. s6. Land Record Staff ... ! ••• ib. 57· Litigation and Crime ... ib. ss. · Laws in force ••• ... 67 59· Excise ••• .... £b. 6o. Sanitation ib. 6r. Public \Vorks ..... ib. '62. Police ••• ib. _. 63. Kotwars 68 64. Jail .•• ... ... £b . 65. Education .... iTJ. 66. Medical relief••• ... 6g 67. Vaccination .•• ib. 68. Takoli ••• ib. 69. Income and Expenditure 70 Kan"Rer State- • 70. Boundaries and physical features .•• 7I 71. Rainfall and climate 72 72. History - ib. 73· Archreology ••• 73 74• Population.-Statistics ... ib. 75· Religion, language and caste ... ib. 76. Social life ~nd customs ... 74 77. Agriculture-Soils ••• ib. 78. Statistics of cuftivation 75 PARAGRAPH INDEX. lX Page 79· :\Iethod of cultivation 75 So. Crops zb. 8r. Cattle ib.- 8z. Loans ib. 83. Prices ib. 8-t. Wages ... 76 85. Trade ••• ib. 86. -Manufactures ... ib. 87. Forests... 77 88. Minerals ib. 8g. Famine... ib. ~o. Land revenue administration 78 91. General Administration-Administrative C(lntrol 81 92. Litigation and Crime 83 93· Excise . .. ib. 9-t· Police ... ib. 95· Jail i~ g6. Medical relief... 84 97: Vaccination ... ib. g8. Education ib. 99· Income and Expenditure ib. Niindgao1z State- 100. Boundaries and physical features 8s 101. Rivers : .. ib. 102. Geology ib. 103. Botany .•• 86 104· Wild animals 87 105. Rainfall zb. I06. History ib. 107. An.:hreology ... 89 108, Population.-Statistics il;. 109. Diseases .•• ib. 110. Language ... go . II I. Occupation ib. I I2, Religion ib. 113· Rural superstitions ib. I14o Caste ... ... 91 II5. Social life and customs 92 II6. Leading families ... 94 117· Agriculture-Soils ... ib. u8. Statistics of cultivation 95 ug. Method of cultivation ib. 120. Irrigation ... ... 96 I 21, Cattle ... ib. X · PARAGRAPH INDEX. Page 122. Cattle diseases g6 123. Loans ••• ib. 124· Prices .•• ib. 125· 'Wages .•• ... 97 126. Manufactures .•• g8 127- Cotton mills ib. 128. Marts -· 99 129. Trade •.. ib. 130. Communications ib. 131- Forests •.• ib. 132· Roadside arboriculture IOO 133· Minerals • ib. 134· Fan1ine ib. 1 Land revenue administration 101 35· - 136. Revenue-free grants ••• 105 137· Tribute••• ib. 138. General Administration-Administrative control ib. 1 39· Land Record Staff ••• 107 140· Litigation and Crime ... ib. 141· Sanitation 108 142· Police ••• ib. 143· Excise ••• ib. 144· Registration ••• IOO 1 45· Education ..... ib•. q6. Medical relief ib. 147· Vaccination 10. q8. jail: IIO 149· Municipality ••• ib. ISO. Public Works ib. 151. Income and Expenditure ib. Kh.airiigark State- 152. Boundaries and physical features ••• Ill 153· Geology ib. 154· 'Botany.:. II2 ISS· Wild animals ••• ib. IS6. Rainfall and climate ib. 1 57•. History ib. zs8. Archreology ••• 115 IS9· Population.-Statistics II6 16o. Diseases ib. 161. Language ib. 162. Occupation ib. 163 • Religion ib. 164. Festivals II7 PARAGRc\PH INDEX. xi Page. 165. Caste I I7 166. Social life and customs ••• II8 167. Leading families II9 168. Agriculture-Soils 120 169. Statistics of cultivation ib. 170. Cattle 121 171. Marts •• ib. 172. Leans ib. 17 3· Prices ...• ib. 174· \Vages ... ib. 175· Trade ... ib. 176. Communications 1:22 177· Forests·_ ib. 178. Roadside arboriculture ib. 179· Minerals ib. 18o. Famine 123 181. Land revenue administration ib. 182. General Administration-Administrative con- trot ... 126 183. Land Record Staff ... 12S I84. Litigation and Crime ib. IS5. Excise .•• ib. IS6. Registration 129 IS7. 1\1 unicipality ib. ISS. Sanitation ib. JS9. Public Works••• ib. 190. Police ... ib. 191. jail 130 I92• Education ib. I93· Medical... 1b. I9-!· Vaccination ib. I95· Income and Expenditure 13I Chhuildzadan State- I96. Boundaries and physical features 132 I 97. Geology £b. 19S. Botany ... ... £b. '99· Wild animals .•• .... 133 200. Rivers ••• ib. 201. Rainfall ib. 202. History .•• ib. 20J. Archreology I34 204. Population.-Statistics ib. 205. Villages £b. 206. Language 135 xii PARAGRAPH INDEX. Page 207· Occupation ... 135 208. Religion ... ib. 209. Festivals ib 210. Caste ib 211. Social life and customs 136 212. Agriculture-Soils ih. 213. Statistics of cultivation ... ib. 214· Progress of cropping ib. 215· Cattle: 137 216. Loans ... ... ib. 217. Prices ... ib. 218. Wages:•• ib. 219· 1\Ianufactu;es.•• 138 220. Communications ib. 221. Forests ••. ... ib. 222.
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