ISSN: 0029-7739 $ 1.00 per copy THE OBSERVER Official Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford Volume 78 | No. 36 http://observer.rockforddiocese.org FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 Diocese Announces Changes in Administration THE OBSERVER made to combine our offi ces of Family Life, Pro-Life and DIOCESE—Changes are N.F.P. into one collaborative coming to the Diocese of Rock- mission,” Msgr. Nelson wrote. Offi cial Appointments ford, both in personnel and in “This effort to combine of- some of the diocesan structures. The Rev. Kenneth J. Ander- fi ces and to unify our consistent son — Pastor of St. Thomas In an Aug. 27 announce- ethic of Life was made to fortify Aquinas Parish, Freeport, Illi- ment to diocesan staff, Msgr. this message by not only coordi- nois, to be also Vicar Forane for Glenn Nelson, Vicar General nating the vision and efforts, but the Freeport Deanery, effective and Moderator of the Curia, ex- also to emphasize the intercon- August 28, 2013. plained some of those changes. The Rev. John E. Gow — to nectedness between Life, Mar- be Parochial Vicar for St. John One of the major changes is riage, Natural Family Planning, Neumann Parish, St. Charles, the restructuring of the Family Evangelization and all the ef- Illinois, effective September 1, Life and Pro-Life offi ces into forts that were, in the past, done 2013. one offi ce to be known as the separately,” he explained. Collins Mendoza Given at the Chancery, Life and Family Evangelization This restructuring will mean Aug. 30, 2013 (LiFE) Offi ce. some personnel changes. and Esther Mortensen, who has Life and Family Evangelization “As you are well aware, the Inside Jennifer Collins of Sacra- served the Family Life Offi ce. (LiFE) Offi ce. challenges the Catholic Church mento, Calif., will be the new Mortensen resigned her posi- The position of assistant di- faces in Evangelization within Life and Family Evangelization tion Aug. 30. rector of the LiFE offfi ce also our current culture which con- (LiFE) director, responsible for In his announcement, Msgr. is open. stantly counteracts the Gospel coordinating and directing the Nelson extended gratitude to There are also changes in the message of Life and Family diocesan activities and minis- both Striedl and Mortensen for diocese’s Offi ce of Communica- Quietly cannot be accomplished alone Faithful try for family life, respect life their dedicated service to the tion and Publications. The posi- but requires a combined effort and Natural Family Planning. Rockford Diocese. tion of translator and communi- Seasoned so that the authentic message Observer, Jennifer will begin her minis- As a result of those resigna- cation assistant has been added pgs. 10-11 regarding Family and Life are try here on Sept. 23. tions, Laura Christianson will and will be fi lled by Margarita strengthened by our coopera- Resigning from the diocese assume Mortensen’s duties Mendoza, who joined the Rock- tive unity. In order to accom- are Mitch Striedl as director of along with her duties as admin- ford Diocese Sept. 3. Quick News plish this goal, the decision was Respect Life, effective Sept. 20 istrative assistant to the new Continued on page 4 Pope Asks for Fasting, Prayer for Syria For all Catholics, the pope has proclaimed Sept. 7 a “day of Various Church Leaders Warn fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, the Middle East and throughout the world.” On the Against Intervention in Syria fast day, adult Catholics in good health are expected to WASHINGTON (CNS)— What good can bombs do in a eat only one full meal. As speculation mounted about See Pope Francis’s comments on page 2 country already bleeding from Western air strikes on Syria, a thousand wounds?” he asked. a committee of U.S. bishops The president of the German called for a political solution, bishops’ conference also criti- and Catholic leaders in Europe cized plans for the strikes and warned military intervention said the U.N.-backed Interna- could lead to an escalation of tional Criminal Court should hostilities. be allowed to investigate an (CNS photo/Reuters) In a letter to U.S. Secretary of Aug. 21 chemical weapons at- Italian Artist Decorates State John Kerry, the chairman tack in Damascus, Syria. Field ... in English of the bishops’ Committee on The head of the German bish- International Justice and Peace ops’ commission for interna- Italian artist Dario Gambarin designed an image of Pope reiterated what Pope Francis tional church affairs, Archbish- Francis for a wheat fi eld in and Jordan’s King Abdullah II op Ludwig Schick of Bamberg, Castagnaro, Italy. Gambarin said Aug. 29, that “the path of told the Catholic news agency used a tractor with a plow dialogue and negotiation be- KNA Aug. 28 an armed inter- and a harrow to create the tween all components of Syrian vention could not be justifi ed in image and phrase, “Love society, with the support of the Catholic teaching. Liberates.” international community, is the Earlier, warnings against only option” to end the confl ict military intervention were in Syria. (CNS photo/Reuters) voiced by church leaders in the This Issue Melkite Catholic Patriarch Gregoire III Laham presides at Palm Sunday Bishop Malloy ............................. 2 The committee reiterated its Middle East, including Arch- long-standing position that “the service in Damascus in this April 1, 2012, fi le photo. The Syrian-born bishop Fouad Twal, Latin patri- Headliners ..................................... 3 Syrian people urgently need a patriarch warned Aug. 27 against armed intervention in his country in arch of Jerusalem; Syrian-born Diocesan .................................... 4-6 a conversation with Catholic News Service. He said such an interven- political solution that ends the Melkite Catholic Patriarch tion “will spread like a world war.” Around the Diocese ............... 7-9 fi ghting and creates a future ... Gregoire III Laham; and Chal- Seasoned Observer .......... 10-11 that respects religious rights work with other governments “taking up arms can only be a dean Bishop Antoine Audo of Nation/World ..................... 12-14 and religious freedom.” to pursue negotiations and a last resort.” Aleppo. Media/Arts ................................. 15 The letter, signed by the com- cease-fi re. “Were previous weapons By Aug. 30, Catholic bishops’ Faith Forum ............................... 16 mittee chairman, Bishop Rich- In a column in Austria’s programs successful in this re- conferences in France and Brit- Viewpoints ................................ 17 ard E. Pates of Des Moines, Heute daily, Vienna Cardinal gion, and did the wars in Iraq ain had not issued statements For the Record ................... 18-19 Iowa, called on the U.S. to Christoph Schonborn said that and Afghanistan bring peace? on the projected intervention. 2 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 | The Observer New Diocesan Structures Will Recognize Link Between God’s Plan and a Better Society The Observer (ISSN 0029- 7739), is published weekly, except five times a year by the Diocese of Rockford, BY BISHOP DAVID J. MALLOY 555 Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 ne of the great bless- in it is a reflection of God Him- not an accidental detail but a will be joining together our Re- Phone: 815/399-4300; Fax ings of living the self. As our society (and really fundamental element of nature spect Life Office and our Family 815/399-6225. Catholic life is that much of the formerly Christian designed to come together in Ministry Office into a new joint Periodical postage paid at we have the Church Western world) embraces a vi- unity and support. It is also to be structure that will be called the Rockford, Ill., and additional mail offices. Oto show us the path of life that sion of secularism that too often the means for the continuation of Life and Family Evangelization Jesus lays out for us to walk excludes God from life, respect man, God’s highest creation on Office. Its task will be to build POSTMASTER: send address with him. One of the great chal- for the human person commonly earth. This is why the joining of upon the decades of outstand- changes to The Observer, 555 lenges is navigating the Chris- becomes something that is not a man and a woman as the basis ing work that has taken place Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 tian path so often hidden and recognized in others but is con- for marriage and children is not in the Diocese to defend life, distorted by the refuse thrown ferred by other men and women bigotry or a worn out concept of promote natural family plan- For ADVERTISING information: on it by some of the baser as- upon those fortunate enough to bygone ages. It is the continua- ning and strengthen marriage Contact The Observer at the pects of our culture. qualify for that respect. tion of God’s plan. This is also and the family. But just as the address above or call 815/399- It is no secret that we are liv- If we think carefully, we can why the Catholic teaching about 4300; fax 815/399-6225, challenges to our religious free- E-mail: rbergman@ ing through what can accurately see how such a vision is present the sacredness of the marital act dom and to life and family com- rockforddiocese.org. be called an unprecedented de- in the challenges of our day. We logically leads us to understand ing from society are joined and Send NEWS information to The cline in our American society. have been fighting for decades that artificial contraception, build upon each other, so must From the threats to personal to maintain and strengthen our Observer at the address or fax sterilization and artificial means our response as followers of safety that many feel on the respect for God’s image and of conception place one in op- number above; send e-mail to Christ.
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