.and Fanwood Independent VOL, 5 NO. 20 SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOU.N.J. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1983 10 CENTS-ACOPY Bartender Takes Cash, Blames 'Masked Thieves' See Story Page 2... OPEN HOUSE AT UNION CATHOLIC H.S. Patricia George, daughter of Mr.and Mrs, Harry George of Scotch Plains, introduces her parents to the principles; Sister Veronica Joseph, O.P. and Brother Faustin, F.M.S. as Right Reverend Msgr. Cain of St. Bartholomews looks on at the November 17th Open House, PAGE 2. SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21,1963 Mayor Casts Vote Nov. 27th, Date Township Approves Of Turkey Shoot To Carry Ordinance A Turkey Shoot sponsored by Purchase Of Land Mayor E, Sidney Hulsizer cast Squad, the Fanwood Recreation Com- Ordinances were adopted at appropriation of $14,000 for the the deciding vote in favor of an A resolution was passed by the mission will be held on Wednes- Tuesday night's meeting of the purchase of a property at 1153 day, November 27th between the ordinance introduced for its first Borough Council granting major Scotch Plains Township Com- Martine Avenue, Scotch Plains hours of 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at reading at the November 13th medical benefits to all borough mittee authorizing the acquisi- and 366 Forest Road, Scotch tne La Grande Playground. Fanwood Borough Council Meet- employees. tion of land for the proposed Plains, The Martine Avenue lot A bow and arrow shuot, the ing would permit sale or develop- Mayor E, Sidney Hulsizer Is- new municipal library, township is in the Kramer Manor area participants must be at least ment of some undersized lots offices, future expansion of Fire scheduled for rehabilitation while sued a proclamation designating fifteen years of age or older. in Fansvood, the week of Dec. 10th through Department, and use in the re- the Forest Road lot is part of The intent of the ordinance was Best marksman will be awarded habilitation program. Dec, 16th as National Education the Turkev. the tract the township is desir- to allow Individuals to build on Week, An ordinance authorizing the ous of acquiring for the proposed lots at least 5,000sq.ft.provided library, they have been under one owner- A resolution was passed au- ship since 1954 without appealing thorizing an exchange of prop- to the Board of Adjustment, The 'Mickey Mouse Bandits' erty with Mr, and Mrs. Robert ordinance was introduced in an E, Newman, The township will attempt to update the present swap municipally owned lot at town ordinances which require 172 Mountain Avenue for the that these individuals in order to Cover-up For Pilferage Newman's lot on the corner of sell or develop these lots must Smith and Cleveland Avenues ad- appeal to the Board of Adjust- The suspicious nature of the ders, went behind the bar and As is police policy, Police jacent to municipal owned pro- ments for a variation. Current Scotch Plains Police Depart- proceeded to hand over'the re- Chief James Osnato had Captain Building Codes require all new perty. This swap is scheduled ment's Detective Division might ceipts which amounted to $185, Harold Hill interrogate the vic- to aid in redevelopment of the homes built must be on a lot well be credited for the quick Then when ordered In front of tim. When the detectives in- minimum 75 ft, by 100 ft. Shady Rest area. wrap-up of last week's robbery the bar, Brokaw added, ha was cluding Detective Tremblcki Also Introduced was an ordin- The principal dispute on this of Radley Lodge by Halloween hit on the back of the head, checked*out Brokaw's story he ance appropriating $8,250 from ordinance was in the wording bandits on November 10th, falling to the floor dazed. was again interrogated. Slight capital improvement funds to ac- not its intent. After considerable A report received at approx- Sergeant Powers disclosed variations were showing up each quire land at 1920 Raritan Road discussion a vote was cast with imately 3:50 A.M. that date states Brokasv says the robbers ripped time he told his story of the alongside the Southslde Fire- Councilman Benedict, Stopinskl the bartender William David Bro- the phone receiver off before events that night. house. Final hearing is sched- and Trumpp voting against and kaw, age 26 of 39 Carolina Ter- making their get away. The bar- uled for December 3rd. Councilmen Nelson, Dunne and Finally last Friday, Brokaw race in Rosalie, stated shortly tender then drove in his car An ordinance authorizing ap- Weisiger for, Mayor Hulsizer broke down and admitted the after 3A.M. while he was cleaning mistakenly reporting the incident propriating $36,000 from capital broke the deadlock by votingyes, up Radley's Lodge he heard the to the Westfield Police Depart- whole thing was a hoax. He re- vealed having in fact helped him- improvement funds for the ac- The final reading for approval rear door slam, ment, self to the money from the till quisition of the old post office of the ordinance will be held at Brokaw stated he turned around and making up the robbery in building and land was adopted, the next council meeting on in time to see two men wearing order to cover his theft. Helen Wood of 1930 Church Dec, 11, 1963, Mickey Mouse masks on their Want To Play? Avenue, Scotch Plains was ap- Mayor E, Sidney Hulsizer an- faces enter the establishment. Charged with filing a false pointed school traffic guax-d. One man pulled a gun and the Any team interested in play- nnouneed the appointment of police report, Brokaw was re- Two ordinances svere adopted culprits alleged told Brokaw not Ing in the Scotch Plains' Senior Wilbur R. CWlders of 24 Mac leased on One hundred dollars setting the following speed limits: Lennon Rd,, Fanwood as Civilian to get excited but just to get the Basketball League should con- bail for appearance before Defense Director replacing C, money. tact Gene Schiller atAD2=7813. magistrates court on November Terrill Road; 45 miles an hour Stewart Burnfts who resigned. Brokaw stated he followed or- 27th. from Raritan Road t o Cooper Childers has resided In Fanwood Road to Maxson Place; 35 miles for about eleven years. He Is an hour from Maxson Place to employed by the Highton Co,, Watchung boundary line. Nesvark, N.J. Recreation Activities Announced Woodland Avenue, 40 miles an Public Safety Councilman Carl The Fanwood Recreation Com- High School gymnasiums. Boys urday mornings for nine weeks hour from Maple Road to Hazel- Weisiger announced the resigna- mission announced activities for between the ages 9 and 13 will starting Dec, 7th at the Jr. High wood Terrace to E. Seventh tion of Patrolman Charles Ken- their 1963-1964 winter program play on Tuesday nights and boys School gym, hours 10:00 AM to Street, 25 miles an hour from E, nedy from the Fanwood Police as follows: between the ages 14 and 17 will 12:00 noon. This program will Seventh to South Avenue. Lam- Dept. effective Nov. 15, 1963. Starting Dec. 3rd 1963 and play on Wednesday nights. be under the sponsorship of the berts Mill Road: 40 miles an Kennedy resigned to enter pri- running through March 1964 Any boy in these age groups Fanwood Recreation Commis- hour from Rahway Road to Dorian vate business. basketball leagues will be con- desiring to play in the league sion, The boys will be taught the Road, 35 miles an hour from Ernest Gebler of 46 Shady ducted for men and boys of must register before Monday, finer points of wrestling. Any Dorian Road to West Broad Street Lane, Fanwood was appointed Fanwood on Tuesday and Wed- November 25th. Registration can boy interested should report to Doctor William Sampson, ex- to complete the unexpired term nesday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 be made at police headquarters. the jr. High School gym at 10:00 ecutive secretary disclosed on the Shade Tree Commission p.m. at the Scotch Plains jr. Borough Hall, Watson Road, Fan- a.m. Sftturdav, December 7th. speed signs have already been of Allan Meraereau which ends wood. posted in the affected areas after Dec, 31, 1966, Mr, Mersereau An adult basketball league will being queried by Ginger Heald had resigned for business Brownies Hold be conducted at the Jr. High David Sieger one of the less than twenty in- reasons, Ernest Gebler has re- School gym on Tuesdays and terested residents in attendance sided in Fanwood for about ten Joint Ceremony Wednesdays from 9:00 to 10:30 Awarded Star at this meeting, years. He is employed as a school p.m. Any group desiring to enter teacher by the Board of Education At Church Hall a team should contact Ed Lam- Scout Badge of Union, N, j, bertsen at FA 2-9464 before Commission Asks William Crosby of 21 Hunter A joint Fly-Up Ceremony was Nov. 25th. David Siegel was recipient of Ave., Fanwood svas appointed to held by Brownie Troops 363, 740, The Commission will conduct the coveted Star Scout badge at Council For OK complete the unexpired term on and 853 of St. Bartholomew's an indoor badminton and ping- Troop ISO's Court of Honor held the Shade Tree Commission of Neighborhood, Scotch Plains, pong program for Fanwood adult on November 16th, Presentation Leslie E, Cowell who resigned. Thursday in the school auditor- couples at the La Grande School, of the award was made by Otto To Fix Station The term expires Dec, 31, 1964, ium. Serving as sponsors were La Grande Avenue on Tuesday Eltel, committeeman and it was Mr.
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