• 0 <^ n —<>^>»»^*»—fr«»<mm<>. M)^»»^VO«to««»O^MM Once custom constrained us to ration Our talk on tlie topic oi passion But Alfred C. Kinsey Okmn,dTheUftiM€HU(/dQ(Ajee/tt^^ Has sliattered such whimsy Vol, XML No. 10. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1953. And made its discussion the iasldon* Registered at G.P.O., Brisbane, for- i transmission by port as a periodical. DISGUSTING SCENES AT UNION COLLEGE Three Naked Women Forcibly Ejected . , Prominent Student Skipped Town No, it didn't happen; nor unioriunately is ii ever likely lo, but novr Ihat you've been sj'mptoms of life from its readers, it Is your paper, then in years to and driven almost to lighting tjon- come we may have a student paper roped in you nJight as well keep on reading. Who knovrs but that might be a sexy innuendo fires -when some lone soul is moved worthy of the name. If, on the lower down the page? to write a letter to the editor. other hand, you continue to neglect It is about time that the sex-1 already. bestir themselves sufficiently lo put In the not very distant future this and disparage it, leaving it entirely cTazed adolescents who infect tliis The fault is entirely yours. Sem pen to paper and advise ns as to institution will exhaust its stocic of to the editor and his henchmen, University began to realise that per. this year, lias tried desperately where and how it can be im­ fools idiot enough to talce on the then Semper will surely rot, and Semper Floreat is supposed to be to initiate thought and controversy proved. thankless and hopeless laslc oJ may you rot with it. a student paper, and is financed in fields we regarded as important For, after all, the doubtful dis­ editing Semper, Then, of course, with student money. It is not the to the Queensland undergraduate— tinction of being editor of Semper the paper will .slide the flnal halt •exclusive property of the small groui) a.s examples we point to our blasts does not compensate for the damage inch into its grave. At the moment of people who comprise its staff. It at N.U.A,U,S,, at Sports Union fees done thereby to one's course. The we cannot persuade ourselves that Cabbages and is supposed to be a medium through and at Union Council, The response bells have been tolling' for this par­ its passing will be noticed,, much which all shades of student opinion tias in every case been appallingly ticular wj-iter ever since he took up less regretted. The fate, happy or can find expression. It should not poor. Apparently you don't give a his position at the beginning of the otlierwise, of Semper Ploreat is in Kings be merely a nauseating little vehicle damn. And at long last, due to year, yet the prospect of dismal re­ the hands of you, the students, for The Annual General Meeting of ©I puerile pomo&raphy. And that, consistent discouragement, neither sults in November might have been whom it endeavours to cater. If, Union Council held a couple of sadly enough, is what it seems lilcely do we. You tan go and buy your stoically borne had there been some belatedly, you decide to support it Tuesdays ago produced a surprise to become; ft, indeed it is not so sliady periodicals and snigger till sign of active hite or dislilie Ior tlie and contribute to it, realising that ending. The business of the meet­ you choice; you can swop your off- paper. Regrettably, there has not ing was followed by a barbecue and colour anecdotes; yovi can revel in been so much as a ripple on the sur­ ONWARD CHRISTIAN five gallon Iceg, Five gallons, after We notice with regret the your mental sterility; yon can rot. face of tlie puddle. all, doesn't go far among fifty very recent resignation of the It has become customary to laugh SOLDIERS dry people, so later in the evening Deputy Registrar, Mr. S. C. at the phrase "student apathy." The And what a puddle. St. Luda, where nothing ever changes but It was with some amazement tliat Hocking, Broad, and a few hench­ Cramb. Mr. Cramb has served joive, what there is of it, is on those men lit out into the suburbs, quest­ the University, In variflus who laugh. essay titles and bus time-tables; we learned recently that prospective GeorEC St.. heme of the lavatory- Methodist preachers were to lie ing for liquid refreshment. They positions, longer than roost of icturned to George St. round about Us can remember. In addition, This is our second last issue of wall brand of humour; Herston, given a compulscry course in Arab where too close contact with the and Asian religions, Not, of course, midnight, after only a limited suc­ he has been the target of Semper. Franltly, we wish it were cess, and brewed a cup of tea, many of our most vicious our last. We are tired and sicli diseased human body has perman­ that ibis is, in itself, a bad thing; ently warped the outlooii oT its in­ what floored us was the use to which Imagine their confusion when tlie broadsides, and be has borne ot the inertia of the intellectual caretalcer appeared on the scene, them with patience and slobs for whom we have to write. mates. As for Turbot St., and tbis course is to be put. The Veerongpilly, we don't doubt that Methodist powers, in (heir wisdom, armed with three over-muscled equanimity. We take this Wc have had more than enough coppers whom he had summoned opportunity of congratulating of writing three-quarters of the they exist somewhere, but they have have decided that a knowledge of not as yet bothered to inform Sem­ Eastern religions will enahJe min­ for protection. The tea drinicers him on his fortitude, of apol­ paper, and of humiliating our­ were liurled forth into the night, ogising for undeserved or mis­ selves hCTging people to write the per of the fact. Semper staggers isters at University Collc,?es to point from issue to issue, kept alive only out to resident Asian sludents the the cops passed flatfootedly on their directed insults, and of wishing remainder. We have had a gutful way, and the caretaker staggered Wm well in the future. of carping critics who sneer by the waning enthusiasm of its superiority of Christianity. staff, trying vainly to evolje some victorious to bed, to arise next volubly at Scraper, but who never This, in Semper's opinion, is an morning and pos an account of the insult not only to common or gar­ depraved and drunicen orgy he had den courtesy, but to the Asian heroically terminated to the Uni­ students tliem.<ielves. The students versity authorities That such Glory Without Power, 1954 who come to Australia are mature duplicity could be! and intelligent people, in many • » » cases they are here to do post­ Fuil Election Results graduate work. According to the intrepid mem­ bers of tlie Queensland cost Union Council: Science (Even,); Miss M. McCaf­ Lambert. Presumably, too, they are qualified who braved the mauraudini: Mau frey, Mr. G, Hooper, (m) Editors of "Whack-Ho": lo judge the merits of the various Muu to journey to Adelaide for President: Mr. E. G. Broad,' . Veterinary Science; Mr, J. Mullins. Messrs. B. H. J. P. McCafferty religions—be they Christian, Mos­ the Drama Festival, that city Is Vice-Presidents: / Union OiUccrs: and B. Hayne. lem, Hindu or Bhuddist. They do populated with extremely edu­ St. Lucia (Day): Mr. B. M. (n) St. Lucia Building and Plan­ not coDie to Australia to be sub­ cated and intelligent animals. Conarty. (a) Hon. Auditor: Mr. A. P. Hess, ning Committee: Mr. G. Mc­ jected to the importunities of One small paddock not too fur St. Lucia (Even.): Mr. J. A. Byth. (b) Hon. Solicitor; Mr. A. P. Muir. Donnell (Convenor). Methodist theologians. from thi; centre of town was George Street (Day): Mr. D. (c) Treasurer; Mr, G, R. Hulbert, caretjiliy labelled "Cows Only." Higgins. (d) National Union Councillor Apparently Adelaide's balls have George Street (Even.): Mr, G. and Observers: Messrs. G. Grid- learned the noble art of self Lindenmayer. land, J. D. Glasgow and J. T. Come to Congress control. Turbot Street : Mr. J. Dwyer./ Faragher. Herston: Mr. J. Waller.'/ (e) National Union Local Secre­ * • » Yeerongpilly: Mr. B. Ferrers./ tary-Treasurer; Miss A. Heath- Screams of raee and mortitica- Honorari' •Secretary: Mr. J. S. wood. tion are once again being heard from the long suHering members Potter. K (I):National Union Sub- Com­ of the regiment. Tlie next annual Union Councillors: \ / mittee: Messrs. G. McDonnell, camp is scheduled to talte place Ag. & Forestry: Mr. J. Leslie.'' K, Tov»nley. from the 2nd January, 19S4, to the Architecture: Mr. p'. White.v> (g) Commem, Dinner and Ball 24th, This is a most awkward time Arts (Day): Mr. C. HampsonT Mr, Committee; Messrs. I. Sheddan for those wlio have to work over N. Power.*-' (Convenor); G. McDonnell, A. the vacation, and also for those Arts (Even.): Mr. D. Bray, Miss Sler, J. Anderson and Miss M. who do not live close to Brisbane. A. Callaghan. Barry. Surely something more convenient Commerce (Day): Mr. W. (h) Procession Committee; Messrs. could have been arranged. Costanzo. B, Conaty (Convenor), K. » • * Commerce (Even.); Mr. H. Gor­ To-Nnley, 3, Crowley, P. Smith, Why is it that Americans Imag­ don, Mr. S. N. Lambert, Mr. P. E, J, Ahern, E. Cleary, The Con­ ine they can learn all about the G.
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