Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville Men's Soccer Programs Men's Soccer Fall 1977 19th Annual NAIA National Soccer Championship Cedarville College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/mens_soccer_programs Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville College, "19th Annual NAIA National Soccer Championship" (1977). Men's Soccer Programs. 67. http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/mens_soccer_programs/67 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Men's Soccer Programs by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 19th Annual NAIA National Soccer · Championship :;: .. ee ~··. >. ···..~ . NOV. 24-27 UNIV ITV OF ALABAMA Hunt ville, Alabama 00BK'N OUR FAMOUS OPEN PIT BARBECUE GLMVER Plate. Sandwiches Or By Th e Pound - Whole Hams . Sh oulders · Ribs .... zra, Catf ish & Clam Krisps " We Cook For The Public" BEEF & BOOZE 772-9609 H O thru FRI 11 M -2 PM For Carry Out Service DI ER \ 10 thru THU R 5 30 P - 11 P 772-9743 FRl - 530 P td 12 MID IG HT T - SOO P td12 ID IG HT Come As You Are And Bring - LOUNGE - The Children MON. thru FRI. 11 AM - 2 AM E. F. Adams SAT 5 PM -2 AM & Let us cater your next Hobart Allred SUN. 5 PM til MIDNIGHT banquet, luncheon, picn ic, bu siness meeting or private party in one of our 533-1122 spacious private 3780 Un iversity Dr. NW • Hun tsville, Alabama dining rooms HWY. 20 · MADISON, AL 1 Vz Miles E. of Jetport I NATIONAL SOCCER CHAMPS 1; 1 ,1 I l NOWOPEN 4 HOURS THE REDEEM THIS international HOUSE ef AD FOR PANCAKES 10 o/o DISCOUNT Welcome back to the Restaurant! :-,,-: .. _. International House of Pancakes'!: 3001 S. MEMORIAL PARKWAY INTERSECTION DRAKE AND PARKWAY Welcome ... Always a popular and exciting game soccer, within recent months, has experienced a phenomenal growth rarely paral­ leled in the history of sport in this country. The NAIA is proud of the tradition of great soccer in this Association and that the teams making it to the NAIA National Soccer Cham­ pionships consistently rank among the best collegiate teams in America. Last year, for example, 10 NAIA soccer players were high draft choices in the NASL, one of the top pro circuits. The NAIA is pleased to be able to bring its 19th National Championship Soccer Tournament to Huntsville, Alabama. We sincerely appreciate the excellent cooperation received from Huntsville Soccer, Inc. and the University of Alabama­ Huntsville, co-sponsors of the tournament and the over-all leadership provided by Tournament Director Dennis Killips. The NAIA is very dependent upon the cooperation of member institutions and support civic organizations for excellent facilities and the administrative resources so essential to con- ducting a tournament of national championship calibre. It is our sincere hope that this championship meet sub­ stantiates the NAIA belief that collegiate sports can help build character, leadership and good citizenship. HARRY FRITZ Executive Director NAIA Greetings to the coaches and athletes at this week of championship soccer at the University of Alabama in Hunts­ ville. Soccer has enjoyed a phenomenal growth in the NAIA Championship program and has become one of the major sports attractions in the United States. Congratulations to the eight Area Champions who are com­ peting for thi s National Championsh i p title. May this tournament be a highlight of your intercollegiate career and may each coac h and athlete bring honor to himself, his team and the institution he represents. The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) wishes to express its thanks to the University of Alabama­ Huntsville and Huntsvi lle Soccer, Inc., co-sponsors of the 19th annual NAIA Soccer Championships, in producing this annual Championship event. Th is Championship soccer even t is just one more example of th e NAIA's belief that in tercol legiate athletics are an integral aspect of the total educational program of the institution. We tru st that th is week, with the fine people of Huntsville, will be a high point in your life and that it will be one more worthwhile educational experi ence that th e NAIA and your fine colleges and universi ti es have provide~. DR. JOHN STRAHL Greenville College ILL 1977-78 NAIA President TAT 0 1 V RNOR'S 0 ONTGOMERY 3 D ar Fnends A Go ernor of Alabama, I appreciate this opportun,ty to welcome you to our state and to the AIA at1onal Soccer Tournament. We are excited and thnlled that you have chosen Alabama, and the city of Huntsville. e hope that each of you will discover your visit to our state and your participation in this e ent to be a most enJoyable and meaningful occasion. e are glad to have you m Alabama! Sincerely, ~~ George C. Wallace Governor JOE DA IS RA LPH GIPSON a , Admrn1strat1ve Assistant GOVER ED BY MAYOR A D CITY COU CIL * HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA City of Huntsville Mun1c1pal Bu1ld1ng ELCO v'IE TO THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE! As Mayor and on behalf of the citizens of the City of Huntsvllle, I would like to welcome each of you to our fine city. / also want to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for being allowed to be Host City for the NA/A National Soccer Tournament. now the local members of the association wll/ do everything possible to make your v1s1 t a pleasant one. We invite you to spend some t,me visiting the many points of interest in and around our city. Our recreational and social facilities will provide your members with a vanety of interesting things to do ou w,/1 find the hosp,tahty of the c1/Jzens of the City of Huntsville to be second to none in the Nation I w, 11 be looking forward to personally meeting each of ou dunng your v,s,t in our city If there ,s anything that we in the Mayor's Office can do to assist you in any way, please conta ct us Sincerely yours c}Qav,.;... Joe W Davis 1977-78 NAIA OFFICERS PRESIDENT .. ................................... .... ..... ........................... DR. JOHN STRAHL Chairman, Health, Physical Edu cation & Athletics, Greenville College Greenville, Illinois 62246 FIRST VI CE-PRESIDENT ............ ... ....... ............ ..... ................. CLARK L. SWISHER Dean , Health, Physical Edu cation & Recreation, Northern State Coll ege Aberdeen, South Dakota 57 401 SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT .... ........................... .................. .. .. .... ... W. C. MYERS Director of Athletics, Erskine College Due West, South Carolina 29639 THI RD VICE-PRESIDENT ....................... ............... ....... .................. DR. L. T. WALKER Professor of Physical Edu cation, North Carolina Central University Durham, North Carolina 27707 FOURTH VICE-PRESIDENT ... ... .. ................... ..... .. .. .. ........ ........ FRANK WATERS Director of Athletics, Saginaw Valley State College University Center, Michigan 48710 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Carroll B. Land, Director of Athletics Point Loma College, San Diego, California 92106 Dr. Leon G. Davis, Director of Athletics University of Montevallo, Montevallo, Alabama 35115 Dr. Robert Mason, Chairman , Physical Education & Athletics Austin College, Sherman, Texas 75090 Dr. John Visser, President Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas 66801 Steven Senko, Director of Athletics Rutgers University,-Newark, Newark, New Jersey 07102 Dr. Robert Livingston, Director, Physical Education & Athletics Oregon College of Education, Monmouth, Oregon 97361 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ................ ............................... .... ............. DR. HARRY FRITZ NAIA Nat ional Office, 1221 Baltimore Avenu e Kansas City, M issouri 64105 NAIA NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF DR . HARRY FR ITZ WALLACE SCHWARTZ ABE GOTEIN ER Executive Director Assistant Executive Director Assistant Public Relations Director TO M ALLE N CHARLIE EPP LER LIZ RU BA LO FF Assistant Executive Director Public Relations Director Administrative Assis tant DR. CHARLES MORR IS Assis tant Executive Director Published by SPOR TS ACTION S RVIC , IN C., Tu/ a, Oklahoma I COACHE 'A 0 IA ION DARREL SAUNDERS RUSS CARR DOUG BURKE JOHN McGILLIVARY DR. ED NORMAN Pfeiffer C Westmont CALIF Houghton NY Cedarville OHIO Biola CALIF President First Vice Presi dent Second Vice President Secretary Past President AREA REPRESENTATIVES HOWARD PATIERSON JACK MACKENZIE HANK STEINBRECHER JIM f;GLI JIM THIESER Midwestern TEX Qu incy ILL Warren Wilson NC Slippery Rock PA Castleton State VT NAIA SOCCER TOURNAMENT COMMITTEES I. TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR - DENNIS KILLIPS II. OPERATIONS - CRAWFORD HOWARD & RON SPARKS A. Transportation - Guy Smith B. Honorary Coaches - Glenn Watson C. Security - Paul Byrge D. Service - Mike Gillespee Ill. TOURNAMENT TICKET SALES - DORIS McHUGH IV. PUBLICITY - LARRY EAKES & ROB COLEMAN DENNIS KI LLIPS Alabama-Huntsville Tournament Director W HEN YOU NEED SERVICE CALL ROLLI NS AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Dial Day Or Night Emergency Serv ice 536-7407 104 WHOLESALE AVE., N.E. HUNTSVILLE, ALA. EXTENDS A WARM WELCOME TO THE NAIA REGIONAL CHAMPIONS "Come On By and Try Our Delicious Steaks, Salads, & Sandwiches" OPEN 24 HOURS ! 4070 Memorial Pkwy. SW Huntsville, Ala. 883-8841 ANDY'S JET SPRAY (A Div. of Andy's Pest Control Inc.) - ROOF CLEANING - Removes Unsightly Algae & Fungus Restores Original Beauty Cuts Air Conditioning Costs Prevents Further Damage 539-0661 KING'S INN 502 8TH NW HUNTSVILLE. ALA ------------------------------------------- MOTOR HOTEL URANCE(J'----~ CONGRATULATIONS RKET INC. REGIONAL CHAMPIONS ''Huntsville's Finest'' (205) 533-527 4 DINE IN OUR LUXURIOUS 518 Madison St. S. Huntsville, Ala. FULL-SERVICE RESTAURANT •/JJ (Open 2 4 H ours Mon.-Sat., Sun. ' ti/11 OJ ~ ~ - ~-~~~ PARKER'S FLORIST ENJOY HUNTSVILLE'S TOP NIGHTLY " Serving The Entire Madison & Huntsville Area" " WE WIRE FLOWERS" IN THE ENTERTAINMENT 772-3630 GLAMOROUS KING'S LOUNGE NIGHTS. SUNDAYS & HOLI DAYS 772 - 523 DAILY DELIVERIES (Open 2 p .m.-2 a.m.) EAST MADISON SHOPPING CENTER MADISON, ALA 0 ,.~~..,a·""':1;:""".r,r.a........... .,"" • COMM RC IAL & IN DUSTRIAL ONLY 539 8171 fO R THE BEST IN 1220 Memorial Parkway, N.W.
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