: : ml:':^Vo^ i~-Wy.''y&8£ • £ !:j:^ppyii^;;MipHvi FSibAY;vJ0^:^;: JSi^;::; : ^OQy^\ ^earan ai^iiifi'af ": MlesrVHelen .^^ct^in^'i^wrebie: lp2L|^FlNP ^H&NEpMED^ Xyp.nS..of -Detfoit ^ere,';:m%r4d at ttie*fijxme.:of tBe 6^¾¾¾^^¾^^ •Give us'ybur':Gr<Jeffbf'an tip to^ate- ''Oiiver'--" Cultjv'ato.r'N.OWi "•"'. f--^-7 . ; -\ :;Uhfey'are:gbingfast.,; - ::-;- -..-^.' "•=:'; :: ;: yinage^!: Tuee'daj Eiterjtpqn ^at; i:rJ01 p-<3pcki5>SeV."":^*rJM^ qfaoiailQK.f:..;.!The : Jcerempny.. ~'wae. performer!; In ttia parioriftlie home. ao;raltar being erected.vtiKj the •. bay iwlbdowV.wtilch'^^ ;babk'e;d ^vrtth fe¥niK'.''.H.iiga: rtdj peonliffiafid. Ved .ghaded liKhts^liered theidark green ;oL.th>: ferns.; The bride's sliter, P^ojloe; was .. brtdes'maid; and : Mr. ;BuriiettXofi-ijWrQier'aJtrienfl :.bf'tlbe groom; acted as jbeit roap... Jilss Eiti\}& Snyder, - "who.-. - played:.-j:tlie ;y^eddln^|-iharc;h,.-; ;a!so- /piS'SMb^'.p' Prpim.fse -Sle,'?: d'lifiag.'th'l c'ererfii6rii:< '••;\ Sn'5-.the.-;ainlng 7 robm,J. :-wH~ere';!gi;j jpo$,£ie'o'^%a%;e^yed^;.^^c^SiSaioW of ied 'and ^reeafwas ajjatQ carrfgd'- 'oaK.JtheLtenter piece. ^etn'R^e.oiireisj. afidV.:iterjiB\'wifii reii'Vsrjaied caoSieS •_ i.Tlje .6ri.de -';. ang'j .groqVn ^left?it-tiaj ^aine • 'even! h g^ f or: petr^O ityj whefeV^a, : .'/Qenul.ne^bok's _Ltebl«umi :QufcK MealOaiollne Stoves; ail ityles,' newly_.;furalshed:%at?bn2Mt. Eirio'tt :i>erfection Blue Flame djl'^tov^sfand Ovens,- A;^ine- titie of Ham*; | aTeniie. ;awaited; Kaeqp, j and ; wfiefe "tooefcs at Right. Pric&v Lawn Aibwers, Window Screen; Qardert Hote\. ' they will :.ue *tKbrhe to tneiyBJany f£v try thing in Se«sbn and; Lots of them. ;. frleade /after; Jdiy -i'lst'..' They- were; the recipients o! Vipapy beautijol ! : v % : preBebtjj•/_ . _.-' ..•;_"- ."•_•«' _" •: *: ; Eelatifes were present from PlyhiV •;•• ••• ' :JAM'I& 'A .;^ur*r|i- -; v .outtif-betrpit alad Ibdlariapblis, Ind. ;N0KtHyi'Lue', ' (B6th:Pli6nes.) "JViitHiOAN.-. .7 .y'' M«a«!oe .St«nd»fdi.:. .: We haVa. had- scant ;6j>5prtunltie« for. otJserTBtfcra, but .perBOnaJIy we bay* n«Ter seen-, underwear, fitai: peW feotiy anrwhers a? In tfto:;magazines, —OalvBBtpt'News'.' _ :.:.:i''::.'i:$:- SUCCESS CROV^MS (Cccrrlff.tt? f . ' 7% BOLD HOLDUP: tMt MAN IfcfHO MEMORIAL EXERCISES; . It; Is not rrften that- a teal genuine iYICTORIOUS IN J •"fcoMriip" urctiite-lii broad'diyiizilt in Wanted.fb Relit,For Sale, jS ' for : Iter: t; ..Formal". .I^ast: ; j-oundi STARTS *;:: v. %': ^M, •• "V YERY WRESSIVE liiis.'enlighteticd and peacc-fiii section!j / TEN INNIKG GAME Wonted riotlcflp Inserted under': ihiti of the s-ale, but just, thai sur. of an. j hca«l.£or l'.'teht per -ward ;for fir^l th- v 5ei-*lr)n. and ?{;-cent per .wnrd for.-.each e-yt.'eriL'iice- ) "n demit out to onrj ofj piitistiauent'Insertion, :l;^,"' '.\:; '' The CI. A. n. sitBrci's.js 'iiOld Mem*- linc'o Sani'a tural routs. repiem'tiM- jJ " CIRCLE N '''IN FMKIBLE -HEADER orial (lay. wore JijHt -aiiiiirL Ui>- • best lives tin;/othf r iliiy, nnfl iml.a htm- r' WA.¥3bTHV ":•••'. : :.:- \VA"NTISp-^f5tsnos;raplij-. v% "C^fie- ; , writlnK; to. do at; the Kecord olllce «ver giv.eii in l.ius 'villacp. Tjui jink il«:i!iik'B fr<!"< So':(livUI« ni. tlini. \nd-: ,.'• ' .< •' ' ., V. -•: ' •' •••! ; ;;•»>• piece \trA\f hour/ • .,: .8t(: .ivfs filled lyjth a la:g« .HK! attentive *'f:<rr| <(Uf;h.:[ Ihinjr does wcur, i( .;; i " 77'.;'' ••' •; : aodi«7ic<?. After ir viii^n^ir^ncUli-f^- r.nt iiiHiniii ttio rj,Ht; ih.-ii itiu'i»>!(i,!>f>ii 1 Assisied-.-fey About 360;=EaUmsiasiic r;OST-- tiouiing front Xorehvlllu to : t , tpy, place;' tool box". siontnlnlriit by Hey, T\',T, Mtirilqr k, v 'fi'"o lf 'i")»*« !!|'!SZ:IH'1H an; gli'K It.-.«L II. I?, u Jj(nkili^ | : : Pans. .. wrenclie«, pozzies, «:tc. ... finder. liy the 'Sbrlbfcvalirii-Olce cjfti !>'.<)< rtiimi>i:iU:<(\- liji i!n> r<ilv;irj<:nin«r<t. of \ pUiMC'return-to Frauk iTanJSItbn : s Detroit amr a VfcMnlio't; \iy_- Mr*. Usui i!s<r.rair.«r>: iilo.-ii; r-ti 11 ni;H of ;uiiV!l> j and recclyfl roward. Also iiitye ' lout inu'i'titflue cnitlk corning from Ccoi:, (!)!• old'ciliUC'rii, cScor|[<(i: by llial i!t tbljl ii:>>£ill-.<'<> fhi'''"'il«i;_ifr>'Ialt'tl\"i" r ' -Ori' the-ItiiijriiinitJitf Tliiirsilny, MrV; 1 J Waiied Litkc' ,^110(10 120-1-,^01111 th<r Nil; Ihviiir, 'b.nilil-.SUjJ fit'! Kniglilji Wftr* .nieriil»r$N» ^1 t>IL> - "i .«']7i5 UT rrx" I:io . t!;^ "ilrtbiriii;i(iK" • rtinie ;oni. Trom Templar In fuii nnirnr'iw"; rmirriii'd If tibil ><i|iiiff'.-ii jii«t. 'Ih.nfi. I'VIX Iririli LOST— , HotrveOD --- tVorern'Iiin':. atir) rirt.nyil (n'ioo'U ,oiir (<;atn .^\cr. I.(o«:* ! Oalrworul ci'in'clciy. There Hie. nwiM »'!W Jx'.-irefuliy pr<>(-f<-'llii£ <nt. 1ii:« IIJI- 1'lymoutb Friday, May=!7, a nteei i;\i'i, .lh»y pii'rlobkcd the fact ilti>i. ernwlmr. Kinder rgturn Ui. Asa «vrirrH>Ui and do*ora }lons.wot<tiii>idi-: poh!t.:-il. v.[Ry ;\v?iiin . ids h(«rnj'i3 ..bit* witii t<i{m|isun rif .Nf.tlhvlli<;...inEl'Sh'ei- Lj'oii. i'lvuioiith nutj r(icelvo re- In tile miirclilnscolnmi'. jlierfl ,»pco j ive'rtj knduXiily'K'.'Ui'd by I In.' lvu> hn!.!- [bri flf Xllltonl, as iiiitcrb'S. ttii|>|ii>rttld warVi;' .: . - -4Jjy2 niarly 200 Htlle.lwa and SfiU. eiicll j liii'-tirs. who ilciinisi'b'H!. 1(1« ' (n.«tari( uur- -3 .' . : • . - " bjJ odF:. biiHiMticn ^b*! liclduitt, -the ffOft-S'ALB— Al cow/ with call by «nirylnfi'V flajvftvUbwi'd by "the moiu-j render, fit.' aili'Cci-deil-Ih !icij::tnR riff '-'Mn-li' X" leii'ii Is vyoll iiigb. Invln* slila. How-'wltii-10; pig«;. ' J. 0. he:i of Hie Women's Kelk! Corps. ' j mi 1% ^roiinu dial liio I', H.. liiail Knapp: •;. 4"jwlp cibb'-- T!io sioor^a v.'t^rc iit;:irl>' t^ven = »•.'- .••'- j most iit.i. f>n i.ifr iiVn'J "lib. t;."i'i'r.i(<:iy : Hurliitf'tire fiti'itc s:iinfl, but •' by 5ifi FOH 'SALE—: House <>u ("enter Mt, >n !bf (bi^Wiiril :rli:. On Ills return ImutL on Dunkip also ho ope with - Card <>1 Ttmnki 1 extra ef!'i>rV our iiofa Aon tile OKiri]- The PRlCb OF SbCChSS s Sfcl r- LJLNUI for ony a : HCUI Li d I Ot "U (li III P 13-tj all jiuikrn l[»provt.^n>*nts m Hial Allen XI. tiarm<,n" 1'oft rU'Sii-o to in's' ,»anii-—10 to 8. ..- •...''._" ir.!• ilic.danger !>amt HII sncfcssriills" to*\L altu tidttae -to rent i-oruer •*lkjTt while Before old <ige corrcs an jii CRl'Miiitb >our t^i>r^s Its toank« to ill \\1 o sug-ifi The .flfternoot! same. werf.pi'acHc- <*.nt<.r an J IJaudo ph stt I O tli lutr "lifrndi a ifuiii ipx-urtd ea-mrg power, (yank your money a'iA CKLATC •• fcriu >L .erousls'-.refilionieil wi^L.ilnnncIril aid ally the same v.ti}^ At the beginning knapp i >ti ai 1 this I*IIH. 1 Is , ieadfi i- *en o' no Ihsiseas) to do if »ou un'y WILL it fou 3n'\ need to BLGIN z.nit kird i of e •> ill tl •» "-tctiu ^ t"n of the ninth inutjig the score was C to a'iHib Ai'ter a- ib'i.sfierai,e',u5a3uH be KIR StLc^- OU C\l H LN(.l^-tif.o orial. awnces. Kspcei.alij-" the R«vs 4' in Petrhit's favor. Xqrtlivilie fans \ Sl'CCCSS CROWNED \UN <ii K JJ\ )-^1^% R:ially:.:»ji£cefded in fcolrtkig- the, fott atrcB of -land and two story house Xlftrdock and Pierce lor tlic'ablo ora were [jrettj- e'keitedf for they kueir the In first class londltlon fiue well of of liia \V2g6ri_bii Let OUR Bink b* 'tOUR Barl \\ c pjv ri per -r jrte ist Ion and .Memorial sermon, and the igtiomin)o;isly.sur-"i(eam, would put Its "best- lont forwaro i water, iBterti nice chicken house r'eii.Ierett liU person''to a determined erx »iear ca^ l'ne and village of Korthvllle Comraandery/ K. T.. .for to change the.tide." Sureenoiigb. Ky' s bombardment or all the varieties-- ot orth\llle fiell ohone ~)i -ITwlp ihe raoe?ol aontpli nest juia us m r brought ia a score, followed by.Reilly,-' Northville State Savings Bank. = 56od ;blng6 iipagiiiable at; a, seficci! actlr^aa es on jn Jie patadf- Tbttil -. ar.'il''the garae'stood 6 ip 6.- . *. TOR S UJE— Ran«e bas*t>urner piecie, of which he'wss compelled to" -la^i for the beiitfi'l' flor-> aefori v. In - tie' ,5rit of,.the- tenth,- Jhe only woodatove, desk and chair tpble X- « sewing machUie aud lawnmowtr tions »nd bocnLeoys bat ^ et t-jdertd I nartil e /"<•' he begged foi O>TCV .double'iilay of the day .was.-irJarfe's'rcai B3 n.is'at last peimined to "proceed Appiv to \lr \ Carpent*- "by the W It ~ also ta-' school ooaid jLtrs.t;..«i> -third, .ptittfng."'. pur-: ftro-re^ on ;bls 'h'oihett,ard..'-vay- a' w-is'er ir.il ^owip ' OSGAR S. HARGER fpf,ifs-.spaerdu3.gi£t of mpsic. apd: the whoi'o-ere lyery desirous".of. reaching : ,f«neT. tnari..' .i,- -. .-.;'• ' ' ' " . :.: - FOR =! MLE— Jersey creamerv 'jut 'iREAi; HST^fE BOUOHt, SOLD and Tioirie./.Slieibers .succeeded in ptutifig j childres ' *lth- their leadeis in : the ter Inquire irthur Mtnmoni, MILLER'S [ - EVCHAJSCED +2<crck.
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