Agenda for the Meeting of the Trust Board of Directors held in Public to be held on 30 July 2015 at 11.00am – 1.00pm in the Conference Room, Trust Headquarters, Marlborough Street, Bristol, BS1 3NU Item Sponsor Page No 1. Chairman’s Introduction and Apologies To note apologies for absence received Chairman 2. Declarations of Interest To declare any conflicts of interest arising from items on Chairman the meeting agenda 3. Minutes from previous meeting To approve the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting Chairman held in public on 30 June 2015 4. Matters Arising (Action log) To review the status of actions agreed Chairman 5. Chief Executive’s Report To receive the report to note Chief Executive Delivering Best Care and Improving Patient Flow 6. Patient Experience Story To receive the Patient Experience Story for review Chief Nurse 7. Quality and Outcomes Committee Chair’s report Quality & Outcomes To To receive the report for assurance Committee Chair follow 8. Quality and Performance Report To receive and consider the report for assurance: Chief Operating a) Performance Overview Officer/Deputy CEO b) Board Review – Quality, Workforce, Access 9. Transforming Care Report To receive the report for assurance Chief Executive 10. Complaints Annual Report 2014/15 To receive the reports for assurance Chief Nurse 11. National In-Patient Survey Results 2014 To receive the report for assurance Chief Nurse 12. Speaking Out Policy Director of To approve the policy Workforce & OD Building Capability 13. Annual Revalidation Report 2014/15 To receive the report for assurance Medical Director Delivering Best Value 14. Finance Committee Chair’s Report Finance Committee To To receive the report for assurance Chair follow 1 15. Finance Report Director of Finance & To receive the report for assurance Information Renewing our Hospitals 16. Quarterly Capital Projects Status Report Chief Operating To receive the report for assurance Officer/Deputy CEO Leading in Partnership 17. Clinical Research Network Annual Plan 2015/16 To approve the Annual Plan 2015/16 Medical Director Compliance, Regulation and Governance 18. Q1 Risk Assessment Framework Declaration Report To approve the report prior to Monitor submission Chief Executive 19. Board Assurance Framework To receive the Board Assurance Framework for assurance Chief Executive 20. Corporate Risk Register To receive the Corporate Risk Register for assurance Chief Executive 21. Trust wide Register of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality Report & Board of Directors Declaration of Interests Trust Secretary To receive the report for assurance Information 22. Register of Seals To receive the register for information Trust Secretary 23. West of England Academic Health Science Network Board report June 2015 Chief Executive To receive the report for information 24. Governors’ Log of Communications To receive the Governors’ log to note Chairman 25. Any Other Business To consider any other relevant matters not on the Agenda Chairman Date of Next Meeting of the Board of Directors held in public: 30 September 2015, 11:00 – 13:00 in the Conference Room, Trust Headquarters, Marlborough Street, Bristol, BS1 3NU 2 Unconfirmed Minutes of the Meeting of the Trust Board of Directors held in Public on 30 June 2015 at 11:00am, Conference Room, Trust Head Quarters, Marlborough Street, BS1 3NU Board members present: Emma Woollett – Vice Chair and meeting chair Robert Woolley – Chief Executive Deborah Lee – Chief Operating Officer/Deputy Chief Executive Paul Mapson – Director of Finance & Information James Rimmer – Director of Strategy and Transformation Carolyn Mills – Chief Nurse Sue Donaldson – Director of Workforce and Organisational Development Sean O’Kelly – Medical Director David Armstrong – Non-executive Director Julian Dennis – Non-executive Director John Moore – Non-executive Director Guy Orpen – Non-executive Director Lisa Gardner – Non-executive Director Jill Youds – Non-executive Director Present or in attendance: Debbie Henderson – Trust Secretary David Wynick – Joint Director of Research UH Bristol and NBT Diana Benton – Head of Research and Innovation Fiona Reid – Head of Communications Amanda Saunders – Head of Membership and Governance Kay Collings – Head of Education Sarah Murch – Membership & Governance Administrator (Minutes) Clive Hamilton – Public Governor Florene Jordan – Staff Governor Ray Phipps – Patient Governor John Steeds – Patient Governor Benjamin Trumper – Lead Governor/ Staff Governor Pam Yabsley – Patient Governor Anne Skinner – Patient Governor Bob Skinner – Foundation Trust Member Amanda Callard – Above and Beyond Nerys Beynon – Member of the public 40/06/15 Chairman’s Introduction and Apologies Emma Woollett, Vice Chair, chaired the meeting in the absence of John Savage, Chairman. Apologies for absence were received from John Savage (Chairman) and Alison Ryan (Non- executive Director). 41/06/15 Declarations of Interest In accordance with Trust Standing Orders, all Board members present were required to declare any conflicts of interest with items on the meeting agenda. Guy Orpen noted that there were two items (Items 9 and 16) which involved interactions between the Trust and the 1 3 University of Bristol. Guy therefore, declared an interest as an executive of the University of Bristol. No further declarations of interest were received. 42/06/15 Minutes and Actions from Previous Meeting The Board considered the minutes of the meeting held in public on 27th May 2015. It was agreed to add to the list of attendees Clive Hamilton (Public Governor), Ray Phipps (Patient Governor), Sean O’Kelly (Medical Director) and John Steeds (Patient Governor), and to change the word ‘a’ to ‘of’ in the first line of Item 32/05/15. Subject to these amendments, it was: RESOLVED: • That the minutes of the meeting held 27th May 2015 be agreed as an accurate record of proceedings 43/06/15 Matters Arising Matters arising and actions completed were noted by the Board. It was noted that Actions 5 and 6 would be reported to the Trust Board meeting in July. Action 4 was noted as complete and would be reported under Item 16 (Estates Strategy). 44/06/15 Chief Executive Report The Board had received a written report of the main business conducted by the Senior Leadership Team in June 2015. Robert Woolley provided a verbal update on the following recent developments affecting UH Bristol. There had been several recent national announcements in relation to controlling spend in the health service, particularly around efficiencies in procurement and agency staff. There had also been interest from the Department of Health in the level of pay of very senior managers, in response to which, the Trust Board’s Remuneration and Nomination Committee would reviewing its own policies. Monitor had restored the Trust’s Governance Risk Rating to Green following a significant period in which the Trust had been under review. Monitor confirmed that they had received a sufficient level of assurance in line with the Trust’s recovery trajectories. NHS England had announced changes to the Referral to Treatment Time (RTT) targets that Trusts were expected to achieve, effectively withdrawing both the admitted and the non- admitted RTT target. The aim would be to focus attention on a patient’s right within the NHS Constitution to receive treatment within 18 weeks from referral, as it had been judged that other targets had distorted the focus. In response to a query from Clive Hamilton, Robert advised that while Monitor would no longer hold the Trust to account in relation to the targets, there would be little change in practice, as the Trust would still maintain its focus on achieving both the admitted and non-admitted targets as stages in the 18-week pathway. NHS England had invited organisations and partnerships to apply to become ‘vanguard’ sites under the 5-Year Forward View programme. Vanguard sites would lead the development of new care delivery models at a local level. Commissioners had been seeking to express an interest in a vanguard proposition for urgent and emergency care services for Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire. The Trust has also considered submission of an expression of interest jointly with North Bristol Trust in July in a further Vanguard programme to sustain and improve local acute care. This would consider how local services could be aligned and explore the potential for sharing of support functions, or joint working 2 4 around specialist services. Reports of the progress of these initiatives would be received at a future meeting. Robert brought to the Board’s attention the positive news that UH Bristol had won a CHKS top hospital award. The redevelopment of the Bristol Royal Infirmary and the Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre (BHOC) had won a major award from the Chartered Institute of Building and Construction Excellence South West as building project of the year. Also, BHOC had been designated one of 17 centres to take forward a new radiotherapy programme by NHS England. The Independent Review of Congenital Children’s Heart Services in Bristol had entered a new phase. Clinical experts had been recruited, clinical reviews had taken place, and the Care Quality Commission had implemented a case note review in parallel. Evidence sessions had commenced, following which the Review would also gather the views of families and children who had used the service. Jill Youds referred to the Senior Leadership Team’s consideration of the revised policy for the managements of external visits, inspections and accreditations and its new policy for the management and co-ordination of responses to national reviews and reports. Debbie Henderson clarified that these policies related primarily to processes and that the Trust Board would receive a register of corporate action plans on a bi-annual basis. It was: RESOLVED: • That the Board receive the report from the Chief Executive 45/06/15 Patient Experience Story Carolyn Mills introduced the Patient Story which focussed on the personal experience of a member of Trust staff who had been admitted to the Bristol Royal Infirmary for elective surgery.
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