September 23, 1987 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 24921 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, September 23, 1987 The House met at 10 a.m. Duncan Leath <TX> Robinson Boehlert Ireland Roukema Durbin Lehman <CA> Rodino Brown<CO> Jacobs Saiki The Chaplain, Rev. James David Dwyer Lehman <FL> Roe Buechner Kolbe Schaefer Ford, D.O., offered the following Dyson Leland Rose Bunning Kyl Schroeder prayer: Early Lent Rostenkowski Burton Lagomarsino Sikorski Eckart Levin <MI> Roth Chandler Leach <IA> Skeen Remember, 0 gracious God, all Edwards <CA> Levine <CA> Rowland <CT> Cheney Lewis<CA> Smith<TX> those who look to You for nurture and English Lewis <GA> Rowland <GA> Clay Lewis <FL> Smith, Denny grace. We especially recall those who Erdreich Lipinski Roybal Coats Lightfoot <OR> Espy Lloyd Russo Coble Lowery<CA> Smith, Robert are in need of Your healing power and Evans Lott Sabo Coughlin Lukens, Donald <NH> the renewed strength that You can Fascell Lowry <WA) Savage Courter Lungren Smith, Robert give. We place before You our peti­ Fawell Lujan Sawyer Crane Mack <OR> Fazio Luken, Thomas Saxton Davis <IL> Marlenee Solomon tions for health and strength and Feighan MacKay Scheuer Dickinson Martin <IL> Stangeland peace, for ourselves and those we love. Fish Madigan Schneider DioGuardi McCandless Stump May our hearts be open to the bless­ Flake Manton Schuette Dreier McGrath Sundquist ings that You freely give to body, Flippo Markey Schulze Emerson McMillan <NC> Swindall Florio Martin <NY> Schumer Fields Michel Thomas<CA> mind, and soul and may Your spirit Foglietta Martinez Sensenbrenner Gallegly Miller <OH> Vucanovich remain with us always. Amen. Foley Matsui Sharp Gekas Moorhead Walker Ford <MI> Mavroules Shaw Gingrich Parris Weber Frank Mazzoli Shays Grandy Pashayan Whittaker THE JOURNAL Frenzel McCloskey Shumway Gregg Penny Wolf Frost McCollum Shuster Hansen Rhodes Young<AK> The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ Gallo McDade Sisisky Henry Ridge Young<FL> amined the Journal of the last day's Garcia McEwen Skaggs Herger Roberts Gaydos McHugh Skelton lnhofe Rogers proceedings and announces to the Gejdenson McMillen <MD> Slattery House his approval thereof. Gilman Mica Slaughter <NY> ANSWERED ''PRESENT''-1 Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Glickman Miller <CA> Slaughter <VA> Goodling Journal stands approved. Gonzalez Miller <WA> Smith<FL> Gordon Mineta Smith <IA> NOT VOTING-41 Mr. HEFLEY. Mr. Speaker, pursu­ Gradison Moakley Smith<NE> ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote Grant Molinari Smith <NJ> Anthony Dingell Lancaster on agreeing to the Speaker's approval Gray <IL> Mollohan Snowe Aspin Dowdy Latta Gray <PA> Montgomery Solarz Bartlett Dymally Livingston of the Journal. Green Moody Spratt Barton Edwards <OK> McCurdy The SPEAKER. The question is on Guarini Morella StGermain Biaggi Ford <TN> Meyers the Chair's approval of the Journal. Gunderson Morrison <CT> Staggers Boner<TN> Gephardt Mfume The question was taken; and the Hall <OH> Morrison <WA> Stallings Boxer Gibbons Oberstar Hall <TX> Mrazek Stark Callahan Hawkins Owens<NY> Speaker announced that the ayes ap­ Hamilton Murphy Stenholm Carr Hayes <IL> Roemer peared to have it. Hammerschmidt Murtha Stokes Collins Hunter Spence Mr. HEFLEY. Mr. Speaker, I object Harris Myers Stratton Craig Kasich Tauzin Hastert Nagle Studds Daniel Kemp Williams to the vote on the ground that a Hatcher Natcher Sweeney Dannemeyer Kleczka Wilson quorum is not present and make the Hayes <LA> Neal Swift de la Garza LaFalce point of order that a quorum is not Hefley Nelson Synar present. Hefner Nichols Tallon 0 1015 Hertel Nielson Tauke The SPEAKER. Evidently, a Hiler Nowak Taylor Mr. GRAY of Pennsylvania changed quorum is not present. Hochbrueckner Oakar Thomas<GA> his vote from "nay" to "yea." The Sergeant at Arms will notify Holloway Obey Torres Mr. SMITH of Texas changed his Hopkins Olin Torricelli absent Members. Horton Ortiz Towns vote from "present" to "nay." The vote was taken by electronic Houghton Owens <UT> Traficant So the Journal was approved. device, and there were-yeas 307, nays Howard Oxley Traxler The result of the vote was an­ 85, answered "present" 1, not voting Hoyer Packard Udall Hubbard Panetta Upton nounced as above recorded. 41, as follows: Huckaby Patterson Valentine [Roll No. 3311 Hughes Pease VanderJagt Hutto Pelosi Vento YEAS-307 Hyde Pepper Visclosky PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY Ackerman Bon1or<MI> Coleman <MO> Jeffords Perkins Volkmer Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I have a Akaka Booker Coleman <TX> Jenkins Petri Walgren Alexander Borski Combest Johnson <CT> Pickett Watkins parliamentary inquiry. Anderson Bosco Conte Johnson <SD> Pickle Waxman The SPEAKER. The gentleman will Andrews Boucher Conyers Jones <NC> Porter Weiss state it. Annunzio Boulter Cooper Jones <TN> Price <IL> Weldon Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, will there Applegate Brennan Coyne Jontz Price <NC) Wheat Archer Brooks Crockett Kanjorski Pursell Whitten be 1-minute speeches today? Atkins Broomfield Darden Kaptur Quillen Wise The SPEAKER. The Chair will an­ AuCoin Brown<CA> Daub Kastenmeier Rahall Wolpe nounce that 1-minute speeches have Baker Bruce Davis <MI> Kennedy Rangel Wortley Barnard Bryant DeFazio Kennelly Ravenel Wyden been postponed until the conclusion of Bateman Bustamante DeLay Kildee Ray Wylie legislative business today. Today the Bates Byron Dellums Kolter Regula Yates House will take up the continuing res­ Beilenson Campbell Derrick Konnyu Richardson Yatron Bennett Cardin DeWine Kostmayer Rinaldo olution and we should like to conclude Bereuter Carper Dicks Lantos Ritter that in ample tiine that we might Berman Chapman Dixon properly observe the high religious Bevill Chappell Donnelly holidays which begin at sundown this Bilbray Clarke Dorgan<ND> NAY8-85 Boggs Clinger Doman<CA> Armey Ballenger Bilirakis ·evening. Therefore, any 1-minute Boland Coelho Downey Badham Bentley Bliley speech requests will be postponed 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 91-059 0-89-15 (Pt. 18) 24922 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE September 23, 1987 until the conclusion of legislative busi­ considered as having been adopted We have come to the point where we ness. upon adoption of the rule. The first of have to act promptly in order to pre­ Mr. MICA. I thank the Speaker. these amendments would waive sec­ vent a shutdown by Government agen­ tion 502 of the National Security Act cies. The bill made in order by this CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS, to permit obligation and expenditure rule will continue the current level of 1988 of funds appropriated under the con­ funding until November 10, 1987, or tinuing resolution for U.S. intelligence until the enactment of the regular ap­ Mr. PEPPER. Mr. Speaker, by direc­ activities. This is required because the tion of the Committee on Rules, I call propriations bills, whichever comes Congress has not completed action on first. No extraneous provisions are in­ up House Resolution 270 and ask for the Intelligence Authorization Act for its immediate consideration. cluded in the continuing appropria­ fiscal year 1988, which would continue tion. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ the basic underlying authority for in­ lows: telligence activities. There is only one major item cur­ H. RES. 270 The second amendment provides rently being funded which is not con­ tinued by this continuing resolution. Resolved, That upon the adoption of this $3.5 million in humanitarian assist­ resolution it shall be in order to consider ance for the Nicaraguan Contras for That is funding for the Contras in section 302([) of the Congressional Budget the duration of the continuing resolu­ Nicaragua. Act of 1974, as amended <Public Law 93-344, tion. The amendment provides fund­ However, Mr. Speaker, while the as amended by Public Law 99-177>. to the ing only for humanitarian assistance continuing resolution itself does not contrary notwithstanding, the joint resolu­ and its support, management, and contain funding for the Contras, this tion <H.J. Res. 362) making continuing ap­ rule does include an amendment pro­ propriations for the fiscal year 1988, and for monitoring in accordance with current other purposes, in the House. Debate on the restrictions. It is reflective of a biparti­ viding $3.5 million in nonmilitary aid joint resolution shall continue not to exceed san agreement that was reached by to the Nicaraguan Contras. That one hour, to be equally divided and con­ the House leadership and should be amendment will be deemed to have trolled by the chairman and ranking minori­ supported. Mr. Speaker, as I said, the been adopted when this rule is passed. ty member of the Committee on Appropria­ rule provides that upon the adoption Mr. Speaker, this Contra funding is tions. The amendments printed in section 2 of the rule, these two amendments are the result of a bipartisan agreement of this resolution shall be considered to and I support it. Since the money is have been adopted, and the previous ques­ considered as having been adopted. tion shall be considered as ordered on the The rule also provides for one motion for nonmilitary aid, it is consistent joint resolution to final passage without in­ to recommit. with the current peace initiative. tervening motion except one motion to re­ Mr. Speaker, House Joint Resolution Mr. Speaker, it would have been commit. 362 makes continuing appropriations better to have had all the general ap­ SEC. 2. AMENDMENT 1.-0n page 2, line 17, at current levels for all operations of propriations passed so that there strike the ";" and insert the following: ", Government until November 10, 1987. would have been no need for a con­ notwithstanding section 502<a><l> of the Na­ The current rate of operations in­ tional Security Act of 1947;". tinuing resolution. But it is too late AMENDMENT 2.-0n page 3, at the end of cludes funding provided for in the 13 for that now.
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