Freshman Camp Fishing Trip ttend are avail Application blanks College Union for Tickets are noo on sale in to the counselor in. TH16 for iteekendCo-Rae's fr,torian Camp ill extend deep ReR fishing trip April 28. ifab ’ lgflp 551’% Only 30 seats will be sold. Tick- Siontlax, according to twagti the boat, onstantino. publicit ets will cost $41.30 for and an extra $1.50 for a rod and triter% WWI,. %VIII 1.4 held tomato. reel OW. $1 for a fishing license. I. 5, it and C. april entall a Students must buy the boat tick- et. but are not obligated to buy the tackle or license. if already SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE secured. SAN 49 JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28, 1962 No. 93 laSS Presidents 'Pull Out of UN' 7th St. Decision Draws Near; fruit Council To Consider an be d vinegar. several turas Voting Rights Declares Jarvis Campus Petition Circulates New it %% maid be the height of ig- edlleittekil, Jars is SRA was op- norance and stupidity for the posed to it for two reasons. Oned As the Seventh St. issue nears neck in traveling between classes. of Student Council will visit cam- consider to- ines in council. If approved by the decision by the San Jose city coun- Student Council will United States to join the Common that it is an attempt to get Amer.! Bill Hauck, ASH vice president, pus living groups through tomor- constitution change council it will be passed on to the cil, SJS students have been given said the petition, already circu- row to explain the background of y a proposed Market," Howard Jarvis, told the lean education under UNESCO, ' voters. opportunities to back the street will make class presidents Spartan Daily in an interview yes- (United Nations Educational, Sci- lating in the dormitories, will be the Seventh st. controversy and ob- "We hope to be able to call a closing by signing a petition drawn presented to the city /A111)1 or membeis of the Student terday. entific and Cultural Organization), council at its tain signatures for the petition, to Rod Diridon, special election for the constitution "Tough up and circulated by Student Monday meeting to support the net!, accenting conservative" Jarvis, City Councilmen Robert Welch change before the regularly sched- who is seeking Council. college contention that Seventh at. Flt reasurer. the Republican and George Siegfried, supporters it ution change, submit- uled one for fall officers." Diridon nomination for the United States should be closed to traffic. The fly The const The petition encourages the of the street closing, will attend of a resolution by said. Senate, declared. "the Common council, previously deadlocked in the form emergency closing of the street today's Student Council meeting I. IS, of the class council, Market is a cartel (monopoly), 196? tires during hours of instruction, show- a 3-3 vote on closing, awaits the at 2:30 in the College Union to a symposium held re- which in the U.S. is a felony out of and ing the present traffic conditions tie-breaking vote of City Council- clarify the issue. people are jailed for it. a.s hazardous, noisily distracting in man Parker Hathaway. participants in the symposium Businessmen "The Common Market will lead Councilman Robert Doerr, who Pres. teaching conditions and a bottle- Representatives and executives II 1..11 Inst. luded ela.ss officers. ASB us to the 'Common cooley," Jarvis has opposed the street closing, will vice nt Davis, Bill Hauck, ASB maintained. "If we joined," he be on campus to address the Dem- tRF,11 'dent, and Diridon. said, "it would be only for their ocratic club this afternoon, and it According to the prop os ed Open Student is hoped he will also attend the 1111i benefit and not for ours." presidents shall' e, the class When asked about an attempt 'Dead Day' Designed Student Council meeting. voting members of the council F to bribe him out of the senatorial' BEFORE CITY COUNCIL be exempt from cotmcii race, Jarvis stated that it wasn't t shall e owships City Manager A. P. Hamann pre- Mee work. exactly a bribe, just a high pres- shall also be re- dicts that the Seventh st. issue will Class presidents The day alien San Jitse will be- sure persuasion job. To Allow Free Time be con: .lered in his report at ap- to form a committee to "I think we should get out of , al come noted for research drew near- proximo 5 p.m. Monday in a communicating body be- the United Nations instantly," Jar- If recommendations passed by a 'scheduled." as er yesterday at the luncheon-meet- council wambers at city hall, First the Student Council and vis declared later in a speech special committee studying "Dead "Co-curricular activities" is in- n ing of the college cooperation com- and Mission sts. classes." sponsored by the SJS Day" are approved, students may terpreted by the committee to in- respective mittee of the Greater San Jose Young Re- "Minimum goals of the publican club. "We're HOWARD JARVIS have one day prior to final exam- elude all social functions, athletic Further, Chamber of Commerce and col- just paying Hauck will be present to speak should be established and the bill for these freeloaders." the . senate candidate ination.s free of all classes and ac- events, cultural affairs, lectures lege officials in the cafeteria. Ifor Student Council and Pres. John by the council." Los Angeles industrialist heatedly t ivities. and "in short all activities of every forth The committee, made up of San T. Wahlquist is expected to at- resolution notes the "po- exclaimed. which is working to the detriment description." The Jose businessmen, has been work- The committee, consisting of ad- tend in behalf of the college admin- value of class government Commenting on federal aid to of the United States. Two, that On the three days before final ial ing with college officials in initia- ministration, faculty and student istration. the failure of student govern- 'it is an attempt to pot a fraud representatives, met recently and exams, "instructors will not be l62 tion student research fellowship According to Hauck, Panhellenic to develop this potential to over on the people when it is ex- made recommendations that will permitted to schedule 'mid-term' ancisto grants. and Interfraternity council will be greatest extent." plained that no federal control he passed on to the president's examinations and/or require sub- Paul Baracker, chairman of the asked to Following discussion in today's goes with it. "The Federal govern- mission of major work papers and, delay the dinner hour in college cooperation committee am] Prof Receives council. mil meeting, the resolution will 'mend is not going to dole out the , sororities and fraternities Monday local merchant, said that the ft'] Under the present scheduling. or Projects.- !m.o.,. so that members may attend the sent to the constitution and by- , money and just walk away from The recommendation also lowships will help bring SJS "into finals begin on a Thursday with committee for further inves- it," Jarvis said. sides for the rigid enforcement ofleitY council meeting. He believes N -ELI competition with any major re- Cash Grants classes held until Wednesday, the an orderly demonstration of stu- lion, according to Diridon. Taking another firm1'stand, Jar- quiet hours in all college living' search center in the U.S." day before finals, dent interest would support the After corning out of committee, vis maintained that the House Un- "Dead centers during "Dead Day." -2520 Dr. John T. Wahlquist, presi- If approved, the first resolution must have two read- !American Activities Committee Members of the committee in- of SJS. said that the campy-- For Research I Day" will be held in the fall 1962 dent and the McClellan Committee eluded Dr. Harrison Heath of e, ot -r. ant, $1182 semester. "can't duplicate the University should be strengthened to give amination committee, Richer ! President Wahl- California." But. been awarded to Dr. Peter KM'S- I a wider base for investigation. Specifically, the recommendation Smith of faculty council; Dr. Stan- o-Rec Tonight necessary 'Hollowness quist said, research is tenbaum, associate professor ofl"Less than one per cent of wit- states. "On the Monday, Tuesday ley Benz, dean of students; Brent "The Fool's Flop," feat tiring "If we are to have the best philosophy, in support of his work nesses are now testifying before and Wednesday immediately prior Davis. ASH president: and student Mike Brandt and the Cliffs will teachers." on a book on the scientific nature: these committees," the Republican l to the scheduled final examinations representatives Boh Pisario. Sandi headline tonight's Co-Rec program The object of the fellowship, of existentialism, candidate stated. I no ro-currieular activities shall be Rewak and Margie Yamamoto. Speech Topic in the women's gym at 7:30. I Baracker said, is to make it pos- Included in the two grants are "People that scream about . and post-grad- sible for professors $953 from the Social Science Re- rights never say a word about Volleyball, itadminton, shuffle undertake re- tiate students to search council and $229 from the grand jury system," he said. board and quiet games are a few Of Dr. Good search projects. Funds for the re- SJS Small Grants program. only time a question is rat : 'Swayback Hall's' Sag of the events to be offered. will he provided by inter- Dr. Edwin Good, assistant pro- search The professor claims existential- atatill the committee's is wit, merchants, industries and The Cliffs will offer rock and besot of religion at Stanford, will ested bet methods of research and the Communists are involved," Ja, organizations.
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