DONATION PURCHASED E MUSEUAN TH O T SR MFO S 1962-3 Donations (1) Seven, stone axe nind san e bronze axes ston,a e carve a chiseplaia d d nan dlan stone ball, some Scottish and with provenances, probably collected by one of the part- ners of Millar and Bryce, Edinburgh. By R. C. NOTMAN, F.S.A.SGOT. (2) Three stone axed soman s e flints, from Rowanbank, Machrie,. ArranM y B . MCKENZIE, Arran. (3) Notched flint flake from Lundin Farm, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. By W. J. BAIRD, Edinburgh. (4) Struck flak bluf eo e chert, foun Broughton di n Glen, Peeblesshire. Misy M B . sC MULLINS, Broughton. (5) Axe of Antrim porcellanite found at Kirklands, Dunsyre, Lanarkshire. By J. FORREST, Newbiggin, per J. Frew, Edinburgh. (6) Parcalcinea f to d flin wasto t tw knif ed chipean cherf so t found recentl t Drumelya - zier Cairn, Peeblesshire (cf. P.S.A.S. LXV (1930-1), 363). By W. F. GORMACK, F.S.A.SCOT. (7) Small waterworn hammere ax . , Lugae founth n di r Water, Ayrshir 542208)S e(N . Lory B d DAVID CRICHTON-STUART, Cumnock. (8) Sherds of Neolithic pottery from the Giants' Graves, Arran (NS 043246). By A. H. JOHNSTONE, Edinburgh. (9) Sherd decoratef so d late Neolithic potter t Brackmona y t fropi ma t Mill, Leuchars, Fife. By R. D. M. CANDOW, F.S.A.SCOT., and R. CRERAR, Dundee. (10) Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron Age pottery from an occupation site at Heanish Bay, Tiree (NM 038435) and sherds of hand-made pottery, possibly medieval, from a shell middewese th tn nsido f Achnahaieo d Bay, Enard Bay, Ross-shirG (N e . TEBBUTT018132)F . C y B . , Eynesbury. food-vesselo (i iTw ) s from Tillicoultry, Clackmannanshire (P.S.A.S. xxix (1894-5), J9°> and XLVIII (1913-14), 337). By the Hon. Mrs WARDLAW RAMSAY, London. (12) Food-vessel from a short cist on Barnyards Farm, Tannadice, Angus. By Major . NEISHI . F . , C Angus . TaylorD r pe , , F.S.A.SCOT. (13) Food-vessel foun Harn di e Cairn, Pitkennedy, Aberlemno, Angus. MEIKLEW y B . - JOHN, Aberlemno . TaylorD r pe , , F.S.A.SCOT. (14) Small Middle Bronze Age cinerary urn having three ridges round the middle, found over 100 years ago on the estate of Achalader, Blairgowrie, Perthshire. Be- queathed by Major C. L. CAMPBELL of Achalader, Blairgowrie. (15) Bronze sockete foune d ax Arthur' n do s Seat, Edinburgh (approx 276727)T N . y B . K. R. S. STAFFORD, Oregon, U.S.A. (16) Three socketed axes knifa ringo d r daggertw e,o s bronzean f o l al , , foun t Creada g Beathach, Torran, Ford, Argyllshire Junn i , e 1962 followin same th finga et a d spo 188n i t 1 (P.S.A.S. xvm (1883-4) supra,d an 7 352-420 , , PI. LVIII); decorated upper quern stone found at Asknish Forest, Loch Fyneside and a man's jacket, of about the i86os, found in deep peat at Creran, Appin House, Argyll. By H. M. Forestry Commission. DONATIONS TO AND PURCHASES FOR THE MUSEUM 365 (17) Sherds, etc., of prehistoric and medieval date, from Earlshall, Tentsmuir, from Brackmont Farm, Leuchars, and from Pitlethie, Leuchars. By D. HENDERSON, F.S.A.SCOT. (18) Iron Age sherd from the excavation of a hut at Drumcarro, Fife. By G. MAXWELL, t AndrewsS . (19) Finds fro excavatioe mth Glenachaf no homesteadg nRi flina : t flake pebbleso tw , , their ends worn into facet grindiny sb g (P.S.A.S. xcn (1958-9) Hone ,Th 15).y B . FRANCIS SCOTT, Broughton, per R. W. Feachem, F.S.A.SCOT. (20) Finds from the excavation at Green Knowe, Harehope, Peeblesshire: part of an Iron Age pot and sherds, stone disc; and finds from the excavation of a palisaded settlement at Harehope: sherd of Iron Age pottery, sherds of medieval pottery, stone disc, parbeehiva f o t e quern (P.S.A.S. xcm (1959-60)d an r , M 174) y B . Mrs A. BOYD, Harehope, per R. W. Feachem, F.S.A.SCOT. FIG. i. Item fron 14ur ,m Achader Estate (J) (21) Finds from the excavation of Stanhope Dun, Peeblesshire: a bronze penannular brooc quarta d han z stone smoothe (P.S.A.S.e us y db xcin (1959-60), 192)y B . e A.R.Cth . Breeding Research Organisation, Edinburgh . MacLarenA r pe , , F.S.A.SCOT. (22 selectioA ) f relicno s fro e excavatiomth n 1912-1ni Erskiny 3b e Beveridge th f eo earthhous t Carrea y lochdrach, Vallay,North Uist (P.S.A.S. LXVI (1931-2) ff)2 3 ,. By F. F. BEVERIDGE, Dunfermline, per W. F. Forrester, Edinburgh. (23) Pot of wheelhouse type decorated with two applied wavy cordons and a wooden ladle; foun pean i d t cutting about t Loc15a 0n n Dui ha yds du ne . westh f o t (NF 885737) . MACDONALDA y B . , Nort . CampbellR h. R Uist r pe , , Glasgow. (24) Collectio f smalno l sandstone balls e gardefounth n t i dKembacna k Lodgey b , Cupar . STEADC . , F Fifey , B Cupar. 6 36 PROCEEDING SOCIETYE TH F O S , 1963-64 (25) Sandstone disc found on Traprain Law, East Lothian. By C. G. CATTERMOLE, Haddington. (26) uppen Para f o t r quern stone, fore founManon th o t n di r Sware, PeeblesshirT e(N 235394). By R. W. FEACHEM, F.S.A.SCOT. (27) Large bea colourlesf do s glass inlaid wit greenisha h chevron. Foun sandpia t da t at Lechuary, Kilmichael Glen, Mid-Argyll, by the donors. By R. McGuiNNESs . ROSEJ d an , Lochgilphead . CregeenE r pe , , F.S.A.SCOT. (28) Sherds of medieval pottery, and two pieces of rotary querns, from a settlement site at Helm End, Kilbucho, Biggar. By J. ROBERTSON, Biggar. (29) Lead spindle whorl found in the garden of 'Beechwood', Broughton, by Biggar. By Miss CATHERINE C. J. RAE, Broughton. (30) Stone whorl from Caldermains Farm, Halkirk, Caithness r ROBERTSONM y B . , Halkirk. (31) Twenty-one coins (James V-James VI) from a hoard found at Noranside, Tanna- dice, Angus and three out of five one-merk pieces of Charles II found in Laxdale, Lewis. By the Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer. (32) Wooden ceiling about 27 by 18 ft. from Rossend Castle, elaborately painted about 1610-20 with emblem monograe th d Roberr san Si mf o t Melville Towe th y nB . Council of Burntisland, per Ministry of Public Building and Works. (33) Communion e Paristoketh f f Dykno o h e wit e initialth h f Williao s m Falconer Minister 1674-89 ; Culbie founth n i dn e latr SandJohth D e y nb s Johnston, . F.S.A.SCOTJOHNSTONJ s Mr y B . , Aberdeen. (34) Thirteen documents, including billreceiptsd san , mostly eighteenth-century, from the donor's family papers, and a sheepskin bag used as a postbag between the family and their lawyer in Edinburgh, John Grant (1736 and afterwards). By . WILLIAMSOMisR . sR N Ros Pitcalnief so , Tain. (35) Silver-mounted meerschaum pip silved ean r 'picker', sai havo dt e belonge Princo dt e Charles Edward Stuart, after 1746 d acquirean , a pledg a loas a dy r b nfo e Thomas Chrysti d MeldrumOl f eo , whe Denmarn ni k e nineteentearlth n yi h century. Presente memorn di donor'e th f yo s mother Christins Mr , a Paterson. PATERSONP y B , F.S.A.SCOT. (36) An engraved Amen Glass, a glass with a painted portrait of Prince Charles Edward and a letter from Robert Burns in reply to an invitation to dine on the Prince's birthday (Book of Old Edinburgh Club (1909), 172); a silver teapot (James Welsh, Edinburgh, 1749-50) engraved with inscriptions from medals awarded by the Edinburgh Society to John Hutton for papermaking, and a two-handled lidded silve (Londonp rcu , 1700-1); silver spoons, rings, snuffboxe othed an s r items, all from the family collection of the donor. By Miss SYLVIA STEUART, London. (37) Linen damask napkin 1748 (Margaret Thomso Johd nan n Morison) Vico tw - d an , torian Christmas cards. By Mrs I. A. RUSSELL, Rosemarkie. (38) Linen damask tablecloth, probably Flemish e desigth , n incorporatin a glarg e crowned thistle t AndreS , w badge d CESan , T ARMES DECOSSE Misy B . s VERONICA HOARE, Basingstoke. seax (39Henryf o lWa ) , Lord Cardross . 1693d , ; church collecting ladles from Tongue, and other objects. By the late JOHN A!ACKAY, s.s.c., per Mackay and Young, w.s., Edinburgh. (40) Over flint12n 0gu s with some pistol flint fragmentd an s s found with many others, e coursyear0 th 3 s grievee fielf n a i so et on Eas a d n i t, Craigs, Corstorphine DONATIONS TO AND PURCHASES FOR THE MUSEUM 367 184736T donore . CROOKSJ (N th y y B b .) . Cormack, NewbridgeA . E r D , r pe , F.S.A.SCOT. containinx bo (41 A )'Eelbecksy b ga seat cu l , Seal Engraver d Lapidariesan s , High Street, Edinburgh'; also a box of Wafers. By Mrs M. MARR, Pitlochry. (42iron A n)coppe a spud ran r ring brooch battlefiel e founth n do Auldearnf do silve;a r pipe holder engraved 'GR' and 'Do well and let them say'; and a Laurencekirk wooden snuff box. By Mrs A. M. CLARK, Nairn, per Miss I. Rae, F.S.A.SCOT. (43) The Queen Adelaide medal of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, presented to Alexander Kinloch, Younge Gilmertonf o r . LETHAM1872n D i , y B . , Edinburgh.
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