View Article Online / Journal Homepage / Table of Contents for this issue JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. H. E. ARXSTRONQ,Ph.D., F.R.S. 8. u. PICKERINQ, M.A. F. R. JAPP,M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S. R. T. PLIXPTOX, P1i.D. R. MELDOLA,F.R.S. W. J. RUSSEL&,Ph.D., B.R.3. Huao MULLER,Ph.D., F.R.S. J. MILLARTHOMSON. F. J. M.PAQE, B.Sc. T. E. THORPE,PB.D., F.R.S. W. H. PERKIN,Ph.D., F.R.S. @F;bitar: C. ' E. GROVES,P.R.S. 5$jub.-&;bitor: A. J. (XREENAWAY. H. BAKER. N. H. J. MILLER,Ph.D. P. P. BEDSON,D.Sc. G. H. MORRIS.P1I.D. D. BENDIX. J. M. H. MUNRO,D.Sc. C. H. BOTIIA~LEY. A. PHILIP. B. H. BROUGH. E. W.PREVOST, Ph.D. c. E'. CROSS. R. ROUTLEDGE,B.Sc. Published on 01 January 1886. Downloaded 24/10/2014 19:31:05. J. K. CROW, D.8L.. M. J. SALTER. WYNDHAXR. DUNSTAN. JAMESTAYLOR, B.Sc. JOSEPHFLETCHER. A. THILLOT. P. F. F~LANKLAND,Ph.D., B.Sc. I;. T. THORNE,Ph.D. W. D. HBLLIBURTON, M.D., B.Sc. €1. K. TOMMPPINS,B.Sc. J. P. LAWS. V. 11. VELEY,M.A. D. A. LOUIS. H. P. WHITE. T. MAXWELL,M.D., B.Sc. W. C. WILLIAMS,BSc. A. K. MILLER,PhD. Vol. L. 188 6. ABSTRACTS. LONDON: J. VAN VOOILST, 1, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1t386. View Article Online LOR’DOK : HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. XABTIN’S LAKE. Published on 01 January 1886. Downloaded 24/10/2014 19:31:05. View Article Online C 0 K T E N T S. General and Plzysical Chemistry. PAGE JANSSEN(J.). Spectroscopic Examination of the Constituents of the Atmo- sphere ............. 1 BELL(L.). Optical Properties of Malic and Tartaric Acids .... 1 BIDWELL(S.). Sensitiveness to Light of Selenium and Sulphur Cells . 2 BEETZ(W . v.). Dry Electric Batteries ....... 3 KAYSER(H.). New Forms of Thermopiles ....... 3 HOM~N(T.). Electrical Conductivity of Air under reduced Pressure . 3 PFEIFFER(E.) . Electrical conductivity of Alcoliol ..... 4 MOSER(J.). Electrical Properties of Salt Solutions ..... 4 LOMMEL(E.). Incandescence by ultra-red Rags ...... 5 RAMSAY(W.) and S . YOUNG. So-called Specific Remission .... 5 BLUMCKE(A.). Modification of Bunsen's Ice Calorimeter .....5 BERTHELOT. Phenols ........... 6 BERTHELOT. Ieomerism in the Benzene Series ...... 7 BERTHELOT. Acids of the Benzene Series ....... 8 WROBLEWSKI(S . v.). Liquid Atmospheric Air ...... 8 GRIMALDI(G . P.). Variation of Temperature of the Maximum Density of Water with Pressure .......... 9 WTJLFF(L.). Do Crystals grow only by Juxtaposition of New Molecules? . 9 MULDER(E.). Rate of Decomposition of Ozone ...... 9 EONOWALOW(D .. ). Contact Actions in Pissociation ..... 9 PIZZARE LL0 (A.). Decomposition of Carbon Compounds by the Electric Spark ............. 10 M~~LLER-ERZBACTI(W.). Dissociation of Salts containing Water ... 10 WINKELMANN(A.). Diffusion of Fatty Alcohols and Acids ...11 THOMSEN(T.). Conditions of Equilibrium in Aqueous Solutions ...12 KRUSS (G.). Molecular Movements ........ 14 NOACK. Simple Burner for Monochromatic Light .....14 Published on 01 January 1886. Downloaded 24/10/2014 19:31:05. GAWALOVSEI(A.). An Aspirator ........ 15 KALECSINSZKY(A.). New Ayparatiis for Chemical Laboratories ... 15 STUART(C . M.). Improved Method of Ventilating Chemical Labora- tories ............. 15 SCHIFF(H.). Gas Regulator ......... 15 THIERRY(M . DE). New Absorption Spectroscope .....113 WIECHERT(E.). Electric Conductivity of Serpentine .....113 EOHLRATJSCH(F.). Coefficient of Conductivity of Electrolytes in very dilute Solutions ............113 PFEIFFER(E. W . R.). Electrical Conductivity of Mixtnres of Ethyl Alcohol and Ether ............115 RENARD(A.). Electrolpis of Salts ........115 DIACONOFP(Il.). Heat of Combustion of Organic Substances ...115 POTILITZIN(A.) . Relations between the Heat of Formation and Initial Rate of Formation of Salts ....... 116 COLEMAN(J . J.). Air or Hydrogen Thermometer for Low Temperatures . 116 BEILBY(G.). New Form of Gas Thermometer ......116 ALEX~EFF(W.). Source of Error in Vapour-density Determinations . 116 39 View Article Online i v CONTENTS. PA QE ROOZEBOOM(11. W. B.). Dissociation of the Hydrate of Hydrogen Bromide 117 ROOZEROOM(H. W. B.). Dissociation of the Hgdrates of Sulphurous Anhydride, Chlorine, and Bromine. 117 KLOBUKOW(N. v.). Air-pump Regulator . 118 EGOROFF(N.). Absorption-spectrum of Oxygen . 189 DESLANDRES(H.). Band-spectrum of Nitrogen . 189 BECQUEREL(H.). Relation between the Absorption axid the Phosphorescence of Uranium Compounds . 15t) ZENGER(C. V.). Spectroscope for Furnaces, &c. 190 DAMIEN (B. C.). Electromotive Force of Currents yielded by Metallic Couples in Saline Solutions . 190 BARTOLI(A.). Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Compounds . 191 BARTOLI(A.). Electrical Conductivity of Mixtures of Organic Compounds . 191 LOUGE~KINE.Heat of Combust ion of Compounds of the Fatty Series . 192 LOEGUININE.Heat of Combustion of Ethereal Salts of Fatty Acids . 192 KAHLBAUM(G. W. A.). Do the Statical and Dynamical Methods of Measuring Vapour-tensions give different Results ?’ ...193 GERLACI-I(G. T.). Alcohol and Mixtures of Alcohol with Water . 193 GROSHANS(J. A,). Law of Density Numbers . 194 LE CHATELIER(H.). Numerical Laws of Chemical Equilibrium . 196 RAOCLT(F. M.). Cryoscopy as a Means of Determining Molecular Weights 197 GTTTHRIE(F.). Physical Molecular Equivalents . 197 PICKERING(8. U.). Molecular Weights of Liquids and Solids . 198 REEMANN(G,). Apparatus to Extract Solutions with Liquids . 198 BOJSBAUDRAN(L. DE). Peculiar Spectrum of Rare Earths of the Terbia Group . 293 GLADSTONE(J. H.). Specific Refraction and Disper5ion of the Alums. 293 H.IYES(H. V.) and J. TROWBRIDGE. Cause of Irregularities in the Action of Galvanic Batteries . 293 ARE (J. W.) Electrolytic Decomposition. 294 OC:TWALD(W.). Influence of the Composition and Constitution of Acids on their Electrical Conductivity . 294 BUCHANAN(J). Thermoelectric Position of Carbon . , 295 STOHMANN(F.) . Thermochemical Relations of the Acids and Alcohols of the Fattv Series . * . ..295 Published on 01 January 1886. Downloaded 24/10/2014 19:31:05. STOHM.4NN (k.1 and P. RODATZ. Heats of Combustion of the Faltg Acids . 296 DE FORCRAND.Ttiermochemistry of Glyoxylic Acid . 297 NILSOV(L. F.) and 0. PETTEBSSON.Determining Vapour-densities . 298 MENSCHETKIN(N.) and D. KONOVALOPF.Vapour-densities of some Ethereal Salts . 299 LE CHATELIER(H.). Application of the Numerical Laws of Chemical Equi: librium to the Dissociation of Chlorine Hydrate . 299 NICOL(W. W. J.). Theory of Solution . 300 NICOL(W. W. J.). Supersaturation of Salt Solutions . 300 HOOD(J. .T.). Rzte of Cliemical Change as a Function of Temperature . 301 WALTER(J,). Apparatus for Chemical Laboratories . 301 KREUSLER(U.). Thermo-regulator . 301 EDER(J. M.). Connection between Absorption and Photographic Scnsitive- ness . 405 SCHRAEF(A.). Dispersion Equivalent of Sulphur . 406 OTTDEMANS(A. C., jun.). Variation of Specific Rotatory Power . 406 BARTOLI(A.) and G. PAPASOGLI.Prodiicts of the Oxidation of Carbon in the Electrolysis of Aqueous Ammonia . 406 RENARD(A.). Electrolysis of Salts . 407 KLEIN (E ). Electrical Conductivity of Double Salts . 407 TOMMASSI(D.). Electrolysis of some Chemical Compounds. 408 SCHRAUF(A.). Expansion Coeficient of Sulphur. 405 TOMMASSI(D.). Law of Thermal Constants . 405 <JOLY(A.) . Thermochemistry of Hypopliosphoric Acid . 408 MULLER(A). Heat of Combustion of Amines . 409 View Article Online COSTEKTS. V PAGE STOHMAPI“(F.), P. RODATZ,and H. HEEZBEBG.Heat of Combustion of Benzene . 409 BOLTZMANN(L.). Calculation of Corrections of Bunsen’s Ice Calorimeter . 409 RAMSAY(W.) and S. YOUNG. Do the Statical and Dynamical Methods give ldenticnl Results ? . 42 0 GROSHANS(J. A.). The Law of Density Xumbers . 41 1 LUX(F.). Determination of the Specific Gravity of Gases . 41 2 SCHRODER(J.). Specific Grarity of Solutions of Mercuric Ciiloride . 41 2 MENDLBEFF(D.) . Correlation of Physical Properties of Solution with Con- centration . 41 3 ROOZEBOOX(H. W. B.). Dissociation of the Hydrate of Hydrogen Bromide 414 ZOTT(A.). Relative Permeability of Various Diaphragms . 41 4 MENDL~EFF(D.). Contact Actions . 415 REICHER(L. T.). Velocity of Sapmification . 4 16 LOVITON.Determinstion of Melting and Solidifying Points . 41 7 LINNEMANN(E.). Oxg-coal-gas Blowpipe and the Zirconia Light . 4 17 MEYER(V.). Drying Apparatus . 417 GLADSTONE(G.). Refraction of Fluorine . 497 EDER(J. M.). Seiisitising Action of‘ Dyes on Silver Chloride and Bromide. 497 SIWOLOBOFF(A.). Determination of the Boiling Point of small Quantities of Liquids . 497 BECKEU(G. F.). New Law of Thermo-chemistry . 498 GROSHANS(J. A.). Extension of the Laws of Density R’umbers to Thermo- chemistry . 499 GRIMALDI(G. P.). Expansion of Ether at rario?s Pressures . 498 TILDEN(W. A.). Influence of Temperature on the Heat of Dissolution of Salts ............499 ROOZEBOOM(H. W. B.). Dissociation of Liquids . 499 ROOZEBOOM(H. W. B.). llissociation of the Compound of Hjclrogen Bromide with Ammonia. 500 ROOZEBOON (H. W. B.). Solubility of Chlorine in Chronlium oxg- chloride . 500 ROOZEBOON(H. W. 33.). Solubility of Nitric Oxide in Bromine . , 1- 501 T’AN’T IiOFF (J. H.). Dissociatioii of the Bjdrate HBr.2H20 . 501 FENTON(H. J. H.). Limited Hjdratioii of Ammoniuin Carbamate . , 501 Published on 01 January 1886. Downloaded 24/10/2014 19:31:05. SPOHR(J.). Influence of Eeutral Salts and of Temperature on the Inrersion of Cane-sugar . 502 HOOD(J. J.). Retardation of Chemical Change . 504 CABNELLEY(T.). The Periodic Law . SU3 RIDEAL(S.). Isodirriorphism . 503 LAAR(C.). Hypothesis of lnterchangeable Union . 504 VOGEL(H. W.). Itclation betwven the Absorptioi-spectrum and the Sen.;i- tising Action of Dyes on Silver Bromide. 585 WESENDONCK(K.). Fluorescence of Pu’aphtlialene-red . 585 OSTWALD(W.). Electrical Coiiductiritg of Bases . 5% FINK(J.). Influence of Pre3sure on the Re.iistaiice of Electrolytes . 586 LIE CHATELIER(H.). Influence of Temperature on the Electroiiiotive Force of Thermoelectric Couples . .587 KOPP (H.) . Relation between the Specific Heat and Compositioii of SoM Organic Compounds . 58’7 FABRE(C.). Potassium and Sodium Selenides .
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