Clint . ~as1wood, Hear;tb~E{ak Ridge.~ allP 'yets. Qf a forgOifE!n wqr - :· '' f>: _:_ ' ' ---·-· ~-'~'· ..:..· __.._ . ....;:;-~ t:.,..' · _· ..:..';·:_/· _;,:~·.;;.: ·~-·: _. · _. ·._ .;,;: . ~:.~!;': .: . :.? : .,:. j . <~~ ;: '·. ·.' ·; - . Korean War army_ veterans · are · · ~; ·;.;.: · .,~ . ·· ,.. removed, are "shooting from the. hip.'' Filming began at the Marine base of fighting mad at the mayor of Carmel, 1 . Smith Hemps,one :,s . They say th·e movie is a character study, Camp Pendleton in.California, and in calif_ . r <~·. , .' · -- ~ ·r:: · · .·not a war movie, and that the "heart- theCaribbean . rt seems that Clint Eastwood, the DirtY: ~· Koto-ri and T.any ano~h~. forgotten_ (ex- ~ break" involved is 91d gunney's lbss of There the matter stood until July, 26, Harry of Califomi<J politics - he occal" cept by those who we~e there) battles-. ..::. his woman. .. · - - ~,'f· when Mr. Temple and some of his bud- sionally undertakes an ..acti~g role - is' there were -no Mari_ne un}ts in~olved in :~'' But that's not good enough for Bill dies wrote to the Commandant of the playmg the male lead ·in a ·bazooka · the month - l~ng struggle _.for Hil.ts 931, ··. lemple," a twice-wounded Second In- · Marines, Gen: p'.x. -Kelley, who had open cal.led "Heartbreak Ridge," which · 894 and 851 , the Heartoreak R1dge of fantry Division veteran, who fought in served in Korea a5 a -shavetail second Warner Brothers will •. release this real fife: ._.( . · . · · - ,. ·. · Korea as an 18-year-old. ~ ~·, lieutenant. Ceo:· ~elley, who knows a Christma:S ~ · '<: :; : ':· :l ;· Sure, Marine pilots flew · ·ground- ·. · "This.is a visual age," says Mr.~Tem- firestorm brewing' ~hen he begins to support sorties for the Army. There may · pie: "If you were an Army vet who lost · feel the heat, wrote to Mr. Eastwood on The la~~~~-c · ;:~~n ~ith ,no ~arne" por- even have been a few Marine liaison of- , his . arm at Heartbreak Ridge,: . you July 31 asking for a title change. · ·. i tray5 a tough Marine' gunnery sergeant . ficers and individual Marines involved . wouldn't want your kid seeing a movie . · The latest dispatch from the front iil- _- is there any other kind? .- who is the in " liberation" missions who got !=aught ·.· that said it was a Marine victory.".:·:.,: dicates that the title will not be changed. only survivor of a 12-man action in the up in the battle (the M,arines equipped The Pentagon agrees with Mr. Tern- but that parts .of the film will be reshot to Korean War battle of the same name. whole battaliof1s with thermal boots ob- · pie, who hails from Bryn Mawr;· Pa ., change Mr. ·Eastwood into an Army - NeM' the end of his career, he goes tained from the Army in exchange for and is asking Malpaso (Mr. Eastwood's sergeant. Whc;> knows where it all may through the heartbreak of losing the ·' jeeps, generators and · other equipment production company) to change the title end? ' .· . woman in his life. previously "liberated" from the Army) . of the film . { On a popularity scale, the Korean There's only one problem:. while the But Heartbreak Ridge, one of the ''The title is not appropriate for the conflict rates with the War of 1812. It Marines racked up their share of vic­ bloodiest battles of them all, was an Ar- script that they have,·~ says Donald came too soon after World War II, when tories in Korea - the defense of the my show. That piece of real estate was Barush, an Assistant Secretary of the country was readylor peace, and it Pusan Perimeter, the ·Inchon landing, bought for America with the lives of Defense for Public Affairs. was fought in an obscure corner of nor- the breakout from "Frozen Chasin," more than 800 Dogfaces of the Second But Hizzoner, having sounded the theast Asia. It wasn't even worth pro- Infantry Division, with a French bat- charge, is reluctant to retreat (Mr. testing about. - talion attached. Another 4,000 Cis were Eastwood, who was 20-year-old prime There were no bands playing, no .wounded, missing in action or captured beef when the Korean War broke out, ticker-tape parades when our boys came before the exhausted 23rd Infantry Regi- was not among those present at Heart- marching home, and today there is no ment finally stormed the l~t peak of break Ridge) . · memorial in Washington to those who Heartbreak Ridge in October of 1951 . How did it all happen? fought there. ,- : . , Gettysburg it wasn't. But that's grin- Well , it seems Malpaso went first to · · But it really did happen. Some 54,246 ding a lot of meat. And Hollywood owes the Army for production help. But the Americans lost their lives in three ye~ it to those who went through that bloody Army, which can be a bit stuffy, didn't of brutal fighting·. Another 103,284 well hell - and to those who didn't make it like some of the language in the script wounded, with 8,177 missing in action. -to get its facts straight. (as the late John Wayne could have told Of 7,000 Americans captured, less than Mr. Eastwood and the film's pro- old Clint those who served in Korea half survived their captivity. ducers (Mal paso Productions) assert that never used expletives rougher than "Oh, For their 'sake, the mayor of Carmel Army vets, who threaten to picket the fudge" or " Heavens to Betsy") . and others should keep the record movie unless the title is changed and So Mal paso went to the Marines, who straight: Heartbreak Ridge belongs to the script references to Heartbreak Ridge are know the value of a little box-office. Army. .
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