go — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Jan. 10. 1989 I9 JAPARTMENT8 HOMES HELP WANTED HELP WANTED w : | for r en t FOR RENT 'V iTs,.' /■> DATA ENTRY Operator - MANCHESTER. Modern MANCHESTER. Elegant SECRETARY Payroll po­ Specialism 2 bedroom, 2nd floor. Need for busy office A 3 bedroom Colonial In sition for national com­ 1 located In South Wind­ ___ _____ ^ Carpet, appliances. No Martin School District. pany with Hartford utilities. Adult couples $1100 per month plus sor. Excellent working branch office. Full J conditions, competi­ preferred. Available security and utilities. Competition eh^e: time position for expe­ BOOKKEEPING/ ICARPENTRY/ February 1st. Referen­ Sentry Real Estate, 643- tive salary and benefit rienced Individual with lo n l HEATING/ IMI8CELLANE0US package. Contract INCOME TAX REMODELING E S I PLUMBING SERVICES ces required. $575. plus 4060. M some word processing security. Call 429-4465 need for action /4S Neal, 289-3484. ability. Good salary MANCHESTER. Attrac­ after 6pm._______ • tive three bedroom Co­ and benefits. Call for SAS HOME GSL Building Mainte­ t ! A appointment. 527-1730. 1988 INCOMi TAXIS PJ's Plumbing, Hiiting 8 nance Co. Commercl- MANCHESTER. 2 bed­ lonial, redecorated, IMPROVEMENTS Air Conditioning al/ResIdentlal building room, wall-to-wall appliances, three car TELEMARKETERS OFFICE Manager to Consultation / Preparation 8 REPAIRS Boilers, pumps, hot water repairs and home Im­ carpet, new applian­ garage. Call 646-4144 or work In large estab­ tanks, new and ces. Available Febru­ 643-0909. lished furniture com­ Individuais / "No Job Too Small" provements. Interior *300 A Day nagiwarad and FuSy Inaurad replacements. and exterior painting, ary 1. $600 monthly pany. Must have good Sole Proprietors FReC E8TIMATE8 FREE ESTIMA TES Ilght carpentry. Com­ Including heat plus one Taking phone orders. working knowledge of month security. No pet. COVENTRY DUPLEX diversified office du­ Dan Mosler 6 4 9 -3 3 1 9 643-9649/228-9616 plete lanitorlal ser­ People Call you. Call 647-0593 vice. Experienced, rel­ Call Tim, 528-9337 days Off Route 44A, 2 yeare okf. ties and take charge of Kitchen, femlly room, two A 10am-6pm, Monday- M&M O IL iable, tree estimates. or 646-3725 after 7pm. office personnel. Apply Lot us romodol your kitchon or 643-0304. bedroome, 1 beth. Annuej Frlday. In person after 12 noon bath from floor to coiHng. /Wo PLUMBING A HEATING MANCHESTER. Three leeee ■675.00 per month. to M r. William Singer, CARPENTRY/ offor cablnots, vanitloo. coun- • Oil Bumar Sarvica & Salta bedrooms, 1'/2 both. Cell Helen et 043-2457, tortops whatovor your noods SNOW REMOVAL. $775 per month. Two 331-0707 Puritan Furniture, 1061 REMODELING • Automatic Oil Dallvary 5-4:30 weekdeye. New Britain Avenue, aro. Call Ralph Nadoau at Resldentlal- bedrooms, V/2 baths. 1X1410 a Wall Pumpt Salat A Sarvica Commerclal. Drive­ West Hartford.______ $575 per month. Two manrhpBtpr Ipralh 6 4 3 -6 0 0 4 • Watar Haatars (fiaotiio a oaai ways, starting at $15. bedrooms, 1 bath. $525 FURINTURE Sales peo­ FARRAND REMODlUNQ RUcIwe A SaUi Daalse Ceetar Call Bob, 872-8841. per month plus utili­ i r JSTORE and ple to work full time Room additions, docks, root­ • Bathroom & KItchan ^OFFICE SPACE RtmodalIng ties, security and refe­ SUPERVISOR. RN Posi­ and part time In oarge ing, siding, windows and gutt- S& G H O M E rence. No pets. 643- tion. 3-11 shift. Imme- furniture store. Excel­ ors. All typos of romodollng and a Sanlor CItIzan DIacounta IMPROVEMENT G A Y & S O N 2121.__________________________ STORES and Offices for dlate opening, lent earnings potential. ropairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. • Bactric worn by Cpmplats homo ranovallona MASONRY BOLTON. '/2 modern du­ rent. 400-1500 square Monday-Frlday. No Immediate openings. Bus. 647-8509 im arlor/axiartor patnUng. Precitlon Elactric feet. Rent starting at 30 Cents Oocha/kMohanarbaOi ramodaHng. Brick, block and atone, plex. Closeto 1-384. Full Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm weekends. For more Apply In perosn after 12 FREE ESTIMATES ceramic tile, marble and $275. Excellent loca- Wednesday, Jan. 11, 1989 Information, please Res. 645-6849 Roofing. electric heat and hot N noon to Mr. William concrete. Phona: water. 3 bedrooms, 1'/2 tlon. 647-9223, 649-5334. call. Director Of Singer, 1061 New Bri­ Free fatf/naras 649-2871 No lob la too small I Nurses, AAonday- baths, fireplace. Large MANCHESTER. Office tain Avenue, West 871-6552 or 872-6550 "•JT.... Frlday, 9am-3pm. Hartford. 282-7341 or 827-8973 wooded yard. $750 per building In Ideal loca­ HOUSE I MISCELLANEOUS month, plus security tion, ample parking. Crestfleld Convales- Iberviceb cant Home, 643-5151. RENOVATIONS PAINTING/ and utilities. 649-5678, Suitable for doctors, GOP pick OFFICE Rtnovslt 1 room or snllra houto. PAPERING ANGELIC HOME evenings.___________ dentists, attorneys. In­ ESTIMATOR for growing Strip oM pisstsr waits. Inaulala, surance, etc. R.D. Mur­ Testing HAWKES TREE SERVICE MANCHESTER. Large 3 structural steel fabri­ •haalroek and SnMi. Also Intarlor CARE REGISTRY dock, 643-2692. cating company with MANAGER palming. CaS Bucktl, truck & chippar. Stump LOCAL REQI8TRY OFFERS bedroom, 1'/2 baths, Wall Paperlhg & OUAUTV CARE... appliances. Lease, se­ MANCHESTER. Hart­ a surprise new facll' ies. Must ramoval. Fraa aatlmataa. steady full time have experience. Call 6 4 7 *3 8 0 8 ) laavs maaasga. P a in tin g Special conalderatlon for LOWER COST TO CLIENTS... curity, $900 plus utili­ ford Road, Dairy Eost Hartford Welding position. Apply in Resldontlol, Commorclal, COMPANIONS. HOMEMAKERS. ties. 646-1972 or 646- Queen Plaza. 1200-3600 aldarty and handicapped. NURSES tor an appointment. person to Mr. Singer. Roforancos & Insuronce. 4074. square feet available. High traffic, busy retail in Bolton spotty for 289-2323. 4 SEASONS REM0DEUN6 6 4 7 - 7 5 5 3 647-1956 MANCHESTER. Two Marty Mottson, 84T-4431 bedroom flat, first area. Call F&D Annuli FURNITURE Store Man- PURITAN’S • Additions • Docks Realty, 649-6544 or 643- oger. Experienced In • Roofing • Ropolr Gory McHuab, A43-9321 floor, near busline. Nw carpeting, great loca­ 1772. By Andrew J. Davis furniture operations FURNITURE Sma/f Jobs tVofcomod i KITCHEN & BATHj with knowledge of mer- tion, walking distance Manchester Herald 1061 New Britain Ave. Senior Citizen DIeeounI to stores. $650 per rrilNDUSTRIAL chandlslng, buying, West Hartford. CT I ROOFING/ TITREMODELING 7!^ sales promotion, cus­ Call Chris at 645-6559 month. One year lease E l l PROPERTY BOLTON — The Republican drug use SIDING tomer relations, pur­ From the smallest repair to the largest renovation, plus security deposit. Town Committee has rejected an chasing and operating our own craftsmen do the compiete job — 649-0795. MANCHESTER. 3400 and incumbent selectman as its cho­ bedding department. X-RAY Technician. Im­ CuBtom bulH homM, BdtfHlon*. MANCHESTER. Two 2400 square foot Indus­ By John King rgmoiMIng. wood tiding. dBOhi. MANCHESTER neatly and on schedule. ice for fir.«:t .selectman and ha.s Top wages. Apply In mediate Medical Care rooRng. eoncrM* wofli. matoory A oH R O O F IN G bedroom Townhouse. trial space. Loading I The Associated Press Center of Manchester phM M of oonMruoHon. Visit our showroom or call for a free estimate. Appllanced kitchen, endorsed a prominent party person after 12 noon or Holiday Special dock, parking. Wood­ send resume to: Mr. has a full time opening H you'rt $iek of oonfrtofor* not parking for 2 cars, new land Industrial Park. member whose father held the rotuming youf cotl$ • eaU ub/ All lypaa at roofing a repelra. 649-5400 WASHINGTON — Twenty percent of all Ameri­ William Singer, Puri­ for a Registered X-Ray carpeting. $750 per Principals Only. 643- job for 12 years. Fully Inturod • frm EttlmBlM can workers are now employed by companies that tan Furniture, 1061 New Technician. Our techs HERITAGE KITCHEN and month. Heat and hot 2121. The committee on Tuesday enloy working on a M M CoBSiraetleB 2 0 % Off test for drug use, but only one employee in 100 Britain Avenue, West gf M8Mchgg|8F water Included. One passed over incumbent Republi­ Hartford, CT 06110. rotating three day 6 4 5 -8 8 3 0 BATH CENTER, INC. year lease plus secur­ I MISCELLANEOUS can Selectman Douglas T. Che­ actually is tested in a 12-month period, the work week. We offer a 643-1720 Aak lor Mark _____182 W. Middle Turnpike, Manchester ity deposit. 649-0795. government reported today. DATA Entry. Busy con­ |fo r r en t ney for the first .selectman struction products complete benefits MANCHESTER. Four Ninety-one percent of employers have neither package Including a candidacy and selected Robert R. company Is looking tor room apartment In du­ GARAGE For rent. One testing nor counseling programs, the Labor an accounts payoble, week-end differential plex. No appliances. Morra for the post instead. In ■X Department said, but larger companies are much and newly established fo T I HOMES HOMES car, $75,2 car, $125. Call what committee member Tho­ accounts receivable, I^CONOOMINIUMS $425 plus utilities. Se­ 649-8855. I more likely to have such programs. clerical and data entry pay scales. Interested curity and references. applicants, call Kim at QO h elp w a n ted FOR SALE l i J FOR SALE |£ijF0R SALE mas Manning called an inexplica­ Job applicants are far more likely to be tested person. Willing to train Couple preferred. One ble vote, the committee on mature person with 721-7393, Monday child. Call 649-3469 I ROOMMATES than employees, the department said. It billed its through Friday, 9am- SOUTHERN New Eng­ SNUGGLE Up. Long win­ MALLARD View. Brand Tuesday also declined to support good work habits and RNs or LPNS. Chargeand ter nights will be warm from 6-8pm.
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