THE SOUTH INDIAN BANK LTD Ztsxrile"nk REGIONAL OFFICE: ERNAKULAM TENDER CL}I AT'CTIO\ SALE \OTICE WHEREAS the Authorised Officer of the Bank had issued Demand Notice dated 05.06.201 7 to ( I ) M/s. Nortech Infonet Plt Ltd, Nortech House, Arakkakadavu Road, Edappally. Kochi-682024. the borrower and (2) Mr. Benly Noronha, S/o Mr. Broono Noronha. Managing Director- M/s Nortech lnfonet Pr.t. Ltd, Graceland.Samajam Road. Vaduthala, Kochi, Emakulam -682023, (3) Mrs. Ann Noronha, W/o Mr. Benly Noronha, Graceland, Samajam Road, Vaduthala, Kochi, Emakulam- 682023, (4) Mr. Jerry T. Karuvelithara, S/o Mr. Thomas, Director- M/s Nortech lnfonet Prt. Ltd, Sanmaria, Plackat Colony, Elamtulam. Cochin-682020, (5) Mr. Deepak P R, S/o Mr. V Ravi, Director- M/s. Nortech Infonet Pr.t. Ltd. Devadaru, Copper Villa, Chembumukku, Kakkanad P O, Emakulam-682030. (6) Mrs. Bindhu Deepak W/o Mr. Deepak P. R, Devadaru, Copper Villa. Chembumukku, Kakkanad P O. Emakulam-682030, (7) Mr. Dunston Noronha. S/o Mr.Augustine Noronha, Colton House. Bank Road, Kaloor, Kochi-682017 and (8) Mr. Antony Linus, S/o Mr. C. P Xavier. Director- M/s Nortech Infonet Pr.t. Ltd. Pidiancheril House, Chakkalakkal Road, Perumanoor, Cochin-682015. Guarantors under section l3(2) of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (hereinafter referred to as 'The Act') and has taken possession of the immovable properties. more fully described in rhe schedule hereunder under Section l3(4) of the Act read with Rule 8 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 on 27.01.2020 and 26.02.2020. AND WHEREAS, the borrower/ guarantors have failed to pay the amount, Notice is hereby given that the immovable properties more fully described in the Schedule hereunder will be sold by way of Tender Cum Auction on "as is where is" basis and "as is what is" condition, on the date and at the place mentioned herein below for realization of a sum of Rs.6.28,89,994.62 (Rupees Six Crores Twenty Eight Lakhs Eighty Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Four and Sixty Tw-o Paisa only) outstanding as on date together with further interest from the last interest debit date and costs. subject to the following terms and conditions: - Name of Property Owner Mr.Benly Noronha and Mrs. Ann Noronha Description of property Item No.1 All that piece and parcel of land admeasuring 4.54 Ares equivalent to 11.220 cents in Sy.No.1036/3 along with building having approxim ate arca of 410 sq.meter and all other rights and improvements situated in Cheranelloor village, Kanayannur Taluk, Emakulam District, owned by Mr.Benly Noronha which is more fully described in Sale Deed No.126/2003 and Sale Deed No.1649/2001 of Emakulam SRO, comprising the following extents: a). Land admeasuring 1.303 ares (equivalent lo 3.220 cents) in Survey No.1036/3, Cheranellur village, Kanayannur Taluk,Emakulam District and more fully described in Sale Deed No.12612003 dated 07.01.2003 of Emakulam SRO. South : Pro of Pa il i1l Matheu, The South Indian BaDk Ltd. Tel. No: (0484) Regioaal Olfrce EmakulaE: SIB Building, lnfopatk Road, Rajagiri Valey P'O, Kakkanad, Kochi-682 039' 277t360-6I ,62,63 , 3939360, E-mail: ro 10034 sib.co.in 001, Tel: +91-487-212OO2O Fax: +91-487- Regd Olnce. SIB House, T.B. Road, Mission Quarters, Thrissur, Kerala - 680 L65191XI1929PLC00101 7 241202t Email: si oratdalsib. co.in Website: w$'\Jt. southindianb ank com CIN: Page I of 4 THE SOUTH INDIAN BANK LTD Ztnrile.nr REGIONAL OFFICE: ERNAKT,LAM East : Properties ovnned b1' Jomy Jose. North : 3 Meter *'ide passage and properties owned by Jom,v Jose West : Properties of Jomy Jose b) Land admeasuring 3.237 ares (equivalent to 8 cents) in Survey No.1036/3, Cheranellore village. Kanayannur Taluk.Emakulam District and more fully described in Sale Deed No. 164912001 dated 07.04.2001 of Emakulam SRO. South : Property of Palyappilly Matheu' East : Property of Mary Hayola Mendez and Vazhy . North : Vazhi. West : Properties of Ann Noronha and Alunkal Ravindran Item No.2 All that piece and parcel of land admeasuring 2.09 Ares equivalent to 5.170 cents along with a building having approximate arca of 245 sq.meter together with all rights and improvements comprised in Sy.No. 1036/3,Cheranellur village. Kanayannur Taluk, Emakulam District, owned by Mrs. Ann Noronha which is more fully described in Sale Deed No.5754/2000 dated 26.12.2000 of Emakulam SRO, with following boundaries (as per verification): South : Property sold to Jasmine Noronha & Item No.1 property East : Item No.1 property North : Vazhi West : Chiuoor Road (Since the above items of properties are lying together as a single compact plot, the property is being sold as a single plot admeasuring 16.390 cents with two buildings having the follo*'ing boundaries:- Nofih: Private Road South: Property of Mathew and Property sold to Jasmine Noronha East: Property of Mr.Jose Altony Pazhampilly. West: Chittoor Road and Property sold to Jasmine Noronha Resen'e Price Rs.2,98,88,0001 (Rupees Two Crores Ninetl Eight Lakhs Ei Ei t Thousand Onl The South Indian Bank Ltd. Regional OIIice Ertlakulam: SIB Building, Infopark Road, Rajagiri Valley.P.O, Katkanad, Kochi-682 039, Tel. No: (0'+84) 2771360-61 ,62,63 , 3939360, E-mail: ro 10037i sib. co. in +91-487 Regd. Otnce. SIB House, T.B. Road, Mission Quarters, Thrissur' Kerala - 680 001' Tel +91 487 -242O02O Fa-x: 2442021 Ernajl sibcomorat e?r sib co.in Website: u{u.!suth!4djq4bank.com CIN: 1,65191KL1929PLC00101 7 Page 2 of 4 THE SOUTH INDIAN BANK LTD Ztsrrfie.nk REGIONAL OFFICE: ERNAKTiLAM Eamest Money Deposit Rs.29,88,800 /- (Rupees Twenf"r- Nine Lakhs Eighlv Eight (EMD) Thousand and Eight Hundred only) Date and Place of Sale 03.03.2021 at 12.00 Noon at The South Indian Bank Ltd, I Regional Office, Ernakulam, SIB Building. Infopark Road, Rajagiri Valley.P.O. Kakkanad. Kochi-682 039 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1) The property will be sold on "as is where is" basis and "as is *'hat is" condition and the Bank is not responsible for title, condition or any other fact affecting the property. The particulars fumished regarding the secured asset is stated to the best of information of the Bank and the Bank will not be answerable for any error. misstatement or omission. 2) The proposed Tenderers shall read and understand the terms and conditions mentioned in the Tender Sale Notice which is published by the Bank in its Website/ Palarivattom Branch and Emakulam Regional Office and also visit the scheduled property and satisf, as to its area. boundaries etc, ownership. title. encumbrances. statutory approvals, measuements etc. The Bank shall not entertain any dispute regarding the Tender process or the scheduled property after participating in the sale. 3) Interested Tenderers shall produce a copy of any valid photo identity/ address proof. In case, the Tenderer is participating on authorization. he should produce the ID proof of himself and the Tenderer. 4) All amounts payable regarding the sale including EMD shall be paid by way of DD drawn in favour of "The Authorised Officer. The South Indian Bank Ltd." payable at Emakulam /RTGS,AJEFT/net banking to Authorised Officer Account No. 0024073000025480 maintained at Emakulam Market Road Branch ( IFSCAIEFT Code is SIBL0000024). 5) Interested Tenderers shall submit Demand Draft /RTGS Receipt as the case may be for the EMD at The South Indian Bank Ltd. Emakulam Regional Office along with the Tender in a sealed cover before I 1.30 AM on 03.03.2021 6) The Right of entry to the place of sale witl be restricted to the Tenderers who have submitted the Tender letter and EMD in a sealed cover within the stipulated time or within such time as may be decided by the Authorised officer at his sole discretion. 7) The Authorised officer has got right to cancel/ postpone the Auction without assigning any reason whatsoever. Further. the Authorised Officer shall have the discretion to accept, reject or return any or all the Tenders already submitted and the Bank will not entertain any claim or representation in that regard from the Tenderers. 8) The Sealed Tenders will be opened by the Authorised Officer on 03.03.2021 at 12.00 Noon. Any tender received quoting a price below the Reserve Price will be rejected outright. e) After opening the tenders, the Tenderers who are present may be given an opportunity at the discretion of the Authorised Officer to have inter se bidding among themselves to enhance their offer price. 10) The Succeisful Tenderer should pay 25 % of the tender amount (less EMD) on receipt of bid acceptance letter or not later than the next wolking da.v after the date of sale and the balance 75% amount within 15 daYs of the sale. lailing which the entire amount paid by the Tenderer shall be forfeited by the Authorised Officer, without any notice and the s e will be cancelled The south Indian Bank Ltd. (0484) Reglonal olrlce Ernakulam: sIB Building, lnfopark Road, Rajagiri valley.P.o, Kat<kanad, Kochi-682 039, Tel. No: ZZI tlOO-Ol,AZ,OZ, 3939360, E-mai1: ro1003?rsib co in' OO1. Tel: +911a7 -242OO20 Fax: +91-447- Offi*. Sffe House, T.g. Roaa, N4[Jon-e.,ane.' Thrissur, Iierala 680 i"gi, L65191KL1929PLC001017 tqizo2t EmaiL srbcorporalera sib.co.io websiti: 1\rrl--sourhrndianba]lk.com cIN: Page 3 of 4 THE SOUTH INDIAN BANK LTD Zlsg,xile.nk REGIONAL OFFICE: ERNAKULAM and the property will be brought to sale again.
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