*AMENDED* CITY OF STEVENS POINT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Council Chambers December 16, 2019 County-City Building 7:00 P.M. 1516 Church St. 1. Roll Call. 2. Salute to the Flag and Mayor’s opening remarks. 3. Persons who wish to address the Mayor and Council on specific agenda items other than a “Public Hearing” must register their request at this time. Those who wish to address the Common Council during a “Public Hearing” are not required to identify themselves until the “Public Hearing” is declared open by the Mayor. 4. Persons who wish to address the Mayor and Council for up to three (3) minutes regarding a non-agenda item. Consideration and Possible Action on the Following: 5. Consent Agenda: • Minutes of the Common Council meeting of November 18, 2019 and the Special Common Council Meeting of December 2, 2019. • Actions of the Police and Fire Commission meeting of November 5, 2019. 5. Confirmation of Bills. • Actions of the Plan Commission meeting of December 4, 2019. 6. 6. Memorandum of Understanding for the Portage County Business Council to install a sign upon an existing sign within the City’s Industrial Park, at the end of Heffron Court and West of Interstate 39(Parcel ID 281230802200029). • Minutes and Actions of the Airport Commission of December 09, 2019. 2. Discussion and possible action on Department Claims. 3. Discussion and possible action on 2020 Capital Operations and Maintenance Plan. • Minutes and Actions of the Park Board Meeting of December 04, 2019. 5. Approval of Easement Agreement and compensation for TDS overhead electrical line along north east edge of Plover River Park. • Minutes and Actions of the Transportation Commission of December 09, 2019. 2. Approval of the October 2019 Claims. 3. Staff presentation on suggested revisions to the “CT Riders Guide” map layout and recommendations for route name changes. • Minutes and Actions of the Board of Water and Sewerage Commissioners of December 09, 2019. 2. Discussion and possible Action of Department Claims. 3. Discussion and possible action on 2020 Capital Operations and Maintenance Plan. 5. Report on Water Distribution and Supply Operation 6. Report on Collection Systems Maintenance. 7. Report on Sewage Treatment Operations. 8. Report on Stormwater/CAN Operations. • Minutes and Actions of the Finance Committee meeting of December 09, 2019. 1 1. Amended Community Development Investment (CDI) Grant Transfer Agreement. 2. Issuing a Request for Proposals for completion of a Strategic Plan. 4. Transfer from TIF 5 to TIF 6. 7. Write-off of Uncollectable personal property taxes and accounts receivable. 8. Approval of claims paid. • Minutes and Actions of the Public Protection meeting of December 09, 2019. 2. License List. 3. Temporary Class “B”/”Class B” License Picnic. 4. Change of Agent. 5. Secondhand Jewelry/ Pawnbrokers License. • Statutory Monthly Financial Report by Comptroller/Treasurer. • Mayoral Appointments – 2020-2021 Election Officials (see List). - Larry Schroda – to the Stevens Point Housing Authority (expiring 12-31-2024). - Gene Kemmeter - to the Redevelopment Authority (expiring 12-31-2024). 6. Ordinance Amendment – Chapter 10 City Parks – Creating Section 10.14 and Amending Section 10.16. 7. Ordinance Amendment – Chapter 10 City Parks – Amending Section 10.01(2) 8. Ordinance Amendment – Chapter 19 Electrical Code – Amending the Code. 9. Ordinance Amendment – Chapter 3 Officials, Boards and Employees – Creating Section 3.56 – Administrative Appeals Board. 10. Ordinance Amendment – Chapter 13 Water and Sewerage – Amend Section 13.17 to reflect new rates. 11. Resolution – Conditional Use Permit – 601 Michigan Avenue North for Sentry Insurance to construct a boutique hotel (Parcel ID 281240821310003). 12. Resolution – Conditional Use Permit – 2501 Nebel Street for Realty Investments LLC, to split a parcel on land with a mobile home park (Parcel ID 281230804301418). 13. Resolution – Authorizing and Providing for the Sale and Issuance pf $1,675,000 of Storm Water System Revenue Bond, Series 2019, and all Related Details. 14. Resolution – Authorizing and Providing for the Sale and Issuance of $3,190,000 of Sewerage System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2019, and all Related Details. 15. Consideration of 2nd Amendment to Development Agreement with General Capital Acquisitions, LLC and Memorandum of Development Agreement. 16. Development Agreement with Lineage SCS, LLC. 17. Enter into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes19.85(1)(e) and 19.85 (1) (g) for deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, investing of public funds, or conducting other specified business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons 2 require a closed session, AND for Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved, relating to the following: a. Consideration of Real Estate Purchase Contract between the City of Stevens Point and The Fox on Main LLC for the acquisition of property at 1116 Main Street. 18. Reconvene into open session (approximately 30 minutes after entering closed session) for possible action on the above matter. 19. Presentation by Candidates for District 10 Alderperson and questions from current City Council Members to the Candidates. 20. Action on selecting the New District 10 Alderperson. 21. Mayoral Appointments of the new District 10 Alder to Various Committees. 22. Adjournment. Public Notice is Hereby Given that a Quorum of the City of Stevens Point’s Common Council, or any committee thereof may attend the following: Holiday Party Monday December 16, 2019 Immediately following the Council Meeting At Kuby’s 2408 Division Street Stevens Point, WI. RMC – Revised Municipal Code Persons who wish to address the Common Council may make a statement as long as it pertains to a specific agenda item. Persons who wish to speak on an agenda item will be limited to a five (5) minute presentation. Any person who wishes to address the Common Council on a matter which is not on the agenda will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes and the time strictly enforced under the item, “Persons who wish to address the mayor and council on non-agenda items.” Individuals should not expect to engage in discussion with members of the City Council and City staff. Any person who has special needs while attending this meeting or needing agenda materials for this meeting should contact the City Clerk as soon as possible to ensure a reasonable accommodation can be made. The City Clerk can be reached by telephone at (715) 346-1569 or by mail at 1515 Strongs Avenue, Stevens Point, WI 54481. Copies of ordinances, resolutions, reports and minutes of the committee meetings are on file at the office of the City Clerk for inspection during the regular business hours from 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 3 4 CITY OF STEVENS POINT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Council Chambers November 18, 2019 County-City Building 7:00 P.M. 1516 Church St. Mayor Mike Wiza, Presiding PRESENT: Ald. Jennings, Shorr, Zarazua, Johnson (7:41 P.M.), Slowinski, Kneebone, Dugan, Dalton, Morrow. EXCUSED: Ald. Nebel. VACANT: Dist. 10. OTHERS PRESENT: Clerk Piotrowski, Attorney Beveridge, C/T Ladick, Chief Finn, Chief Skibba, Dir. Lemke, Dir. Kernosky, Dir. Beduhn, Dir. Kremer, Mayoral Assistant Pazdernik, IT Manager Van Dreel, Clerk Administrative Assistant Loew, Brandi Makuski – Metro Wire. 2. Salute to the Flag and Mayor’s opening remarks. Mayor Wiza read a proclamation regarding Small Business Saturday. 3. Persons who wish to address the Mayor and Council on specific agenda items other than a “Public Hearing” must register their request at this time. Those who wish to address the Common Council during a “Public Hearing” are not required to identify themselves until the “Public Hearing” is declared open by the Mayor. 4. Persons who wish to address the Mayor and Council for up to three (3) minutes regarding a non-agenda item. Keely Fishler, 3101 Channel Drive, spoke in regards to running for District 10 alder. Mary Meyer, 1450 Water Street, spoke in favor of keeping Edgewater Manor in regards to City’s future plan development. 5. Presentation to the Mayor and Council: Tiffany Krueger, Evergreen Community Initiatives; Update on warming center operations. Tiffany Krueger provided an update on the warming center. Consideration and Possible Action on the Following: 6. Consent Agenda: 5 • Minutes of the Common Council meeting of October 21, 2019 and the Special Common Council Meetings of October 28, 2019 and November 4, 2019. • Actions of the Police and Fire Commission meeting of October 1, 2019. 5. Confirmation of Bills. • Actions of the Plan Commission meeting of November 4, 2019 and the Minutes of the Special Plan Commission Meeting of November 11, 2019. 8. Request from Duane Greuel, representing Operation Bootstrap for site plan review to add a shed at 5000 Heffron Street (Parcel ID 281230802230121). 2. Request from the City to purchase 1116 Main St (Parcel ID 281240832202929). • Minutes and Actions of the Airport Commission of November 11, 2019. 2. Discussion and possible Actions on Department Claims. • Minutes and Actions of the Transportation Commission of November 11, 2019. 2. Approval of the October 2019 Claims. 3. Free Ride Friday Promotion between Thanksgiving and Christmas. 4. CY2020 5311/85.20 budget and grant application review and approval. • Minutes and Actions of the Board of Water and Sewerage Commissioners of November 11, 2019. 2. Discussion and possible Action of Department Claims. 3. Discussion and possible action on borrowing for the utilities. 4. Discussion and possible action on utility rate adjustments. 5. Report on Water Distribution and Supply Operation 6. Report on Collection Systems Maintenance. 7. Report on Sewage Treatment Operations. 8. Report on Stormwater/CAN Operations. 9. Consideration and possible action on a Stormwater Agreement with “RBR Joint Venture”.
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