Planning Committee 12 February 2008 IRVINE, 12 February 2008 - At a Meeting of the Planning Committee of North Ayrshire Council at 2.00 p.m. Present Elizabeth McLardy, Margie Currie, Robert Barr, Matthew Brown, Ian Clarkson, John Ferguson, Ronnie McNicol, Pat McPhee, David Munn, Ryan Oldfather and Robert Rae. In Attendance A. Fraser, Manager, Legal Services, R. Forrest, Planning Services Manager, J. Miller, Chief Development Management Officer and A. Craig, Senior Solicitor (Litigation) (Legal and Protective); and A. Wattie, Communications Officer and M. Anderson, Corporate Support Officer (Chief Executive's). Chair Councillor McLardy in the Chair. Apologies for Absence John Moffat. 1. Isle of Arran 07/00955/PP: Brodick: Lamlash: 25A Hamilton Terrace D. Boyle, 1 Kilbride Cottages, Clauchlands Road, Lamlash, Brodick, Isle of Arran, has applied for planning permission for the erection of a one-and-a-half storey dwellinghouse at 25A Hamilton Terrace, Lamlash, Brodick, Isle of Arran. The Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the following conditions:- 1. That, the ridge, eaves and roof slope shall match those of the existing houses in the row. 2. That, prior to the commencement of the development, the applicant shall submit for the written approval of North Ayrshire Council exact details of the window frames, timber door and weather boarding finishes. For the avoidance of doubt, the windows shall have painted timber frames, doors shall be of a timber boarded type and the timber weather boarding shall be painted rather than stained. 3. That, prior to the commencement of the development, the applicant shall submit for approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority revised proposals for the reduction of the size of the ground floor window on the front gable to create a vertical rather than horizontal emphasis, to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. Page 1 2. Ardrossan/Saltcoats and Stevenston 07/00629/PP: Ardrossan: 59 Princes Street Hovepark Properties, 56 Hamilton Street, Saltcoats, have applied for planning permission for the erection of a residential development comprising 1 block of 6 flats, 1 block of 3 flats, 2 dwellinghouses and associated car parking at 59 Princes Street, Ardrossan. A site familiarisation visit was undertaken by the Planning Committee in respect of this application. The Committee agreed to refuse the application on the following ground:- 1. That the proposed dwellinghouses would result in the site being overdeveloped and would not accord with criteria (a) and (b) of the Development Control Statement of the North Ayrshire Local Plan (excluding Isle of Arran) in that their siting would represent backland development which would not offer an acceptable level of residential amenity for the proposed houses and which would be detrimental to the amenity of neighbouring residential properties. 3. Garnock Valley 3.1 07/01139/LBC: Dalry: 28 New Street Tracey Hogarth, 28 New Street, Dalry, has applied for retrospective listed building consent for the erection of a replacement fascia sign at the front of the estate agents at that address. The Committee agreed (a) to refuse the application on the following ground:- 1. That the fascia sign is contrary to Policies BE1 and BE5 contained within the North Ayrshire Local Plan (Excluding Isle of Arran), in that the fascia sign is detrimental to the character and setting of the Dalry Conservation Area and detracts from the character and appearance of the Category C(s) Listed Building. and (b) to authorise Enforcement action to secure the removal of the unauthorised sign. 3.2 07/00912/PP: Kilbirnie: 63 Herriot Avenue Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell, 63 Herriot Avenue, Kilbirnie, have applied for planning permission for the erection of a conservatory to the rear of the detached dwellinghouse at that address. Page 2 The Committee agreed to refuse the application on the following ground:- 1. That the proposed development would be contrary to Criterion (a) in the Development Control Statement of the Adopted North Ayrshire Local Plan (excluding Isle of Arran), in that it would comprise overdevelopment of the rear garden and leave insufficient private garden space for the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse. 4. Irvine/Kilwinning 4.1 07/00181/PP: Kilwinning: Site to South East of Mid Moncur Farm J. McVay, Corsehillhead, Kilwinning, has applied for planning permission for the erection of a detached dwellinghouse for an agricultural worker on a site to the south east of Mid Moncur Farm, Kilwinning. An objection has been received from Mrs. J. Hodgetts, Windyhall Farm, Fergushill, Kilwinning. The Committee, having considered the terms of the objection, agreed to grant the application subject to (a) the applicant entering into a Section 75 Agreement to limit the occupation of the dwellinghouse to a person employed in agriculture at the agricultural unit of Corsehillhead Farm or a dependant of such person; and (b) the following conditions:- 1. That the external finishes shall be wet-dash roughcast to the walls and natural slate to the roofs. 2. That visibility splays of 2.5 metres by 60.0 metres shall be provided and maintained on land within the applicant's control, such that there is no obstruction to visibility above a height of 1.05 metre measured above the adjacent carriageway level to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. 3. That the first two metres of the access, measured from the heel of the footway, shall be hard surfaced in order to prevent deleterious material being carried onto the carriageway and designed in such a way that no surface water shall issue from the access onto the carriageway. 4. That the applicant shall form a verge crossing to North Ayrshire Council Roads Guidelines to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. 5. That, prior to the occupation of the house, three car parking spaces and a separate turning area shall be provided within the site to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. Page 3 6. That, prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, details of a scheme to treat the surface water arising from the site in accordance with the principles and practices contained in CIRIA's "Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Manual", published in March 2007, shall be submitted to, and approved by, North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. Thereafter, any scheme that may be approved shall be implemented prior to the completion of the development and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. 7. That no development shall take place until a soil porosity test has been carried out to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. 8. That, prior to the commencement of any works, effluent disposal arrangements shall be agreed to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. Any septic tank shall be located in such a position as will enable it to be emptied by road tanker. 9. That the presence of any significant unsuspected contamination which becomes evident during the development of the site shall be brought to the attention of Environmental Health. Thereafter, a suitable investigation strategy as agreed with North Ayrshire Council shall be implemented and any necessary remediation works carried out prior to any further development taking place on the site, all to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. 10. That no development shall take place until there has been submitted to, and approved by, North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority a scheme of landscaping for the road frontage and the south and west boundaries, which shall include details of species, planting densities, soil treatment and aftercare and shall include indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land and details of any to be retained together with measures for their protection in the course of the development. 11. That all planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting season and seeding seasons following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which, within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. 12. That details of the boundary enclosures shall be agreed in writing with North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any works. Thereafter, any such details which may be agreed, shall be implemented prior to the occupation of the house and thereafter maintained all to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. Page 4 4.2 07/00490/PP: Kilwinning: 27 Hillpark Rise Gordon Smith, 27 Hillpark Rise, Kilwinning, has applied for planning permission for a proposed change of use from open space to form garden ground, including the erection of a 1.8m high boundary fence, at that address. The Planning Services Manager advised of a proposed amendment to condition 1. The Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the following conditions:- 1. That, prior to the commencement of any works to include the ground into the garden of No 27 Hillpark Rise, details of the width, finish and future maintenance of the path shall be submitted for the approval in writing of North Ayrshire as Planning Authority. Prior to the erection of the boundary fence, the path shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and, thereafter, maintained, all to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire as Planning Authority. 2. That the boundary enclosures shall be erected prior to the inclusion of the land into the garden and, thereafter, maintained to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.
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