The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project ROBERT GOLDBERG Interviewed by: David Reuther Initial Interview Date: September 15, 2011 Copyright 2012 ADS TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Born and raised in Baltimore MD Gettysburg College %unior Year Princeton (National Defense Education Act Program) Uni,ersity of Chicago Taiwan Uni,ersity (Stanford Center) Chinese language study Committee of Concerned Asian Scholar (Chicago) Ni.on China ,isit Marriage to US Foreign Ser,ice Officer National Committee on U.S.0China 1elations Program Assistant Cultural e.changes 2ashington DC3 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) 1577 China Military Tokyo %apan3 Spouse of Foreign Ser,ice Officer 157701580 %apanese language study Simul International English language re0writer Teacher Uni,ersity of Maryland e.tension school En,ironment Embassy Staff US recogni:es Beijing China ,isit 1578 Family State Department: Bureau of Intelligence and 1esearch: China Analyst 158001582 =Third Communiqu?“ 1582 Disagreements Operations EmbassyAIN1 coordination Foreign Ser,ice Officer E.amination 1 Entered the Foreign Ser,ice as Foreign Ser,ice Officer 1583 Foreign Ser,ice Class Edward Cee Howard Foreign Ser,ice Institute preparation New Delhi: Consular OfficerAAmbassadorDs Staff Assistant 158301587 Ambassador Harry Barnes Iranian applicants Sikhs IslamabadANew Delhi embassy differences Embassy officers Prime Minister 1aji, Speech writing Consulates State Department: Operations Center 15870158E Center organi:ation and operation NODIS Summary Decision making State Department: China Affairs Mongolia Desk Officer 158E01588 Three Gorges dam China political reform Defense Department interests Pace of economic reform Intelligence gathering Stape 1oy Taiwan 1elations with Chinese Embassy State Department: FSI: Economic Studies 158801585 Use of data China economy forecasts Participants State Department: Member Tiananmen Task Force 1585 US sanctions Task Force members Taipei Taiwan: Chinese language study 158501550 Course of study Hong Fong3 Economic Officer China watcher 155001553 Meetings with Chinese Chinese dialects 2 Mainland companies in Hong Fong Mainland reporting Bob 2ang 1esident Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce Deng Giaoping Cocal media 1e,ersion discussions Hong Fong democracy =One country two systems“ Chris Patton mission Staff Creation of Modern Consulate General Office of United States Trade 1epresentati,e3 Agriculture 155301554 2hite House connection Mickey Fantor Charlene Barshefsky Functions 1elations with other Departments State Department: Office of Philippines Indonesia Malaysia 15540155E Brunei and Singapore3 EconomicAMalaysia Desk Officer ASEAN meetings Personnel Beijing China: E.ternal Economic Officer 155E01555 2orld Trade Organi:ation Embassy personnel Ambassador %im Sasser 1elations with Al Gore and family Speech writing United States Trade 1epresentati,e (UST1) ,isits 2orld Trade Organi:ation (2TO) %iang IeminDs US ,isit AmbassadorDs official meetings Hecklinger report 1obin Bordie Contacts President Bush China ,isit Memorandum of Understanding issue Premier Ihu 1ongji ,isit to US Ioellick0Bader collaboration ChinaDs embassy in Belgrade bombed Anti0US demonstrations Ambassador Tom Pickering ,isit 3 1elations State Department: Deputy Director for Economic Affairs ChinaA 155502003 Deputy Special 1epresentati,e for Economic and Commercial Affairs Office organi:ation China Permanent Normal Trade 1elations (PNT1) Personnel Intellectual Property 1ights (IP1) Most Fa,ored Nation status %ackson0Vaniik Amendment Madeline Albright 2endy Sherman Bureau of Congressional 1elations (H) 2orld Trade Organi:ation (2HO) Congressional politics US East Asia policy Bush Administration policies EP03 plane crash 2orking group Ambassador %oe Prueher Coordination and Ciaison with business Acting Special 1epresentati,e Iraq Task Force Group USAID State Department: Deputy Director. Office of China Affairs 200302007 Political and Personnel Affairs 1andy Schri,er Daily report of ChinaAHong Fong e,ents Press guidance Terrorism North Forea nuclear program ChinaDs US foreign policy goals Chinese Embassy and diplomats He Yafei Political Counselor Ciu Giaming DCM Gie Feng State Department: Director Office of China Affairs 20070c2007 %im Feith Personnel matters Hu %intaoDs US ,isit Guanghou China: Consul General c200702005 Immigration Tra,el 4 Office composition Personnel Taiwan in,estment and tourism Ambassador Clark (Sandy) 1andt Taiwan 1esearch Institute Giamen Uni,ersity Go,ernment contacts Foreign diplomatic missions 1elations with officials Guangdong Guang:hou American School Student body Office building 2orkload Economic reporting Chinese banking Shen:hen economic :one Hong Fong Consulate Cocal press Beijing Uni,ersity branch Corruption USIA Asian Olympics Illegal immigration International Visitors Program Beijing China3 Deputy Chief of Mission 200502011 Ambassador %on Huntsman CNN reporting Protection and welfare of US citi:ens Political and military reporting Chinese opposition Uighurs Tibet Chinese demarches China News Agency Blocking of communications Embassy composition Country Team Federal Department of Agriculture (FDA) Swine flu epidemic Visa operation Citi:enship and Immigration Ser,ices (CIS) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) China %oint Commission o Commerce and Trade 1io Tinto scandal Virtual Presence Post program AmbassadorDs tra,el 7 Intra0Embassy issues President Bush ,isit Preparations Press co,erage Appraising success Dalai Cama Strategic and Economic dialogue (SKED) Steinberg0Bader ,isit China0Taiwan relationship Oil %apan0China relations North Forea0China relations Party0to0Party relationship Meetings with Chinese Communist Party International Ciaison Department South Forea National days Foreign Ministry contacts New Embassy China world outreach Non0traditional diplomacy Outreach Foreign policy issues Ceader grant program Success e,aluation President Obama China ,isit Planning Chinese Think Tanks Embassy group ,isits throughout China Public diplomacy Economic ,isits Chinese leaders American tourism 1etirement 2011 INTERVIEW Q: oday is 15 September 2011. We are interviewing Robert Goldberg for the Association for Diplomatic Studies and raining, and I am David Reuther. (ob, can you give us some bac)ground of where you are from and where your family is from* E GOCDBE1G: I was born in Baltimore and grew up there. My maternal grandparents were from the Austro0Hungarian Empire and my fatherDs grandfather was from 1ussia. His father was born in the U.S. I am not sure where my paternal grandmother was from. Q: When did they come to the States* Into the Baltimore area* GOCDBE1G: In my motherDs familyDs case her mother came sometime in the first decade of the twentieth century. As did her husband. Originally I think my maternal grandmother went to New York where her sister my Aunt Bertha was and stayed there for a few years. She settled in Baltimore a short time later and ID,e ne,er been certain but I think started out as my grandfatherDs housekeeper. Q: How about your father* GOCDBE1G: My father was a salesman and he spent maybe fi,e days out of se,en on the road tra,eling. He died when I was 14. I didnDt really know him all that well and my memories of him are largely of Sunday outings. I ha,e only a few photos of him. Q: And your mother* GOCDBE1G: Up to the time when my father died she was a housewife. Thereafter she was the rock the mainstay of the family working split shifts in a doctorDs office as a medical receptionist. Q: Did your father serve in World War wo* GOCDBE1G: No. My father got a deferment because at least early in the war if you had child you werenDt called up. I think this was fairly common. Of the si. males in my fatherDs family only two went into military ser,ice during 22II. One was my Uncle Alfred who subsequently became the historian for the Defense Department and ser,ed in that capacity for 37 years or so. The other was my uncle Harry who ser,ed for three years in the European theater. Q: Baltimore was a pretty active military,industrial town on the East coast. What was it li)e growing up there* GOCDBE1G: I didnDt encounter any of that as I was growing. I had a ,ery sheltered childhood going to schools that were supposedly integrated but segregated within the class. My contacts with non0white people e,en through college were not terribly e.tensi,e. I didnDt disco,er a broader community of color until I went to grad school in Chicago. The south side of Chicago in the late E0s and early 70s was a ,ery di,erse community a place where you dared to be L and perhaps dared not to be 0 socially acti,e. The shocking thing to me in my first two years in Chicago was the murder of two students and the rape of a number of women including one who li,ed nearby. So much 7 was going on L kind of reminded me of the Bob Dylan line =and you donDt know what it is do you Mr. %onesM“ Q: Starting out a little bit earlier, you were in high school when Kennedy became president in January 1011. Did that for you generate the e2citement we have always heard about* GOCDBE1G: No I was relati,ely apolitical. I donDt really remember the debates all that well. I reali:e that for a 14 year old at that time I probably should ha,e been a little more politically aware but 15E0 was a really difficult year in many ways for us. My father passed away in August of that year. He had been sick since February and our family turned inward. The Fennedy story 0 all of this talk of New Frontiers 0 was crowded out by family issues. I guess I only recall two Fennedy e,ents. One I was sitting in front of the tele,ision set as he announced the blockade of Cuba on October 22 15E2 wondering whether IDd li,e through my freshman year at Gettysburg College. I had lots of con,ersations with friends about the end being near3 in some respects it was nearer than any of us thought it was. 2hat was so ama:ing was how quickly that fear dissipated after the crisis. My only other memory of the Fennedy years was of course the day he was assassinated NNo,ember 22 15E3O L e,eryone fifteen or older recalls where they were that day3 I was putting up signs for a fraternity party at Gettysburg.
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