Cheese for Dummies

Cheese for Dummies

Index Appenseller cheese, 200 • A • appetizers Abbaye de Belloc, 157 Comté wafers, 267 Abbaye Saint Benoît du Lac, 130 Crispy Cheese Croquettes, 268 Abeiderrahmane, Nancy, 337 famous, 266 about this book, 1–5 Gougères, 270–271 accessories, 95–97 Queso Fundido con Pollo, 269 ackawi, 228 apple pectin powder, 243 affi nage. See also aging apricots, 312–313 about, 10 Arding, Kate, 37, 139 art of, 31 Argentine cheesemaking, 133 French fromageries best known for, 162 Armenian cheeses, 211 affi neurs, 31 Artisan Cheese Making at Home (Karlin), Aged Gouda and Walnut Biscotti, 308–309 323 aging. See also ripening artisan cheeses. See also artisanal hard cheese, 60 cheesemakers Loire Valley goat cheeses, 155 Alberta and Ontario, 128 Manchego cheese, 187 books on, 323 airaq, 334 British Columbian, 128 Alberta, 128 California’s, 113–115 alcohol. See beer; spirits; wine costs of, 37 ales, 252–253 found in Rockies, 120 Aligot, 158, 266 Idaho’s, 118 Allgäu cheeses, 205–207 Irish, 146 alpine cheeses New York, 125 characteristics of, 197–198 New Zealand’s emerging, 222–223 Italian, 167 Oregon, 116 from Switzerland, 198–203 Quebec and Maritimes, 129–130 Alsace-Lorraine cheeses, 163–164 Southern U.S., 122–123 American Cheese Society, 13, 83, 345–346 U.S. production of, 112 American cheeses. SeeCOPYRIGHTED North American Vermont, MATERIAL 124 cheeses Washington State’s, 117–118 American Livestock Breed Conservancy, 20 Artisanal, 31, 88 Amish Country Cheese Festival, 349 artisanal cheesemakers ammoniated aroma, 41, 48, 61, 152 Alison Hooper, 339 Androuët, 90 Bob Reese, 339 AOC (Appellation d’originee contrôlle), 36 British, 141, 142 aperitifs, 255 Cary Bryant, 341–342 appearance of cheese, 77 Cindy and Liam Callahan, 342 334_9781118099391-bindex.indd4_9781118099391-bindex.indd 361361 33/28/12/28/12 33:59:59 PMPM 362 Cheese For Dummies artisanal cheesemakers (continued) Barbour, Lucy, 219 David Gremmels, 341–342 Basque Country cheeses, 184–185 Jennifer Bice, 342–343 Bavarian and Allgäu cheeses, 205–207 Judy Schad, 340–341 Beaufort, 67, 160 Mary Keehn, 340 Beechers Handmade Cheese, 88, 117 Mateo and Andy Kehler, 344 Beehive Cheese Co., 120 Midwestern, 120–122 Beeler, Rolf, 31 Mike and Carol Gingrich, 343 Beemster cheesemakers, 210 Peggy Smith, 344 beer Sue Conley, 344 about, 251 Tom and Nancy Clark, 340 pairing with cheese, 252–254 touring, 123 styles of beer, 252 Arzúa Ulloa cheese, 182 beestings, 336 Aschekäse cheese, 204–205 Bellwether Farms, 114, 342 Asiago cheese, 52, 171 Berger, Ueli, 219 asparagus, 281, 283 Berner Oberland cheeses, 199–200 Asturias, Spain, 182–183 Bernstein, Joshua M., 254 Australia Berthaut, 162 cheese and wine trails of, 218 Bethmale, 157 cheesemaking in, 213–214, 216 Beyaz Peynir, 193 culture of, 216 bGH (bovine growth hormone), 21 goat cheeses in, 217 Bice, Jennifer, 342–343 King Island Dairy, 219 Bistro Salad with Poached Egg and map of, 215 Parmigiano Reggiano, 276–277 other regions of, 220 Black Sheep Creamery, 118 South Australia, 218–220 Blackberry Farm, 122 Tasmania, 219–220 Bleu Mont Dairy, 121 Victoria, 215–217 bloomy-rind cheese Auvergne cheeses, 158–159 defi ned, 33, 41 Avalanche Cheese Company, 120 signs of ripeness, 45–46 Azeitão cheese, 191 blue cheeses Azores, 189, 191 Bleu d’Auvergne, 56, 159 Bleu de Basque, 157 Bleu de Gex cheese, 164 Blu del Moncenisio, 167 • B • Blue Castello, 55 Back Forty Artisan Cheese, 129 Blue Cheese and Potato Tartlets, 302–303 bacteria. See also specifi c types Cashel Blue, 146 benefi cial species of, 32 Caveman Blue, 56 found in Emmentaler, 200 Danish Blue, 210 killing with pasteurization, 30 Gorgonzola, 168–169 preventing bad, 318 Maytag Blue, 122 ripening of cheese and, 12, 31–32 Original Blue, 56 Ballard Family Dairy and Cheese, 118 preserving freshness of, 106 334_9781118099391-bindex.indd4_9781118099391-bindex.indd 362362 33/28/12/28/12 33:59:59 PMPM Index 363 Shropshire Blue, 142 brown spirits, 257–258 Stilton, 142 brunch recipes. See main courses styles of, 55–57 Bruny Island Cheese Company, 220 Blueberry Cobbler, 262 Bryant, Cary, 341–342 bocconcini, 284 bST (bovine growth hormone), 21 Boeren-Goudse Oplegkass cheese, 209 buffalo milk. See water buffalo milk Boeren-Leidse met sleutels, 209 Bulgarian cheeses, 211–212 Boerenkaas cheese, 209 Burgandy cheeses, 161–162 Bonne Bouche, 50 burrata, 43–44, 177 books on cheesemaking, 323 Buster, Michele, 187 Bosnian cheeses, 211 butterfat averages, 18, 21, 185 bourbon, 257 Buttermilk-Oat Crackers, 241 box grater, 96 Bra Cheese Festival, 168, 347 brandy, 258 Brazilian cheesemaking, 133 • C • breakfast recipes. See main courses Cabrales cheese Brevibacterium linens, 32, 48 about, 28, 57 Brewed Awakening (Bernstein), 254 making of, 182–183 Brie cheese mixed milks for, 22 about, 46 Caciocavallo Podolico, 177 camembert versus, 49 calcium chloride, 321 Penicillum candidum mold on, 32 California Artisan Cheese Festival, 346 from Île-de-France, 150–152 California regional cheeses, 113–115 Brillat-Savarin, 153–154 Callahan, Cindy and Liam, 342 British Columbia cheeses, 127–128 Cambozola cheese, 55, 207 British Isles cheeses camel milk, 228 characteristics of, 136–138 camembert cheese history of, 137 about, 46 Ireland, 144–146 Brie versus, 49 Midlands, 141–142 Camembert de Normandie, 153 North of England and the Borders, Camembert Dressing recipe, 275 142–143 Campania cheeses, 175–176 regions of, 136 Caña de Cabra, 187 Scotland and Wales, 143–144 Canadian cheeses size of, 138 about, 125–127 Southeast and East, 140–141 Alberta and Ontario, 128 Southwest and West, 139–140 British Columbia, 127–128 terrior of, 137–138 cheesemaking regions in, 127 tradition of, 135–136 islands known for, 129 Brocciu, 161 Quebec and Maritimes provinces, Broiled Gruyère Sandwiches with Maple- 129–130 Caramelized Apples, 298 Canadienne cows, 126 Brown, Bonnie, 237 Canary Islands cheeses, 187–188 334_9781118099391-bindex.indd4_9781118099391-bindex.indd 363363 33/28/12/28/12 33:59:59 PMPM 364 Cheese For Dummies canning, 242 Pan-Roasted Wild Mushrooms over Cantabria, Spain, 183 Cheddar Polenta with Pumpkinseed Cantal cheese, 64, 159 Oil, 286–287 Canterbury Cheesemongers, 90 salting, 28 Capriole Farmstead Goat Cheeses, cheddaring, 70, 126 121, 340–341 cheese. See also cheesemaking; terrior; Caravane, 336–337 and specifi c styles and types cardoon, 190 ammonia smell of, 48, 61, 152 Carephilly cheese, 144 armchair travel via, 16, 34–36, 107 Caramelized Shallots in Port Wine, 244 artisan, 37 Carmody, 63 benefi ts of, 15 Carpenter, Jeanne, 83 best beers for, 251–254 Carr Valley Cheese, 121 Brie versus camembert, 49 Carroll, Ricki, 323 burgers with, 295 casein, 18 characteristics of, 12–13 caseophile, 80 cheesemakers and cheesemongers, 10–12 Cashel Blue, 146 consumption of, 11 Castellan, Martin, 181 conversion charts, 264, 351–353 Castelmagno, 167 curds in, 18, 27 Castelo Branco cheese, 190 cutting, 99–101, 102 Castile-Leon cheeses, 185–186 enjoying, 14, 16, 34–36, 107 casu marzu, 333–334 evaluating, 77–78 Catalonian cheeses, 184 farmstead, 23 Cato Corner Farm, 125 fresh, 40–44 Caveman Blue, 56 judging competitions, 83 Cellars at Jasper Hill, 31, 124 lactose intolerance to, 26, 329 Celsius, 353 live culture of, 12 Central and South American cheeses, making, 10, 23–24, 322–323 132–133 matching wine intensity, 246–247, 250 Central Asia milk for, 17–22 cheese styles of, 225 moisture content in, 28 map of, 224 names of British, 140 yak milk in, 226 origins of, 9–10, 25 Central Italy cheeses, 172–175 pronouncing names of, 14, 150 Certifi cation Exam for Cheese qualities of, 76–77 Professionals, 11 quiz on selecting, 81–82 Chabichou, 155 raw milk, 30 chaeshappech, 202 reasons to eat, 14, 15 chal, 225 rinds of, 32–34 Champagne cheeses, 162–163 salt in, 28–29 Champagne wine, 247, 249–250 sensory components of, 75 Chaource, 163 smoking, 84 cheddar spirits with, 255–258 about, 62 starter cultures, 25–26 clothbound, 70–71 styles of, 31–34 334_9781118099391-bindex.indd4_9781118099391-bindex.indd 364364 33/28/12/28/12 33:59:59 PMPM Index 365 terminology of, 13–14 cheesemongers time-tested wines with, 250–251 about, 10–12 traditions refl ecting terroir in, 28 asking for samples, 80 unusual, 333–338 buying cheese without, 13 cheese and wine trails of South Australia, knowledge of, 86 218 talking with, 87, 93, 232, 234 cheese cleaver, 96, 97 visiting local, 80 cheese fl y larvae, 333–334 Chenel, Laura, 114 Cheese Library, 147 Cherry Preserves, 242–243 Cheese (Michelson), 147 Cheshire, 142 cheese mites, 337 chèvre. See goat cheese cheese plane, 96, 97 chhurpi, 225, 335 Cheese Primer (Jenkins), 125, 147 Chicken Cacciatore with Ricotta Salata, 293 cheese regions. See maps of cheese Chile-Citrus Olives, 240 regions Chimay cheese, 54 cheese retailers, 85–89 CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), 15 Cheese School of San Francisco, 346 Clark, Tom and Nancy, 340 cheeseburgers, 295 cleaning cutting boards, 97 cheesecloth, 319 clothbound rinds, 34, 70–71 cheesemakers. See also artisanal clotted cream, 137, 137–138, 138 cheesemakers Coach Farm, 125 alternate fuels used by, 22 coated-rind cheeses best French fromageries, 162 about coated rinds, 34 buying cheese from, 89 nutty fl avors of, 69–70 cheesemongers and, 10–12 sharp to earthy fl avored, 70–71 infl uential artisanal, 339–344 sweet, 71 producing farmstead cheese, 23 Cockman, Alan, 217 touring regional, 123 cocktail recipes using mixed milks, 22 Blueberry Cobbler, 262 working with affi neurs, 31 SweetWater, The, 261 cheesemaking. See also home Widow’s Kiss, The, 260 cheesemaking coffee, 259 affi neurs’ role in, 31 Colby cheese, 62 applying salt

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