JAIPUR l FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2021 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 2 l Issue No. 343 Aditi Nagar We miss his sensitivity. His ability to both reach out and n his 30th death open himself. India misses anniversary the nation We miss his ability to inspire. misses Rajiv Gandhi We miss his healing touch. more than ever before. We miss his humility to course O As we mourn our dead correct and learn from his battling Covid 19 pandemic, feel mistakes. helpless, we miss Rajiv Gandhi. We miss his commitment to We miss his modern outlook, the principles he lived and progressive views and died for. scientific temper. We miss his leadership, We miss his youthful energy especially in the Congress & charm. party which is at crossroads. We miss his reassuring calm, His apparent heir and a young his composure and confidence and dynamic Rahul Gandhi is on the steering. yet not certain to take over the We miss his inclusive command and challenge of approach, his empathy for the leading the party in such Rajiv poor and the deprived. critical times. THE COMPASSIONATE WIZARD Promoted by First India News International Pvt. Ltd. PERSPECTIVE www.firstindia.co.in I www.firstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefirstindia I facebook.com/thefirstindia I instagram.com/thefirstindia JAIPUR | FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2021 02 IN-DEPTH DRAGON SMILES IN NEW SCOURGE BEGINS TO NEPAL, BUT FROWNS TAKE A TOLL IN BANGLADESH he second and more vicious wave of Cov- id-19 has just started to relent when an- T other scourge has emerged to create panic among the people. As the name suggests Mucormycosis or black fungus is a fungal disease. The mould ‘mucor’ is found almost every- where--- in soil, air, plants, rot- ting fruits and vegetables. It can be found even in the nasal pas- sage and mucus of healthy peo- ple. Black fungus may prove fa- tal for diabetics who are given steroids, a life-saving medica- tion for high-risk Covid patients or those on immune-suppres- sants. It targets sinuses, the brain and lungs. With rising cases of black fun- gus in the country, the Central government has advised states to declare Mucormycosis an epidemic under the Disaster Management Act. State govern- ments are also not leaving any- thing to chance and are ensur- ing hospital beds and medicines for patients of black fungus. Although fatalities are still low, experts have to keep a sharp eye on the deadly fungus. Bangladesh not to consider meetings with various politi- Oli’s ‘mis-governance” joining the Quad grouping cal leaders, Oli lost majority GOPAL MISRA and said doing so would “dam- and too much tilt towards support in Parliament; he The writer is accredited as a Journalist age” relations between the China enraged the top advised the President to dis- SPIRITUAL SPEAK of Long and distinguished service with the two countries. The Quad stra- solve the Hosue and order Press Information Bureau of the Information tegic alliance comprises USA, leaders of the party, fresh polls. The Supreme and Broadcasting Ministry India, Australia and Japan, Pushpa Kamal Dahal Court set aside the presiden- You have a right to which the Chinese believe is a and Madhav Kumar tial order and asked the pres- perform your prescribed front against its activities, ident to appoint a new prime duties, but you are not he Chinese president, Li Jin- though vehemently denied by Nepal. In spite of Hou minister, who is able to seek entitled to the fruits of ping, must have been quite its members, in the South Yanqi’s meetings with majority support. Since the your actions. pleased with his country’s China Sea and Indian Ocean. Chinese diplomacy succeed- charismatic ambassador in The Bangladesh Govern- various political leaders, ed in ensuring that none —Bhagavad Gita Kathmandu, Hou Yanqi, for ment has asserted that as a Oli lost majority should be able to seek a ma- ensuring that Prime Minis- sovereign country, “it would jority in the House, Oli has ter, KP Sharma Oli, is reap- determine the course of its support in Parliament; now been sworn-in for the pointed as the prime minis- foreign policy in the interest he advised the President next 90 days. TOP TWEET ter, though he already had of the people. Momen has to dissolve the Hosue and Interestingly, while the T lost majority in Parliament. also asked the foreign envoys Bangladesh foreign minister On the other hand, there deployed in Dacca should fol- order fresh polls did not take Chinese interfer- Prakash Javadekar was a sharp reaction of the low the restraints expected ence in the internal affairs of @PrakashJavdekar Bangladesh foreign minister, in diplomacy. his country, Nepalese For- AK Abdul Momen, on the On the other hand Hou diplomats openly worked to eign Minister Pradeep Ku- Chinese warning that if Yanqi, who herself is an ensure Oli’s ascendency to mar Gyawali has stated that Bangladesh joins the four artist,a glamorous folk sing- power in 2018, by uniting dif- Hou’s meetings with political country strategic alliance, er and earlier had been de- ferent communist factions leaders were part of China’s QUAD, would harm its ties ployed in Islamabad, is under the banner of the Ne- efforts to strengthen Kath- The Chinese proxies and with China. Momen stated known for meddling in the pal Communist Party (NCP). mandu’s fight against the diplomats openly worked to that the question of being an internal affairs of Nepal. In April 2020, NCP suffered a COVID-19 pandemic. Howev- Indian companies have placed ensure Oli’s ascendency to ally to the QUAD would be Flouting the traditional serious internal rift as rival er, the series of meetings orders for importing 6 lakh vials of Amphotericin- B, the drug used to power in 2018, by uniting his country’s own decision, norms of diplomacy, she has factions within the party with specific ruling party treat Mucormycosis (#BlackFungus) different communist and he also cautioned foreign successfully performed Li threatened to unseat Prime leaders, namely those who factions under the banner Also, 5 more Pharma companies have envoys in Dacca not to in- JInping’s direction that Oli Minister K.P. Sharma Oli. were at obvious loggerheads got new Drug approval for producing it of the Nepal Communist dulge in “undiplomatic” pub- should not be replaced by any Oli’s ‘mis-governance” and with Oli, clearly demon- Party (NCP). In April in India within three days. 2020, NCP suffered a lic statements national coalition alliance too much tilt towards China strates the Chinese concerns Momen was responding to comprising the non-commu- enraged the top leaders of about the weakening of its Rajnath Singh serious internal rift as rival @rajnathsingh factions within the party the ‘unsolicited advice’ of the nist Parties like Napali Con- the party, Pushpa Kamal Da- grip on Nepali politics. threatened to unseat Prime Chinese ambassador in Dac- gress or the Samajbadi Party. hal and Madhav Kumar Ne- THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY Minister KP Sharma Oli ca, Li Jiming, who warned The Chinese proxies and pal. In spite of Hou Yanqi’s THE AUTHOR ARE PERSONAL ndia’s Met De- Sequence of events as had sent two advisories to partment had is- ONGC and Defence Advisory WHO’S TO BLAME sued a warning reported show that the Group’s Flag Officer saying I am aware of the scale of devastation about the “ex- Coast Guard had sent that all offshore vessels in caused by #CycloneTauktae and I adverse conditions in which Search & tremely severe” the high sea area of Mumbai two advisories to ONGC Rescue Ops have been conducted by @ FOR TRAGEDY AT SEA cyclone Tauktae which was should return ashore. The indiannavy & @IndiaCoastGuard. Many to lash Mumbai and other and Defence Advisory Coast Guard also issued two precious lives have been saved by areas in Maharashtra before Group’s Flag Officer warnings. The Union Petro- the daring action taken by the Navy in moving on to Gujarat. The leum Ministry has ordered rescuing crew of barge P305. warning was passed on to saying that all offshore an inquiry to find out if suc- the BMC. Following the vessels in the high sea cessive warnings were taken warning fishing boats were seriously and the sequence G Vol 2 G Issue No. 343 ordered to return to the safe- area of Mumbai should of events which led to about G RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. ty of ports. In the cyclone-hit several ONGC vessels with return ashore Printed and published by Arabian Sea there was barge almost 600 men aboard Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of P305 working for the Oil and stranded in rough waters. First Express Publishers. Printed Natural Gas Corporation’s rescue operation. They re- Rescue in turbulent seas is at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. rig at Bombay High. It had covered 26 bodies and are quite a feat in itself. A ship Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk 261 people aboard of whom searching for another 49 can roll 45 degrees on either Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 186 have been rescued. An- missing. side, a frightening proposi- 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das other 100 were stuck on the It has to be seen if ONGC tion even for the hardened Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, rig. Because of the cyclone will take responsibility for sailors. While the inquiry’s Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504. barge P 305 sank. Indian this life-snatching lapse. Se- findings will have to be await- Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra Navy ships INS Kolkata and quence of events as reported ed, the Navy deserves a salute responsible for selection of news INS Kochi spearheaded the show that the Coast Guard in appreciation of its work.
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