UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY , fEB 20 200Z Mr. Marc Mason Mason Chemical Company 72; :;"'. i .!i;ouquih Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005 SUBJECT: Maquat 10 EPA Registration Number: 10324-63 Applications Date: August 17 and October 12, 2001 Received Dates: August 24 and December 4, 2001 Dear Mr. Mason, The foll~amendments, submitted in connection with registration under section 3(c)(7)(A) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended, are acceptable with the conditions listed below: • Addition of the, ,public health and non-public health organisms • Addition of use. sites Conditions Revise the label as follows: I. Since your label does not include directions for the use of this product as a sanitizer on bath and therapy equipment, revise the following statement on page two by deleting the term "sanitizer": "This product is a versatile cleaner and broad spectrum disinfectant formulated for use on bath and therapy equipment (Whirlpools)," 2, Revise the following statement on page two by clarifying the source of the odors: "This product is effective against household germs and odors caused by animal waste, septic tank or sewage backup, smoke and bathroom and kitchen odors." 3, Since your label does not include directions for the use of this product to control laundry odors, revise by deleting the following statements on page two: "This product can be used in the laundry to control odors on musty bedding and linens. Test on a small inconspicuous area before using." COIIaIIUIIIICI!S sYMBOL ................ ..................................... -........... ............... - SURNAME ................ .................. ... .............. ..... _........ - ................ tlATE UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 4. The Agency is in receipt of your information from Gibraltar Laboratories regarding the testing of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecium. The information submitted does provide evidence from 2000 that the organism is still resistant. Thus Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecium may be added to your label at this time. 5. The Agency has reviewed MRID #454962-01 to support the use of this product against the animal pathogen: Avian Reovirus. The testing provided supports the use of this product at 625 ppm (4 ounces per 5 gallons water). Thus your directions for disinfection of Poultryrrurkey Equipment (page six) must be revised to be in agreement with this rate. Delete the reference to 3 ounces per 5 gallons of water and revise to state 4 ounces per 5 gallons of water. 6. Delete the following statement on page nine in the "Sanitizing Incubators and Hatchers Using Fogging Devices" section. Delete " ... and do not enter until the fog has settled (30-60 minutes after fogging is completed.)" This statement is not in agreement with the ''Note'' which follows stating a two hour re-entry interval. General Comments A stamped copy of the labeling accepted with conditions is enclosed. Submit one (I) copy of your fmal printed labeling before distributing or selling the product beating the revised labeling. Submit and/or cite all data required for registration/reregistration of your product under FIFRA section 3(c )(5) when the Agency requires all registrants of similar products to submit such data. If the above conditions are not complied with, the registration will be subject to cancellation in accordance with F1FRA section 6( e). Your release for shipment of the product bearing the amended labeling constitutes acceptance of these conditions. Should you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please contact Tracy Lantz at (703) 308-6415. VX:1!fJL VeImaNoble Product~anager(31) Regulatory Management Branch I Antimicrobials Division (751 OC) Enclosures: stainped Label 751 OC:T.Lantz:2/19/02: 10324-63e COMeVIUI!NCI!S 1YlI80L , 1- ................................ _ .••••.••.•••...•• ................ .......................... _.......... -.................. - .... SUAN"'£ ~ .................................................... ...... _........ ................. ... .............. ..... _........ - ...... ..... DATe , _ ------''--------'------- PRECAunONARYSTATEMENTS MAQUAT10 m~ HAZARDS TO HUMANS 'l'o Oisinfecllwtt - Sanllizer - Deodorizer - Fungicide - Madewslat - Viruclde'- With ~ AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS o• 0rg&nIc Soil ToIersl\C8 For Hospitals Nursing Home, Whirlpool. Home. ~ DANGER. KHp Oul of Reach 01 ChU....... eorro.ve. co ... ~ .'" d_ end slcln ___, If 8wa_ DI _ fhnIoJgh !he MIn. Do no! goIlnIo eyes, Inalllutlon8l. industrial, School. Dairy, Equine, pouIlryrrurkey. Farm, on _ or on o aoting. ___ or ~ _ and -. glow. end proIedIye IioIhklQ """'" hendIn\I. Veterfnaly. Restaurant. Food Handling and Process Areas. Federally -. ...~1 with ooop and waleJ .....r l\andling. Remove ~ do(Iq and -. Inspected Meat and Poultry Plants. Bar and Institutional KilcI1en Use and for ~ ~ doIhlnu-' !1IU" SaniIlzing Ice Machlnea. Formulated for elfeGtIve Poultry Sanitation. (II CIIOII_ i. 5paIIono 01 /afperl/le "'",,""V ._musl ~ "" /lIB ,..1>81) FormWttad for elfecllve SwIne Premise Sanitation. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD Formulalad for eIfecIJve Mushroom Farm Sanitation ! Thle peoIlcIdo 10 kIcIc 10 fIsIl. 00 net cIIschaIva eI'Ikoent conlalnlng iii pRIdUcIlnto ....... -....... ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: ~ Pond&. ......... oce........ __ unless iI_anat with thII~ 01 a Ndanel Alkyl (~60%. C C 5%. C 5%) n 18 3O%. I2 lO iii PoIuIanI DiIoc/Iatg8 EIimlnaIkln S)'Stam (/OPDES) perm/I and the .... " .... au\horiIy r- been cImeIhyI benzylBlIM.lOIIlum chlOIide .............................................. 5.0% noCIIed In IIdnQ pdor 10 -118. Do noIllIIcIIaIDe el!bent 00II1Rq iii prodUct Inlo _ ""-. &yIItemI Yo1IhouI pnlv1ausiy notifying Ihe kx:aI ..... _\menl planl 1UIhorIIy. For ~ AIk)1 (C .. 68'J1" ~32%) _lad ~ SIata W__ or Regional omce 01 .... EPA. dimethyl ethytbenzylammonium chloride ...................................... 5.0% INERT INGREDIENTS: ....... _....... _.................................................. ~ TOTAL: .......................................................................................... 100.0% PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS !-< Do ncI mix wllII_. anionic _ end -lIOilil KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN (If" _ 1&!ll"leT ""'" """ gallon ".., II» """""*'lI *"'-_......,_.., DANGER PELIGRO STORAGE AND DISPOSAL See left for additional 'Ionarv statements 00 not "",_Ie walor. _. or_ by.~ &rid <hposal Firat AId PES11CIIE STORAGE: Opon dumping 1• .,-,.. SIoM DOlly iI orIIIIMI """_. Do not Hew !he III'II'bl __ m _ with yoU when callnQ • p<>1_ conIroI __ or _. or .--Woon_. Keep "'II producI.nderlool<ed storage.'-to _ H ilacoe_ to going lor _.... • ctIIIhIo ... ~ lJIIIamtIIar wI1IIl1s """'"' _. IF ON alCli OR CLOTHiNG: Taite otI __lnalod cIolhing. RInse skin _Iy willi plenty !; PESTICIDE DlIIPOSAL: _do _ ore """'Iy 1IazaTdoos. "'-diapooal 01 .""""" "'_tor 15-,20 mlnu1es. Cal • .,."..,., _I 00I11et or _ for _onl ad""". .!, pesIlcide. oprB)I _ or ~nsatlo is a vklIatlon 01 fBdorailaw. 11 __eo _ be dIspo$ed IF IN EYES: Hold.,. ~ ond ... slowly and genIIy Will _tor for '5-20 ontrouIe&. Remove :g 01 by __09 ID label 1nsIrudions. _ ~ Slalo __ Of ErNh1>nrta1101 CormU """tad _ •• pnoeonI. oliar .... _ 5 mlnctes. Ihen <lOI1IInue o1as1ng eya. C8ft. polson ooMo! .!.. _ ... docIor,.., __ ~ AQen<;y. Of tile Hazardouo W.s'" RapeoantatJve lillie _01 EPA Regional 0Iia0 lor gLIIdance. t_ IF SWAllOWED: Call. polson _ """Ie, or _ immadlately for treotment ad..... Maw CONTAINER DISPOSAL (LaTQOr !han 1 gat.) - T~pt. rinse (or __I). Then ..... "'" _ !lip • gIaa of water w_ '0 ._. Do nol indU08 vomiting unless !DId iO do so by a recydIag 01 oeOOl1dllonln9. or pooclule and ~ of In a 8anlla.y IandIII, or by other """""",res poIeon ......... _ 01 dod<lr. Do not gI¥e anything by moulllO an onoonaciou. porson. ~ by statio and local ""f/Iofftle6. In addlli.... pta.l" oon,,*- may lie ~ of by NOTE TO PItYIlICIAN: P_ iIitJOOSIII dam. ,""y oontraindlcale 1100 ... oI_tric I..... go. b1dne,_. 01 • _ by _ and _ authaItIBs. by bumIng. Hlulled. Illy 001 oIlIJl/lb. ... ~• = (11_ I. one 1I/1111On 01 IUs 1MB !!Ie foI/owInJI &/OIa(Ie and d/IptJuI-J MASON CHEMICAL COMPANY ~ "THE QUATER~CIALtSTS" ~ STORAGE AND DISPOSAL 721 W. ~ ACcr ........ D o I\IIIngIon HeIghIo, R. r 1 L ~ 847-291).1621 th COMMENTS SIIn in Dllginal oonlstner In a",.. lnacoessible 10 _ chIId_ Do not stOll! on _. "WIld Toll n.: In EPA Letter Dated: orenlng 0: Impool109 of ..de wan •• 00 nol reu,"" emply __. Wrop and dlscaro In trash (m '·BO[)'362-1855 ' ~ """'*'~ ~• EPA Reg. No .. 1D324-63 FEB 2 0 2002 ~ ~ E.P .A. Eot No. 'I!IIi!!W'iM, Federal Insecticide. Pongic.de. and Rodenticide Act as amended for the pes Jcide. NET CONTENTS reY!if~der EPA Re<J. No./O.3.2. </-_ (,3 ~ ~ This product contains no phosphorous. ll1I8 pmdud 18 NOOmmended for U68 .t a Hatchlng·Egg ..,nlfiler, wHb best ,esull. achleved In waIer~tu"", ranging from 78"-110"F. ~ This pJOduct max/mizea Isbar 1'8..... by alllICIiYeIy conIroIllng odors. ~, This procIw:t may applied immersion '"~ Thia product Ia for use In kllt:hens, bathrooms, and other household a ........ be lllrough automatic washing systems, lank., foarring appal .... low pressure &prayers, and lDIIglng (wet mI&IIng) systems. , -~ When UMd .. directed, lhIa producl will deOdorize aurfaoM In ,., room and Iollat ~ ThlI produd I*JIraI2aI minty laUgh odors from lmoke, pat accidents, and BAMIS, behbI and unde, sinks and counters, garbage caN! and ~ iIIDn\ge odor. and &ph ~ areaa, and other p1acea where bacletlal growth can C8Il98 malodors.
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