^ 1 - X / . > ■ ! BATtntEAT, JIJLT tt, t m r AT • » i^^AGE TWELVE Manchester Eveniftg Herald Average Daily Circulation 1 Th* Weather 1 F w tlM Mhutli * t Su m , 1844 1 Foroeaar of li. A. Weather Bareer j in captivity for if caCne back the Henry Bernard Bakulski. son of other day to the DiliVQrth home. LoUge Seats 1 Partly elondy tonight with Mr. and Mrs, Felix Bakulski, 92 WE ARE FULLY EQUIPPED 8,762 1 showora and oeetterod thnadri About To’im Homestead street, recently gradu­ Heard Along Main Street A resident in the vicinity of The Member of tke Aedit 1 showers late tonight:.. eonttaned ■ 1 ated from the Aviation Radioman Herald plant, an early riser,^says , Its Officers TO DO ALL KINDS OF 1 warrotoalght; coolor Tnoeday. | ' ^school at Jacksonville, Fla., and And on Some of Manchester's Side SlreetSy Too he has noticed the driver of a car, Bureau e f Otrealutloaa M dn* • n«w »tep In hln Army wss pi oftmted'tn Seaman,-Wrat ••t it 35,” stopping with dlocklikp Manchester— A City o f Village Charm Career, P%’t. Chnrlee Klabosh, eon Clads, in the U. S, Navy. Enter­ regularity at 8:15, in the middle of' BODY AND FENDER WORK ^ Mr. and Mrs. Charlee Klabosh, 8 ing Beo. 18. 19«.. he re­ Main street at Bissell every mom- Gfflfl Fellows Hold , In- T This fellow thought he had a*'a_ few hour.s to visit his wife and Mintz court, Manchseter, this week ceived me recruit training at kiddles and his parents because ha ' Ing• "to -----pick up workers.-------- Well, lation CereiHonies; AND PAINTING VOL. LXm ., NO. 250 (ClueelSed AdverUKag aa Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 24, 1944 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS entered the B-124 Liberator bomt^r Sampson. NVY.. before being trans­ dandy lawsuit, report back• to‘ a camp------ ■-in don’t the biises do that right ----------- NO WAITINC! ----------- jnechanic's' school at Keesler Field, ferred to the Naval Air Technical , An autoist, on, his way from , Jersey His parents were along ? Gravid Master Speaks. Biloxi, Mias. Training Center .p i Jacksonville. Hartford, was annoyed, not to say. | the Bakulski is now sNmiMlfled Avia­ exasperated by the antics of an- vc,fe also had the First Sergeant Ridenour, who lieut. Ernest H. Larson ha^sr- tion Radioman and is scheduled for other motorist who was ahead of car and it was too far for has been top kick of the-Anti-Air­ King David' ge of Odd Fel- Manchester Motor Sales Why Casualties Were High on Saipan •Hed fci England, accordipK to operational training. ^xHe will him. 'This -e c o ^ man '*^“*‘*h i m to walk to the theater, craft men at the local Armory, lows seated itsiu\i^ectlve and ap- 512 ,^ e st Center Street' ' Telephone 4184 Germans Abandon ' / ’ word recenUy received by Ms par- probably see future ser\te^ as a I in and out of traffic, pass oncom-I mother called the theater with his charming wife, left this pointive officers atx Its meeting Tinmh Move Speeds ants, Mr. and Mrs. The<^re Lar- Naval Alrcrewman. x. ing cars by inches_ "bort^act asked to have his wife morning for Camp Shelby, Mis­ son of Lsiurel place. His new ad­ last night in Odd Fellotvs hall, The like a man who had just finished paged. But the request was re- sissippi. He was given a farewell dress Is; Lieut. E rn e^ H . L"™""- smoking a couple of reefers. installation was in char^s^of 1Dis­ !'./ * ‘ Hose No. 1 of the Manchester fused, the mother being told that : party at the Legion Home last \ - y \ 5; ' 01297389, Excess O flw r Co.. A.P.O. Came the inevitable. Near Man­ they Ayoilld only call a party out j night. A regular Army man be- trict Deputy Grand Master'Narry Siedlce, Jaraslaw j^330,'e-o Postmaster, New York, Fire department, will hold its an­ F. Sweet o f this town and his staff. nual outing at Garden Grove to­ chester a bus was slowing down of the theater in case of sickness: fore the war he has seen aer\lce all for ^xcrosslng. The crazy driver. over the world. He was wounded Following is the slate o f officera: WK REPRESENT THE STRONGEST Marianas’ Conquest; morrow. or~ death In the family. • The | In the a<^ of passing the bus, had in the South Pacific and given an Noble Grand, Kenneth Walker; !' to slip bilek into line and-bingo mother explained how neceaaary it vice grand, Julius Strong; record­ STOCK AND DIYIDBND Manchester has been given a, was that the wife be called, but it opportunity for a medical dis­ Before Red Push z struck the bus. He jumped out and charge but'he refused it. At the ing secretary. Thoma.s Max4&e|l; quota of 118,995 pounds of waste looked over hV bumper. He yelled did no good. treasurer, Harry F. Sweet; finan­ PAYING paper to be collected each month. Finally the soldier started out party last night Marcel Donre act­ LI^OR DEPT. and screarhed aiid^ tossed his arms ed as master of ceremoniea assiat- cial secretary, Irwin Barrett. Dunng May 128,747 pounds were in the Air. A erowd'ajarted to form. for the theater on foot. Fortunate­ The appointive officers are: COMPANIES Admits ^Russians With­ Isolate Key collected but for the first five ed by "Whltey'' Engel. ^ E N AS USUAL. By that time the H her autoist ly someone came along in a car Right Supporter. to the Noble INSUR in 50 Miles of War­ Jet Engines months of the year the town had and gave him a ride. Then he had Grand, -Loydon/Clark; left. Wilbur reached a quota of 91 per cent In who had been following'Jhim from We Were looking over aome of MINIMUM PRICES! Hartford arrived. The c r a ^ driver to walk up and down the theater Loveland; right supporter to the IN saw Now; Lwow and the collection of fata Manchester aisles searching for his wife. We the new fall hats. Both the mate­ turned to him. \ rial and the prices are felt. vice grand, Fred Robinson; left, To B e Made Yankees Ring Objec­ in the last report, had reached a certainly sympathize with the sol- Clinton Keeney; warden, Henry Lublin Become Bat­ Chinese Pound Young Men percentage of 162. •'You saw it,” he screamed.‘^ nPU — A. Non. SURE INSURANCE! tives on Guam; Luid- were just oehliul me. You sa\v. clier. and we can't understand why Ingraham; conductor. Herman tlegrounds as So­ what that bus driver did. He cut :>he request to have his wife paged Bchrend; chaplain, Myron Rob­ DIAL 5810 — 853 MAIN F or Planes ings on Island NeRr in front of me. I have a suit yas refused. It certainly wasn’t Marine Is'Home bins; inside guard, Lennart John- viets Gain 20 Miles. .At Stronghold Seen Fillins! against the company. I just need nsKtng very much for a fellow who •son; outside guard, Thomas Trot­ Saipan Being Contin- ALL KINDS OF you as a witness. GiSfi.-ma your has been in action in four major From South Pacific ter. -X General Electric Com­ name and address." engageht^i.ts. After the ceremony of installa­ London, July 24.— (JF )— Of Siangsiaiig Needs Now imd Against Light Op­ CLOCKS REPAIRED •'Glad to do so,” answered the tion, Grand Master CTiarles S. The (kirman radio acknowl­ pany Announces Plans position ; Protection ether. He pulled out his billfold, We’ve notinpd posters advertis­ Staff Sergt. Henry Thorbald Roberts, Jr., who was present edged today that Russian 'X flipped over a few cards and show­ gave a talk, and refreslimenta For Producing 'tur­ THE W. A..SMITH ing the V. F. W carnival have ob­ Mathla.son of the U. S. Marines, troops had plunged within 50 Throw Back Other Jap­ House Military Affairs By Planes, Warships,! ed him a legal appearing card. On literated the Ririgling Bros., Bar- were served by Past Grand Jkmea 983 Main St. Room 9 son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mathln- miles of Warsaw, with Nazi bines for Arm y Use. conuEniEncE it was'printed his name and occu­ num * Bailey poster:?. But cover­ son. of 691 Hartford Road, return- Cummings and his committee. How would you like to charge into that wall of 'tgngled jungle growt): in the photo above, not anese Forces Which Committee Believes Land-Based Artillery. pation. ‘.‘Claim agent for the Con­ ing up the signs won't erase troops abandoning Siedlce the ed last night after 21 months qf Schenectady, N. Y., July 24—(>P) knowing bow many, if any, Jap snipers it held? ThUi^iutqp-up squad of U, B. Marines on Saipan Island ' o# our location hslpi lolvs necticut Company.’’ memories of that tragedy.; action in the South Pacific. This .and Jaraslaw. The German Penetrate Positions In­ Manpower Pool Un­ —^The General Electric Company (Pd It—and one of them, left, foreground, is pictured Cruiupling as. Jap bullet hits him.— (USMC U. S. Pacific Fleet Beadr | trantportafion proDitmi. is his first furlough in two and CLOSED communique reported fight­ photo from NEA). ' x' ■ side Hengyang Again. Local 'teenagers sent In this plea Free Enlargement i announced'today plans for produc der 2 6 Is Enough. quarters, Pearl Harbor, July I John Dilworth, -the well known one-half years. X one day this weiek: Sergt. Mathla.son enlisted in the ing inside the great Polish 24.—(>P)—The day-old inva­ GOAT'S MILK Depot Square barber, has hwl a lot w ith Every Roll of Film A — raU centera of L>wow and Lublin, tion of Jet propulsion aircraft tur­ "May we present ih*" First Division of the U.
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