![Developments in Iraq](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DEVELOPMENTS IN IRAQ Governance 66 Security 71 Special Feature: Counting Casualties 79 Rule of Law 80 Economy 87 Public Services 101 4section Oct10_forTOC.indb 65 10/25/2010 10:58:42 AM DEVELOPMENTS IN IRAQ GOVERNANCE As of October 20, Iraq’s Council of Representatives Tatweer initiativestodevelopGOIministries;more (CoR)hadyettoagreeonwhoshouldbethe than 70% are Iraqis.270 country’sPrimeMinister.Forinformationon Tatweer staff have worked over the last two this protracted process of government formation, years with the Ministry of Planning and Develop- seeSection1ofthisReport.Notwithstandingthe ment Cooperation (MoPDC) to create a road map delay in forming a new government, the Gov- for implementing more than 2,800 projects, at an ernment of Iraq (GOI) ministries continue to estimated cost of $186 million, under Iraq’s newly conduct daily business under the supervision of approved National Development Plan (2010–2014) directorsgeneralandothersecond-andthird- (NDP). As a complement to this work, Tatweer level officials. staff have completed automation of the approval formforcapitalbudgetprojects,whichishosted inIraq’sGovernmentAssistanceDatabase(GAD). U.S. Capacity-development TheGADhasnowbeenformallyinstitutedatthe Programs MoPDC, and all ministries and provinces will be required to use the electronic approval form to The United States administers several long-running initiate capital projects.271 capacity-development programs aimed at assisting USAID and the United Nations Development alllevelsoftheIraqigovernment—national,pro- Programme (UNDP) have entered into a partner- vincial,andlocal.U.S.programshave,forexample, ship to implement a larger system that would host workedwiththeMinistryofElectricitytocreatean theGADmoduleandunifyallothercapitalproj- ElectricityMasterPlanundertheMinisterialCa- ectdatabasescurrentlytrackedbytheMoPDC. pacity Development program, provided support for The new Iraq Development Management System the March national elections under the Democracy (IDMS) will also host the Development Assistance andCivilSocietyProgram,andrebuiltinfra- Database module, which tracks international structure through projects overseen by Provincial donor projects, as well as a new module to track ReconstructionTeams(PRTs).Forinformationon NDP projects.272 U.S. election support, see SIGIR’s July 2010 Quar- As the work of Tatweer concludes, USAID has terly Report, and for more on the PRT program, see announcedanewNationalandProvincialAdminis- Section3ofthisReport. tration Reform Project. USAID anticipates awarding one cost-plus-fixed-fee contract, valued at approxi- National Capacity Development mately $175 million, to continue capacity building in As of September 30, 2010, the United States Agency theGOI.Objectivesincludesupportforcivil-service for International Development (USAID) had reform, national policy management (including expended $264.65 million of the $309.43 million oversight of NDP implementation), and administra- allocated from the Economic Support Fund (ESF) tive decentralization. USAID expects cost-sharing to its National Capacity Development program with the GOI to be built in at a 1:1 ratio.273 (Tatweer, Arabic for “Development”). More than $14 million was expended during this quarter to Support for Provincial Governments strengthen Iraq’s national government.269 USAID The current phase of USAID’s Local Governance reported 225 personnel working on behalf of Program (LGP III) continues to support Iraq’s 66 I SPECIAL INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION Oct10_forTOC.indb 66 10/25/2010 10:58:42 AM GOVERNANCE provincial governments in formulating and execut- Baghdad province and city governments made sure ing budgets, carrying out effective public outreach, alltheirdatawasinplaceevenbeforetheMOF andperformingotheressentialfunctions.AsofSep- instructions were released, and they were the only tember 30, 2010, all of the $150.96 million in ESF funds entitiestosubmitboththeO&Mandcapitalbud- allocated to the program had been obligated, and gets to the MOF by the June 30 deadline.276 nearly $84.8 million had been expended—$25 million during this quarter.274 AccordingtoUSAID,the Community Outreach results of LGP III capacity-building activities have USAID’scurrentphaseoftheCommunityAction begun to be demonstrated by Provincial Council Program (CAP III) works to promote citizen par- members and other local government officials who ticipation in local governments. As of September are acting to provide more consistent enforcement 30,2010,allofthe$179.90millioninESFfunds of policies, increase public participation in decision allocated to the program had been obligated, and In 2010, there have making, and employ more effective financial man- more than $117.90 million had been expended— been no mass agement and budgeting processes.275 more than $26 million during this quarter.277 migrations on the USAID reported that there had been consider- USAID reported providing training this quarter scale seen in the ableconfusionthisyearabouttheduedatesfor for hundreds of members of the more than 200 wake of the 2006 Iraqi provincial budgets. When the Ministry Community Action Groups it has established or bombing of the of Finance (MOF) finally issued instructions for reinstituted to plan and execute community-driven Samarra mosque. preparing2011budgets,itgavetheprovincesjusttwo development projects that create jobs for Iraqis. weeks to submit operations and maintenance (O&M) CAP III projects are supported by cost-sharing budgets,anddeadlinesforcapitalbudgetsremained commitments from local governments and com- ambiguous. Anticipating this, the LGP III provided munities,andtheyincludeinitiativestosupport advisory support to help prepare the budgets. widows, orphans, and minority populations. Ad- ditionally,theCAPIIIcarriesoutprojectsfunded Figure 4.1 bytheMarlaRuzickaWarFund,whichbenefits IDP and Refugee Returnees 2003–2010 Iraqis around the country who have been affected 200,000 bymilitaryoperations.Thisquarter,morethan207 ofthoseprojectswerecompleted.USAIDreported that the CAP III’s end date has been extended from 278 150,000 November 2010 to September 30, 2012. 100,000 Humanitarian Assistance AccordingtotheUN,about1.8millionIraqis 50,000 are refugees and another 1.55 million Iraqis are estimatedtobeinternallydisplacedpersons(IDPs) because they were forced to flee their homes amid 279 0 sectarian violence. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 In 2010, there have been no mass migrations on IDP returns 0 98,000 98,000 150,000 36,000 195,890 167,740 63,100 thescaleseeninthewakeofthe2006bombingof Refugee returns 55,429 193,997 56,155 20,235 45,420 25,370 37,090 16,390 the Samarra mosque, but several incidents this year Note: Information for 2010 is reported as of 7/2010. Numbers affected by rounding. resultedinnewdisplacements.InFebruaryand Source: UNHCR, “Monthly Statistical Update on Return,” 7/2010, www.iauiraq.org/documents/476/ March, the UN reported that 866 families from Return%20Update%20IRAQ%20JUL%202010.pdf, accessed 9/15/2010. OCTOBER 30, 2010 I REPORT TO CONGRESS I 67 Oct10_forTOC.indb 67 10/25/2010 10:58:43 AM DEVELOPMENTS IN IRAQ Ninewa province fled to surrounding areas. The Figure 4.2 UN reported another 941 families displaced from Returnees by Province, 2009–2010 MaytoJulyfromnorthernbordercommunities after cross-border bombing raids by the Turkish andIranianairforcesthattargetedKurdishmili- Dahuk tants.However,theUNreportedthatmostofthose displacedduringthefirsttwoquartersof2010have Erbil Ninewa returned home.280 Overall, the total number of IDPs and refugees Tameem Sulaymaniyah returning to their homes in the first half of 2010 droppedby29%comparedwiththefirsthalfof2009. Salah Al-Din Figure4.1showsthenumberofreturneesfrom2003 Baghdad through June 2010.281 As Figure 4.2 shows, most Diyala IDPs and refugees who have returned in the last year have settled in Diyala and Baghdad provinces.282 Anbar Kerbala Babylon Wassit USAID/OFDA Update Qadissiya USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster As- Missan Thi-Qar sistance (USAID/OFDA) assists IDPs and other Najaf vulnerable populations by providing life-saving 60,000–94,500 Basrah support,improvinglivingconditions,andmiti- 10,000–60,000 2,000–10,000 gating the impacts of conflict-related and natural Muthanna 1,000–2,000 disasters. Its activities include distributing es- 500–1,000 sential emergency relief commodities and shelter 1–500 kits; expanding access to water, sanitation facili- ties, and essential health services; and providing Source: UNHCR, “Monthly Statistical Update on Return,” 7/2010, www.iauiraq.org/documents/476/ income-generation opportunities and economic Return%20Update%20IRAQ%20JUL%202010.pdf, accessed 9/15/2010. recovery support. In FY 2010, USAID/OFDA provided more than $45 million in humanitar- Ministry of Displacement and Migration (MoDM) ianassistancetovulnerablepopulationsinIraq, in operating Iraq’s Return Assistance Centers includingIDPs.Nearly$33millionofthetotal (RACs).RACsfacilitatethesafeandvoluntary was committed this quarter.283 return of IDPs and refugees to areas of origin by The UN reported USAID/OFDA support enables grantees to connecting them with GOI assistance to which that most of those respond rapidly when emergency needs arise in they are entitled. As of June 2010, five RACs and displaced during the vulnerable communities and areas of insecurity. For branch offices had registered more than 167,000 first two quarters of example, when Iranian military forces carried out returning IDPs and provided legal services to 2010 have
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