Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Island Times Newspaper, 2010 Island Times Newspaper, 2002-2013 1-2010 Island Times, Jan-Feb 2010 Kevin Attra Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/itn_2010 Recommended Citation Attra, Kevin, "Island Times, Jan-Feb 2010" (2010). Island Times Newspaper, 2010. 1. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/itn_2010/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Island Times Newspaper, 2002-2013 at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Island Times Newspaper, 2010 by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • SLAND IMES f JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2010 A community newspaper covering the islands ofC asco Bay FREE INSIDE lntheNews Incident on the Aucocisco III In strong w inds and rough u as, the passe nier ferry smashed into the Forest City Landing, but w eather only played a minor role. 3 Page3 ~... ~ "'-. HomeStartApplies WintRr Editi OU T he first snow of winter started at 4 pm on Friday, D ec. 5 and fell to a total accumulation of6.l inches by for Variance sunrise Saturday, Dec. 6, near the record 7.3 inches set in 1964, The first Parking ban was implemented on Wednesday, Dec. 9 during HomeStart has applitd to the city the second snowfall, Expecting it to be severe, schools were closed, but it turned into 0 .52 inches of rain later. \Viods gusted to45 mph. for a w11tftlio11al zoning w rion(t /J1l property at 18 Luther Simi. The Planning Board begins work.shop, Henry"Hank" Berg to head Casco Bay Lines this month. Page4 Cham/, Sa1Hsonilt and McGTtJJIJ­ looking for someone co bring BYKEVINATTRA H i/1 children's publishing business experience ro the State ofthe Union among others. company," said Mr. Hoffman. Part 1:A look al the history of After wadi ng through 136 He's been responsible fo r "There's a lot of marine sefession on Peok1 bland, tn ti applica,ions from across the establishing operational experience already here with 1erit1 examining the role ofthe a nd fi nancial goals, and the staff we have. Bringing Peolu bland Council and the countr y and interviewing 12 candidates, the board developing systems to ensure in someone with a strong iss,us underlying 1ecession. o f direcrors of the Casco high-le,•el performance in busi11css sense will be \'ery Page15 Bar Island Transit District sales, marketing, human helpful." selected Henry Berg as the relations, fi nance, technology ~[ r. Berg earned a Bachelor TheSoundoflsland new General Manager for the and ooerations. of Science n f Electrical Casco Bay Lines. Pri;r to that, he was a Engineering degree from rhe Music T he announcement was design engineer with Sa11ders, Universityof'Jew Hampshire, Fifth Moine Mmeum rurator a Master of Science degree Kim Modroac talm us hack to a made Tuesday, Dec. 29 at a Lockheed .l\fartin company, a special board meeting whe re he became d1rec1or in computer science from 19th century islandorrheslra. Northeas,ern University in Page16 held at the fe rry terminal. o f the telecommunications " T he applicants were all product line in 1999. Boston and an executive MBA highly qualified. Some were been with ToclioH, a contac t .l\lr. Berg has more than 21 from Boston Universit)' in o utstand ing," said Matt center for cusromcr sales years' experience in operations 1996. Hoffman, chair of the seMch and support in Waldoboro, management and product f-lc lives in Damariscotta lntheArts committee in charge of havtng served as its president de,·d opment in a variety of with his ,vifc, Stephanie. They selecting rhcgcncral manager. and chief operations officer. high-tech industries. have rwo grown sons, Michael Children Entertain Since 2001 , ]\ fr. Berg has Tat/ion's client list includes "The board was clearlr and Jamie. this Christmas Students at the Peaks l1land School and the Children's Workshop song in holiday A new era begins for the PIC co11tertsji;r the community. Page JO BY Ke:VlN A lTRA one in a 20 minute speech. OnArt "I mean, I could /lrtiJtJessica Georgeloc hs al Ne w members of the howwewlu,objatsandtheways Peaks Island Council were go rig h t around the roo1n," he said, objects (Oil be experimas. inaugurated at a ceremony at Page14 the MacVane Center Tuesday, " because, really, just Dec. 8. Even though the about evcrybodr in this 1----------- ceremony included catered room has participated hors d'ocuvrcs by l,isa Lynch, and held on with the REGULAR the affair was lightly attended. Peaks Island Council." FEATURES Cny Councilors D ory He thanked out-going Waxman, Kevin Donoghue councilors Betsy Stout ' and John Anton were prcscm, and Bob Hurley as well • Letters p.6 as was Mayor Nicholas as former councilor YOGA p. 7 Ma\'o<lones Jr., Senior Lead Mike Langella, who Officer Ro b Lauterbach didn't attend because Love of Peaks p. 8 a n d Neighborhood he and his wi fe were in Florida for ,he Rcturningcoundlor Tom Bohan is sworn in with new members Marjorie · PIES p.9 /\dmin1stracor Mike Murray, Phyfe and Suellen Roberts (I - r) by Neighborhood/ Island Admilti.strator who administered the oath of winter. "These were Mike Murray at the MacVooe Center T ue.sday, Dec. 8. The Puzzle p.12 office. our first council," said staffpboto Richards, "and work Star Gazing p. 13 Excludi ng city personnel, only 14 people came to the that they did just in ,he Bohan will serve an additional Mi ke Langella after their Community Notes p.18 event, fe w enough that l'IC fi rst year to get it up and going one-year term in order to resignation became effective Chair Mike Richards was able was a cnonumcntaJe ffort." fill one of the positions D ec. I. Suellen Roberts will Events Calendar p.19 Island Councilor Tom 10 say something abom each vacated br Bob I lurley and pieaA•A,eCOUNCIL,pa9eJ PAGE2 ISlANDTIMES Jan/Feb 2010 \ On the cover: DIVER DOWN UNDERWATER SERVICES• 399 Presumpscot Street, Portland, ME 04103 ph (207)' 828-0444 • fax (207) 828-1255 Email: [email protected] ISLAND TRANSPORTER> LLC M ARI NF 'l 'RANSPORTATJO:'l Of· EQUIPMEN-1' ANL> M ATF.ltlAI A CONTINUED COMMITMENT TO OUR CUSTOMERS. O LD & N EW, IN CASCO BAY M/V ~l1nce. Tug Pioneer, MN f.slandTran.~­ porcer wil.h service lo Casco Sa)·. Penobscot Day and che C!uti~ ~faillf' coas,. our 3 un iu: cn.n be 1)(1keioncd lo handkC\.·cn the latgt:st job. ECosi • lk>lldlngSuppli-,. • Asphalt/concrete crocks BYKEVINATTRA parties and day trips. "Ttwas kind of • Utilities/well drilling a booze-cruise boat, to hang out, be • Grtl\el , sctonc J o hn Golembiewski, who on the water "'ith friends," he said. occas1onal ly worked as a crew "I bo ught it with the idea of member for Rick Callow, bought tetiring it from fish ing and restoring the E Cosi from him in January it as a pleasure boat."John O\\'nS five 2008. She is a 32-foor Novi, a other ,·cssels, all wooden boats, all parucular style of fishing boat with built or restored by himself. shield made of 5/ 8-inch chick oak have the E Cosi finished and in the a characteristically high bow and " T'm a certified wood snob" he ribbing extends about 2 feet below water by spring. wide beam, which John says he said. Besides other power boats the water line to protect the hull " I'm really excited co unleash loves. and rowing punts, he also owns a from damage. this ro che \\'Orld to show, to use as He said he calls her Ethyl, like BB 21-foot sloop. He wanes LO create The ice shield isa particula r design a show boat." He plans to build a King calls his Gibson Lucille. '~rhis an apprenticeship program to show feature on lobster boats because as line of pleasure boats based on her is my keeper boat," he said. "This is kids how to build wooden boats. rhe traps arc being hauled up, the design. the one I'm going to keep fo re,,er." He has been working on t he lines rub against the hull. Tf they When he bought her she was T:: Cosi where she .is beached down were to come in contact with the beached. He made some minor front, under a plastic tent he erected soft cedar thcr would t1uicklr gouge repairs and then used her over in the fa ll 2008. She is planked with o ut the side. He the summer for picnics, bachelo r cedar, a very soft wood, so an ice currently expects to ABOVE,John enters the plastic dome he huilr lasr year to enclose the E Cosi while he works on her. R.JGHT: Inside the dome, the superstructure has been demolished. He plans to "'build and launch her this spring, staffp1,otos Jan/Feb 2010 ISLAND TIMES PAGE3 Wind not a factor in Mr. J\favodones said it played only an incidental role in the accident. Because POLICE LOGnecember2009 the wind was from the east-southeast, Pro,ided Lisa P,rrollo Aucocisco III collision more or less blowing parallel to the o/ Planning & Rt1torrh C,,ordiltahr, PPD . - shore, the caprain had to steer straight at the dock until t he Dau~ Description very last minute in order to Time Street overcome rhe wind, which 17:45 3 Island Av Check Well Being the interim manager said is standard procedure under 22:33 4 island Av Intoxicated Person rhose conditions.
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