20988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 30, 2001 home run hitter in major league base- Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I thank the offered by the gentlewoman from Vir- ball history, again hitting his 73rd gentlewoman for yielding time to me. ginia (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS) that the home run on October 7, 2001, eclipsing Mr. Speaker, I would like to just House suspend the rules and agree to the previous record of 70 home runs set share with the gentlewoman from San the resolution, H. Res. 266. by Mark McGuire in 1998, and that Francisco, I know Mr. Bonds hit num- The question was taken; and (two- seemed like an unachievable goal to ber 73 against the Houston Astros, but thirds having voted in favor thereof) break that record. Of Bonds’ 73 home in San Francisco, and in fact in the the rules were suspended and the reso- runs, 24 gave San Francisco the lead northern California area, in baseball, lution was agreed to. and 7 tied the game. the ultimate opponent is the Los Ange- A motion to reconsider was laid on Bonds also hit the five-hundredth les Dodgers, without any doubt. the table. home run of his career during the 2001 I have to say, I do not know where f season, a two-run game-winning home the gentlewoman was when he hit num- run which landed in the waters of ber 71, but it was against the Los Ange- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN McCovey Cove, something my col- les Dodgers. I just want to get that in TERCENTENARY COMMISSION ACT leagues must come visit as well when the RECORD. When he turned on that Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. they come to San Francisco to our fast ball, imagine the audacity on num- Speaker, I move to suspend the rules PacBell Stadium, which, by the way, is ber 71. and pass the bill (H.R. 2362) to establish privately funded, very exceptional, It was the ninth inning and the Dodg- the Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary again under the leadership of the Gi- ers had some rookie in pitching, a lit- Commission, as amended. tle right-handed pitcher. He was throw- ants family headed by Peter McGowan. The Clerk read as follows: Barry Bonds at 37 is the oldest player ing heat. Bonds was up and the game H.R. 2362 in major league baseball history to hit was basically over. This guy kept more than 50, 60 and 70 home runs in a bringing the heat, and he would pitch Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- single season. My daughter is 37 years one and it got by Bonds on strike one, resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, old, and I remember when we went to and I think on strike two, I think SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Barry Bonds’ 30th birthday, which Bonds actually turned to the catcher and said, ‘‘You just put that ball there This Act may be referred to as the ‘‘Ben- seems like just yesterday. But in any jamin Franklin Tercentenary Commission event, he has even at that ripe old age one more time.’’ Act’’. And the pitcher brought the fast ball of 37 broken many records. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Barry Bonds has recorded 484 stolen again, and Bonds turned on, and there The Congress finds as follows: bases. Can we imagine that: Becoming was never any doubt. I have to tell the (1) Benjamin Franklin was one of the most the only major league baseball player Members, all over San Francisco and in extraordinary men of the generation that to hit both more than 400 home runs northern California, Mr. Speaker, peo- founded the United States. Around the and to steal more than 400 bases. Barry ple jumped to their feet and said ‘‘Yes, world, he remains one of the best-known Bonds’ 233rd stolen bases achieved we broke the record against the Dodg- Americans who has ever lived. while playing for San Francisco placed ers; life is good, congratulations, Barry (2) Benjamin Franklin’s achievements in- him sixth on a Giant franchise list be- Bonds; and we won the game.’’ clude his literary work, his creation of phil- hind his father, Bobby, who was fifth, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I anthropic and educational institutions, his significant scientific explorations, and his with 263 stolen bases. So this is indeed yield myself such time as I may con- service to the Nation as a statesman and dip- a family affair. sume. lomat. Perhaps more important to Barry As one who used used to try and emu- (3) Benjamin Franklin was the only Amer- Bonds than even his baseball success is late those basket catches of Willie ican to sign all 5 enabling documents of the his record of community service. He Mays, I am pleased to urge strong sup- United States. has proven himself to be an active lead- port for this resolution. (4) All people in the United States could er, not only in the Giants’ club house, Mr. Speaker, I have no further re- benefit from studying the life of Benjamin but also in the community, donating quests for time, and I yield back the Franklin and gaining a deeper appreciation privately approximately $100,000 al- balance of my time. of his legacy to the Nation. (5) January 17, 2006, is the 300th anniver- ready to the September 11 Fund to aid Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself the balance of sary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin, and the victims of the terrorist attacks in a commission should be established to study New York, Washington, and Pennsyl- my time. and recommend to the Congress activities vania. Barry Bonds has also devoted Mr. Speaker, I again commend the that are fitting and proper to celebrate that his time and personal financial re- distinguished gentlewoman and the anniversary in a manner that appropriately sources to support the ‘‘Link and gentleman from California for intro- honors Benjamin Franklin. Learn’’ program of United Way and has ducing the resolution to recognized SEC. 3. ESTABLISHMENT. been an active participant in numerous Barry Bonds’ achievements and work- There is established a commission to be other San Francisco Bay Area commu- ing so hard to assure passage. I thank known as the Benjamin Franklin Tercente- nity efforts, just too numerous to men- the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. BUR- nary Commission (referred to in this Act as the ‘‘Commission’’). tion. TON), the chairman of the Committee on Government Reform, and the gen- SEC. 4. DUTIES. b 1515 tleman from California (Mr. WAXMAN), (a) STUDY.—The Commission shall have the Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my col- the ranking member, and the gen- following duties: leagues to join in very enthusiastically (1) To study activities by the Government tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. that would be fitting and proper to honor and resolve that the House of Rep- WELDON) and the gentleman from Illi- Benjamin Franklin on the occasion of the resentatives congratulate Barry Bonds nois (Mr. DAVIS), the chairman and tercentenary of his birth, including but not on his spectacular, record-breaking ranking member of the Subcommittee limited to the following: season in 2001, and outstanding career on Civil Service and Agency Organiza- (A) The minting of a Benjamin Franklin in major league baseball. tion, for expediting consideration by tercentenary coin. This House wishes him continued the House. (B) The rededication of the Benjamin success in the seasons to come, and I might add that the gentleman from Franklin National Memorial at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or thanks him for his contribution to Indiana (Mr. BURTON) wanted it known baseball, and especially his contribu- other activities with respect to that memo- that he was personally very pleased rial. tion to the community. that Mr. Bonds hit number 73. (C) The acquisition and preservation of ar- Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance tifacts associated with Benjamin Franklin. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to my col- of my time. (D) The sponsorship of publications, in- league, the gentleman from California The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. cluding catalogs and scholarly work, con- (Mr. OSE). PETRI). The question is on the motion cerning Benjamin Franklin. VerDate Aug 04 2004 07:59 Aug 15, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H30OC1.000 H30OC1 October 30, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 20989 (E) The sponsorship of conferences, exhibi- (h) TRAVEL EXPENSES.—Each member shall SEC. 8. DIRECTOR AND STAFF. tions, or other public meetings concerning receive travel expenses, including per diem (a) APPOINTMENT.—The Commission may Benjamin Franklin. in lieu of subsistence, in accordance with ap- appoint a Director and such additional per- (F) The sponsorship of high school and col- plicable provisions under subchapter I of sonnel as the Commission considers to be ap- legiate essay contests concerning the life chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code. propriate. and legacy of Benjamin Franklin. (i) QUORUM.—Five members of the Commis- (b) APPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN CIVIL SERV- (2) To recommend to the Congress in one or sion shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser ICE LAWS.—The Director and staff of the more of the interim reports submitted under number may hold hearings. Commission may be appointed without re- section 9(a)— (j) CHAIR.—The Commission shall select a gard to the provisions of title 5, United (A) the activities that the Commission Chair from among the members of the Com- States Code, governing appointments in the considers most fitting and proper to honor mission.
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