C 251/28 EN Official Journal of the European Union 2.8.2017 Publication of an application for approval of minor amendments in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 53(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs (2017/C 251/09) The European Commission has approved this minor amendments application in accordance with the third subpara­ graph of Article 6(2) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 664/2014 (1). APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF MINOR AMENDMENTS Application for approval of minor amendments in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 53(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2) ‘AIL FUMÉ D’ARLEUX’ EU No: PGI-FR-0820-AM01 — 11.4.2017 PDO ( ) PGI ( X ) TSG ( ) 1. Applicant group and legitimate interest Name: ‘Groupement des Producteurs d’Ail fumé d’Arleux’ (Group of producers of smoked garlic from Arleux) Address: Mairie d’Arleux Place du Général De Gaulle 59 151 Arleux FRANCE Email: [email protected] Composition: The group consists of producers of the ‘Ail fumé d’Arleux’ smoked garlic from Arleux. It therefore has a legitimate right to propose the amendment. 2. Member State or Third Country France 3. Heading in the product specification affected by the amendment(s) — Product description — Proof of origin — Method of production — Link — Labelling — Other: Product description, updated contact details, causal link, inspection body, national requirements 4. Type of amendment(s) — Amendment to product specification of registered PDO or PGI to be qualified as minor in accordance with the third subparagraph of Article 53(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012, that requires no amendment to the published single document. — Amendment to product specification of registered PDO or PGI to be qualified as minor in accordance with the third subparagraph of Article 53(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 and requiring an amendment to the published single document. — Amendment to product specification of registered PDO or PGI to be qualified as minor in accordance with the third subparagraph of Article 53(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012, for which a single document (or equivalent) has not been published. — Amendment to product specification of registered TSG to be qualified as minor in accordance with the fourth subparagraph of Article 53(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012. (1) OJ L 179, 19.6.2014, p. 17. (2) OJ L 343, 14.12.2012, p. 1. 2.8.2017 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 251/29 5. Amendment(s) Heading ‘Proof of origin’ Addition of a paragraph stating that every operator involved in the production of the PGI ‘is required to identify themselves to the group for its authorisation which should predate the start of the activity in question’. This provision, which is already in force, improves product traceability. Heading ‘Description of the method of production’ — Planting: The sentence: ‘The seedlings bought for planting must be CE quality (seedlings inspected in accordance with Euro­ pean standards) or certified, with at least 25 % of the seedlings certified.’ is replaced by the sentence: ‘The seedlings bought for planting shall be CE quality (seedlings inspected in accordance with European standards) or certified.’ In addition, the sentence ‘Given that the objective of the group is to promote the Gayant variety because of its long shelf life, but that to date the production of certified Gayant seedlings has been insufficient to meet demand, the minimum level of certified seedlings is set at 25 %.’ is deleted. These amendments are intended to remove the requirement for at least 25 % of the seedlings used to be certified. The setting of a m inimum percentage of certified seedlings in the current product specification reflected the group’s intention to develop the production of certified seedlings from the regional variety Gayant. It transpires that the production of certified seedlings, including those of the Gayant variety, has not developed in such a way as to ensure a stable supply of 25 %. The producers must therefore be able to buy and use seedlings which are of CE quality or certified, or must be able to produce them themselves from seedlings of CE quality or certified seedlings bought the previous year. This provision does not call into question the product description or the link with the geographical area, as the quality of the CE seedlings is now equivalent to that of certified seedlings. The sentence: ‘The time between breaking apart the cloves and planting them must not exceed 8 days.’ is replaced by the sentence: ‘The time between breaking apart the cloves and planting them must not exceed 15 days.’ This amendment is justified by taking into account sometimes unfavourable weather conditions which may cause delays in preparing the soil for planting. Extending this period allows the garlic to be planted at the optimum time. — Growing phase of the plants: The sentence: ‘There is no further treatment in the three weeks before the harvest.’ is deleted, because there is a regulatory deadline of 14 d ays, which is ample to guarantee that the tops are in a condition similar to that obtained when the treatment is stopped three weeks before the harvest. Although as a general rule there should no longer be any treatment three weeks before the harvest, depending on weather conditions, a treatment may prove necessary to prevent fungal diseases such as rot. The sentence ‘The sprayer is checked every three years’ is deleted, because this is a requirement under the general rules. Heading ‘Labelling’ The requirement for the label to bear the name of the PGI and the European Union logo is deleted, because this now falls under the general rules. The single document is amended accordingly. Heading ‘Other’ — Neatening of the specifications: Inappropriate or unnecessary words (‘human’ in the expression ‘human know-how’, ‘traditional’ in the expression ‘traditional garlic’) have been deleted, a table about the product’s appearances has been moved, and, in the ‘causal link’ section, paragraphs and paragraph headings have been deleted. The bibliography and the annexes that do not contain binding provisions have been deleted. These amendments are intended to make the text of the specifications more consistent, with the single document in particular. They have no impact on the product and the causal link. C 251/30 EN Official Journal of the European Union 2.8.2017 — Responsible department in the Member State: The contact details of the national quality and origin institute, the Institut national de la qualité et de l’origine — INAO , have been added as a competent authority of the Member State in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012. — Inspection body: The contact details of the inspection body have been replaced with those of the competent authority for control. This amendment aims to prevent changes being made to the specification in the event that the inspection body changes. 6. Updated product specification (only for PDO and PGI) https://info.agriculture.gouv.fr/gedei/site/bo-agri/document_administratif-e9d4946c-169e-4eda-84af-bfe12271b428/ telechargement SINGLE DOCUMENT ‘AIL FUMÉ D’ARLEUX’ EU No: PGI-FR-0820-AM01 — 11.4.2017 PDO ( ) PGI ( X ) 1. Name(s) ‘Ail fumé d’Arleux’ 2. Member State or Third Country France 3. Description of the agricultural product or foodstuff 3.1. Type of product Class 1.6. Fruit, vegetables and cereals, fresh or processed 3.2. Description of the product to which the name in (1) applies ‘Ail fumé d’Arleux’ is a garlic that keeps for a considerable period of time owing to a traditional method and know- how involving braiding the garlic and smoking it using local peat and/or lignite and/or short straw and/or sawdust. ‘Ail fumé d’Arleux’ is made from pink spring garlic (Allium sativum, a member of the lily family), of the ‘Ail du Nord’ type. It is characterised by a long dormant period, medium-size bulbs and the absence of a floral stalk and it is adapted to the climate and closely connected with the history of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. The absence of a f loral stalk enables the garlic to be plaited into the typical braids, as the foliage is supple enough to allow this. The varieties used are Ail du Nord, Gayant and Arno. New varieties may be introduced, provided that they meet the abovementioned criteria. After each amendment, the list of varieties is distributed to producers as well as to the inspection body and the competent supervisory authorities. When harvested the bulb is of medium size (varying between 40 and 80 mm depending on the way it is presented) and white in colour, while the external tunic of the cloves is dark pink. ‘Ail fumé d’Arleux’ is traditionally presented in the form of a braid, with the number of heads ranging from 10 to 90 or even 120. It can also be presented as a braid with 3 heads. The braiding is based on a process where the garlic heads are dried with the foliage, either in the field or by forced ventilation in a shed. The garlic is braided by hand, just like hair is. After it has been braided the garlic is smoked in a smokeroom for at least 7 days. The colour of the garlic after smoking varies depending on the materials used. The shades range from a light reddish brown to dark brown. The smoked braids may be packaged in a net before marketing. ‘Ail fumé d’Arleux’ has the following characteristics: — A pleasant smoky aroma. — Uniform colour over the surface of the braid, the intensity of which is validated according to a defined refer­ ence colour.
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