•••• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 .:• 101 st Year, 24th Issue © 2010 July 2, 2010 www.newarkpostonllne.com Newark, Del. Fireworks Residents happy with and more Newark's quality of life By MARK CORRIGAN the form. The survey is released to 78 percent) in favorability every five years, with the last one over 2004's rating. Traffic con­ [email protected] mailed out in 2004. trol and repairing of major and The City of Newark Parks Approximately 1,200 forms neighborhood streets all showed and Recreation Department were returned, producing a a double-digit increase in favor­ Monday night's Mayor & will help local residents return rate of about 25 percent. ability, while bike lanes and City Council meeting reviewed celebrate the 4th of July A sample of 600 questionnaires trails, recreation programs, and the results of a questionnaire with entertainment, com­ was selected, 100 randomly cho­ UNICITY Bus favorability rat­ mailed to 4,300 homes last May, munity information and food sen from each district, to produce ings all showed slight decreases showing that an overwhelming vendors and fireworks. The a sample group that gave a 95 since the last survey. number of residents are either percent confidence level, with a City services rated as the five event will take place at happy or satisfied with what the University of Delaware 3.5 percent margin of error. most important were police pro­ Newark has to offer. About 98 percent of resi­ tection, electric service, trash! Athletic Complex, at the cor­ The 2009 survey was com­ dents reported that they were garbage collection, water quality, ner of Routes 896 and 4 in prised of ten questions that rated either "very satisfied" or "satis­ and major street repairs. The Newark, from 6pm until dusk. quality of life, city services, the fied" with Newark's quality of Newark Trolley, city website, Fireworks will begin at dusk. importance of each service, fre­ life. Approximately 94 percent UNICITY Bus, City newsletter, Parking is available at the U quency of use, neighborhood said the same about the qual­ and neighborhood parking were of D Athletic Complex parking characteristics, city events, and ity of their neighborhood, while the five least important services downtown characteristics. It lots. Bringing along pets is 97 percent stated that they were listed. strongIYf!fert2(~y also asked responders to list happy with the overall quality of As to receiving updated infor­ three things in the following City of Newark services. mation about Newark, 46 percent categories: likes, dislikes, big­ of residents said that they use ~""""StTY OF DEL~ gest challenges, and businesses The largest increase in resi­ dent satisfaction of services Channel 22 at least once a year to they would like to see open in showed in the quality of water find out about community infor- Newark. A comments section 0 8 for the city showing a 21 per­ IJUL 2010 and section listing the house­ cent increase (from 57 percent See SURVEY, 2 ~ hold's demographics rounded out ~RK, DELAVVft RE FILE PHOTO Bike friendly Snow blowers stolen in June Jeff Riegner presents an award to Mayor Vance Funk, Newark Police are investi­ that her house was not getting An employee reported to gating theft and damage reports any colder. After calling in a her manager that she had seen marking Newark as a Bicycle related to weather, including repainnan, she was told that the lock on the shed hanging Friendly Community at the one involving thieves who were the unit had been drained of off of its bracket. Officers Bronze level. The award looking beyond the recent bout all "of its Freon and that several found that the padlock bracket of high temperatures. parts of the unit had either been had been cut open, suggesting was given at Monday's City A 67 year-old female removed or unplugged, perhaps that the thieves had used a pair Council meeting. For more resident on West Park Place in preparation for removing the of bolt cutters. information on the award reported an attempt to make off system. The unit was repaired. Taken were two snow blow­ with her central air-condition­ The story was a little dif­ ers and two snow spreaders, log on to hHp://linyurl.com/ ing unit. ferent Korman Residential on valued at nearly $3,300. 32ahwxc. She told police that over Christina Mill Drive, site of an No fingerprints were recov­ the past few days she noticed apartment complex. ered at the scene. Photo by MARK CORRIGAN 11111111111111111111111111111111 IUUl 111111 99d 1-d ewark Arts Alliance offers L H61 :3a >lCllifn:3N lINn SlliICl:3S :3AIi :3~:3ll0) S 181 an array of summer class~s ......... page 3 AClliCl8Il :3Cllifnlil:3a ~o AlISCl:3AINn SliIa N:3ClIi>l v1e1 e1eclvclLe v9geeee An impressive high school sports year... page 4 L61 lI~Ia-E**************** News. Advertising' . ' 7~1-O72'4} 'C1assifieos • 1-Sd0-220-3311 IN THE NEWS Man accused of indecent exposure at Acme Use our Convenient, Time-saving e-mail Editor's note: Police Blotter walking past custody. He is identified as Joel vehicle saw the victim lying on and she noticed the man was fol­ address today! items are compiled from reports in an aisle R. Stevenson, 42, of Lamatan the ground and drove him to lowing her. She started walking from area law enforcement agen­ raised the leg Road, Newark. the victim's residence, where he down different aisles of cars, [email protected] cies. For the latest police news, of his shorts Stevenson was charged with was then driven to the Christiana trying to throw the man off, but log on to newarkpostonline. and exposed one count of Indecent Exposure Hospital emergency room by his he continued to follow her. She For info, call com. himself. The 1st Degree, one count ofIndecent roommate. The victim suffered spoke to a woman in the park­ mother noti­ Exposure 2nd degree, and one a bruised shoulder, cut lip and ing lot, who said she also saw 737-0724 Newark Police have a arrest­ fied store count of Lewdness. He was com­ gums, broken right orbital sock­ the man. The women decided ed a man who allegedly exposed personnel, mitted to the Young Correctional et, and a brain hematoma. He to walk together to their cars, himself at the Acme supermarket wh9 called Facility in default of $1,100 was released after two days of which were adjacent, and they at 100 Suburban Drive, Newark, the police Stevenson secured bond. observation. both drove away. at 9:50 p.m. Sunday night. Police and prevent­ The first suspect, who held The man is described at 5 feet reported a 40 year-old woman ed the sus- the gun, was described as a black 7 inches to 5 feet 8 inches tall, and her 9 year-old daughter were pect from leaving the store until Victim gets robbed, male, 20-25 years old, 5'08 to between 30 and 40 years of age, shopping in the store when a man an officer arrived to take him into sustains injuries 5' 10, 160-180 Ibs., with straight with a dark complexion, short black hair and a full beard, wear­ dark hair and a muscular body. Newark Police are on the ing a white t-shirt and khaki lookout for two black males who shorts. The other suspect is also robbed a 28 year-old man in a black male, 20-25 years old, Survey provides feedback to city the parking lot of the Deer Park 6'00 to 6'02 tall, 160-180 Ibs., Tavern on June 17. tionnaire will be used a tool to wearing jean shorts, a maroon, ~ SURVEY, from 1 The victim, a resident of improve upon unfavorable ser­ black and yellow striped shirt, Dixon Rd., told officers that he vices and to see how far already and boots. mation; roughly 55 percent said had been smoking outside of favorable items have come in tOey use the city website, and 88 the bar, when he went behind the past five years. Though the percent said they use the newslet­ the dumpsters to urinate. When results will probably not impact Woman followed ter as their information source. he re-entered the parking lot, he budgetary numbers, Sonnenberg When asked to list the three was approached by two males University of Delaware Police did state that the questionnaire are investigating the report of an things you like most about liv­ exiting an electric blue Nissan has proven to be a valuable item ing in Newark, most reported Versa. The two males told the employee who was followed by for input into the overall plan of a man when she left a comput­ the quality of the neighborhoods, victim to raise his hands as they the city. ing lab on Wednesday afternoon, the number of city services, tried to search his pockets. The In other news, the council June 23. Newark's design and appearance, victim ran towards New London approved the recommendations and affordability as some of the WHEN RUGGED CLEARSTHE RACKS Rd., but was immediately hit Between 2 and 3 p.m., of the Planning Committee for top reasons. Traffic, crime, in the shoulder, causing him to Wednesday, the employee was the new Army Reserve Center YOU KNOW IT'S THE REAL:: DEAU in the computer lab at Pearson rapid growth, and University of fall to the ground, where he was project at 1001 Ogletown Rd. Hall and got up to leave when Delaware student behavior Were Though demolition and a punched and kicked. One of the she realized she had forgotten some of the top things responders ribbon cutting ceremony have suspects returned to the car to listed as their least favorite.
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