EiUtartal C— i iiipoaJc»t». KML i. Votso, C«. Sga ge in the W«y.. aid AA fo the Old Path, whioh thereiii,' a.d Ye .haU &d fe^'f^fo^lTni;: T-- " - -'rfW -f esi-V^jrt w^itet. wUj a<taM u tf ^ ;--'•i s^y wr:t!»n VoLHT .. -J rx'msmmt-'i^^^r.. IVK»t«« MEMPHIS. TENN., SATURDAY, NOVELMBER 2T, 1869. " »«i" III" No. 14. HfTCT "TSS. «S HHl! mrmsm Tsomm^, WXBtSLSSX inLi iiXi^ I Lt . - ^ »t • . _ tt^wiatr cff diilr t. tias »-Ma, •«<, Jr»£ili, M. laacgrak^ Eph. Ike karrest suns ao longer thine; lie can loia that PedobajH It: 4. Tk»4 u iouMssm i* tke prartsstea of la r^dicr brs—a the suiis go down, Baptist affiliaUosisti be to good as to trUltiou of the apo^ t3m *» mih hi tfer m™fii«of p^S them oat, and explain how they tkwir. » ngb, „d to te rfp™d«K,0,C«fcll«.; Asj rsddier tinge the far sea-line; ~ " "t oontrary to it, tfven to the coni^? tiai «w LoriL 8«fr Bml vi: 4-C: C^ ii: IS; Abu each fair fading of the day shows plainer differ so wideljr and easeBtiallj from th^ and yeti in the 1 Cor. XT: 29; I Pater iii: 21. i yet the year's decay. those which entitle one to the pririlegQ •fleam command, forbidding^ a. The Gne« of Ctod, the onlj foandatios of Soon from the A^est, in angrier quest. of commaning with the saints at the Hope ud F«ith n Chriat, the only mediwa of s^, ^ brave the diviae preaen, wno do not hold the apoetdie • JostifioUioQ. The chariots of the wind shall sweep; table of love ? ftalhi^tyj im^ InVite them into his pnl- Soon, down the shore, with hoarser roar But, «To the law and to the testimony ; dectri S. The Word of Gad the Instmment, ud the pil^^to pr^aph? any secanty Shall sound the trumpets of the deep. if they speak not according to this rereiv Spirit of God the Agent in the regeneration of ^^I^P^ftbapUsta hold and teach what is not believe Kdnlta. Till Autumn's Testure disappear, ^nd the dark WoKD,^t is because there is no light in storm-cloud's path be clear. «|iW,tmBQr,fal8& This is certain. If 4. £aeh risible Chnixh of Ouist.ia » eompanj themIsa. viil 20. Every practice that true doctrine aad ordi- of Kripior»IIy immeised belieTeia onlj, (not of Then, while her eyes to leaden skies is not according to this word, however thfl Baptists teach what is belieren ud their umeonveried eUUra and leeitn The patient earth no more may raise, popular aiid pleasing, should at once be on probation,) ajaociated by Teloniary coTenant Fen tempest's power in that drear hour f^; and.^eixfore, Pedobaptists are abandoned! Now it is wiitten in God's to obey and eiecnte all the connnandments of Shakes not her hope in gladder days, solemnly boan4 Vy the law of God not Word, Gal. L 8,9: « Tliough we, or an andordinaneestaughtby Christ anil* ' - - uonaioi one Christ, haTing the ume organisation, doctrines, She deems that Spring will come anew and deck to ooantenanqe or bid ns God speed as offieera, an«I ordinances of the Chnrch at Jeru- angel from heaven, preach any other gos- apostles, and I will affiliate with the^ asltle book is on the imporla^ of prompt ker in fresh robes of dew. traft minist^ But, if Pedobaptis.s BC aal^ and independent of all othera, acknowl- pel unto you than that which we have readtly and gladly as any man. U.,tU (assistance in t^es S ^en K^lds So o'er her soul when thick clouds roll, hold;and tjHtch what is unscriptntal aaf edging no lawgiTer in Zion but Christ, and sub- preached onto yon, let bim be accu-^ed. And youth's bright pageants sink in shade; mitting to no law he has not enacted. Read As we said befo.e, so say I now aga«p iJlIsfi then Baptists are imder the solemn Earn- i: 7; 1 Cor. fc 2; Eph. i: 1; CoL i: 1-5; Acts ifc When, pressed with care, we woo despair, O^mmand of God, not to invite them into As dreams we closest clung to fade if any mau preach'any Oiher gospel unto n^lW rt^ The impenitent 41, 42. tlieir pulpitr, but to avoid them. There a different doctnne from that which Oe(a;-e injeopardv evety hour. (Ce to Let some such gracious thought of Spring rise you than t'lat ye have received, let hiaai apostles preached, a doctrine subv^ive their rescue at once. In .Uke manner, 6- The "LonTs Sapper" is a positire and hopeful to our imaging. be accursed." The quesUbn here a. i^es, IS either i^Ut or innocence in holding and conimemoratiTe ordinance to be obeerred only of the tai h which was oncc delivered from the other pages we see that Do Pedobaptists ijreach the vevy same "^aclung false doctrine and unscripmral by a Church of Christ « «eA, (that is, in church SUSPICIOUS AFFILIATIOH. pii'^maac^. If there is innocence in it, to the samts," and for which we are com- who need it should cry aloud for hT capacity), not aa a test of (Znttiam /tUowtUp or go9>)el which was preacjied by tlie apos- JAJtRS Jt'DASIEL. tles? If they de, thea how dare eny then Baptists may eease to write books manded to earnestly contend, are to ^f as Bartimeus the Mind man, the Jepe^ peraoBal feeling «f one conunonicant toward received, countenanced and bidden God- the disciples when sinkin-« the se^ another, aa Pedobaptists erroneously teach, but If my heart dcceive me n«t I desire Bxitist and.ni^h seiTDons against Pedobap- only to show forth Christ's death till he cimes to know and do what is right. I h»pe ».o preach agaiast their dociriiie Ust?; bnfc, if there is gu'.lt in holding yi" God's "Lord, save, or we perlsb" When o.e again; and beicg a CSartA act, it becomes, inci- that T am an honest inqnirer after truth. and disseininating false doctrines, then Word, taat Pedobaptist ministerapreach is saved, he should be solicitous &r the and ordinances, for this is to oppose the the apostolic doctrine and ordir^nces, I salvation of others. Converts aw: men dentaUy, a symbol of Chtrek rtlaHotuhip; con- The subject of pulpit affih'ation with trath? But, if Pedobaptists do »»oc -t5?ose who invite the teachers of such sequently, only those churches ean participate Pedobaptist ministers has long perplexed preach the same doci. iae^the same gos- d^tnne into their pulpits, and thus in this ordiaaace that agree in faith and prae-' nvites them into .US pulpit to preach, is nee^ to be.. Impo.lance of persever- mymirfd. It is either right or wrong pel which wp-s.preached by the apostles; qorntenance them as God's ministers, not The members of one church (though of less culpable and ^y of violati^ U«» c u^ iu the salvation o^he^^ the same faith and order) can come to the com- for Baptist ministers to invite Pedobap- a.?d if we preach tne apostolic doCwV? )e, only snfrcr ^in on the head of those mir- Scnpta;ee, than the Pedobaptist minister I'he butcher persevered nntU botf bora munion of another only by an act of caurte^ tist ministers into onr pulpits to preach. then how da.-e we iuvlie them into our ^era^ Owtr encourage them in that sin, 8. If a Baptist minister may violate wer© saved. Jesus • peisevered tiU he and not by right, for each church is independent, If it be risht, I wish to know it, that I palpils to p.-each ? Ne matter how fair and Wome partakers of their evil deed, he Scriptures and be gailtless, I canao; could say, "It is finished." WUt fed- beag made the guardian of the pniity of the may govern myself accprdingly. If it their chai-aclei- and illustrious the or£-a j- instead of reproving them by a refusal sacred feaat, is inrested with the authority to see why a Pedobaptist may^iet do like- Uugs should these children cherish to- be wrong, I wish the JBaptists to write ization f/om whicli they come, thoa^h' to i-^^i^ vbem as proper teaehers. discipline those whose relationship ordinarily wise and be guiUless. ^ard their deUverer? their prohibition on it. The right or the **au angel from heaven," instead of invit- How grateful jiTes the right. • * , . ^^^^ the foregoing quotation- If the foregoing arguments be irco.-jshonld the sinner be involved in this affih'ation is a " ff oar pnlmts, we aie co.P-jlfem God»s Word, and the argumeu. toward Jesus his 6. Chriatian Baptism is the immersion of a rect, please show me their incorrectnesi; Savior f—JkutvOrd. grave sabject, and one concerning which manrt«d by God s Word to "let him be pr,»8CDtedwscnted., I respectfullrpsnAntfiillyv asiiaVk- fKthea Rn^i:..*Baptist. beUcTer in water by a qualified administrator if they are correct, will not God hold! in the name «f the Trinity, in rcpraaUation of is highly important that Baptists accursed." WiU some of ou.- ^apUit minister who invites Pedobaptist minis- Lbose responsible who ignore them ? Thixgs THAT LAST.^Le't ns now look the burial and resurrection of Christ, and pro- shoald see eye to eye, and speak the affiliaiionists have the goodness to sbotr ters iQt«« bis pnlpit, to shew me how I fession of a death to sin, union with Christ, and how there is mo.e criiiil iaUty In violat- at some of those things that •^U never same thing, I honestly believe thai; WQtdd be more guilty, were I to preach HOW BEAUTirOL iS EAB5E.
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