PATHWORKS for DOS \ Memory Solutions for Client Administrators PATHWORKS for DOS Memory Solutions for Client Administrators Order Number: AA-PAF6C-TK August 1991 Revision/Update Information: This document supersedes Memory Solutions for Client Administrators, order number AA-PAF6B-TK. Software Version: PATHWORKS for DOS Version 4.1 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts First Published, December 1989 Revised, January 1991, August 1991 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. 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Contents Preface ............ xix 1 Understanding Memory and Performance Memory Basics. 1-1 PC Memory and DOS. 1-1 Memory Maps .......................................... 1-2 RAM and ROM ......................................... 1-3 Memory 'rypes . 1-4 System Memory . 1-5 Conventional Memory ................. 1-6 Upper Memory. 1-8 Extended Memory . 1-10 Using Extended Memory. 1-13 XMS 2.0 . 1-13 High Memory Area. 1-15 Upper Memory Blocks. 1-15 Extended Memory Blocks. 1-15 Expanded Memory . 1-15 Expanded Memory Specifications. 1-16 U sing Expanded Memory on an 80286 or 8086 PC .............. 1-16 Using Expanded Memory on an 80386 PC . 1-17 2 How PATHWORKS Components Affect Memory and Performance PATHWORKS Memory Requirements . 2-1 Network Components. 2-2 Drivers . 2-6 DECnet Drivers. 2-6 TCP/IP Drivers ...................................... 2-7 Memory Drivers . 2-7 Network Controller ...................................... 2-8 v User Applications. 2-9 PC DECwindows Motif. 2-9 SEDT. 2-14 Using Extended Memory on a PATHWORKS Client. 2-15 HIMEM.SYS ........................................... 2-15 Installing HIMEM.SYS ................................... 2-16 Possible Conflicts with HIMEM.SYS . 2-16 Using Expanded Memory on a PATHWORKS Client. 2-18 Effects of Using Expanded Memory on Performance . 2-18 Expanded Memory Performance Tips. 2-19 Possible Conflicts in Expanded Memory. 2-19 Using an 80386 Memory Manager on a PATHWORKS Client. 2-21 3 Procedures for Configuring a Client PATHWORKS Recommendations. 3-1 Configuration Summary. 3-2 Configuration Procedures. 3-5 If You Are Configuring an 80386 Client. 3-5 If You Are Configuring an 80286 Client. 3-6 If You Are Configuring an 8086/88 Client ..................... 3-6 Determining Current Memory Configuration. 3-7 Memman Utility. 3-7 MEMMAN/S/F . 3-8 MEMMAN .......................................... 3-9 MEMMAN/E ........................................ 3-10 MEMMANIX .. 3-10 Third-Party Utilities ..................................... 3-11 Adding Memory . 3-11 How Much Memory? ..................................... 3-11 Testing Expanded Memory Performance in the Client. 3-12 Memory Access Time Index . 3-12 Paging Efficiency Index . 3-13 EMS Performance Index ............................... 3-13 Configuring the Memory Board . 3-13 U sing an 80386 Memory Manager . 3-14 Configuring the Network Controller. 3-15 Loading PATHWORKS Components ............................ 3-17 Choosing Components to Load. 3-18 Editing DOS Files . 3-18 Editing CONFIG.SYS .................................... 3-18 Editing AUTOEXEC.BAT and AUTOUSER.BAT . 3-20 Editing Network Files . 3-21 vi DECnet Environment. 3-22 Modifying the Basic Redirector ................. 3-22 Modifying the Enhanced Redirector . 3-24 Modifying LAT . 3-26 Modifying DLLDEPCA. 3-28 Modifying DLLNDIS and DLLNDIST . 3-28 Modifying the DECnet Network Program (DNP) . 3-30 Modifying SCH ...................................... 3-31 TCP/IP Environment. 3-32 Tuning Procedure. 3-33 Microsoft Windows . 3-35 Using DOS Version 5.0 on a PATHWORKS Client ................. 3-36 4 Unloading PATHWORKS Components Unloading DECnet Components. 4-1 Unloading All Components ................................ 4-2 Unloading an Individual Component. 4-2 Restrictions on Unloading Components . 4-3 Creating Batch Files for Loading and Unloading. 4-3 Unloading and the Netsetup Utility. 4-5 Unloading TCP/IP Components . 4-5 About Demand Protocol Architecture. 4-6 Using the TCPUNLD Utility. 4-7 Unloadable TCP/IP Modules ............................ 4-7 Syntax. 4-7 Description. 4-7 Usage Notes. 4-7 Tcpunld Status Display. 4-8 Using Batch Files to Unload Components. 4-8 Telnet Batch File . 4-8 FTP Batch File. 4-9 5 80386 Client Configuration Examples DECnet Configurations ...... 5-3 DECstation 325 Base Configuration. 5-3 N etsetup Screen. 5-3 Upper Memory Allocation .............................. 5-4 CONFIG.SYS File .... 5-4 STARTNET.BAT Load Commands . 5-5 Memory Maps ....................................... 5-5 Configuration Notes . 5-6 vii With QEMM and 3 Mbytes Extended Memory. 5-7 N etsetup Screen. 5-7 Upper Memory Allocation .............................. 5-8 CONFIG.SYS File .................................... 5-8 STARTNET.BAT Load Commands . ..
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