Acknowledgments This survey could not have been conducted without the co-operation, advice and assistance of pastoralists throughout the area. The authors also wish to thank Messrs J. O'Brien, L.J. Merritt, RJ. Cranfield and J. De Salis for their assistance with the field work; staff of the Western Australian Herbarium (particularly R.J. Cranfield) for identifying many difficult specimens of plants collected and M. 0'Antuono for assistance with data management and analysis; P. Commander, N.O. Marchant, K. Tinley, M. Wells and D.O. Wilcox commented critically on various sections of the manuscript. The Carnarvon Regional Office of the Department of Agriculture assisted the survey in many ways, for which we wish to record our thanks. Finally, the staff of the Department of Agriculture's Word Processing Centre typed up and re-worked the drafts of our manuscript with patience and precision. 309 Carmody, R.W. Shark Bay-ltsStory 1616-1969. A References thesis (Unpublished). Anon. (1915). 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