ふふ什・ T 出川恥山引-ホ仏出比四声、三日士心勺ム{ 直一ゆ物取寸・打円 ,τ LZJ L8 d 同 4 d 1 ∞ 斗 , d Taxonomy and Distribution of Desmodium and Related Related Genera (Leguminosae) in Malesia (11) Hiroyoshi Hiroyoshi OHASHI Botanical Botanical Garden , Graduate School of Science ,Tohoku University ,Sendai ,980 ・0862 JAPAN (Received on Novernber 8, 2003) This This second part of my revision of Malesian Desmodium and its relatives includes taxonomic taxonomic treatments of the following eight genera , Hanslia (including two new combi- nations) ,Hegnera ,Hylodesmum ,Monarthrocarpus ,Ohwia ,Phyllodium ,Tadehagi , and Trifidacanthus , and phytogeographic considerations for the taxa of Desmodium and its relatives relatives in Malesia. Thirteen genera and 64 species are recognized as Desmodium and its relatives relatives in Malesia. Their distribution patterns 訂 'e diverse. Of 64 species recognized in this this study 56 訂 'e native to Malesia and 訂 e divided by their distribution patterns into the following following four groups: Malesia (including 8 species) , Asia (29 spp よAustralia (11 spp よ and and Asia-Australia (8 spp.) groups. All species of the genera native to Jawa ,New Guinea and and the Philippines are discussed. Each 訂 ea has almost equal numbers of native species , 31 ,32 , and 29 ,respectively. This fact suggest insufficient collections in New Guinea and the the Philippines. The present -day composition and distribution of taxa in Desmodium and related related genera in Malesia 紅 e considered to be derived from various spatially and tempo- rally rally diverse ancestors. Key words: Desmodium relatives ,distribution patterns ,Hanslia ,Jawa ,New Guinea. HANSLIA Key to the species of Hanslia Hanslia Schind l. in Repert. Spec. Nov. 1. Leaves 3-foliolate , rarely mixed with 1- Regni Veg. 20: 276 (1924) [Type: foliolate; leaflets acute at base … H. hentyi Hansli α adhaerens Schind l. (= Hedysarum 1. Leaves 1- foliolate; leaflets round at base adhaerens Poir. ,non Vah l.)]. .... H. ormocarpoides Desmodium subg. Hanslia (Schind l.) H. Ohashi in Ginkgoana 1: 112 (1 973); Pedley Hanslia hentyi (Verdc.) H. Ohashi ,comb. in in Austrobaileya 5: 226 (1999). nov. (Fig. 5) Hanslia Hanslia is similar to Ohwia in having a Desmodium hen ηi Verdc. in Kew Bull. sc 紅 cely developed rim-aril around the hilum 32: 249 (1 977) [Type: Papua New Guinea. of seeds , uncinate hairs on the loments , long Morobe Distric t: ne 訂 Lae , Atzera Range , 0 0 articles ,and a coarser ,reticulate sculpture on 6 45"S. ,147 00"E. 210 m. 1 M 訂. 1960. pollen pollen grains. They 紅 e considered to be re- Shrub , standard reddish purple , keel and lated lated to each othe r. Ohwia and Hanslia wings pale pink ,pod purple , adhesive. Henty ormocarpoides have white to creamy flow- in NGF11922 (LAE holo. , K-photo)] & ers , but H. hen ηi has purple to pink flowers. Verdc. ,Man. New Guinea Leg.: 398 ,fig. 94- The genus comprises two species and both o (1979). are are found in 恥1alesia. Distr.: 島falesia (New Guinea and new to -155- 156 156 植物研究雑誌第79 巻第3号 平成16 年6月 Fig. Fig. 5. Hanslia hentyi (Verdc.) H. Ohash i. Bomeo. M t. Ki nabalu. Chew & al. 1444 (K). Bomeo). Bomeo). plan t. This species occurs under forest and Specimens Specimens examined: Borneo. M t. Ki nabalu. Ulu such habitat is supposed to be similar with Liwagu and Ulu Mesilau ,6 0 N. , about 116 0 35/E. that of Hylodesmum laxum and H. leptopus. Kundasang. Kundasang. Wings pu 中le , keels pink. Riverside Fores t. 3 Sep t. 1961 Chew ,Comer & Stainton 1444 (K). (K). New Guinea. Atzera Range near Lae , al t. 700 ft. Hanslia ormocarpoides (DC.) H. Ohashi , Henty Henty 11922 (LAE holo.; photo K); Kokoda. Herb ,ca. comb. nov. 2 ft. tall. N.G. Carr 16300 , 28 Mar. 1936 (L); Conn & Hedys αrum adhaerens Poir. in Lam. , l. al. 35 (LAE 232235; photo TUS). Encyc l. Supp l. 5: 15 (1817) , non Vah l. Leaves Leaves of this species have three leaflets (1 791). [Type: Java. Labillardi とre (P , n. v.)]. or or rarely with single leaflets on the same [Hedysarum ormocarpum Desv. ex Poir. June June 2004 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 79 No. 3 157 in in Lam. ,Encyc l. Supp l. 5: 15 (1 817) , pro The loment is reticulate-veined , although it syn.]. syn.]. was described as not reticulate 田 veined in Desmodium ormocarpoides DC. ,Prodr. 2: Ohashi (1 973) based on young loments. 327 327 (1 825) [Type: 'Cette plante a ete decouverte decouverte a l' ile de ava par M. de HEGNERA Labi11ardiere' Labi11ardiere' (P ?) (fide Pedley 1999)] ; Hegnera Schind l. in Repert. Spec. N ov. Me 町. in Philipp. J. Sci. 14: 409 (1 919) & Regni Veg. 20: 284 (1 924) [Type: Hegnera Enum. Philipp. Flow. Pl. 2: 287 (1923); obcordata (Miq.) Schind l. (= Uraria Meeuwen in Reinwardtia 6: 96 (1961) & 255 obcordata Miq.)]; H. Ohashi in Ginkgoana (1962); (1962); H. Ohashi in Ginkgoana 1: 113 1: 257 (1 973); Dy Phon in Dy Phon & al., Fl. (1 973); Verdc. ,Man. New Guinea Leg.: 403 Camb. Laos Vietn. 27: 60 (1 994). (1979); (1979); Pedley in Austrobaileya 5: 231 The genus is monotypic. (1999). (1999). D. D. dependens Blume ex Miq. , F l. Ned. Hegnera obcordata (Miq.) Schind l. in Ind. Ind. 1(1): 248 (1855) [Type: Molucc. Un- Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 20: 285 known co11ector. (L holo. 908.115-521)]. (1 924); H. Ohashi in Ginkgoana 1: 257 D. D. pendulum F. Mue11. in Campbe11 ,A (1 973). Year Year New Hebrides: 9 (1 873) [Type: Tana. Uraria obcordata Miq. , F l. Ned. Ind. Campbe11 Campbe11 (?)]; F. Mue11. , Fragm. 8: 225 Eerste B 討v. 1: 305 (1 860) [Type: Sumatra (1 874). orien t. Prov. Palembang. prope Mu 紅 aduwa. Hanslia Hanslia adhaerens Schind l. in Repert. Teysmann (L holo.; iso. K)]. Spec. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 20: 277 (1924). Desmodium obcordatum (Miq.) Kurz in J. Distr.: Distr.: Malesia ,Australia (N. Queensland) Asia t. Soc. Bengal , P t. 2,Na t. His t. 42: 229 and and Pacific (New Hebrides ,Solomon Is.: W. (1 874): Meeuwen in Reinwardtia 6: 255 Guadalcanal) Guadalcanal) . (1 962); Backer & Bakh. f. , F l. Java 1: 604 Specimens Specimens examined: Lesser Sunda Is. Timor. (1 963). Steenis Steenis 18165 (BO). Maluku. Ambon. Teysmann s. n. Distr.: Myanmar ,Thailand ,Indo-China , in in anno 1907 (BO) , Robinson 556 (A ,BM ,BO ,K , and Malesia. NY , US). Buru. Van Balgooy 4684 (K , L). New Guinea. Guinea. Mafulu. Brass 5268 (BO ,NY , US); Kassam- Specimens examined: Jawa. H. Zollinger 1628 (K); Water Rice Road. Brass 32316 (A ,NY ,PNH , US); W. Maduera Island. Backer 20727 (BO , L). Malaya: Sec t. Papua. Tributary of Laloki River 2 miles E of Kedah. Henderson s.n. in anno 1933 (BO) ,Researow Rouna. Rouna. T. G. Hartley 10715 (TI). Philippines. Jolo. s. n. Dec. 1933 (K). Sumatera. Palemb. Teysmann 3909413 (BO iso. of Uraria obcordata Miq.?). Ramos & Edano Bur. Sci. 44391 (BM ,BO , US). Sulawes i. Boton ,SE of Sulawesi. Coode s. n. (K); Uraria obcordata Miq. was recognized Gorontalo. Gorontalo. Ri edel s. n. (K); G. Konkeonkea. van first by Bentham (1 865a) as belonging to Vuuren 750 (BO). Desmodium. He classified the species as a Desmodium ormocarpoides is recorded by member of subsec t. Nephromeria Benth. in Merri11 Merri11 (1910) from Luzon (Whitford 865) , Desmodium sec t. Heteroloma Benth. , but did Mindoro Mindoro (Merri11 6223) , Samar (Me 凶 11 not publish a new combination. 5201) ,Cebu (McGregor Bur. Sci. 1731) and Mindanao (Mrs Clemens 632) , but these HYLODESMUM specimens 訂 e a11 referable to D. zonatum Hylodesmum H. Ohashi & R. R. Mi11 in Miq. Miq. Edinb. J. Bo t. 57: 173 (2000) [Type: H. The ovary of this species is densely cov- podocarpum (DC.) H. Ohashi & R. R. Mi11 ered ered with white ,straight hairs. These hairs (= Desmodium podocarpum DC.)]; H. become hooked when the Ioments mature. Ohashi [in Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. ser. 4, 158 158 植物研究雑誌第79 巻第3号 平成16 年6月 Bio l. 40: 235 (1 999) ,nom. nud.] in K. Iwats. Key to the species of Hylodesmum & al., Fl. Jap. IIb: 256 (2001). in Malesia Desmodium sec t. Podoc α rpium Benth. in 1. Calyx-1obes not shorter than the tube; pri- Miq. , P l. Jungh.: 226 (1 852) , p. p. ,exc l. D. mary bracts ovate to broad1y ovate; axillare axillare & D. securiforme [Type: Desmo- pedicels 15-30( -4 0) mm long; flowers dium podocarpum DC.]; Isely in Brittonia 7: 10nger than 8 mm; stipules patent or 185 185 (1 951). reflexed , 10-25 mm 1ong ,2-3 mm wide; Papilionopsis Papilionopsis van Steenis in Nova Guinea , leaflets slightly undulate along the margin; Bo t. 3: 17 (1 960) [Type: Papilionopsis corolla orange to red ....・ H ・... H. repandum stylidioides stylidioides van Steenis] ,nom. rej. prop. (cf. 1. Calyx-lobes much shorter than the tube; Ohashi Ohashi and Mill in Taxon 53: in press prim 紅 y bracts narrowly ovate or narrowly (2004)). (2004)). triangular , less than 2 mm wide; pedicels Desmodium sec t. Heteroloma subsec t. 2-20 mm long; flowers less than 10 mm Podocarpia Podocarpia Benth. in Benth. & Hoo k. f., long; stipules as cending or erect ,less than Gen. Gen. Pl. 1: 520 (1 865). 10 mm long and 2 mm wide; Desmodium subgen. Podocarpium leafletsentire; corolla pale pink ...・ H ・..… ..2 (Benth.) (Benth.) H. Ohashi in Ginkgoana 1: 120 2. Principal lateral nerves reaching the m 紅ー (1 973) p. p. ,exc l. sec t. Monarthrocarpus gin; fruit stipes usually less than 7(-10) (Me 町.) H. Ohashi , p. p. exc l. D. dolabri- mm long …...・ H ・....・ H ・-…... H. podocarpum forme Benth. 2. Principal lateral nerves looped within the Podocarpium (Benth.) Y.
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