SEPTEMBER, 1966 UlnetgUlne Jlern JUinety-oAline JKcu/g Presidents C olu run This is the first News of our new rew year ready for our use let’s think 'W year, 1966-67, shall we look ahead (with of other things we might accomplish our past year as a guideline) and set through good communications . to some goals for ourselves? name a few; New Horizons, Growth, My theme, as President, has been Improvement, Strength, Smooth Fly­ COMMUNICATION. I am sure you ing . all this, through communica­ SEPTEMBER, 1956 will all agree, without COMMUNICA­ tion! Let each one of us use our time TION, we are nothing, so how best wisely for the betterment of the Ninety - Official Publication of can we communicate? For the next Nines. THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. several News I am going to pinpoint Summer is such a lazy, let-down time Headquarters, Terminal Bldg. communication and its results. of year. We let things get relaxed and Will Rogers World Airport With a backward glance let’s think unhurried . bul comes the day of P. O. Box 99 about ACCOMPLISHMENT THROUGH reckoning! Fall arrives and we are in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101 COMMUNICATION. the hustle of activities . and it is Headquarters Secretary no different for me. I have a very busy Last year we grew to number over DARLA BULLARD schedule outlined for September and 2800; we chartered 10 new chapters; October . Section Meetings and vis­ while there was no record kept, I am iting with Chapters are the main point E ditor sure we added many new ratings; of my schedule. So I am looking for­ PEG ONG participated in varied flying activities; ward to seeing YOU soon. 2900 Rockbrook Drive created interest in flying by taking Be sure your Chapter sends in it's Plano, T exas 75074 many for their first plane ride, through report each month . others enjoy our Penny-a-Pound projects; gave INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS reading of your activities. Plan to three deserving and lucky 99s the P resid en t participate in all your Chapter and Amelia Earhart Scholarship with which ALICE ROBERTS Section functions . you will gain they will upgrade the flying; gained 719 Orchid Lane from it. And of course, it is never too new friends through the Powder Puff Phoenix, Arizona 85021 soon to start your plans for attending Derby; reviewed our acomplishments the International Convention . Vice-President by giving and receiving our year’s ac­ Washington, D.C., last week of June, DONNA T. MYERS tivity at convention in Seattle. 1967. 11603 E. 6th Place Without the ability to communicate, Have a happy (991 New Year!! Denver, Colorado 80010 none of those activities would have Sincerely, been accomplished. So now with a S ecretary Alice Roberts GENE NORA JESSEN 741 Eastridge Dr've Wichita, K ansas 67207 MEMO FROM THE EDITOR Treasurer With a mixture of relief and regret Is a measure of (how you’ll be missed. RUTH RUECKERT I pass on the Editor’s letter opener, You may splash all you please when 2037 Rivera Street marking pens, scotch tape, paper clips, you enter, San Francisco, Calif. 94116 staples, typing paper, files, SOP Man­ uel, reporting chart, budget records You can stir up the water galore, E xecutive Retard and the following ode: But stop, and you’ll find in a minute LYDIELLEN “LYGIE” HAGAN It looks quite the same as before. South 1907 Oneida Place Sometime when you feel real Spokane, Washington 99203 important The moral of this quaint example BETTY W. McNABB And your Editor’s ego’s on fire, Is “edit” lor all that you’re worth, 926 Third Avenue When you take the Ed’s job for Be proud if you must, but remember Albany, Georgia granted There’s no indispensable berth. Cause you know you’re the “best DORIS RENNINGER Sincere thanks to all the news re­ they can hire”. 10-01 163rd Street porters and contributors these past Beechhurst, N. Y. 11357 Sometime when you feel that your quitting two years — for a wonderful job, with your reams of copy, in making me DEADLINE FOR NEWS — Would leave an unfillable hole, Just follow this simple instruction look good and an extra special thanks The 20th of the Month And see how it humbles your soul. to The Star Publishing Co. for t' e Send Copy to: Take a bucket and fill it with water; many helpful things they have done PEG ONG Put your hand in it up to the wrist: in printing the NEWS, that polished the 2900 Rockbrook Drive Pull it out; and the hole that’s im age. Plano, T exas 75074 rem aining Doittie Young PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL REPORT Coming Events 19(55-66 kind of impressions are we making as Seattle, Washington, June 30 Ninety-Nines? S ep tem b er 9, 10, 19(56 Are we noisy when we Should be Northwest Section Fall Meeting This past year our activities have quiet . are we talking when we been based on the thought of a flight. Spokane, Washington should be listening . are we com­ We take flights for several different plaining when we should be helping reasons . to relax, to get away from S ep tem b er 9-11, 1966 . are we criticising when we it all, to meet with friends, fly mercy should be carrying the load? When Southeast Section Fall Meeting journeys . but most important, to things go wrong, do we do what we Atlanta, Georgia get somewhere, to reach a goal or can to get the problem straightened destination. out . or do we let it go down the S ep tem b er, 1966 The Flight 99 for 1965-66 is now on drain and then blame someone else? NorSh Central Section Fall Meeting the ground and we are at the desti­ Remember, all this is communication Milwaukee, Wisconsin nation. Conversation directly follow­ in one form or another. Have we at­ ing a trip usually goes something like tained our goal . have we really this: “What was our fuel consump­ communicated ? S ep tem b er 23, 24, 25, 1966 tion?”, “what was our ground speed?”, Most of my communications have Southwest Section Fall Meeting or we talk about one particularly beau­ been very enjoyable, but all was not Newport Beach, Calif. tiful site over which we flew. In other smooth . as with many flights, words, we reminisce. So, let’s re­ this one ran into rough air early in Septem ber 30, O ct. 1, 2, 1966 minisce ju^t a bit. June when we were informed, with­ South Central Section Fall Meeting The facts and figures of this flight out notice, that our Headquaters Sec­ are most interesting. I flew my Bonan­ retary had resigned in favor of matri­ Shreveport, Louisiana za 5865J 1 9 9 hours, traveled 27,814 mony. So an unplanned trip to Okla­ miles, attended 7 Section meetings and homa City was on my agenda. With S ep tem b er 3(1, O ct. 1, 2, 1966 presented 7 Charters. Our member­ the help of Arlene Walkup, Jane Ab­ 11th Annual Small Race ship totals just over 2800, representing bot and Susie Sewell, we got the tapes Alpena, Michigan 93 Charters, 11 Sections and 21 Coun­ and letters out that should have been tries. out three weeks sooner. Then Dottie October 14, 15, 196(5 Our members ihave flown over both Young, your News Editor, held down Fairladies Annual Indiana Race oceans, circled the world, set altitude the fort until the 23rd, at which time Evansville, Indiana records, conducted races and served Darla Bullard became our new Sec­ on the Federal Aviation Advisory Com­ retary. m ittee. You, as Ninety Nines, opened up a October 15, 19(56 Some of the more pleasant aspects new experience for me . new N.Y.-N.J. Section Fall Meeting of Flight 99 for me, personally, includ­ friendships, travel, challenge and help­ New York City ed the opportunities to present char­ ed me to grow, personally, by elect­ ters to new, enthusiastic Chapters, ing me to an office which has demand­ Ju n e 28-July 2, 1967 meet new members, attend Section ed self discipline, thought and action. International Convention Meetings and greeting Sheila Scott There were decisions to make which Washington, D.C. when she made Phoenix one of her were not always 'easy, but with the stops on her Round-the-World flight. resolving of each one, found me a Being the recipient of many thoughtful little better for the wear. July 8, 1967 gestures, lovely corsages, the sapphire This past year, while it has been AWTAR setting for my 99 ring, your gracious work, has really been my pleasure Atlantic City, N. J. to hospitality, kind thank you notes, pic­ and I Ithank you for the privilege of Torrance, Calif. tures of events . has made this serving you as your President. year a memorable experience. —Alice Roberts The goal of our Flight 99 has been “Communication”, without which we could not exist. Communication makes NOTAMS the difference between success and ATTENTION ALL NEWS CON­ donations will be welcomed and should failure. The ability to communicate TRIBUTORS. Peg Ong, Dallas Chap­ be sent to the “Sheila Scott Apprecia­ has made our world a much smaller tion Fund”, c/o National Bank of ter, has consented to be News Edi­ place in Which to live and has given Australia, 11a Albemarle, London, W.l, tor for 1966-67. Send your copy for us a greater understanding of our fel­ England. low man. The inability to communi­ the October News—and future is­ cate has brought disaster, misunder­ sues — to her at 2900 Rockbrook The Septem ber 1966 TRUE M aga­ standing and failure.
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