. ATOMIC ENERGY COWIISSICN i E2X NO. COLDER E;..\ 161 .e.-.- .....-I...-.-...*.......i ..... ...._..................................................................i........................ i ! ............................. I......................... I i -c-- -"T 1 -- ............... i- ! i THIS DOCUMENT IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED WITH DELETIONS Conic-s: I Kcvsr-bcr 18, 1947 i- This d9c:uiiat cmsists of .(-.~. .. , , ~ , , 1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE i I Starting Pnge General Sxmixy . e . 3 Staff .............. 4 Fwce ?c?zrt .............. 5 Terscraoi I!istributicc ............ Arri-r-als ard 9eprtures ........... 10 Ficnt Stztirtics .............. 13 P Pc-rartaent .............. 15 P Leprkett .............. 23 Te-.hcisnl 2cpart;ncct. ............ 30 Icvrer 3epartl;;ont .............. 59 Eiaiztenmce 3cprant ............. 63 - -- A Eiectrical Cc7artxcr.t ..............79 . bsfrux~tLepartxcnt ............ 91 Service Psprtnent ............. 97 T r ms r or tati- c.n G e prtx nt . ;,E0 NediTnl Leprtmect ............. 155 Gesiri;n ar,ci Cmstractim E'eprtmnt e . 0 180 A,acoul:tixg Depcrk-znt ............ 1% .' 'a 'CL---- ... L I . ..... 2. i. The pmer levels of the Piles at 100-C and 100-F mere maintained I at 250 XW and 200 iii respectively during most of October. The levels af both Piles are being increased axxi complete details are given in the P Department section of this repart. The oFeratiPg time efficiency mas 88.0, Trrenty-nim batches were stcvted Fn the Canyon Buildings and henty- eight ere completed through the Isolation Building. There was one major injury during Octoter. The plant sdety record as of the end of the month mas sixteen days. 4 Construction progress is still unsatisfactory and continuss to be due to troubles with electrical workers, plumbers and pipefitters. Ths Columbia Camp fmmerly used by Prison Industries has been opened to house the t,bee crafts only so as to have housing facilities available t:, break this bottleneck. No re91 progress has been made. I ..- s. .. 3 3 Manager. ...............C.H.Laud- Production Superinterdent ......... CO Gross Technical Superiqtendent .........A. B. Grednger Wcrks Engineer ............ Po Overbeck- P Department Superintendent .........J. E. Maider S Department Superintendent ........IT. K. UlacCreadY Paver Superintendent ...........H. H. Miller Maintenance Superintendent ........111. W. Pleasats - -~_ - Electrical Superintendent . H. A. Calberg 4- . Instrument Superintendent ..........H. C, Wddel Uedical Superintendent ........ 8, D. NarWod, Design ad Construction Superintendent ......F. W, Wilscm marks Accountant ............. F,- E. Baker \ 4 FCiRCE FGPCRT OCTeRLR 1947 Non 4xerr.pt Exempt Tota 1 9-3047 10-31-47 9-30-47 10-3 1-47 9-30-47 10-51-47 ~ Mane g ement 21 30 20 25 41- 55 Design 15 Construction 125 159 14 1 197 2 66 356 P Department 174 174 52 52 226 22t C Department 24 0 23 6 58 58 29% 2 94 Technica 1 177 186 158 170 335 356 Power 37 5 3 97 82 85 457 482 1% intenanc e- 873 924 126 127 939 1051 - Electrical 2 28 235 41 42 269 277 Instrument 134 133 43 42 177 17 5 Service 1160 1321 193 197 1353 1518 Trana porta t ion 826 840 75 75 901 915 - - --_- 0 Medical 443 48 2 122 130 555 612 - Accounting -47 2 530 54 54 526 584 - TOTAL 5248 5647 1165 1254 64 13 6901 Up until this report, we have included. in our figures those people on lt Leave of Absence" for illness, etc.,and who would subsequently be reactivated. This month and hereafter all persons "Dropped from the Roll" will actually be removed and when reactivated will ba put back on the roll. 5 . c ' .. - - -- I, I-,., I ,J -L-- i- m L om 1 1 I 111 IIOII eo I I dW mc+ Ndr( IN I+ k i- *3lMlN LcNPC I zy PC I d b + I r( I tm P , m & 0 4 d bl i ,.. ,-, r - . 1LI.J I1 I I I I Ill Ad I IedN N b - ---- i- n a v1 ai k v0 t a ai L m ai a 0 d 0 El .r(w I M 9 I Physical Name Department Ar r iva 1 Orgtn -' Clarencs D. Barker Management 10-24-47 Nm John H. B6rry Management 19-16 -47 New - Wallace M. Hunt Management 10-2 -4 7 New Tilliam C. Robbins I !an aE ement 10- 15-47 Trf .Schsnectady Thomas H. Schlosser Flanegement 10-20-47 New Eric %alter Anderson Design & Construction 10-20-47 New Stuart R. Beehn Design & Construction 10-1347 Trf .echenectady John F.. Bohannan Design 5: Construction 19-15-47 New Jack H. Boyd Design & Construction 10- 13 -47 New Lawrence E. Bredley Design te Construction 10-7 -47 New Merton E. Buffham Design & Construction 10 - 20-47 New Kenneth E. Bude Design & Construction 10 -21-47 New Edward J. Surda Design & Construction 10- 25-47 Trf .Schenectedy Harold C. Brunyer Design & Construction 10-15-47 New Willard Scott Carter Design & Construction 10-3-47 New John R. Chaffer Design & Construction 10-20-47 New 'milford H. Clark Design & Construction 10-13-47 New John M. Dix Design & Construction 10-27 -47 New Victor C. Downing, Jr . Design & Construction 10-1-47 New Warren C. Ebstrom Design & Construction 10-2 1-47 irm Joseph M. Frame Design & Construction 10-16-47 New -+zrhn B. Fecht, Jr. Design & Construction 10-7-47 NSW iJemes T. Ball Design & Construction 10-15-47 New Curtis Glenn Hansons Design & Construction 10 - 15 -47 New - Clinton 0. Henning Design & Construction 10-2.3-47 New .Dallas A. Hoover Design h Construction 10-13 -47 Trf.Schenectady 7Pilliam K. Hunt, Jr. Design & Construction 10- 15 -47 New Helen K. Hoskinson Design & Construction 10-13-47 New Harvey E. Keel Design & Construction 10 - 6-47 New Wilbur H. Koontz Gesign Construction 10-6-47 New Welter V. Ledvela Design dc Construction 10- 13 47 New Burt E. Leslie Design Construction 10- 15-47 New Ronald G. Lyle Design R: Construction 10-30-47 New Claude h. Lyneis, Jr Design & Construction 10-10-47 New Tape C. McGincis Design 8: Construction 10-21-47 New Deniel S. Varden Gssign & Construction 10-13-47 New Eddie V. Mills Design & Construction 10-27-47 Trf .Schenectady John ?. Hinssh Design Construction 10- 2 0-4 7 New Jack L. Nelson Design & Construction 10-31-47 New Harold P. Ookcs Design & Construction 10-24-47 New Burt F. O'Mealy Design Fr Construction 10-28-47 Nbw Design & Construction 10-7-47 New I ? ARRIVALS - I Fisj s ica 1 -Name De?artment krrivo 1 -Orgin Robert 3. Psrquette Design & Constructicc 10- 15-47 New Earl P. Peabody Design & Construction 10- 13-4 7. New Russell S. Perry Design 6: Construction 10-2 3- 47 New Avis E. Pitts Design & Ccnstruction 10-17-47 New Donald J. Quigley Design & Cocstruction 10-19-47 New l,@ron H. Russ Cesign & Construction 10-13-47 New Raymond A. Skrinde Design h Construction 10-1-47 N6W Edgar F. Smith Design & Construction 10-2 9 -47 New John L. Swanson Design 5 Construction 10-30-47 New JPardell E. Tibbitts Design & Construction 10 - 3 0-4 7 New Francis A. Torkelson Design RC Construction 10- 16-47 New Joe C. Yalentine Design & Construction 10-24-47 New Oscar R. Verlo Design & Construction 10- 2 1-47 New-' Kirby 11. myte Design & Constrnction 10-6-47 New James T. Rilson Design Q Constnction 10-14-47 New Donald C. Behn Technical 10- 14 -47 New Raymond E. Bums Techsics 1 10-14-47 New Donald P. Granquist Technic a 1 10-6-47 New HerSert S. Isbin Technical 10- 20-4 7 New Germaine F. Jacky Technical 10-15 -47 New Raymond H. Wore Techni ca 1 10 - 2 8 -47 New Harold R. Schmidt Technice 1 10-31-47 New George (NTiW) Sege Techni ca 1 10-13-47 New Killiarn 0. Switzer Techica 1 10-31-47 New Ray I). Waltcn, Jr. Technica 1 10-1-47 New -4rank V?. Roodfield, 3r. Technical 13-1-47 New i- Harold 0. McXwly Power 10-13-47 New - Carrcll H. Teague Power 10-31-47 New Allen E. Rotta Electrica '1 . 10-6-47 New Charlie B. Coats Service 19-13-47 New Horace N. l?acL.eod Servic 0 10-31-47 NW Ethel C. Swigor Ssrvice 10-31-47 New Arthur A. Cobs1 Medical ' 10-30-47 Sew Mayo H. Erickson Medica 1 10-1-47 New John F. Hoffstadt LTedic a 1 10-28-47 Mew Frances H. Kid Ned i c a 1 13- 20 -47 New Clint L. Knox Ikdical 10- 10 -47 Mew Dr. Harry A. Kornberg Fed ica 1 10-1-47 New Llaurica 9. Leboeuf Medics: 10-10-47 New Dr. Cornelius S. Veeker Medic a 1 10- 2 9-47 New Charles K. Shanks Med ica i 10-29-47 ,New DEFAETURES Date of -Name DeDartment Departure -Origin J. T. Christy S Department 9-30-47 Vol-Quit John (NFQ) Staley Inst runen t 10-1-47 Trf .Pittsf iuld Dr. E. T. Strongmen Medical 13-17-47 Retired due to poor health. r .-. c 22 1-1. .rL. I ?- -i 13 --r%:E,-a T5e D and F Piles operated at a nminsl pc?!er level of 253 14. V. and 203 !.?.R., res?ecti.vely, d.x~h~most of OctoSer. ?he D-Pile level wos rsised to 275 E. 7. on October 33; the F-Pile level mas raised to 225 on Cctoter 2.4 md to 2LO !A. W. on Octoker 31. (The F-Pile level will be mised to 275 If. !To early i? Noveraber). The increased oDerqti?s levels %re necessaFJ to maintain A 60 ton ;er month production level during a series of monthly prolonged outages scheduled to be@ at both piles in Xoverhr to effect re- I pairs to Van Stone flnnges.
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