THE WESTFIELD LEADER. The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County •• PAo-....cuw 'I'D Wlll'l'I'ULD LJUD.D. WZDJJUDAY, nnu.uv 11, 1111. BADGE TOWN BUDGET PASSES UCENSES GRANTED EGYPT AND THE "THE REDOF COURAGE" FIRST READING TO ALL APPUCANTS NILE NEXT LECTURE 1�, Sermon Preaohed by Flturn Same Last Year Clvlo League Enter Written Te be Given Next Saturday n.e of 11 \b tnrust Hayes Before B11t Will Probably be Protest Sltned by Prell· Nltht at the Washington . lev. A. W. 4:t•\{\tV *. OHiolala A��tnded dent and Seorttary Sohool Town ARG AUDI ENCE NO WALK FOR NEW STREET TWO MEET OPPOSITION ARTHUR RIGGS THE LECTURER VERY L E IDYitalloo DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS from the llfJII'a Olab, Coaacllmaa DeCamp, chalrmaa of The matter of 1raat1a1 IIcea- The llfth Ia tile coune of eterop. .b Flnt 111. E. Church, to h•r the l'tau.ee Commit�. latrodaeed for the ••• of llqaon Ia the towa of tlcoa leetar• 1lna to the pahllo el 1M l oermon aeaoe upec:ll IIYea bJ tbe Putor, aa onll ooataiDial tbe mtaUn W•tlleld for the r•r of Ull, oame aader tbe aUIIpl- of the Board of Dr. A. Hare.. D.D., broa1bt for the towa badpt for tbe w. lllarM ap at tbe m..Ua1 c:f the ooaacll oa lllclacatloa, will taka plaoe llatardloJ INVITm uououaliJ lar .. CODII'tll*tloa r•r of lUI, at the mMUDI of tbe lloadloJ There wu oalr oae Dllbt at tbe Wuhlaltoa School. Tbe u The -•••· laoday eYeolal, amoa1 whom coaDOII oa lloadar 11- wrlttaa p� tbat belac from tbe nbJeet to be pr-ated will be Be theBalanee LaJ'Ie or Small r -•DI· lut tbe Mayo aad Towa Coaaell, ar�a were the ••• u th- of ct�c LM&a•. and lllped bJ tbe . ,,_ "BcJpt aad tbe Nile," br Artbar Exempt and actl•• llremea, Ia r•r, aad were u follow a: ldnt aad -retarr of that orpaiM• ltaaler RIIP. F. R. 0. 8. llr. Rlap, and two memben of Uoa. ulform, Lllhtlal. .... ' t,OOO.OO wbo Ia well llaowa to the leetare Board of Ji'reeholden. BtrMt No aew were �r&ated, bat l ��-- ae d, 11 a ••rr pi ...IDI ep•ller of Pollee 1 000 00 all the old oa• wed tbq l'lre -r• ..... , macb abllltr aad will tell aad ehow til- bla klo1 In ��rt���t.:::: e:ooo:oo _,. of J. Willet, tor tbe wltb elld•. ble per110aal e:�perl· .... behalf of tbe llea'l ltrMta 11 000 00 H. .• North 4Yeaae Hot101l, retail aad eaoe the llr. W. A. Biebop Poor Ia the Biblical oouatr,. Assetsover 11,000,000.00 c! churcb, :: :.".'.'.'.'.'.':: 1:,oo:oo whol-le; W. lilooaer, Nortb an- tbe memben of tbe Towa Water for l'lr•..... I, IOO.OO w. For tbOM wbo ban aot alr•dr aae, retail; J. J. Rehmltt, Broad procured tlclleta of admlllloa re- and Fire i:>e:�artmeat u fol· latere��t. .. .. t,llt.U a etreet, retail; TheNM Board of Health.... l,IIOO.OO Borcberdlq, cra•t Mat at oaee to Prof. llaYita, at retail, aad B. Bc!blea1•r. 1Um Llbrarr �aeaal amt.) l,OOO.OO oa tbe Wublartoa llcbool, with a 111f· ---------------------------- atreet, wllol-le. llalllac Faad... ... I, Ut.IO add..-4 atamped eonlope will pro- . • . • Tbe oalr oa• tbat were aot lr&Dt- Parke . .. l,OOO.OO oare tbem. ed uaaalmouelr ware th- of J. J. beea Oft'l aad lacldntal Tbe lectar�a hb!DI 110 -11 Behmltt and Tb.,... BorcherdiDI Oa NOTICE I B• of the · reeeiYed It Ia tbe purpoee of the tlte former Coaacllman Lull: \'Oted board to coatlaae tbem throqhoat Ia Jut wMII'a •••• of thie paper appeared aa artlole retat 1a1 to To . .. li,OOO.OO the -t an4 Mlllal price of B•t Butter. Tile lldltor wu milia­ a aplut, aad oa the latter Couacllmea the moath of llareh, II•IDI oae oa y more atteatloa. We � formed about prl- Butter wu aot aold for lOa a aelther wu It 'lOt ll&J n Tb- llpr• will prohablr be Lacllaad Cuer Yotecl ao. eaeb Blltardar allbt. The aabJecta lb, you credit aad we crltlciM boqbt for price qaoted. lOt rl•• obanpd before theJ oa At tbe time lfaatiDI of bow are .,.....S of tbe 11- u ,.t are aot aaaouaeed, but ar · macb of roar Ume llaal a.. B ter .. 8lk: Oolcl readlac. een- Ia pre't'loae rean there baa al- raapmenta are heiDI made to hue Verr at Medal .. buoloeu hoan ie tallea m ...._ lllt'lewlllk Bee&th a-.. week lb 80c "'-•• .,.. ... fro war• bMa Verr weell Rorat Balllac famiiJ an Ob,Jen ew a aamber of Yerhal pro- u IOQd, If aot bettar, tllaa aar that thie Powder, " 111 ae d your owa pl ... al'll. to .N ' telta been thie Da.ker'a � bo•......... ... ad"rtleed bat tbere were aoae tble r•r, han pr-tecl u ret. Oraaalated hpr -a. 8" e are at and Ia roar A b•rlac had beea for , o •tall• aad ••rr few cltleeaa were p.-at at We o or aad praiH roa objectloaa to the propoeed aew aid• b tbe mMUac. eT rour work, 11 ------ MUSIC AND SONG .,-oa- ••o.&.D . for we now that -1 oa New atrMt, aad objeetloaa BRoAD AND Pllo.PIIOT ..... done McMAHON'S coura1eoua tblllP Ia were reoeiYed from lin. J. W. Wll- u•e PARK COMMISSION 1M put !or B. B. Welcb, Carrie Hart aad B\'ealac ....,..._ Ia tbe adYanaemeat of tbe coli, II. TINt ..... B. Miller. Tb- people repr-ted WANT BOND ISSUE atreet. -- ....ua llellool Ooui'M. aad memben of entire froat&le oa the L. llecller, the Tbe e\'ftlal of mlllllc aad IODI we canaot bella E. Hart appeared aad 111.ade a •erhal Tbtall IAike l'l"opertJ to reuo lboald Be 0.. IIYe.a Jut Frtdar at1ht Ia tbe Wub- pratae of aad rearet IIYIDI u whr tba aid• AD ln 7011 roleet, nloped AI Oae Tl-. lactoa Hllb lollool Aadltorlam, mucb crltlclam bu liMa com- wall! waa aot aeeded. Coaaollaan uader the aupte. of tbe Board of II:Yalll of thie a ..U f ..tb p 11 d liad• In tbe put four moatlla. nplalaed tbat re��ldeata : • :" I lllcl catloa T � • 1 Frida u teotare •rlea, proYed a WHICH WILL IT BE. not tied to the lire llouee aee tloa had made eo maar reqallta � : :.: .!: ore I tow a hall ' w 1r•t au-. Tbe auditorium wu do your beet aad whea am for a eldewalll, and u eome tbat bad PAY RENT OR OWN roa ! � well lied aad tbe audleaee wu a or town, know tded to tb ooaa- II that roa are looll:· made the reqa•ta were &mODI tboee ::...:!,':��� ...; • ,�!e tbe llauace of a Ul : ••rr appreclatiYe oae. YOUR OWN HOMJ:P after my ll&YI wbo prot•ted, he moYed tbat tbe ell to aatborlee tntel'ftta. ou . E1oa Ferdlaaad delllhted pod work In Y boad luue for the parpoee of .. ; Mr. Puts f'IIDt auotherJ1U-. the put lin r•n reeolaUoa neeladed aad the mat- 000 Tothe pey o t'll·eln bu t tbe ro rt oa lloaatala u• all br bla plaaola Mlectlou. He eud f year, h-Yer ter dropped, whlcb reaolatloa wu \ ' "t I he N118 oued bulldlap w � l h a ut l rk. 1tro111bt oat moat blaaUtallr the r•l reoelpto, h c adopted. �.0:. .,.! pa l' arelror&hl-. Y011 A taata\ln plaa nllaltted 117 IIQl'-lou Ia the mu&o. la 11•1•1 aaa bar a 1101118 Ill BY->11 "­ rrtbr a man ariUciMd the Oa motton of Ooaaollmaa DeCamp, •• ill .... Bta a. •f ....,.... _, b7 payiUI a beeaun 01911 lfDMr J. W la of •- illtiOifJ; Jfoo- thfl parch••-all price peron&lp I of the •II- wore a oertlllcate of lndebtedn- for oee toarae p. o. I, PoloaaiM, a In two R lle Ia tboulbt to be tbe moat I 17, M &114 the ceeh; &he minutia after tlle Ul,OOO wu ordered Galloelled, oae of parch•• cea f.... oa wbleb to worll, aad e\'OIIed lf•t t.pplauM. balauce IllU• b � laa 4 J'la&. lie ranpdtoeal&yoa.lf 1011parcl­ aoun<led. •:rial that t q for tli,OOO wu orderect reaewed, ll D Hie otber Dlaaola aoloa were eqaallr howe I baye It wu alao dlald.. that tbe worll a Bteraon Placeor been oat -•••· bat aew one for ti,OOO lifted llt a a.oh­ and a , All -truted r.r all appreciated and hie aocompaatmeata wood Pl.eoe the elld of the year yna mon a aQ\ ma be a& -. aud at d..tn &u to larp Ill' bue pttea out Jmpro•-•at oertllea&e fer U I,IOO were remarllablJ well II•••· tbie b• ouother did aad IIOlla ...uou. RDaller hn- or l<l IIC>UoU yoa 01111 & e propPrty, co-.MIHlJ u well u a New wu orderect reaewed &ad a aew -u thaaaell h JOB DIU melllben of tbe board lac more dllllcalt thaa plared oa apeallln1. oeu&.mont ;yoa lfiiYe for l&. Renee Oae 11tile tf tr<.m 6 l<l 16 pu for 1114 departmeat. We ahoald for tlt,IIOO ordered llaaed. the p o. woald laaYe MYed the w011ld han paid Nil& told a r-der repreeeatat!Ye that lall for haYIUI(IIYedmoney 7011 NallJ tbanllful to oar Ooaaell motloa of Couaallmaa Hobea- llr. Nlll:e wu encored maay haYe beea paid II mon&hl.
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