Stage 21 1 Stage 21 1 in oppidō Aquīs Sūlis labōrābant multī fabrī, quī thermās 3 faber secundus mūrum circum fontem pōnēbat. maximās exstruēbant. architectus Rōmānus fabrōs architectus fabrum incitāvit, quod fessus erat et lentē īnspiciēbat. labōrābat. faber, ab architectō incitātus, rem graviter ferēbat. nihil tamen dīxit, quod architectum timēbat. 2 faber prīmus statuam deae Sūlis faciēbat. 4 faber tertius aquam ad balneum ē fonte sacrō portābat. architectus fabrum laudāvit, quod perītus erat et dīligenter architectus fabrum vituperāvit, quod ignāvus erat et minimē labōrābat. labōrābat. faber, ab architectō laudātus, laetissimus erat. faber, ab architectō vituperātus, īnsolenter respondit. 2 Stage 21 3 Stage 21 fōns sacer fōns fountain, spring Quntus apud Salvium manēbat per tōtam hiemem. saepe ad aulam Cogidubn bat, rēge invttus. Quntus e multa dē urbe Alexandr nrrbat, quod rēx aliquid nov audre semper aliquid novī something new volēbat. ubi vēr appropinqubat, Cogidubnus in morbum gravem 5 morbum: morbus illness incidit. mult medic, ad aulam arcesst, remedium morb gravem: gravis serious quaesvērunt. ingravēscēbat tamen morbus. rēx Quntum et Salvium dē remediō anxius cōnsuluit. cōnsuluit: cōnsulere consult “m Qunte,” inquit, “tū es vir sapiēns. volō tē mihi cōnsilium cōnsilium advice dare. ad fontem sacrum re dēbeō?” 10 oppidō: oppidum town “ubi est iste fōns?” rogvit Quntus. Aquīs Sūlis: Aquae Sūlis “est in oppidō Aqus Sūlis,” inquit Cogidubnus. “mult aegrōt, Aquae Sulis (Roman name qu ex illō fonte aquam bibērunt, poste convaluērunt. of modern Bath) architectus Rōmnus, mē missus, therms maxims ibi aegrōtī: aegrōtus invalid exstrūxit. prope therms stat templum deae Sūlis, mes fabrs 15 convaluērunt: convalēscere aedifictum. ego deam saepe honōrv; nunc fortasse dea mē get better, recover 5 architectus, ubi verba īnsolentia fabrī audīvit, servōs suōs snre potest. Salv, tū es vir magnae callidittis; volō tē mihi exstrūxit: exstruere build arcessīvit. cōnsilium dare. quid facere dēbeō?” deae Sūlis: dea Sūlis servī, ab architectō arcessītī, fabrum comprehendērunt et in “tū es vir magnae sapientiae,” respondit ille. “melius est tibi the goddess Sulis (a Celtic deity) balneum dēiēcērunt. testmentum facere.” 20 vir magnae calliditātis a man of great shrewdness, cleverness sapientiae: sapientia wisdom testāmentum will 6 “linguam sordidam habēs,” inquit architectus cachinnāns. “melius est tibi aquam sacram bibere.” 4 Stage 21 5 Stage 21 “numquam dēsinit labor,” clmvit Memor. “quam fessus dēsinit: dēsinere end, cease sum! cūr ad hunc populum barbarum umquam vēn? vta mea labor work est dūra. nam in Britanni ad magnōs honōrēs ascendere nōn populum: populus people possum. necesse est mihi virōs potentēs colere. ēheu! in hc umquam ever nsul sunt pauc vir potentēs, pauc clr.” 25 honōrēs: honor honor, public “quid vs mē facere, Memor?” inquit lbertus. position “iubeō tē omnēs dmittere,” clmvit Memor. “nōl mē iterum potentēs: potēns powerful vexre!” colere seek favor of, make Memor, postquam haec verba dxit, statim obdormvit. friends with Cephalus, dominō rtō territus, invtus exiit. in therms 30 paucī few plūrimōs hominēs invēnit, vehementer clmantēs et Memorem clārī: clārus famous, absentem vituperantēs. eōs omnēs Cephalus dmsit. distinguished verba: verbum word territus: terrēre frighten absentem: absēns absent Questions 1 oppidum … maximae (line 1). Why might a visitor to Aquae Sulis have been surprised on seeing the town and its baths? 2 prōcūrātor … ignāvus (lines 2–3). Read this sentence and look at the Lūcius Marcius Memor picture. Which two Latin adjectives describe Memor as he appears in When you have read this story, answer the questions at the end. the picture? Translate them. 3 tertia hōra (line 3). Was this early or late in the morning? Give a reason oppidum Aquae Sūlis parvum erat, thermae maximae. for your answer. prōcūrtor thermrum erat Lūcius Marcius Memor, nōtissimus prōcūrātor manager 4 In line 7, the soothsayer is described as graviter dormiēns. Which Latin haruspex, homō obēsus et ignvus. quamquam iam tertia hōra haruspex diviner, soothsayer word in line 4 explains the reason for this? What does this word and the erat, Memor in cubiculō ēbrius dormiēbat. Cephalus, haruspicis obēsus fat word rūrsus (line 8) suggest about Memor? lbertus, Memorem excitre temptbat. 5 5 After Memor was awake, what two orders did he give to Cephalus? “domine! domine!” clmbat. What did he think Cephalus should do (lines 11–14)? haruspex, graviter dormiēns, nihil respondit. graviter heavily, soundly 6 mandāta prōcūrātōris (line 16). Why do you think Cephalus used these “dominus nimium vn rūrsus bibit,” sibi dxit lbertus. nimium vīnī too much wine words rather than mandāta tua? “domine! surge! hōra tertia est.” rūrsus again 7 numquam … fessus sum (lines 21–22). What do you think Cephalus’ reaction Memor, lbertō tandem excittus, ūnum oculum aperuit. 10 would be on hearing Memor say this? Give a reason for your answer. “fer mihi plūs vn!” inquit. “tum ab!” fer! bring! 8 ad magnōs honōrēs ascendere nōn possum (lines 23–24). What, according “domine! domine! necesse est tibi surgere,” inquit Cephalus. plūs vīnī more wine to Memor, is the reason for his failure? “cūr mē vexs, Cephale?” inquit Memor. “cūr tū rem 9 In lines 27–29, how did Memor react to Cephalus’ question? Make three points. administrre ipse nōn potes?” 10 Which two Latin words show how Cephalus was feeling when he left “rem huius mod administrre nōn possum,” respondit 15 huius modī of this kind Memor’s bedroom? lbertus. “sunt mult serv, mult fabr, qu mandta prōcūrtōris mandāta: mandātum 11 What did he find when he arrived in the baths (lines 30–32)? exspectant. tē exspectat architectus ipse, vir magnae dignittis. instruction, order 12 Read Cephalus’ speech in lines 15–20 again. Pick out two different words tē exspectant aegrōt. adsunt mlitēs, ab hostibus vulnert. dignitātis: dignitās or phrases which he repeats and suggest why he used each of them to adsunt nōnnūll merctōrēs, quōs arcessvist. tū rem ipse importance, prestige try to get Memor to act. administrre dēbēs.” 20 hostibus: hostis enemy 6 Stage 21 7 Stage 21 senātor advenit About the language: perfect passive participles Cephalus therms rediit. cubiculum rūrsus intrvit 1 In Stage 20, you met sentences like these, containing present participles: Memoremque dormientem excitvit. Memor, simulac Cephalum vdit, rtus clmvit, serv per vllam contendērunt, dominum quaerentēs. “cūr prohibēs mē dormre? cūr mihi nōn prēs? stultior es prohibēs: prohibēre prevent The slaves hurried through the house, looking for their master. quam asinus.” 5 pārēs: pārēre obey puella mtrem in hortō sedentem vdit. “sed domine,” inquit Cephalus, “aliquid nov nūntire volō. hinc from here The girl saw her mother sitting in the garden. postquam hinc discess, mandta, quae mihi dedist, effēc. ubi effēcī: efficere carry out, tamen aegrōtōs fabrōsque dmittēbam, sentōrem therms accomplish 2 In Stage 21, you have met sentences like these: appropinquantem cōnspex.” Memor, valdē vextus, 10 Memor, lbertō excitātus, rtissimus erat. “quis est ille sentor?” inquit. “unde vēnit? sentōrem vidēre Memor, having been awakened by the freedman, was very angry. nōlō.” thermae, Rōmns aedificātae, maximae erant. “melius est tibi hunc sentōrem vidēre,” inquit Cephalus. The baths, having been built by the Romans, were very big. “nam Gius Salvius est.” “num Gius Salvius Lberlis?” exclmvit Memor. “nōn 15 The words in boldface are perfect passive participles. crēdō tibi.” Cephalus tamen facile e persusit, quod Salvius iam in 3 A participle is used to describe a noun. For instance, in the first example in ream thermrum equitbat. paragraph 2, excitātus describes Memor. Participles change their endings to Memor perterritus statim clmvit, agree with the nouns they describe. In this way they behave like adjectives. “fer mihi togam! fer calceōs! ōrnmenta mea ubi sunt? voc 20 calceōs: calceus shoe Compare the following pair of sentences: servōs! quam nfēlx sum! Salvius hūc venit, vir summae ōrnāmenta: ōrnāmentum auctōrittis, quem colere maximē volō.” badge of office singular faber, ab architectō laudātus, rsit. Memor celerrimē togam calceōsque induit. Cephalus e auctōritātis: auctōritās The craftsman, having been praised by the architect, smiled. ōrnmenta trdidit, ex armriō raptim extracta. haruspex authority plural fabr, ab architectō laudātī, rsērunt. lbertum innocentem vituperbat, lbertus Salvium. 25 raptim hastily, quickly The craftsmen, having been praised by the architect, smiled. 4 Translate the following examples: a servus, dominō verbertus, ex oppidō fūgit. b nūnti, rēge arcesst, rem terribilem nrrvērunt. c ancilla, Quntō laudta, laetissima erat. d templum, fabrs perts aedifictum, erat splendidum. e mlitēs, ab hostibus vulnert, therms vsitre voluērunt. f uxor, martō vexta, ē vll discessit. Memor set up a statue near In each sentence, write down the perfect passive participle and the noun the altar of the goddess Sulis. The which it describes. State whether each pair is singular or plural, and masculine, statue has disappeared, but feminine or neuter. this is the statue base with his name on it. The altar is in the background. 8 Stage 21 9 Stage 21 5 Notice that the perfect passive participle can be translated in a number of Salvius: es vir summae callidittis. hanc rem efficere potes. ways: nōn sōlum ego, sed etiam Impertor, hoc cupit. nōn sōlum … sed etiam Cogidubnus enim Rōmnōs saepe vexvit. not only … but also architectus, Cogidubnō ipsō missus, therms exstrūxit.
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