<?r*>^ m* ) •->••'y Vi Devoted to the best inter­ "A kindly interest in our ests of Summit and all its neighbor's doings lies at inhabitants as welL as of its the base of healthy and "*fc neighboring communities. progressive social life" t. Summit's Oldest Newspaper—Established in 1883 Ten Pages VOL. XXXVIII. TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. SUMMIT, NTX: FHI] ^22719217 "SINGEKTJOPY fa CENTS" ~mr&r Chrysanthemum Show of Court Has Grist Excursions Have Garden Clubs Here in Oct. of Minor C Perfect Day Wednesday A Chrysanthemum Show is being ases planned to be given in Suminil during j the Inst week in October, under the Brok Bottles in Roadway, Reli- Over a Thousand Summitites Visit uuspii-eK of tlio Card en Clubs of Mor- en the Shore on B.M.A. Clambake ristown, Somerset Hills, Princeton, gious Dcmentia, Non-Support, Short Hills, Rumson and Summit. and Sunday School Picnic There will be sections and classes Speeding and Crap-Shoo ling provided for other garden flowers than chrysanthemums, which may be Some Cases Held Over Until the 29th No Accident Marred the Day in bloom at that time, and prizes or ribbons offered in each. • Any and Antonio Cardono, 2 0 Prospect ave­ jpiKiiyT^ loAsbudiiiKs on the part of only jimaleurf, may exhibit on the payment of n 1iit> cent exhibitor's fee, nue, tn'ed on a complaint of disor­ woiitcPbe excursionists Tuesday night derly conduct by Mrs. Mary J. Leslie, when the wcathor conditions were which includes admission". Date, place and rules for exhibitors 5 41 Morris avenue, had his case dis-: distinctly ' forbidding gave place to missed with a warning. Cardone is rejoicings Wednesday morning when will be published later, and it is to be hoped that Summit will be well rep­ a bomewhat well-known character the sun shone brightly on a landscape who is afflicted with a variety of re­ that had been freshened and bright­ resented both as exhibitors and in attendance. ^ ligious mania that induced Mm to ened by the heavy thunder shower of spend most of his time in reading ' the evening previous. The air was There will be a booth for the sale of articles for the "Lest We Forgot" prayers from a book that he possess­ cooler and there was an appreciably es. He has never been violent and smaller percentage of that depressing Society and the proceeds from the Show will be given to that committee. the chief objection in the complaint humidity that has been so much in against him was that he "made a evidence almost daily so far this sum­ Begin now to bring your gardens to such perfection that you can take nuisance of himself." Heis-the fath­ mer. Tn a word, a more ideal day er of a family of ten children and as lor an outing could hardly have heen prizes or blue ribbons, for your blooms in October. Modal of the Garden such the disposition made of his case had if made to order. Those who was the one called for by this circum­ had been wavering in their decision Club of America will be given, for the best exfllbit: stance—3he received the advice to do Hacienda Courts, Summit, New Jersey as to whether they would go or not, his praying in the privacy of his own had the matter decided for them— 1 houso rather than on the steps or on only the unavoidable demands of the sidewalk in front of other per. business appointments previously sons' homes. made kept anyone at home, and Sum­ School Bonds are a Council Meeting Handsome New Apartment House mit was quieter than on a Sunday. Frank Swick, 481 Morris avenue, Hardly a store was open and the Drug in the Market on a complaint under the section of Tuesday Evening streets were practically deserted. the motor vehicle act relating to • throwing bottles or broken glass on •'. To Be Erected on Spfingfield Avenue The outing of the Business Men's Only Bid With Too Many Strings the public highways, had been ar­ Association was perhaps more spec­ rested by Officer Clark last Sunday. New line-Up of Committees; Unused tacular in its departure from Summit Rejected, But Negotiations Are Evidence was introduced showing Streets to be Vacated; Several New Building Will Be of the Spanish Type than the Sunday School excursion, as that he had been seen to break the the trip to Pleasure Bay was made in On For Private Sale. bottle so that its pieces would fall Other Routine Matters With Inner Court, or Patio a long line of flag-bedecked cars, in the roadway with alleged ma­ which ^advertised the town by the licious intent. Lawyer John B. The RECORD takes pleasure In of­ question of completing the necessary generously-lettered banners on their Board Might Issue ' Improvement Notes'' Walsh, who appeared for the defend­ Hearing On Gas Rates Raise August 3rd fering above a reproduction of the working drawings. Unquestionably hoods. Leaving Springfield avenue ant, raised tho point that the spot architects' drawing, of Hacienda Hacienda Courts is a forerunner of a at 8:45 the run to Price's Hotel was Because of the fact that practical­ where the bottle was broken, on The outstanding feature of Tues­ Courts, construction of which will tendency to Incorporate good archi­ made in about three hours, the trip ly no takers present themselves for Union place, was not a portion of the day night's Council meeting was the very shortly be started on Springfield tecture into a type of development being made via Cranford, Perth Am- the school bonds advertised by the public highway, but belonged to the avenue, this city. The building will and builcling which has thus far been T rejection of * the single bid for the boy and Red Bank, with several de­ Common Council, w ith last Tuesday railroad. His act, therefore, did not $600,000 school bonds because of be the last word in suburban apart­ neglected. New Jersey is the natural tours at places where the road was evening as the date of possible ac­ come within tho scope of the law, unacceptable conditions, as Is touched ment design and a notable addition to place for this type of apartment. The under repair adding to to the running ceptance, a new kink is put in the he contended, and Judge Sampson de­ upon more fully In another column. the apartment housing facilities of transaction is being handled through ' time. progress of the city toward disen­ cided that there was sufficient in his The* Council met promptly at 8:00 Summit. the Ambrose Powell Agency. Arrived at the hotel, the' shady tangling its school problem. There contention to warrant holding the o'clock, Mr. Pringle only being ab­ w<if,ienda Courts as designed"by" "~ In connection with its description, lawn became at once the main attrac­ was indeed a single bid presented at case over until the 29th. Swick en­ sent, and upon presentation of bid Bohlmeyer & Blanehard, of Beech- of Hacienda Courts, the next issue of tion. Here, while waiting for the the Council meeting, but it was so tered a plea of not guilty, although tOQk_a_ghort recess in_order_toi exam­ wood road, architects, will be In every the New York Sunday Herald will bake to be served, a game of ball was conditional in its terms that no other it is said that he had been advised by ine it carefully. Upon re-convening, detail the highest type of suburban say; "The increasing demand for staged;-which brought out unsuspect­ course was open but to reject it. The an officer to admit his guilt and pay It was voted to reject it because of its apartments. The structure will not be hlgji-olafs apartments in suburban ed talents among the players and de­ bidder was Geo. H. Gibbous & Co., his tine as cheerfully as he could. undesirable conditions.. No further a city.type of apartment transpl J"i .unities is responsible for the lighted thoso who elected to be the of New York. They offered to take John Boitt, of 28 Fairview avenue, action was taken in regard to the into the country, but an original iHS aclenda Courts, to be erected In a onlookers. The spot was a perfect the £5 00 000 bonds at par plus ac­ Newark, arrested for non-support, bonds. of what suburban apartments should residential section of Summit, New crued Interest, it is true, but they naturally be. It is designed In a i one for a diamond—not. On one was arraigned on complaint of his Gordon Bunker, thA new council­ Jersey. It is known that Summit * side was the long row of tables set reserved the right to withdraw their wife, Frances Boitt. who—Iras been Spanish type of architecture. It Is justly claims title as one of the very bid at any time before the first of man appointed to succeed J. S, Wiley 15 0 feet square, containing five, six for the dinner, on two other sides the living at 14 Aubrey street, West Sum­ and serve until the next election, sat best suburban cities within commut­ well-known Shrewsbury river, while August, and they also refrained from mit. His case was continued until and seven room apartments, with two ing distance of New York. accompanying their bid with the re­ in Mr. "Wiley's seat for the first time. and three tile baths; each apartment the dialhqnd boasted hazards in the the 2-9th,and meanwhile he has been The change in personnel of the shape of one hedge and several trees, quired check for $1,000.
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