7172 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 22, 1898. footpaths, and places, railways, tramways, street to boat landing at riverside, road bridges, tunnels, subways, sewers, drains, gas from Neptune-road to the gates of the and water mains and pipes, and telegraphic, Tyne Pontoons and Dry Dock Company's telephonic, pneumatic, electric lighting and Works at Wallsend, road from Hadrian- other tubes, pipes, lines, wires, and apparatus, road to the bridge carrying the Tynemouth and to lay down, place, erect, maintain, renew, Branch of the North Eastern Railway over or remove, either above or under ground, electric Renfrew-road, Wallsend, road from Par- lines, pipes, pillars, posts, apparatus, street son's Marine Turbine Company's Works to boxes, meters, and other works and things Hadrian-road, Wallsend, road from the requisite for supplying electricity, or otherwise Aluminium Works-road to the boat land- for carrying out the objects of the Bill, and to ing, Riverside, Wallsend, road from Par- confer special powers upon the Company with son's Marine Turbine Company's Works to respect to erecting, laying down, and maintain- and through the disused Aluminium ing electric lines, pipes, pillars, posts, street Works, Wallsend, street leading from the boxes, works, and apparatus in, over, and along level crossing of the North Eastern Railway streets and roads not dedicated to the public, (Riverside Branch) at Kelley-street to the railways and tramways, and the breaking up of Aluminium Works-road, Wallsend, road such streets, roads, railways, and tramways. from Church Pit crossing, passing under The following are the streets not repairable the Staith Railways of the Killingworth by the local authorities, and the railways which Coal Company to the end of Hadrian- the Company propose to take power by the Bill road and to the crossing of the Riverside to break up. Branch of the North Eastern Railway, Streets. Wallsend, Limekiln-road, Wallsend, road Streets in the parish of Walker.—Byker-street, from west end of South-terrace to and over Bell-street, Bath-street, Church-street, bridge at entrance to the North Eastern Caledonia-street, Chapel-street, Chapman- Marine Engineering Company's Works, street, Cowen-street, Clark-street, Engine- Wallsend, road leading in a westerly direc- street, Fisher-street, Foster-street, Jackson- tion from the Wallsend Slipway and Engi- street, Lamb-street, [Losh-street, Mitchell- neering Company's private bridge which street, Middle-street, North-street, Pearson- passes over the Willington Gut to Point street, Pit-street, Railway-street, Swan- Pleasant, Wallsend, Atkinson-terrace, Den- street, Tyne-street, Victoria-street, Wilson - ham-terrace, Evelyn-terrace, Industrial- street, . Wharrier-street, Walpole-street, terrace, Maud-terrace, North-terrace, South- Watson-street, Chillingham-road, East-road, terrace, Turner's-terrace, Westfield-terrace, Little Benton-road, Station-road, Shields- Carville-gardens, Leslie-gardens, Winifred- road, Scrogg-road, Walker. New-road, gardens, the Avenue, Labernum-avenue, Welbeck-road, Vulcan-road, road leading Woodbine-avenue, Benton-way, Church- from Shields-road to Scrogg-road, road bank, Hawthorn-grove, Long-row, North- leading from end of Church-street to Bill umberland-villas, Portugal-place, Point Point, Cambrian-row, Diamond-row, Forge- Pleasant, Roman-wall, Village-green. row, Hemels-row, New-row, Rolling Mill- Streets in the parish of Willington Quay row, Eastbourne-avenue, Westbourne- and in the parish of Willington.—Argyle- avenue, Eastbourne-gardens, Westbourne- •street, Albert-street, Boundary-street, gardens, East-terrace, Somerset-terrace, Brunton-street, Bewick-street, Churchill- Dene-crescent, Parade-crescent, St. Am- street, Church-street, Clavering-street, Car- brose-place, St.Mary's-place, Bill Point, lyle-street, Crawford-street, Chapel-street, Battle-hill, Foundry-square, Miller's-lane, Cumberland-street, Dock-street, George- Western-Glower, Wincomblee. street, Gladstone-street, Headlam-street, Streets in the parish of Wallsend.—Atkinson- Hodgson-street,Hill-street,Main-street,Nel- street, Birkett-street, Blenkinsop-street, son-street, Philipson-street, Potter-street, Buddie-street, Chad wick-street, Cobd en- Ravensworth - street, Shakespeare - street, street, Clyde-street, Cecil-street, Chesnut- Standard-street, Stephensou-street, Tyne- slreet, Charles-street, Douglass-street, Da- street, Westmoreland-street, West-street, vis-street, Eden-street, Elton-street, Equit- Armstrong-road, Bewick-road, Rosehill- abl e - street, Front - street, Frank - street, road, Station-road, Shields-road; Western- Frederick - street, Gerald - street, Hugh- road, road alongside Gut from Keelman's- street, High-street, Hedley-street, Hunter- row to Nelson-street, road from Tyne View- street, Holly-street, Henry-street, Hopper- terrace running between the Tyne Commis- street, Judith-street, John-street, Laurel- sioners' Works and the Northumberland street, Lawson-street, Leslie-street, Lisle- Shipbuilding Company's Works in the street, Mutual-street, Mark-street, Philip- borough of Tynemouth to the riverside, haugh - street, Palmer - street, Rochdale - road from Tyne View-terrace to the North- street, Richardson-street, Renfrew-street, umberland Dock in the borough of Tyne- Sycamore-street, Swan-street, Thames- mouth, Burn-terrace, Northumberland-ter- street, Vine-street, Wanless-street, West- race, Norman- terrace, Palmer's-terrace, street, Wear-street, Wooley-street, Wilber- Rosehill-terrace, St. Mary's-terrace, Tyne force-street, Westmoreland-street, York- View-terrace, Willington-terrace, Gas street, First-street, Second-street, Third- House-lane, How don-lane, Ropery-lane, street, Fourth-street, Fifth-street, Sixth- Coach Open, the Docks, Hardie's-bank, street, Seventh-street, Bruce-road, Benton- Millar's-bank, Keelman's-row, road, Border-road, Camp-road, Coach And all other streets (if any) within the limits Fields-road, Curzon-road, Crawley-road, of the Bill not repairable by any local authority. George-road, Hadrian-road, Maurice-road, v Railways. North-road, Neptune-road, Rawdon-road, The level crossings of the North Eastern Renfrew-road, Sedley-road, Shields-road, Railway Company's railways, near Battle- Station-road, Sharp-road, Warwick-road, hill, Walker; near Gerald-street, Wall- road from subway at Gerald-street to send ; near the Killingworth Coal Com- Pock Hotel, road from subway at Gerald- pany's Staith Railway, Wallsend ; at.
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