BROJ 10 / ISSUE 10 / 2016 TANJA MIŠČEVIĆ Očekujem u 2016. veliki proboj u pregovaračkom procesu / I expect a big breakthrough in VOJISLAV the negotiation process in 2016. ŠEŠELJ Mojih 12 godina u evropskoj uniji/ SRBIJA KAO CENTAR My 12 years in ISTOKA I ZAPADA European Union SERBIA AS A CENTER OF EAST AND WEST VIMINACIJUM Balkanski Pompeji/ The Balkans Pompeii SINIŠA MALI TITULA NAJBOLJEG GRADONAČELNIKA OBAVEZUJE NA RAD U BUDUĆNOSTI / THE AWARD FOR THE BEST EUROPEAN MAYOR OBLIGES TO WORK IN THE FUTURE Eco-power everywhere TION ULA SY M ST U E C M C 2 A 0 *: DEPENDING H KW/H K T W ON LOCALIZATION I DAY* OR SUN EXPOSURE W 45 CONDITIONS. CONTINUOUS POWER MOBILE PHOTO-VOLTAIC POWER STATION WHEREVER IT MAY BE, AROUND THE WORLD, ON ALL TYPES OF TERRAIN AND IN ALL CONDITIONS, THE SUN GENERATES ENERGY FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF USES. ECOPOWERBOOST EXPLOITS THE FULL POTENTIAL OF RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY TO PROVIDE SOLUTIONS FOR ALL THOSE LIVING AND WORKING IN AREAS NOT CONNECTED TO AN ELECTRICITY NETWORK. Eco-power everywhere TION ULA SY M ST U E C M C 2 A 0 *: DEPENDING H KW/H K T W ON LOCALIZATION I DAY* OR SUN EXPOSURE W 45 CONDITIONS. CONTINUOUS POWER MOBILE PHOTO-VOLTAIC POWER STATION WHEREVER IT MAY BE, AROUND THE WORLD, ON ALL TYPES OF TERRAIN AND IN ALL CONDITIONS, THE SUN GENERATES ENERGY FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF USES. ECOPOWERBOOST EXPLOITS THE FULL POTENTIAL OF RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY TO PROVIDE SOLUTIONS FOR ALL THOSE LIVING AND WORKING IN AREAS NOT CONNECTED TO AN ELECTRICITY NETWORK. FALKENSTEINER HOTEL BELGRADE - WELCOME HOME - otelski lanac Falkensteiner otvorio je svoj prvi hotel u Be- ogradu, Falkensteiner Hotel Beograd, superior hotel sa četiri zvezdice koji pripada kategoriji gradskih hotela. Namenjen pre svega poslovnim ljudima i kongresnom tu- rizmu,H nalazi se u središtu prestižne poslovne zone Novog Beograda, nedaleko od centra grada, uz odličnu saobraćajnu povezanost sa ae- rodromom „Nikola Tesla”. Objekat upečatljivog futurističkog izgleda projektovao je Boris Podreka, jedan od najznačajnijih evropskih arhitekata današnjice. Hotel Falkensteiner Beograd odlikuje moderan i dinamičan di- zajn, maksimalna udobnost, vrhunska usluga i prijatna atmosfera. Svojim eksterijerom hotel Falkensteiner Belgrade odudara od većine poslovnih zgrada u Beogradu, ali u njemu se krije pravi užitak za ljubitelja dobrog dizajna. Hotel Falkensteiner Beograd pored upečatljive spoljašnjosti i interesantne unutrašnjosti, odiše toplom porodičnom atmosferom koja čini da se svaki gost u njemu oseća kao kod kuće. Lanac hotela, poznat po vrhunskoj usluzi i porodičnim vrednostima, stvorio je je- dinstvenu „Welcome Home” filozofiju koja se jasno ogleda i u samoj ponudi hotela. Od ukupno 170 soba i apartmana hotel poseduje 134 Comfort sobe i 28 Deluxe soba, 7 Junior apartmana i 1 Senior apartman. Sve sobe opremljene su najsavremenijom tehničkom opremom koja uk- ljučuje individualnu kontrolu klima-uređaja, satelitsku televiziju, telefon sa direktnom linijom, sobni sef veličine laptopa i besplatan bežični internet. Na 9. spratu hotela nalazi se AcquaPura City Spa centar koji je idealno mesto za dobar početak ili kraj radnog dana. Spa centar, poseduje finsku saunu, parno kupalo, 2 prostorije za masažu, fitnes centar i sobu za opuštanje sa terasom odakle se pruža panoramaski pogled na Novi Beograd. Bogat američki doručak na bazi švedskog stola ispunjava očeki- vanja i najzahtevnijih gostiju. U hotelskom restoranu služi se naj- bolji doručak u gradu, otvoren je za A la carte ručak i večeru, dok gostima na raspolaganju stoji i 24-časovna usluga u sobi. Moderni konferencijski i banket prostor Hotela Falkensteiner Beograd raspoređen je na dva sprata i zauzima površinu od oko 700 m2. Obuhvata dve manje sale za sastanke i četiri konferencijske sale, koje se uz pomoć pokretnog zida mogu spajati u jednu veću površi- ne do 139 m2. Sve konferencijske sale hotela Falkensteiner Beograd su klimatizovane i ispunjene dnevnim svetlom, potpuno opremlje- ne i imaju izlaz u foaje. Banket sala White Pearl je višenamenska sala, pogodna za sve tipove događaja, od velikih konferencija i semi- nara, modnih revija, pa sve do svadbenih i drugih proslava. Na poslednjem spratu hotela nalazi se Business Lounge sa pro- stranom terasom i predstavlja izdvojen prostor za individualne po- slovne sastanke ili manje događaje. Otvorena letnja bašta hotela Falkensteiner Beograd prava je oaza mira u samom centru Novog Beograda. Bilo da je u pitanju poslovni sastanak, pauza tokom konferencije ili odmor nakon na- pornog dana, u hladu ispod baldahina gosti mogu da pobegnu od gradske gužve i na svežem vazduhu uživaju u intimnom ambijentu. FALKENSTEINER HOTEL BELGRADE - WELCOME HOME - he hotel chain Falkensteiner opened up its first hotel in Bel- grade, the Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade, a superior four star hotel, which belongs to the category of city hotels. It is pri- marily aimed at business and congress tourism, as it is loca- tedT in the center of the prestigious business area of Novi Beograd, not far from the city center, and has excellent traffic connections with the airport Nikola Tesla. The building, with very a distinctive and futuristic outlook, is de- signed by Boris Podreka, one of the most distinguished architects of today. The Hotel Falkensteiner Belgrade is characteristic for its modern and dynamic design, maximum comfort, top service and pleasant atmosphere. With its exterior, the hotel Falkensteiner Belgrade di- ffers from the majority of business buildings in Belgrade, but it also discloses a true pleasure for all those who love a good design. Beside an extraordinary exterior and interesting interior, Hotel Falkensteiner Belgrade breathes warm familial atmosphere, which makes every guest feel at home. The hotel chain, widely known for its top services and familial values, has created the unique “Welco- me Home” philosophy, which is reflected in the hotel’s offer. Among the 170 rooms and apartments, the hotel offers 134 com- fort rooms and 28 deluxe rooms, 7 junior suites and 1 senior apar- tment. All the rooms are equipped with the latest technical facili- ties, including individually controlled air-conditioning, satellite TV, direct phone line, a lap-top sized room safe and free Wi-Fi. The 9th floor of the hotel accommodates the AcquaPura City Spa center, which is an ideal place for a good start or end of the working day. The spa center has a Finnish sauna, steam bath, two massage rooms, fitness center and relax area with a terrace offering a pano- ramic view of Novi Beograd. A rich American Style buffet breakfast can satisfy even the gue- sts with the highest expectations. The hotel restaurant serves the best breakfast in the city, it is open for a la carte lunch and dinner, while the guests have also 24-hours room service at their disposal. The modern conference and banquet area of the hotel Falkenste- iner Belgrade spreads over two floors and covers an area of 700 m2. It comprises two smaller meeting rooms and four conference rooms with movable walls, so they can be merged into a larger space up to 139m2. All the conference rooms of hotel Falkensteiner Belgra- de are air-conditioned and have daylight, include all the necessary technical equipment and have an exit to the foyer. The banquet hall White Pearl is a multi-purpose room, adequate for all types of events, ranging from big conferences and seminars, to fashion shows, to weddings and other ceremonies. Located on the last floor of the hotel, a Business Lounge with a spatial terrace, offers a separated space for individual business meetings or small-sized events. An open-air summer garden of the hotel Falkensteiner Bel- grade is a true oasis of tranquility in the very center of Novi Beo- grad. Whether it is a business meeting, a conference break or just a rest after a heavy day, in the shade under a baldachin, guests can escape the city crowd and enjoy the intimate ambience in the fresh air. SADRŽAJ / CONTENT 10. IZDANJE MAGAZINA THE GLOBE 52 104 10 18 46 magazine PROFIL / PROFILE 52 TANJA MIŠČEVIĆ TURISTIČKA DESTINACIJA / 10 SINIŠA MALI GRADONAČELNIK očekujem u 2016. veliki proboj TOURIST DESTINATION BEOGRADA u pregovaračkom procesu / 86 GRADOVI LIBANA / CITIES OF LEBANON titula najboljeg evropskog i expect a big breakthrough in 92 BEOGRAD – grad kakav zaslužujemo / gradonačelnika obavezuje na rad u the negotiation process in 2016 belgrade is the city that we deserve budućnosti / the award for the best 98 JABEER ABBER european mayor obliges to work in DIPLOMATSKA MISIJA / moje putovanje / my travel the future DIPLOMATIC MISSION 62 AMBASADOR VATIKANA KULTURA / CULTURE PRIVREDNI IZVEŠTAJ / harmonija istinske duhovnosti 104 DEJAN SAVIĆ, V. D. UPRAVNIK ECONOMIC REPORT / the harmony of the true NARODNOG POZORIŠTA 18 NENAD POPOVIĆ spirituality maestro narodnog pozorišta / samo jaka ekonomija može da zadrži maestro of the national theater mlade / only strong economy can GRADSKE PRIČE / 112 BETTY ANN keep the youth in serbia CITY BUZZ glas čovečnosti / the voice of 32 DEJAN S. MILETIĆ 72 MARIO LIGUORI humanity sad i nato su ključ spasa srbije / italijan sa srpskom dušom / the usa and nato are a key to an italian with serbian soul U RETROSPEKTIVI / saving serbia 76 VOJISLAV ŠEŠELJ IN RETROSPECTIVE 44 PROKOP / energoprojekt mojih 12 godina u evropskoj uniji 118 SRBIJA KAO CENTAR ISTOKA I ZAPADA Eco power boost / my 12 years in european union / SERBIA AS A CENTER OF EAST AND WEST ŽENE LIDERI / BALKANSKI BISERI / 2014 – parada, samit, otvaranje mosta WOMEN LEADERS BALCAN PEARLS 2015 – beograd na vodi, oebs 46 JASMINA STOJANOVIĆ
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