TH£ MAN W-HO SOLD M£ TH£SE WISS GARDEN TOOLS DID M£ A R£AL f"AVOR BOY!ffOW TH£Y CUT! WISS GARDEN SHEARS A PROFITABLE FAST-SELLING LI NE For many generations W iss Shears and Scissors have been known all over the world for their su perior quality. A MORE COMPLETE LI NE - So me t im e ago, the W iss Company decided to manufacture a line of garden cutting implements, including hedge shears, grass shears, and pruning shears. In the years that fo ll owed th is decision, the line was gradually improved and enlarged until today, with th is iss ue of our new catalog, you will find described in these pages, the fines t and the most complete assortment of garden cutting tools ever produced by one manufacturer. QUALITY OF FIRST IMPORTANCE Every tool is made upo n t hese same prin ciples of qual ity and character which first made W iss shears and sc issors pre-eminent and enabled them to maintain that position consistently. OUTSTANDING IMPROVEMENTS IN DES IGN Yo u will find in th is assortment such tools as the Wiss No. 5600 Grass Shear which is the only full drop-forged Grass Shear in the world. You wi ll fin d in this assortment Pruni ng Shears that will outcut and outlast any other Pru ning Shears made. Yo u will find an assortment of Hedge Shears to satisfy the most discriminating user and at a price range wide enough to fit most pocketbooks. GREATER PROFIT These things in themselves are the elements for great satisfaction; but in addition , there is that most important element of all-that is, this assortment will bring you the greatest Garden Tool profits that you have ever been able to make. THE WISS LINE IS THE CARDEN TOOL LINE WITH Quality-Advertising- Display Exp lain i-o yo ur customers wh y ·rh e Wi ss quality line is bette r: e Wiss Hedge Shea rs are drop-fo rged, not blank ed out of stri p steel. • They are hardened and tempered, and ground by men who have lifetime experience in making kee n, la stin g, perfe ct edges. Th ey are fitted with bolts whi ch a re threaded in the blades, and a tension spring , which together guarantee lasting ad iu stm ent. Th ey are made with handles that will not break or loosen. • Wiss pruning shears have th e same feature s of supe ri ority. Th ey are drop-forged, hardened and tempered, adiusted wit h an accur­ ate screw, and made by arti sa ns ski lled in precision gri nd ing. e Wiss pruning shears cut better becau se they are made better. e Wiss grass shears are tested to cut material tougher than any grass that grows. • The Wiss Clippers are desig ned in such a wa y that the user may cut with hi s hands in a natural posi ti on. Th ey are the most popul ar type of grass shears on th e market today. Let Wiss tested quality wo rk for yo u in prod ucin g more bu sin ess . .. Li ke­ wi se, let Wiss sal es helps and W iss nat io nal adverti sing wo rk for you. WISS GARDEN TOOLS The Idea I Display for Garden Shears WISS GARDEN TOOL DISPLAY No. G. T.l940 SIZE 221f2" wide 20" high 17" deep • Total Shipping Weight 54 Lbs. The Wiss Garden Tool Display No. 1940 illustrated above is the result of an extensive survey as to the size and style best adapted for the purpose. The problem of displaying hedge shears is solved completely by the rack which holds eight patterns, easily accessible to your clerks and customers. On the side can be shown I 0 grass shears, while on the front a selected assortment of pruners can be dis­ played, with room for two additional grass shears. If you will place this display in a prominent location, you will find that it will attract more business than anything you have ever had. NO. G. T. 1940 ASSORTMENT 8 HEDGE 12 GRASS 12 PRUNERS Li st Deale rs list Dealers l ist Dealers Price N et Price Net Price Net I P~.Jr 61hJ $ .98 $ .68 3 pair 700 $1.25 $ .80 3 pair 58 $ .75 $ .50 .84 2 BlhJ 1.25 3 " 701 1.25 .80 2 " 78 1.35 .90 " 1.75 1.15 I 71hB 3 " 906B .98 .65 2 " BlhB 2.00 1.30 3 " 5600 1.35 .85 2 " 906 1.50 1.00 I " BlhA 2.50 1.55 3 " 5600R 1.50 .90 I " Blh E 3.10 2.00 2 " 908 2.00 1.33 $14.83 $9.66 $16.05 $10.05 $14.89 $9.91 TOTAL LIST PRICE - - - - $45.77 Dealer's Net Price _______________ __ ____ _________ ___ __ $29.62 Display Stand, Net --- - -------- -------------- -------~ Total Dealer's Net Price --- ------------------------ __ _ $30.62 WISS GARDEN TOOLS COODS WELL DISPLAYEO ARE HALF SOLD Wiss Selling Helps Will Increase Your Business To assist you in selling the new No. 1940 line of Wiss Garden Shears, we have gone to consid­ erable trouble and expense in revising our packaging so as to make it attractive, colorful, and easily handled. Hedge Shears are being shipped in cartons of 6 and 12 pairs. Pruning Shears are packed in individual boxes-six boxes in an attractive display carton. Grass Shears are in individual boxes. Each package of six contains a display banner, and other advertising matter, for calling the cus­ tomer's attention to the Wiss line. This new packaging makes Wiss Garden Shears easy to order, easy to handle, and easy to dis­ play to the best advantage. WISS GARDEN SHEARS-SECOND TO NONE IN QUALITY WISS GARDEN TOOLS WISS HEDGE SHEARS WISS SHOCK-ABSORBER HEDGE SHEARS Steel Handle Pattern These are fitted with unbreakable forged steel handles ENGLISH PATTERN SHOCK-PROOF HEDGE SHEARS inset wi t h wooden grips. Rubber shock absorbers take the jar out of cutting. One blade is se rrated to prevent A new style of li ght Professional pattern hedge shear twigs fro m slipping while cutting. Bla des are of fine fitted with an improved metal-covered rubber shock cutlery steel, hardened and tempered, nickel plated and polished. Bolt is threaded into lower blade and secured absorber which reduces arm fatigue. Blades are full­ with a lo ck nut. "Wiss " name forged into handles. forged , ho llow ground, highly polished and hardened No. Length of Blade Weight Each Price Each and tempered , and have a notch and cutter for heavy 8-S 8" 3 3fa lbs. $ 3.25 9-S 9" 3112 lbs. 3.50 duty. The handles are of non-splitting maple riveted 10-S 10" 3% lbs. 3.75 through nicke l-plated steel ferrules and tang. "Wiss" 7112 -S No Shock 7!f2'' 2112 lbs. 2.65 Absorber name on blades. Packed six to a sh ipping carton May also be had with no notch whe re specified. No. Length of Blade Weight Each Price Each 8112-E 8!f2' ' 2 lbs. 6 oz. $ 3.10 9112-E 9112 " 2 lbs. 8 oz. 3.50 Packed six to a shipping carton PROFESSIONAL PATTERN HEDGE SHEARS With Non-Splitting Wood Handles Polished nickel finish, cutlery steel blades, one serrated to prevent slipping. Non-splitting maple handles with red lacquer band, riveted through nickel-plated steel ferrules, handle, and forged tang. "Wiss" stamped in red on han dles. No. Length of Blade Weight Each Price Each 8-W 8" 2lbs. 14 oz. $ 3.00 "A" PATTERN HEDGE SHEARS 9-W 9" 3 lbs. 3. 15 lO-W 10' ' 3 lbs. 2 oz. 3.30 A Husky, Fine Quality Wiss Hedge Shear Pack ed six to a shipping carton At a Moderate Price Fu ll -fo rged solid steel with wide hollow ground blades, hardened and tempered. Sp ring washer under bolt gives even tension . Has branch-cuttin g notch and scalloped top bla de, non-splittin g maple han dles with red lacqu er band, riveted through steel fe rrules , hand le and tang. LIGHTWEIGHT HEDGE SHEARS-LADIES' PATTERN Bolt is threaded into lower blade and secured wi th a Dainty light weight hedge shears designed for ladies' lock nut. Branded "Wiss " on handles. use. Full-forged steel, hardened and tempered, one bla de serrated. Non-spl itting wood handles riveted through No . Length of Blade Weight Each Pri ce Each steel ferrules and tang. Branded "Wiss" . 8112-A 8!f2' ' 2% lbs. $ 2.50 No. Length of Blade Weight Each Price Each 9112 -A 9112" Jl/a lbs . 2.75 6'12 -B 6!f2'' I lb . 6 ~z . $ 1.50 Pack ed six or twelve to a shipping carton Packed six to a shipping carton WISS GARDEN TOOLS WISS HEDGE SHEARS "J" PATTERN GUNMETAL "B" PATTERN HEDGE SHEARS A high ly competitive drop-forged hedge shear wi th a Full-forged , solid steel, hardened and tempered, hollow hollow ground blade and having a notch and cutter for ground, ful l polished blades with notch and cutter for heavy bran ches . Has a spec ial rust-resisting gunmetal heavy branches. Popular selling shears that will give finish and no n-sp li tting natural beech handles riveted excellent service. Natural Beech handles with blue tip, through steel ferrules and tang . Blades are stamped J. W. & S. riveted through steel ferrules and tang. Bolt is threaded into lower· blade and secur·ed with a lock nut.
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