THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. Vor.. YXVI. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 18Q. NUMBER 7,786. COMMUNICA'1 IONS. 'I he President laid before the Council the following communication from the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen CITY OF Ne:vv YORK—BOARD OF ALDERMEN, CITY HALL, December 5, i8g8. I/ott. P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk SIR—I transmit herewith the documents relative to matters adopted by the Board of Aldermen at the stated meeting held 'Tuesday, December 6, t8g8, as scheduled below : Int. Nos. 1701, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713 and 1714. Respectfully, MMICHAEI, F. BLARE, Clerk of the Board of Aldermen. Which was ordered on file. 'rile communications from the Board of Aldermen were as follows No. 1378.—(5. R.49o.) AN ORDINANCE to provide for repaving the carrta;eway of Fifty-first street, from Eleventh to Twelfth avenue, in the borough of Manhattan, with stone-binek pavement. Be it Ordained by the Municipal Assembly of the City of New York, a, follows : MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. That, in pursuance of section 413 of the Greater New fork Charter, the following resolution of the board of public improvements, adopted by that board on the 5th day of Deceml,er, 1898, THE COUNCIL. be and the same hereby is approved, and the public work or improvement therein provided for is hereby authorized, viz. : Resolved, by the board of public improvements, That, in pursuance of section 413 of the SPECIAL MEETING. Greater New York Charter, the repaving, with stone-block pavement, of the carriageway of Fifty- first street, from Eleventh to Twelfth avenue, L'orough of Manhattan, under the direction of the commissioner of highways, be and the saute is hereby authorized and approved, the cost of said -MONDAY, December 12, 1898, ( public work or improvement to be paid for from the appropriation for " Repaving Streets and I o'clock P. at. 1 Avenues," Borough of Manhattan, for Ib98, The Council met in Room No. 16, City Hall. The President put the question whether the Council wotild agree with said ordinance. PRESENT: Which was decided in the affirinat,ve by the following vote Affirmative—The President, the Vice-Chairman, Councilmen Brice, Christman, Conly, Doyle, Ilov. Randolph t;uggenheimer, President. Engel, Foley, Fra'icisco, French, Goodwin, Hart, Rester, Ilottenroth, Ilylan,l, l,eich, McGarry, COUNCILMEN Mundorf, Murphy, ,Murray, Ryder, and Wise-22. John T. Oakley, George B. Christman, Conrad H. Hester, No. 1379•—(5. 8.491.) Vice-Chairman, john J. Met- thy, Adam 1i. Leich, AN ORDINANCE to provide for placing two elevators in the brownstone 'ntilding, City Hall Park, Thomas F. Poley, Eugene- A. \Vise, Henry French, to the Borough of Banhottan. Martin Engel, Stewart M. Brice, Charles 1I. Ehbets, Be it Ordained by the Municipal Assemble of The City of New York, as fo,lows Frank J. Goodwin, William J. Ryland, John J. McGarry, That, in pursuance of section 413 of the Greater New York Charter, the following resolution George H. Mundorf, Arlol11t C. If,ittenroth, William A. Doyle, of the hoard of public improvements, adopted by t'ie board on the 5th clay of December, 1898, be Patrick J. Ryder, Bernard C. \lurray, Martin F. Conly. and the same hereby is approved, and the public work or improvement therein provided for is Harry C. tiart, Charles I1. Francisco, herehy-authorized, viz. : THE CITY OF NEW YORK, 111 Resolved, by the board of public irnprovementN, That, in pursuance of secti•-tin 413 of the OFFICE OF THE PRIt.SII!EAT OF '1HE COUNCIL, CITY ITALL, Great r New York Charter, the placing of two elevators to the brownstone build ng, City II all NEw \ oax, December 9, 1898. l park, Borough of %lani)attan, under the direction of the cummt,sio.rer of pul,lic buildings, lighting and supplies, be and the same is hereby autivnized and approved ; the cost of sod public work or Holt. P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk ; improvement to be paid for from the appropriation for - Snpp'tes and Repairs," boroughs of Man- DEAR ti1R—I:1 pur=uance of section t, chapter it of the Rules of the Council, I do hereby hattan and The Proux, for 1898. direct that you call a special meeting of the Council for Nloro'ay next, December 12, 189`(, at r The President put the question whether the Council would agree with said ordinance. o'clock P. NL, for the purpose of considering otdinanres and resolutions which were sent to the Board \Vhich w:(> decided in the affirmative by the f.,llowhrr vote : of Public Improvements ter correction and have been returned in an amended form for approval. Affirmative -The ('resident, the Vice-Chu rman, Councilmen Brice, Chris'tnan, Conly, Doyle, RespecttulIv, Engel. Foley, Francisco, I Tench, Goodwin, Flirt, lle-ter, Ilottenroth, Ryland, Leich, i lcGarry, RANI)OL.PII GUGGENHEIb4ER, President of the Council. Mun(lorf, Murphy, Murray, Ryder, and \Vhse-22. Which was ordered on file. No. 1380.--(S. R.492.) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DEPARTMENTS AND CORPORATION OFFICERS. AN ORDINANCE to provide for the alteration and improvement of the sewer in One hundred and The Presid.nt laid before the Council the following commut,ication from the Board of Public Twenty-fifth street, between Lenox and Eighth avenues, in the Borough of ltlanhattan. Improvements, together with ordinances : Be it Ordained by the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York, as follows : BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS—CITY OF NEW YORK, That, in pursuance of section 413 of the Greater Nets' York Charter, the following resolution No. 346 BROADWAY, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, of the board of public improvements, adopted by that board on the 5th day of December, 1898, NEW YORK, December to, 1898. be and the same hereby is approved, and the public work or improvement therein provided for is of The City of j't'iw York hereby authorized, viz. : 7o the Houorahle the .lion ilpal Asse iellyr Resolved, by the board of public improvements, That, in pursuance of section 413 of the SIRS—I inclose herewith forms of ordinances approved by this Bard at the meeting held on the Greater New York Charter, the alteration and improvement of the sewer in One hundred and 9th instant, to correct ordinances sent to your Honorable Body during the past year (which are Twenty-fifth street, between Lenox and I;i,{hth avenues, Borough of Marhattan, under the direc- returned herewith) in the tolliming matters: tion of the crmmi sioner of sewers. be and the same is hereby authorized and approved, there Asphalting inter,ection of Boulevard and Manhattan street. having been presented to said hoard an estimate in r, ritiug (r£ the cost of the said work or improve- Asphalting Eighty-ninth street, Park to Ma li,on avenue. ment and a statement of the assessed value, according, to the last preceding tax-roll, of the real Laying water-mains in Jackson avenue, Borough of The Bronx. estate included within the probable area of assessment. Laying water-mains in Decatur avenue,ll'oodlawn road and Two hundred and Seventh street. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said ordinance. Lay ing water-ivain, in Fort ATaslaig:oa avenue. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote Laying water-trains In 7 hir(l avenue and Eighteenth street, etc., Borough of Queens. Affirmative—The President, the Vice-Chairman, Councilmen Brice, Christman, Conly, Doyle, Cleaning and painting I)ne hundred and Fifty-fifth Street Viaduct. Ebbets, Engel, Foley, Franci co, French, Goodwin, hart, Hester, Hottenroth, Hyland, Leich, Laying seater-mans in Fifteenth avenue, etc., Borough of Brooklyn. McGarry, kluudorf, Murphy, Murray, Ryder, and Wise-2,;. Furnishing book-cases for tiupreme Court Library. Laying water-mains in Two hundred and Thirty-fourth street, etc., Borough of The Bronx. No. 1381.—(S. R. 493.) Respecttully, AN ORDINANCE to provide for the alteration and improvement of the sewer in Fifty-sixth street, JOHN H. MOONEY, Secretary. between Lexington and Park avenues, in the Borough of Manhattan. Which was ordered on file. Be it Ordained by the Municipal Assembly of Tl.e City of New York, as follows The communications are as follows That, in pursuance of se:tiou 413 of the Greater New Vork Charter, the following resolution of the board of public improvements, adopted by that board on the fifth day of December, 1898, No. i184.—(S. Ii. 402.) be and the same hereby is approved, and the public work or improvement therein provided for is AN ORDINANCE to authorize improvements in the supreme court library, Borough of hereby authorized, viz. : Manhattan. Resolved, by the hoard of public improvements, In pursuance of section 413 of the Greater Be it Ordained by the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York, as follows New York Charter, that the alteration and improvement to sewer in Fifty-sixth street, between That, in pursuance of section 413 of the Greater New York Charter, the following resolution Lexington and Park avenues, BorouJh of Manhattan, under the direction of the commissioner of of the board of public improvements, adopted by that board on the 9th day of December, 1898, sewers, be and the same hereby is authorized and approved, there having been presented to said be and the same hereby is approved, and the public work or improvement therein provided for is board an estimate, in writing, of the cost of the said work or improvement and a statement of the hereby authorized, viz. : assessed value, according to the last preceding tax-roll of the real estate included within the Resolved, by the board of public improvements, That, in pursuance of section 413 of the probable area of assessment.
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