CHARACTER OPTIONS TALENTS III Mannix "Dragonix"Sample Manansala file The 3rd Book From The Platinum Best Selling Series! Over 375+ New Talents to Choose From! Credits Design and Development Andrew Mannix "Dragonix" Manansala https://twitter.com/DM_Dragonix Email: [email protected] Cover Illustrator Sandeson Gonzaga Email: [email protected] Interior Illustrators DMG Creator Resource Art/WoTC Various Artists, Elite Design Elements © Rising Phoenix Games, Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with per- mission. All rights reserved., Louis Porter, Jr. Design, Forrest Imel, Matt Morrow, Brett Neufeld, Jonathan Elliot. Editors About the Cover Justin M. Cole, Marco Pasamba Once again, I wanted to pay homage to another classic cover. This time around, it's for Larry Elmore's 1983 classic Basic Red Box set. Around that time I was also reading Playtesters the Dragonlance books, so each time I would see the cover, Mycko David, Kirby Gonzaga, Teddy Gonzaga, Marky I always thought that was Caramon squaring off with the red dragon. So I asked my hardworking cover artist Sands Erquiza, James Manansala, Marco Pasamba, Jeff Gonzaga to create one, but had him add two more charac- Quilala, Raffy San Antonio, TJ Sese, Teejay Suaring, ters to make it more even-sided. Hope you liked it! Michael Tiongson, Dave Young, Rowell Zaragoza, Wena Zaragoza About this Book It's been a quite a while since I did another Talents book, and it's been a very humbling experience. Never have I thought all Talents books would become Platinum best-sellers. I felt I owe it to those who Acknowledgement made that possible to probably do one more and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten finally cover all the standard 5e races that came out. Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of Another reason was I wanted to make multiclass a the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of bit more fun to do. I loved multiclassing, especially Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and in 3rd edition. Unfortunately, I felt 5e generally their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This mate- rial is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. made multiclassing not as competitive as a solo Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained class, especially for characters that rely on features herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of Samplethe Coast. file that improve as they level. Hopefully, the talents you will in Chapter 3 will coax you to experiment on multiclassing again. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Boon Talents Arcane Defender, 34 Yurtrus's Boon, 16 Mind Bond, 26 Arcanist, 34 Mind Shield, 26 Inspired Arcana, 34 Lawful Good Chaotic Evil Master Arcanist, 35 Bahamut's Boon, 4 Beshaba's Boon, 16 Kenku Magic-Fueled Inspiration, 35 Berronar's Boon, 4 Cyric's Boon, 16 Born Sneaky, 26 Mystic, 35 Clangeddin's Boon, 5 Demogorgon's Boon, 17 Hollow-Boned, 26 Mystic Theurge, 36 Ridicule Miss, 36 Gaerdal's Boon, 5 Garagos's Boon, 17 Opportunity Strike, 26 Glittergold's Boon, 5 Spell Strike, 36 Gruumsh's Boon, 17 Slippery, 27 Spell Sword, 36 Ilmater's Boon, 5 Lolth's Boon, 17 Moradin's Boon, 5 Malar's Boon, 18 Lizardfolk Cleric Torm's Boon, 5 Orcus's Boon, 18 Bold, 27 Holy Smite, 37 Yondalla's Boon, 6 Talona's Boon, 18 Quick Bite, 27 Holy Knight, 37 Talos's Boon, 18 Swampwalker, 27 Holy Warrior, 37 Hierophant, 37 Neutral Good Tiamat's Boon, 18 Tail Strike, 27 Baervan's Boon, 6 Immaculate, 38 Umberlee's Boon, 19 Mystic, 38 Baravar's Boon, 6 Urdlen's Boon, 19 Orc Mystic Theurge, 38 Deneir's Boon, 6 Furious Assault, 27 Sanctified Magic, 39 Eldath's Boon, 6 Orcish Weapon Training, 28 Spell Strike, 39 Flandal's Boon, 7 Chapter 2. Racial Talents Monstrous Athleticism, 28 Templar, 39 Gwaeron's Boon, 7 Relentless Endurance, 28 Lathander's Boon, 7 Aasimar Druid Hierophant, 39 Marthammor's Boon, 7 Celestial Resilience, 20 Simic Hybrid Immaculate, 40 Mielikki's Boon, 7 Gift of Telepathy, 20 Chameleon Skin, 28 Mystic, 40 Milil's Boon, 8 Radiant Burst, 20 Extra Animal Enhancement I, 28 Mystic Theurge, 41 Revitalizing Soul, 21 Extra Animal Enhancement II, 28 Spell Strike, 41 Chaotic Good Vampiric Shroud, 21 Electricity Discharger, 28 Verdant Knight, 41 Corellon's Boon, 8 Verdant Warrior, 41 Warden, 42 Haela's Boon, 8 Bugbear Tabaxi Eilistraee's Boon, 8 Brute, 21 Deft Claws, 29 Fighter Lliira's Boon, 9 Bugbear Weapon Training, 21 Naturally Inquisitive, 29 Arcane Surge, 42 Selune's Boon, 9 Padded Feet, 21 Nine Lives, 29 Muscle Memory, 42 Sune's Boon, 9 Improved Surprise Attack, 21 Pounce, 29 Versatile Warrior, 42 Tymora's Boon, 9 Lawful Neutral Centaur Tortle Monk Deflect Spell, 42 Azuth's Boon, 10 Charge Knockdown, 22 Collected, 29 Enlightened Fist, 42 Helm's Boon, 10 Equine Mobility, 22 Instinctive Shell Defense, 29 Mixed Martial Artist, 43 Hoar's Boon, 10 Lancer, 22 Sharp Claws, 29 Mixed Martial Arts Master, 43 Kelemvor's Boon, 10 Slashing Gallop, 22 Tough Shell, 30 Ki-Fueled Arcana, 43 Red Knight's Boon, 10 Ki-Empowered Spell, 44 Savras's Boon, 11 Firbolg Triton Ki-Focused Spell, 44 Urogalan's Boon, 11 Built like a Giant, 22 Aquan Telepathy, 30 Mystic Fist, 44 Brute Strength, 22 Aquatic Sense, 30 Rogue Neutral Druidic Inclination, 23 Friend of the Seas, 30 Versatile Killer, 44 Brandobaris's Boon, 11 Druidic Lore, 23 Tough Skin, 30 Dumathoin's Boon, 11 Sorcerer Gond's Boon, 11 Goblin Vedalken Arcane Knight, 45 Kossuth's Boon, 12 Born Sneaky, 23 Amphibious, 30 Arcane Defender, 45 Oghma's Boon, 12 Gang Up, 23 Stoic Logic, 30 Arcanist, 45 Master Arcanist, 45 Silvanus's Boon, 12 Goblin Tactics, 23 Dedicated Perfectionist, 31 Mystic, 45 Sheela's Boon, 12 Surprise Attack, 23 Zealous Precision, 31 Mystic Theurge, 46 Tempus's Boon, 12 Spell Strike, 46 Waukeen's Boon, 13 Goliath Verdan Spell Sword, 46 Adaptable Nature, 24 Improved Black Blood Healing, 31 Chaotic Neutral Improved Stone Grip, 24 Improved Telepathy, 31 Warlock Leira's Boon, 13 Mountain's Tenacity, 24 Naturally Compelling, 31 Black Blade, 47 Eldritch Academic, 47 Mask's Boon, 13 Stone Grip, 24 Telepathic Shield, 31 Shaundakul's Boon, 13 Eldritch Mage, 47 Shevarash's Boon, 14 Hobgoblin Yuan-ti Wizard Formation, 24 Deceitful, 32 Arcane Knight, 48 Lawful Evil Hobgoblin Resilience, 24 Poisoncraft, 32 Arcane Defender, 48 Asmodeus's Boon, 14 Martial Advantage, 25 Serpentine Flexibility, 32 Arcanist, 48 Bahgtru's Boon, 14 Martial Discipline, 25 Tongue Sense, 32 Master Arcanist, 48 Bane's Boon, 14 Mystic, 49 Gargauth's Boon, 15 Mystic Theurge, 49 Loxodon Spell Strike, 49 Loviatar's Boon, 15 Chapter 3. Class Talents Agile Trunk, 25 Spell Sword, 49 SamplePerfect Memory, 25 file Neutral Evil Stomp, 25 Barbarian Barbarian/Bard Auril's Boon, 15 Trumpet of Terror, 25 Controlled Rage, 33 Inspiring Brutality, 50 Bhaal's Boon, 15 Magic-Fueled Rage, 33 Inspiring Rage, 50 Rage-Fueled Magic, 33 Myrkul's Boon, 15 Kalashtar Skald, 50 Shar's Boon, 16 Improved Spirit Connection, 26 Bard Barbarian/Cleric Shargaas's Boon, 16 Mental Fortitude, 26 Arcane Knight, 34 Channel Divinity: Inner Rage, 51 Rage-Fueled Divinity, 51 Bard/Ranger Mystic Theurge, 71 Fist of the Leopard, 80 Sacred Fury, 51 Harmony with the Beast, 61 Spiritual Counter, 72 Versed in the Enemy, 81 My Enemy is your Enemy, 61 Theologist, 72 Barbarian/Druid Nature's Harmony, 61 Monk/Rogue Earthstride, 51 Nature's Grace, 61 Druid/Fighter Fist of the Snake, 81 Primal-Fueled Rage, 51 Primal Rejuvenation, 72 Ki Vanish, 81 Primal Fury, 51 Bard/Rogue Wildblood, 72 Primal Roar, 51 Add Insult to Injury, 61 Monk/Sorcerer Rage-Fueled Shapeshifter, 51 Cunning Inspiration, 62 Druid/Monk Draconic Fist, 81 Cunning Remark, 62 Fist of the Elements, 72 Greater Draconic Fist, 82 Barbarian/Fighter Inspiring Sneak Attack, 62 Fist of the Tempest, 72 Ki-Fueled Sorcery, 82 Battle Rager, 52 Ridicule Strike, 62 Mountain Lion Step, 72 Sorcerous Ki, 82 Fury Warrior, 52 Primal Fist, 73 Rampaging Champion, 52 Bard/Sorcerer Ki-Fueled Transformation, 73 Monk/Warlock Rejuvenating Rage, 52 Arcane-Empowered Inspiration, 63 Devour Magic, 82 Surging Rage, 52 Arcane-Fueled Inspiration, 63 Druid/Paladin Hungry Darkness, 82 Inspired Sorcery, 63 Aura of Vigor, 73 Ki-Fueled Arcana, 83 Barbarian/Monk Inspiring Metamagic, 63 Earthstrength, 73 Fist of Fury, 52 Sorcerous Talent, 63 Invigorating Hands, 73 Monk/Wizard Fist of the Wild Boar, 53 Primal-Fueled Divinity, 74 Fist of the Elements, 83 Furious Strike, 53 Bard/Warlock Paladin/Ranger Martial Fury, 53 Compelling Fey Presence, 63 Druid/Ranger Smite Favored Enemy, 83 Dark One's Inspiration, 63 Divine Beast Companion, 74 Abjure Favored Enemy, 83 Barbarian/Paladin Disrupt Mind, 64 Tree Stride, 74 Sacred Bane Weapon, 84 Channel Divinity: Inner Rage, 53 Inspiring Healing, 64 Wildblood, 74 Nature's Fury, 84 Channel Divinity: Retribution Aura, 53 Jinx, 64 Furious Smite, 53 Mage of the Unseelie Court, 64 Druid/Rogue Paladin/Sorcerer Rage-Fueled Divinity, 54 Cunning Beast, 74 Arcane-Fueled Divinity, 84 Barbarian/Ranger Bard/Wizard Cunning Transformation, 74 Channel Divinity: Recover Sorcery, 84 Mortal Enemy, 54 Arcane Harmony, 65 Primal Assassin, 75 Rage with the Beast, 54 Arcane Tradition Versatility, 65 Tree Stride, 75 Paladin/Warlock Deceptive Magic, 65 Arcane-Fueled Divinity, 84 Barbarian/Rogue Enlightened Magic, 65 Druid/Sorcerer Channel Divinity: Recover Arcana, 85 Graceful Rage, 54 Erudite Mage, 65 Arcane-Fueled Transformation, 75 Marauder,
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